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  1. Incumbent Presidents and their Fates: Reagan, vice president, death - Elections
  2. Black Patriots for Freedom: Star Parker???: Congress, democratic, racist - Elections
  3. New Grassroots Ron Paul AD: Establishment Candidates Are All The Same: death, Obama - Elections
  4. Neil Cavuto hammers Santorum over Obama/Romney comparison: party affiliation, vote, interview - Elections
  5. Tea Party Report: Easter Weekend Edition: Iran, Obama, Americans, bomb - Elections
  6. Republicans' War on the Poor: represent, crime, carry, money - Elections
  7. Waste of Time - Start to plan: Congress, president, Obama - Elections
  8. Paul Ryan to endorse Mitt Romney: Ron Paul, voters, interviews, campaign - Elections
  9. Obama 2012: Fear and Division, From Hope to Hypocrisy: voters, poll, politicians - Elections
  10. The Peoples Pledge: Brown, cost, state, pay - Elections
  11. Miscues might cost Santorum delegates in PA: Ron Paul, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  12. Romney leads Santorum in new Pennsylvania primary poll: voters, polls, Obama - Elections
  13. How do you feel about your candidate just flat out lying?: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  14. Stand your ground and its effects on Romney/Obama in Florida: thoughts, conservative - Elections
  15. The Money Race: campaign, Republicans, president, Obama - Elections
  16. Being Green: Presidential hopeful Jill Stein aims to rebuild a broken system: Cheney, campaign - Elections
  17. Romney campaign is going all-in for the knockout in PA: voters, Republican - Elections
  18. Colbert Report: The Conservative Teen ...hysterical !: security, Democrats, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  19. Ron Paul Named ‘Taxpayer Friend’ for 2011 by National Taxpayers Union: Congress, campaign - Elections
  20. Newt Gingrich charging $50 for photos: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, president - Elections
  21. Flip Flop Obama Now Backpedaling on Russia Gaffe: Ron Paul, Iran, generation - Elections
  22. Freudian-CNN reporter accidently starts calling him Rick Rantorum: campaign, McCain, elect - Elections
  23. The Politics of Fear vs The Politics of Courage: Cheney, Republicans, president - Elections
  24. Obama or Romney???: vote, Congress, poll, rating - Elections
  25. Romney's advertising edge - overstated?: Democrats, president, Obama, states - Elections
  26. Using the criteria of a hiring manager, why should I vote for an unemployed candidate as president?: interview, Obama - Elections
  27. S.C. moves to protect primary: house of voting, Reagan, Republicans - Elections
  28. Romney will repeal Obamacare. Which is a Federal Law. Which you can't do with an executive order. Which makes no sense.: John Kerry, Congress - Elections
  29. Minnesota GOP pay its rent: Ron Paul, Republicans, regular - Elections
  30. A peek inside Obama's Campaign War Room in Chicago: conservative, christmas, president - Elections
  31. but Obamney: Ron Paul, voters, Democrats - Elections
  32. I wonder why they want to do this?: voters, illegal aliens, democratic - Elections
  33. Flip-Flop Romney's campaign war chest shrinks in February: Democrats, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  34. Mitt Romney: Memories to Last a Lifetime: democrat, conservative, elect - Elections
  35. Ron Paul Endorses U.S. Senate Candidate Rep. Kurt Bills of Minnesota: house seat, of - Elections
  36. Santorum/Newt Supporters: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  37. Wow! Santorum's on MTP......AGAIN: campaign, suspect, compare, pay - Elections
  38. New swing states poll: Obama up: voters, campaign, Republicans, polls - Elections
  39. More Flipity-Flopity From Willard, Attended and Donated To A Planned Parenthood Event: accuse, abortion - Elections
  40. Jill Stern speaks at College Campus: campaign, Republicans, president, Obama - Elections
  41. 4 Indiana Democrats charged with election fraud in 2008: voting, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  42. Santorum Leads In Louisiana With 2 Days To Go: Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  43. Etch-a-Sketch Romney in 2006: I welcome high gas prices , then raised gas taxes in MA.: vote, gallon - Elections
  44. Ron Paul endorsed by 2 La RCC members: Congress, democratic, Republican - Elections
  45. Ann Romney: Let's unzip Mitt!: Obama, Bush, 2012 - Elections
  46. When will the GOP have a Minority nominee?: Colin Powell, enemy, Republican - Elections
  47. I remember. So, I'm not voting Republican.: Dick Cheney, vote, Democrats - Elections
  48. Obama's records, that prove he is who is says he is: voters, - Elections
  49. storical examples why would people view business experience as a plus in electing a president?: employment, vote - Elections
  50. Texas GOP may make primary on May 29 winner-take-all , that Santorum can win: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  51. Voter bribery in Wisconsion: Romney buys votes!: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  52. Texas GOP threatens to withhold all delegates from Romney in state's primary: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  53. Romney turns the tables on Santorum and Paul in ND: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  54. LA Times: Romney may have to run against his own image: unemployment, gas prices - Elections
  55. Im voting Republican: unemployment, gas prices, vote, wages - Elections
  56. Conservative leaders once again meet to try and figure out how to stop Romney: voters, thoughts - Elections
  57. Intrade Predicition: Obama reelection at 60.7% prboability.: voters, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  58. Obama Website Allows Illegal Donations: Iran, security, campaign, Barack Obama - Elections
  59. The voice of the next generation: Rick Santorum?: Ron Paul, voters, generations - Elections
  60. Texans: Romney or Santorum ?: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, - Elections
  61. Santorum might drop out rather than lose home state primary in Pennsylvania: Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  62. Suddenly religion is off limits!: democratic, Republican, president, death - Elections
  63. Indiana poll: Romney leads Obama by 9 points, Lugar leading in Senate primary and general election: voters, Congress - Elections
  64. If W could join the Republican Primary, he'd still win: Cheney, voters - Elections
  65. 4 Indiana Dems Charged With Election Fraud in 2008 Presidential Race: vote, Democrats - Elections
  66. More Voter Fraud - Florida: voters, illegal, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  67. Voters See Romney As Leader of GOP, Boehner Second: Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul, Congress - Elections
  68. This President Obama Quote Should Be Carved in Stone: security, conservative, Barack Obama - Elections
  69. Wisconsin, Maryland & D.C. Primaries: voters, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  70. Romney in 2002: My only connection to the GOP is that I'm a Registered Republican: John Kerry, Ron Paul - Elections
  71. Santorum Claims' California Universities Don't Teach American History: Republican, regular, president - Elections
  72. Romney to let Netanyahu dictate US policy?: Congress, Iran, Palestinians - Elections
  73. Does Romney pick Rand Paul as vp?: Ron Paul, vote, conservative - Elections
  74. Did Pres candidates always suspend their campaigns?: legal, retire - Elections
  75. GWB ruins Romney's big day: drug, speech, Bush, leader - Elections
  76. Could Ron Paul hurt Romney?: voters, Congress, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  77. Ron Paul: Rick Santorum exit could provide opening: votes, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  78. News, Barack Obama Campaign Attacks Mitt Romney Over Swiss Bank Account.: voters, Iran - Elections
  79. 4 legitimate reasons to not vote for Ron Paul.: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  80. Whats the best route for Obama and Romney to get to 270?: Congress, campaign - Elections
  81. Rick Santorum will be GOP presidential nominee in 2016 or 2020: health care, vote, campaign - Elections
  82. Ron Paul supporters: would you vote for Romney if Rand Paul was on the ticket?: voters, Obama - Elections
  83. Voting Republican......: health care, voters, gallon, security - Elections
  84. Will MSNBC Talk About Obama's War on Unborn Children?: Democrats, president, George Bush - Elections
  85. What Now? Ron Paul path to victory: votes, thoughts, democratic - Elections
  86. Romney and Lilly Ledbetter: wage, campaign, legal, bias - Elections
  87. How to Master Your Taxes...Mitt Romney Style: vote, ethics, Republicans - Elections
  88. Gingrich's $500 check for Utah Primary filing fees bounces: vote, campaign, - Elections
  89. Ron Paul Sweeps All Delegates In Do-Over At St. Charles County, MO Caucus: voters, campaign - Elections
  90. Romney leads Obama in new VA poll: votes, enemy, Democrats - Elections
  91. Santorum to Suspend Campaign!: thoughts, president, party, news - Elections
  92. What Is It About Freedom That You Don't Like?: Ron Paul, voting, patriot - Elections
  93. GOP war on women update: battle ground Wisconsin: votes, wage, Democrats - Elections
  94. Romney believes women should be allowed to join Augusta National Golf Club: unemployment, health care - Elections
  95. GOP Superdelegates: It's Over, Romney Is Nominee: Ron Paul, voters, campaign - Elections
  96. President Obama Job Approval at 50%: unemployment, Democrats, Republicans, Clinton - Elections
  97. Mitt Romney Versus Reality: votes, ethic, president - Elections
  98. Michigan knows how to do it ..: voters, campaign, legal, Democrats - Elections
  99. Ron Paul = Absentee Congressman: votes, campaign, conservative, president - Elections
  100. Santorum and Gingrich thinking of closing up shop?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, votes - Elections
  101. The Democrats' War on the Middle Class: Inflation at a 3 Year High: Ron Paul, wage - Elections
  102. Democrats on Verge of Total Irrelevancy in Tennessee: votes, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  103. Why is the GOP drifting further to the right?: Rush Limbaugh, vote, Congress - Elections
  104. Advantages of being an Independent?: Ron Paul, party affiliation, votes, Congress - Elections
  105. More Proof Democrats Are More Intellectually Dishonest than Republicans: gas prices, voters, Congress - Elections
  106. NYT: Romney the centrist peeks out: Cheney, vote, campaign, conservative - Elections
  107. Democrats' War on Middle Class: Update - Gas $7/gallon on Catalina Island: gas prices, regular - Elections
  108. Democrats' War on Middle Class: Jobs Recovery Suffers Setback in March: unemployment, Republicans - Elections
  109. ron paul at least 7800/10000 rally in california: votes, president - Elections
  110. Beer Test: vote, Obama, world - Elections
  111. PPP LA Poll: Santorum +14: vote, millionaire, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  112. I'm Smelling a Landslide: unemployment, gas prices, voters, millionaire - Elections
  113. Rick Santorum: We might as well have four more years of President Obama: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  114. Rasmussen WI Poll: Romney +13: Ron Paul, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  115. for Pennsylvanians: voters, Congress, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  116. What is your favorite Romney position?: vote, illegal aliens, liberals, conspiracy - Elections
  117. I'm praying Santorum wins the GOP ticket: Ron Paul, vote, democrat - Elections
  118. Would you drop a friend over politics/voting: Ron Paul, vote, Taliban - Elections
  119. Flip Flop Obama: gas prices, voters, Congress, Israel - Elections
  120. Birthers want proof that Romney is eligible: vote, Republican - Elections
  121. GOP caught on tape trying to cheat Ron Paul!: vote, illegal, Amish - Elections
  122. Surprise! GOP Turnout is UP Since 2008: voters, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  123. The Future of the United States was Predicted in 1948: vote, Obama, Reed - Elections
  124. Back Room Deals for Delegates to TRY to Shut Ron Paul Down: vote, campaign - Elections
  125. Is it for Santorum to lose his home state to Romney?: vote, Republicans - Elections
  126. News, Rick Santorum Calls Unions ‘Bullies’: gas prices, votes, wages - Elections
  127. Louisiana Primary: voters, campaign, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  128. Supporter to Santorum at gun range: Pretend it's Obama!: Mexican, Reed - Elections
  129. Gallup: Romney surging in national GOP nomination polling, Santorum falling: parade, Republican - Elections
  130. Virginia teacher had students do opposition research on GOP presidential candidates: campaign, racism - Elections
  131. Obama leads Romney and the rest in North Carolina: poll, dictators, party - Elections
  132. Democrat sues to remove obama from ballot: Democrats, Republicans, FBI - Elections
  133. Liberals & Non-Christians, Get Out of America! (Santorum Pastor Intro with Santorum applauding): Congress, ethical - Elections
  134. Will there ever be another election that doesn't hinge on gays and abortion?: Rush Limbaugh, - Elections
  135. Restore Liberty The Patriot's Duty: patriots, Brown, Reed, Americans - Elections
  136. President Obama Re-Election Campaign Reports $85 Million in Reserves: Republicans, represent, Barack Obama - Elections
  137. Romney calls President Obama a lightweight: votes, generation, Taliban - Elections
  138. New poll: Obama opens up lead in Virginia: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  139. “God is calling” him to seek the presidency: voters, Iraq, - Elections
  140. New Mass poll: Warren up: votes, enemy, campaign, democratic - Elections
  141. Ron Paul calls Secret Service welfare!: Congress, cocaine, drug, christmas - Elections
  142. Mitt Romney Might Not Be a Redneck: voters, Iran, millionaire - Elections
  143. Is April 3rd when Romney becomes the real nominee?: voters, campaign, polls - Elections
  144. A note on poll numbers: Rush Limbaugh, unemployment, Iraq, generation - Elections
  145. Quinnipiac Connecticut: Obama trounces Flip-Flop Romney by double-digits: gas prices, Democrats - Elections
  146. Where is W...?: unemployment, vote, Congress, generations - Elections
  147. Went To The Romney Town Hall In Maryland Today - A Few Notes: vote, interviews - Elections
  148. HOW is Romney winning the primary so far? And what does that mean in the future?: John Kerry, Ron Paul - Elections
  149. Jeb Bush Endorses Mitt Romney: Ron Paul, Republican, CNN, president - Elections
  150. Romney campaign kind of like an etch-a-sketch , says his manager: votes, - Elections
  151. Peggy Noonan to Romney: Get off the Goofball Express: voters, Congress - Elections
  152. Sen. Lee (R-UT), Major Tea Party Figure, to Endorse Romney: vote, Congress - Elections
  153. is Why Obama Is Going to Lose: gas prices, gallon, middle east - Elections
  154. Is Mitt Romney the Most Unpopular Likely Presidential Nominee Ever?: John Kerry, voters - Elections
  155. NBC Marist poll: Obama by 17 over Romney in Wisconsin: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  156. Whats wrong with a rich President?: Kennedy, Americans, insurance - Elections
  157. No difference between obama and GOP Paul?: Ron Paul, health care, Congress - Elections
  158. Ron Paul draws largest crowd of 5200, MSM declared not newsworthy.: gas prices, votes - Elections
  159. Romney Leads In Maryland by 17: Ron Paul, voters, Congress, generation - Elections
  160. Rick Santorum Calls Obama a N: vote, Republicans, represent - Elections
  161. Romney will lose so miserably...: president, Barack Hussein Obama, American - Elections
  162. Santorum Hates Pink Balls: campaign, Obama - Elections
  163. Republicans...What Role Would You Like To See Gingrich Take In A Romney Presidency?: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  164. Supreme Court Might Decide The 2012 election: votes, Congress, Iran - Elections
  165. Wisconsin, Maryland, DC Predictions: voters, Congress, Republicans, politicians - Elections
  166. Election Fraud in Alabama against Ron Paul: votes, legal, polls - Elections
  167. Big donors for Obama....... all SLEAZY?: Ron Paul, campaign, president, lobbyists - Elections
  168. PPP Polls: Romney +25 in MD and Romney +7 in WI: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  169. Women Voters Abandon GOP In Key Battleground States: employment, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  170. 15 Reasons NOT To Vote For Obama: unemployment, Republicans, president, Americans - Elections
  171. Romney: If you're looking for free stuff, vote for the other guy: health care, Congress - Elections
  172. GOP Convention: The Second Vote: Ron Paul, votes, Congress, patriots - Elections
  173. Ron Pau: I am trying to save the Republican party: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  174. Could the tea party once again cost the GOP the senate?: Ron Paul, Congress - Elections
  175. Santorum curses at reporter: voters, CNN, accuses, president - Elections
  176. Rubio endorses Romney!: 2012, official, top, news - Elections
  177. New Wisconsin poll: Governor Walker leading Democrats: votes, Republican, liberals - Elections
  178. Media Bias: The Dean Scream vs. the Santorum Meltdown: candidacy, conservative, biased - Elections
  179. Romniacs - We do Exist!: Harry Reid, voters, campaign - Elections
  180. America is done: vote, Congress, generation - Elections
  181. Will the real Mitt Romney stand up!: Republicans, Americans - Elections
  182. Who gets the most votes?: Ron Paul, unemployment, 9/11, Democrats - Elections
  183. How do we toss the Tea Party?: unemployment, vote, Congress - Elections
  184. Santorum ballot/delegate issues in West Virginia: voters, Congress, millionaire - Elections
  185. Boehner to Romney: Butt out!: Democrats, president, Obama, American - Elections
  186. Obama leads Romney in Ohio and Florida: John Kerry, voters, democratic - Elections
  187. Romneys Humor......Hilarious: vote, Iran, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  188. Romney: not going to play the game like that.: health care, voters - Elections
  189. News, Romney's Mansion to Have Elevator ... for Cars: campaign, drugs, controversial - Elections
  190. Gingrich lays off staff, refocuses campaign: Republican, spokesman, CNN, president - Elections
  191. Ron Paul first GOP candidate to appear on all 50 states ballot.: voters, campaign - Elections
  192. Gingrich and Santorum Doppelgangers: 2012 - Elections
  193. Santorum dropped out of the Race: 2012, news - Elections
  194. PPP Romney up 7 in WI, 25 in Maryland: voters, party, state - Elections
  195. Dan O'Connor - US Congress 2012 - NY District 7: democrat, Republican, politician - Elections
  196. West Wing Week...: president, American, leader, economic - Elections
  197. Team Santorum's fuzzy delegate math exposed....: vote, campaign, examples, state - Elections
  198. Lying Obama Earns Two Pinnochios From Washington Post for Comments on SCOTUS: legal, president - Elections
  199. Jill Stein Generates Local Media Coverage: campaign, rating, party, 2012 - Elections
  200. Who Wins...: Ron Paul, states - Elections