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  1. Does know a genuinely undecided voter?: democrat, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  2. Defendants named in Super PAC lawsuit: vote, Congress, salaries, campaign - Elections
  3. Charley Wrangell?: voters, illegal, accuse, Hispanics - Elections
  4. Obama Marriage Announcement Raised Nearly $9 Million Over Three Days: vote, campaign, - Elections
  5. The Ron Paul movie.: Obama, 2012 - Elections
  6. Consumer Sentiment Cools in July to 7-Month Low: unemployment, campaign, president - Elections
  7. Republican Gov Snyder vetoes voter ID law: legal, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  8. Why Romney is good for this country?: liberal, conservative, death - Elections
  9. Elektable: Ron Paul, school, economic, money - Elections
  10. The Rude Pundit pretty much sums it up...: vote, legal, liberals - Elections
  11. Another Distraction for Romney - Elections
  12. Hypothetical For Paul Loyalists: Ron Paul, vote, Obama - Elections
  13. Three States Will Now Have the Chance to End Pot Prohibition in 2012: voters, legal - Elections
  14. Obama Donor Slammed By RNC Gives To Romney: Iraq, Republicans, elect - Elections
  15. Forbes: Who is the smallest government spender since Eisenhower? Obama.: vote, Congress - Elections
  16. Cooked books at JP Morgan?: interview, Obama, billion, money - Elections
  17. Does one really expect: Ron Paul, Cheney, voters, Iran - Elections
  18. We had truthers, then birthers, now we have 'dearthers.': unemployment, campaign - Elections
  19. one thing i like about romney is that he will engage his opposition: Congress, Republicans - Elections
  20. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter resigns from congress: campaign, Republican, conservative, activist - Elections
  21. A poster boy: voters, Democrats, Republicans, polls - Elections
  22. NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll: Obama +3, but Good Poll for Romney?!?!?!: voters, Democrats - Elections
  23. Obama's Hyphenated America: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  24. Unemployment Rate Dropped in Every State that Elected a GOP Governor in 2010: democratic - Elections
  25. Romney Outraises Obama by $35 Million in June: campaign, democratic, conservative - Elections
  26. Crossroads GPS launches $25 million ad buy: wage, death, Barack Obama, political - Elections
  27. Eileen Fleming for Congress: house of represent, elect, support - Elections
  28. Stop obamacare in your state: illegal, Reed, borders, illegals - Elections
  29. An old farm boy is taking on Bob Casey: vote, illegal - Elections
  30. Worst Preformance for a (D) or (R) ever?: vote, legal, Democrats - Elections
  31. More Workers Join Disability than Jobs Gained under Obama's Recovery: million, economic - Elections
  32. Bloomberg: Voters in Swing States are Abandoning the Democrat Party: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  33. Great news for Romney and the GOP!: Obama, election, elect - Elections
  34. Obama leads Romney 53% to 40 In Poll As Voters View Romney As Out Of Touch: unemployment, campaign - Elections
  35. Do people really have to talk like this?: elections, elect, children
  36. Obama prepping thousands of lawyers for election: voters, campaign, legal - Elections
  37. Why do people who laugh at Rasmussen polls take PPP polls seriously?: voters, Congress - Elections
  38. Romney, McCain, and Palin: campaign, liberal, 2012, work - Elections
  39. Hatch and Rangel Win Primaries: democrat, Reed, work, races - Elections
  40. Stage...: voting, town - Elections
  41. Utah Primary Results: Orrin Hatch Wins Republican Senate Nomination: enemy, extremist - Elections
  42. Obama plans to kill 1.2 million more jobs: salary, president, American - Elections
  43. College Records, for Financial Statements: Obama, federal, agent, documents - Elections
  44. After SCOTUS Ruling, Vulnerable Obama Begs GOP To Move Beyond Health Care: legal, Democrats - Elections
  45. Every Single Poll has Obama leading Romney: president, economy, election - Elections
  46. News: DCCC Chair says ALL Democrat Candidates Should Skip DNC Convention: voters, Congress - Elections
  47. How does Romney get Paul supporters to lean his way?: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  48. Which candidate said what: health care, vote, Congress, enemy - Elections
  49. Obama is outsourcing his fundraising lol: campaign, Americans, Bush - Elections
  50. McCain voters voting for Obama?: liberal, compare, election, elect - Elections
  51. for lefties fixated on Romney's personal finances: Cheney, vote, millionaire - Elections
  52. If You Make 50k To 100k Your Taxes Will Go Up $4500 A YR Under Romney: vote, Democrats - Elections
  53. What Non-Issue Do You Think the Obama Campaign/MSM Will Push Next?: voters, Congress - Elections
  54. Conservatives don't like Romney: Ingraham - Romney get out there on the trail and get off the jet ski?: unemployment, campaign - Elections
  55. Donald Trump: Romney Shouldn't Disclose Tax Returns Until Obama Proves Identity: security, campaign - Elections
  56. 3 Reasons Romney CANNOT win...: John Kerry, unemployment, Cheney, voters - Elections
  57. Romney Receives Standing Ovation for Straight Talk at NAACP Convention: Al Gore, unemployment - Elections
  58. Smartphone Owners Prefer Obama To Romney: interstate, voters, generation, Democrats - Elections
  59. Romney jeered multiple times by NAACP crowd.: unemployment, health care, voters - Elections
  60. Bobby Jindal: vote, democratic, Republican, Obama - Elections
  61. Romney used to (pretend to) be a cop?: unemployment, voters, security - Elections
  62. Sarah Palin Planning A 'Coup' Against Romney At The Convention. (She Could Succeed): voters, patriot - Elections
  63. Get Out Your Magnifying Glass - More Biased Journalism from USA Today: unemployment, gas prices - Elections
  64. Romney's secret wealth- hiding from the church???: voters, millionaire, - Elections
  65. Ron Paul the stalking horse: votes, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  66. Obama vs. Romney: unemployment, gas prices, voting, Congress - Elections
  67. News, Gov. Martin O’Malley: Mitt Romney ‘Bet Against America’ With Swiss Bank Account: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  68. Ron Paul is the best option in election 2012: votes, Republican, president - Elections
  69. Krugman; The Tale of Two Romneys: unemployment, campaign, ethics, legal - Elections
  70. Has a post on this forum ever changed your mind about anything?: party affiliation, vote - Elections
  71. Flurry of good polls for Romney following June jobs report: unemployment, voters - Elections
  72. Welcome to California: America without Republicans: illegal aliens, Democrats, liberal, conservative - Elections
  73. Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated: president, Obama - Elections
  74. Multiple Obama flip flops on taxes: Corporate Profits, Republicans, spokesman, accuses - Elections
  75. He promised more jobs and less taxes: unemployment, vote, campaign - Elections
  76. Romney does not get it: John Kerry, vote, Obama, Kerry - Elections
  77. Why is being Muslim worse than being a Mormon?: voters, Republicans - Elections
  78. It appears Obama campaign has hit panic mode: vote, Democrats, CNN - Elections
  79. Romney on the 99 percent; Dangerous class warfare.: unemployment, security, campaign - Elections
  80. Voting Republican? Pro Romney or Anti Obama?: vote, president - Elections
  81. Obama campaign: The RIGHT strategy at the RIGHT time!: unemployed, voters, enemies - Elections
  82. Will the west coast vote?: unemployed, voters, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  83. CondaSleezy is the perfect match for sleezeball Mitt!: Cheney, Obama, Bush - Elections
  84. Forbes: 35 Questions Mitt Romney Must Answer About Bain Capital: unemployment, voters, interviews - Elections
  85. Ron Paul's delegate insurgency ends in Nebraska: parade, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  86. Kristol: Romney 'crazy' not to release tax returns: John Kerry, campaign, suspect - Elections
  87. New TV Ad- Romney singing throughout: voters, Obama, political, carry - Elections
  88. This Is The Most Disastrous Poll Ever For Mitt Romney: voters, Democrats - Elections
  89. Romney should release his college records!: president, Obama, politicians, federal - Elections
  90. Rice and Romney...the new American Treat!: Condoleezza Rice, voters, bias - Elections
  91. While Obama and Romney may be close-its a GREAT 4 year period for the GOP: house seat, votes - Elections
  92. The Republicans need to face the MATH!: John Kerry, votes, campaign - Elections
  93. GOP governor calls on Romney to release more tax returns: voters, interview - Elections
  94. Illegal immigrants Outsourcing: wages, liberal, conservative, Obama - Elections
  95. Another Obama Flip Flop: voters, campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  96. Why won't Obama talk about the economy?: unemployment, health care, Congress - Elections
  97. Obama has lost the Huffington Post: campaign, legal, Republican, liberal - Elections
  98. Cheney stumps for Romney; Kiss of death?: Dick Cheney, Congress, campaign - Elections
  99. Is the Republican party back-stabbing Romney?: voters, campaign, liberals, conservative - Elections
  100. Romeny attends NAACP convention receives standing ovation; Obama skips, and sends video in his place, AAs now confused?: Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  101. Is This What The Tea Party Is All About?: Republicans, liberal, racism - Elections
  102. Romney success vs Obama failure..: voters, salary, campaign, - Elections
  103. Are Bainers the New Bithers: campaign, Democrats, Republican, CNN - Elections
  104. Whoa! Romney campaign senior adviser: Mitt Romney retired from Bain Capital retroactively: legal, liberal - Elections
  105. Another Great Campaign Ad From Team Romney: democrat, liberals, president - Elections
  106. Romney extends lead Independents to 14 percent: unemployment, voters, poll - Elections
  107. Presidential Candidates: Survey: Ron Paul, vote, Republican - Elections
  108. Can name one non white in the Romney campaign?: unemployed, illegal - Elections
  109. Compare and Contrast...: Ron Paul, unemployment, votes, campaign - Elections
  110. Romney Invested Millions in Chinese Firm That Profited on US Outsourcing: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  111. Decided to vote for 3rd party or write Paul in, which one should I do?: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  112. Still time to dump Romney?: voters, campaign, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  113. Did Romney signal a shift toward support of the Dream Act?: voters, interview - Elections
  114. Still time to dump Obama?: votes, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  115. Mitt Romney absolutely believes Obama is responsible for low gas prices.: Cheney, Congress - Elections
  116. Is this election going to be another landslide?: health care, voters, Congress - Elections
  117. Housing and the 2012 Election: generation, thoughts, illegal, Obama - Elections
  118. Blacks for Romney on Facebook? Really.: Harry Reid, unemployment, vote, illegal aliens - Elections
  119. It applied yesterday and it applies today: Ron Paul: vote, Congress, president - Elections
  120. ObamaCare remains very unpopular in the key swing state of Florida following SCOTUS decision: vote, Congress - Elections
  121. Kind of a weird about Mitt Romney robocalls.: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  122. Obamas approval, lower than Bushs: unemployment, 9/11, voters, candidacy - Elections
  123. CNN Poll of Battleground States: Romney 51%, Obama 43%: unemployment, health care, voters - Elections
  124. News, How Loss Of Enthusiasm Youth Voters Could Cost Obama The Presidency.: Ron Paul, Iraq - Elections
  125. Rep. Kissel (D-NC) Refuses to Endorse Obama, Will Vote to Repeal ObamaTax: Harry Reid, health care - Elections
  126. Sure are a lot of leftwingers running anti-Romney threads: vote, patriot, Republican - Elections
  127. Why do of you support Romney OR Obama?: Ron Paul, vote, Congress - Elections
  128. Ann Romney endorses Mia Love: Harry Reid, Congress, conservative, regular - Elections
  129. What if Obama wins....?: health care, Congress, enemy, security - Elections
  130. Charlie Cook: electoral map machinations waste of time.: voters, Democrats - Elections
  131. liberals. Does this make sense?: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  132. Let not your heart be troubled.: votes, enemy, president, Obama - Elections
  133. Has Mitt Romney released a official statement the SCOTUS upholding Obamacare: health care, polls - Elections
  134. Hatch and Rangel Win. What is up with that?: voters, Congress, - Elections
  135. nationwide presidental polls are worthless: votes, campaign, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  136. While Colorado Burns and Florida is Underwater, Obama is Golfing: security, president - Elections
  137. Obama's pro-illegal immigration policies seem to be politically counterproductive in Arizona: voters, campaign - Elections
  138. romney set to make the Military Industrial Complex very happy.: vote, enemy - Elections
  139. Obama Campaign Email: votes, enemy, democrat, liberals - Elections
  140. Why Don't More Voters Look At The Team, Rather Than The Candidate?: Harry Reid, campaign - Elections
  141. Great news for Obama again: Condi Rice, democratic, CNN, polls - Elections
  142. Man, people just dont like romney.: votes, enemy, Republicans - Elections
  143. Karl Rove Hides Behind Non Sequitur On Disclosure: campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  144. Ron Paul delegates banned from RNC: voters, Congress, interview, candidacy - Elections
  145. Obama will ride into the sunset leaving Romney behind: vote, democratic, Republican - Elections
  146. Romney Must Be Raking It In: health care, campaign, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  147. Wow not one poll favors romney!: vote, enemy, polls, president - Elections
  148. Romney's job killing past!: Mexican, Democrats, Republicans, drug - Elections
  149. How will AHA SC ruling influence election: health care, vote, Congress - Elections
  150. President Obama Complicates Republicans' Effort to Purchase Election in November: vote, Congress - Elections
  151. Obama Pro-Outsourcing: employment, interviews, wages, security - Elections
  152. If Romney loses, will Republicans say liberal Romney lost?: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  153. Ron Paul Supporters-Where do you stand?: vote, interview, Israel, campaign - Elections
  154. Romney up by 5 in North Carolina: Democrats, Republican, liberals, conservative - Elections
  155. would white republicans back condi?: Democrats, conservative, extremist - Elections
  156. More Republicans oppose Norquist; Obama right: Congress, Democrats, president, ideology - Elections
  157. What Would Really Happen If Ron Paul Were To Be Elected President?: Congress, - Elections
  158. Why does Obama keep lying about Romney outsourcing jobs?: security, campaign, Republican - Elections
  159. John Kasich as a running mate?: unemployment, vote, Congress, poll - Elections
  160. Simple objective answers Who will win the 2012 Presendtial Election?: Ron Paul, unemployment - Elections
  161. Nate Silver 538 Blog: 13 point swing to Obama since June 25: unemployment, health care, voters - Elections
  162. Billionaires for Romney: votes, millionaire, legal, Republican - Elections
  163. Obama up 18 in california: voters, campaign, Brown - Elections
  164. Ron Paul could be nominated at convention: votes, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  165. Romney's Mystery Money: millionaire, campaign, illegal, liberal - Elections
  166. Mitt Romney's Offshore Bank Accounts and Tax Returns: unemployment, campaign, president - Elections
  167. Why are the Koch brothers betting on Mitt Romney ?: interview, enemies, liberals - Elections
  168. The Club for Growth: Governor Romney should admit that RomneyCare is a failure, and soon: unemployment, health care - Elections
  169. Obama rep goes full birther on Mitt Romney tax returns: campaign, - Elections
  170. Huntsman skipping the RNC: John Kerry, vote, Republican, president - Elections
  171. Still voting for Romney? Watch this: global warming, Ron Paul, health care - Elections
  172. Investing in the Future: How Old Are You?: Corporate Profits, health care, interstate - Elections
  173. Boehner: Only friends, relatives and fellow Mormons will vote for Romney: voters, campaign - Elections
  174. President Mitt Romney 45th President of the United States: Reagan, Obama, revolution - Elections
  175. Romney camp drops a hint about Condoleezza Rice: Condi Rice, conservative, vice president - Elections
  176. Romney Camp DESTROYS Washington Post For Bogus Article: unemployment, health care, campaign - Elections
  177. What's in Romney's Offshore Accounts??: John Kerry, illegal, president, Obama - Elections
  178. Romney: The mandate is a tax: health care, interview, campaign - Elections
  179. This is crazy! Obama leads romney in likeablity by 29: vote, Congress, enemy - Elections
  180. Gary Johnson Campaign demands to be included in polls: vote, drug, biased - Elections
  181. WSJ OP-ED: Romney campaign confused and politically dumb: liberal - Elections
  182. The 2004 final RCP average was just 1.5......: vote, enemy, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  183. chose bachman. Put up or shut up right wing.: votes, enemy - Elections
  184. What if Obama loses?: unemployment, health care, vote, Congress - Elections
  185. Obama or Romney (2 piles of ****): Ron Paul, vote, conservative, president - Elections
  186. Romney campaign raises more than $100M in June: Republican, accuse, soldiers - Elections
  187. Definitely trending Obama!: votes, enemy, polls - Elections
  188. Ann Romney:Barack Obama wants to destroy Mitt: interview, campaign, president - Elections
  189. The Veep Stakes: voters, represent, vice president, Hispanic - Elections
  190. CNN Poll: Independents Trust Romney More to Fix Economy: unemployed, voters, campaign - Elections
  191. American in Three and Half minute: politicians, election, elect, money - Elections
  192. Obamas little Problem: party, states, support, most - Elections
  193. Only Obama Supporters Would Buy This: vote, candidacy, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  194. New Unit of Measurement: election, elect - Elections
  195. Election spending - Elections
  196. New poll: Romney up by 4 independents; Romney net favorability higher than Obama's with sample of D+7: Democrats, president - Elections
  197. Not Again! How Our Voting System Is Ripe For Theft and Meltdown in 2012: Republicans, dictator - Elections
  198. This is whats wrong with Elections: Congress, state, 2012, races
  199. Will the real Mitt Romney stand up. - Elections
  200. Romney gets a boost at Cheney fundraiser...over $4 million raised!: Dick Cheney, campaign - Elections