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  1. Nevada GOP caucus poll: Romney leading by 20 points: campaign, state - Elections
  2. Carter's approval rating was 55% at this point in 1980: unemployed, voters, Congress - Elections
  3. Ron Paul Releases Economic ‘Plan to Restore Nevada’: wages, polls, president - Elections
  4. New national GOP nomination poll: Romney takes lead over Newt: vote, Republican - Elections
  5. Romney Destroys Own Core Argument for Why He's Running...: president, Obama, economy - Elections
  6. Breaking news: a new GOP front runner emerges!!!: Ron Paul, Democrats, polls - Elections
  7. Maine caucuses a race between Romney and Paul: Ron Paul, news - Elections
  8. Indiana election chief found guilty of voter fraud: salary, Democrats - Elections
  9. An effective anti-war campaign is what neocons fear most: Ron Paul, voting, enemies - Elections
  10. Feeling left out?: Ron Paul, campaign, Reed - Elections
  11. Elections Round 2! The first special election of 2012 for a congressional district is tonight.: voters, Democrats
  12. Gingrich campaign under criminal investigation for VA ballot petition fraud: vote, president - Elections
  13. Negative Campaign Ads...Nasty and just so wrong...Would you get hired if you behaved this way??: voting, interview - Elections
  14. A New Phrase Is Born: vote, democrat, Republican, president - Elections
  15. Out of work? Send your resume to Obama, he said he'll review it!!: unemployment, vote - Elections
  16. Ron Paul Op-Ed in Las Vegas Sun: Stop Taxing Tips: vote, wages - Elections
  17. The Primaries on My Planet: Ron Paul, voters, Republican, financial - Elections
  18. Odds/Predictions: Gingrich Third Party Ticket: Ron Paul, votes, campaign - Elections
  19. Obama opens up bigger RCP average.: votes, campaign, polls - Elections
  20. LAT: Colorado independents cooling on GOP, warming up to Obama: voters, Republicans - Elections
  21. WaPo/ABC ends sample transparency in national polling: gas prices, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  22. Stop with the sensationalism. Its Romney, and you know it.: Ron Paul, Congress - Elections
  23. For the GOP and the Candidates - There's no getting out at this point.: Ron Paul, campaign - Elections
  24. What Will Gingrich and Santorum Supporters Do In Virginia?: Ron Paul, voters, interviews - Elections
  25. The Dance of the Elephants: Ron Paul, voting, supporters, race - Elections
  26. romney voters are embarrassed to talk on tv: Ron Paul, patriot, campaign - Elections
  27. Mitt, My Life as a 12-Year Old Adolescent Girl: campaign, Republican - Elections
  28. GOP Strategist: Ron Paul Will Be on GOP Ticket: chairman - Elections
  29. Poll: Obama leads GOP candidates in Virginia: Ron Paul, voters, campaign - Elections
  30. How could you not support Ron Paul? He's a political gem, a good man of integrity who is as American as they come.: campaign, illegal - Elections
  31. Poll: 52% unlikely to vote for Obama, just 40% likely to vote for Obama: Ron Paul, campaign - Elections
  32. Jill Stein: Ron Paul, Putin, voters, democrat - Elections
  33. How come..............: Ron Paul, vote, Republicans, president - Elections
  34. Newt Gingrich drops quest for Virginia ballot: campaign, legal, Republican - Elections
  35. Drowning Obama no longer under water: polls, president, Reed - Elections
  36. Santorum: Abortion causes Breast Cancer: vote, Republican, president, abortions - Elections
  37. The year the big tent party became the big top party: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  38. Will Santorum Expose Romney as weak in the Midwest?: votes, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  39. Romney now losing in New Hampshire and Florida vs. Obama: Congress, enemy - Elections
  40. News Video, President Obama ‘I DESERVE A SECOND TERM’: unemployment, health care - Elections
  41. Newt Launches (Pot Calling the Kettle Black): vote, democratic, independent - Elections
  42. libertarian vs authoritarian: Ron Paul, Republican, Obama, Reed - Elections
  43. Presidential Election Betting Odds for 01/28/12: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Inouye, political - Elections
  44. In Romney vs. Obama matchup, 35% certain or likely to vote for Obama, 32% for Romney, 15% for someone: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  45. Bribes, Chinese Mob Ties at Casino of Gingrich Money Man: campaign, president - Elections
  46. Santorum goes home due to sick child...IMO he should stay with his family not run for president...because...: vote, salary - Elections
  47. Cuban American big wig in Ga. says visa overstays R legal & supports Gingrich: Ron Paul, illegal aliens - Elections
  48. Will Santorum be able to stay in the race?: money, 2012, family - Elections
  49. How Rick Santorum Ripped Off American Veterans: Ron Paul, health care, vote - Elections
  50. Drudge, Romney, Reagan, Gingrich: Congress, security, ethical, thoughts - Elections
  51. Nevada’s largest newspaper endorses Mitt Romney: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  52. All 4 sons of ex GE CEO endorse Ron Paul ...: vote, Congress - Elections
  53. is the whole gop primary/caucuses a fraud?: Ron Paul, Putin, voters - Elections
  54. ABC/Washington Post poll: President Obama 51% Flip-Flop Romney 45%: Ron Paul, unemployment, voters - Elections
  55. I'm still voting for Ron Paul no matter what: unemployment, votes, Iran - Elections
  56. Limbaugh Picks a Winner!: Rush Limbaugh, Republican, elections, elect
  57. Paul camp cries fraud over Nevada Caucus results: Ron Paul, votes, democrat - Elections
  58. The next VP: Ron Paul, unemployment, voting, Iran - Elections
  59. Gallup: Obama's approval below reelection standard: vote, Congress, campaign, Republican - Elections
  60. Republicans: Will you vote or stay home?: Ron Paul, Congress, interview - Elections
  61. More Hypocrisy: Elizabeth Warren Says She's Not A One Percenter: democratic, Brown - Elections
  62. Why I am not fond of this year's pool of Republican candidates: Rush Limbaugh, John Kerry - Elections
  63. Obama starting to pull ahead of Romney: John Kerry, unemployment, votes - Elections
  64. Senate Candidate Pete Hoekstra R-Michigan, pathetic campaign ad: patriot, accuse, president - Elections
  65. GOP get rid of people.: Iran, enemy, Reagan, democrat - Elections
  66. - See how long it takes Mitt Romney to earn your salary: patriot, president - Elections
  67. Good news for the big O: enemy, CNN, polls, president - Elections
  68. They just aren't that into you: unemployment, voters, Iran, Reagan - Elections
  69. Do I understand this correctly? Enlighten me, ..: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  70. Poll: Obama now leads Romneybot in New Hampshire by ten points: unemployment, Congress - Elections
  71. Romney paid more in taxes than he owed: Democrats, liberals - Elections
  72. Nevada Caucus: Ron Paul, votes, CNN, polls - Elections
  73. How a Romney Supporter from 2008 became a Paul Supporter in 2012: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  74. Ron Paul on Piers Morgan: vote, interview, democrat, Obama - Elections
  75. Santorum tells Missourians that Iran will nuke them: campaign, nuclear, border - Elections
  76. Why don't the pollsters care about Maine, Colorado, Minnesota, ???: votes, polls, president - Elections
  77. What Romney Doesn't Get, But FDR and Kennedy Did...: unemployment, votes, generation - Elections
  78. Santorum Fails to Qualify for Indiana Ballot: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  79. Obama's War on Religion Will Cost him Votes, a LOT of Votes: health care, voters - Elections
  80. Santorum leading in Minnesota: Rush Limbaugh, global warming, Ron Paul, Al Franken - Elections
  81. Swing state unemployment and the election: Reagan, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  82. Romney still only has 79 delegates: Ron Paul, democratic, Republican, conservative - Elections
  83. Wall Street Representative Romney vs Middle Class Champion Obama: vote, Reaganomics, Democrats - Elections
  84. WAPO: s comes the recovery- there goes Willard!: unemployment, voters, Congress - Elections
  85. Why is Mitt Romney electable?: votes, Congress, security, Democrats - Elections
  86. Proof the Obama Recovery is real...: global warming, Ron Paul, unemployment, campaign - Elections
  87. Mitt Romney: Susan G. Komen Was Right to Cut Planned Parenthood: interview, Republican - Elections
  88. Chaotic GOP Primary Reflects a Party in Disarray Like Goldwater's in 1964: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  89. Fading Gingrich attacks Romney in ad: Ron Paul, vote, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  90. Santorum's record vs Obama's: voters, Iran, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  91. Did watch tonight's speech by Paul?!: Ron Paul, vote, Congress - Elections
  92. New polls are VERY disturbing! The USA doom countdown is on!: voters, represent - Elections
  93. News, Pat Boone Endorses Santorum.: campaign, Reagan, Republican - Elections
  94. Romney is in big trouble: vote, conservative, death, Obama - Elections
  95. Will Conservatives move towards Santorum after he crushed Romney: Ron Paul, vote, candidacy - Elections
  96. Can Obama win in Nov?: John Kerry, Ron Paul, unemployment, voters - Elections
  97. Ron Paul Gets Attacked by Ultra-Liberal Washington Post Toilet Paper: Congress, president - Elections
  98. Do most Republicans think Ron Paul is crazy?: party affiliation, voters, interview - Elections
  99. GOP Presidential Candidates Tell Florida Uninsured Woman: You’re On Your Own: Ron Paul, unemployment - Elections
  100. Now that Santorum is the front runner...: Ron Paul, campaign, democratic - Elections
  101. Where Have The Paulbots Gone?: Ron Paul, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  102. 26 Things Non-Paul Voters Are Basically Saying: Ron Paul, Iran, Iraq, democratic - Elections
  103. Obama leads Romney in Virginia poll: voters, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  104. Why I hope the GOP wins in November: Ron Paul, unemployment, health care - Elections
  105. Electoral College.....changes afoot??: voters, Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  106. romney will win florida: vote, Congress, Reagan - Elections
  107. Flip flop Obama changes tune on Super PAC money, now supports Citizen United: enemy, campaign - Elections
  108. Rush Limbaugh endorses Santorum: vote, Obama, support, television - Elections
  109. so our next president is newt, romney or obama: vote, liberal, Clinton - Elections
  110. The problem with Newt Gingrich!: democrat, Republican, political, party - Elections
  111. Gingrich's anti gay marriage hypocrisy !: campaign, Republican, conservative, president - Elections
  112. Romneys war on religion!!!!: Congress, ethics, drug, Obama - Elections
  113. FBI calls anti-government people extremists: Ron Paul, voters, gallon, Iran - Elections
  114. President John Tyler's (10th President) Grandson (Still Living) Say's Newt Gingrich Is A 'Jerk': house of generation - Elections
  115. Dogs Against Romney: highway, presidency, top, town - Elections
  116. Scarborough Former Fellow Congressman Speaks of Erratic Newt: vote, Republican - Elections
  117. Ron Paul surges nationally to 2nd place in new Ipsos/Reuters Poll (02/07/12): good news, elect - Elections
  118. Conservatives upset with romney over raising the minimum wage: employment, candidacy, thoughts - Elections
  119. Ron Paul glitter bombed: employment, health care, voters, security - Elections
  120. Colorado, Minnesota & Missouri caucus/primary: Ron Paul, vote, elections
  121. What I Like About Rick Santorum: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, Iran - Elections
  122. Does care that the big money behind Newt Gingrich is a fervent Zionist ?: vote, Iran - Elections
  123. Florida Primary: Republicans, represent, president, Obama - Elections
  124. Will Hillary Clinton be on the Democratic Ticket?: Ron Paul, voters, Republicans - Elections
  125. If Mitt Romney wins the election, do you think he will follow a more moderate stance?: vote, - Elections
  126. Native Americans, less time to vote for president, sue S.D.: salaries, democratic - Elections
  127. What is the difference between Romeny, Newt and Obama: Ron Paul, president, American - Elections
  128. Ron Paul supporter gets bullied by left wing Newt security thugs: Republican, conservative - Elections
  129. Newt is a Breath of Fresh Air: liberal, conservative, party - Elections
  130. Ron Paul and Republicans: vote, patriot, legal, liberal - Elections
  131. New swing state poll: Romney 48, Obama 47: Ron Paul, voters, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  132. Paul Supporters: Are you getting the picture?: Ron Paul, vote, - Elections
  133. Romney foot-in-mouth disease: I'm not concerned with the very poor: Ron Paul, liberal - Elections
  134. GOP not-so-secret weapon in the War against Obama: voters, wage, campaign - Elections
  135. I wonder: unemployment, health care, 9/11, voters - Elections
  136. Romney vs Obama singing... uh-oh Mitt!: patriot, president, racist - Elections
  137. Hmm... a choice between a rich 1 %'er, a philanderer, a war-monger, or a true reformer - who will America choose?: Ron Paul, voting - Elections
  138. Romney has double-digit lead in Florida polls: Ron Paul, vote, Republican - Elections
  139. Romney will be president of US: polls, Obama, George Bush, dollars - Elections
  140. Young id!oits voted Obama in: voters, legal, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  141. s a fun USA Today Poll that you may take...: president, Obama - Elections
  142. Retaking the House: house seat, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  143. Mitt Romney deploys Spanish speaking son as Republican court Hispanic vote: voters, interview - Elections
  144. Obamas approval ratings are now over 50%: vote, democratic, Republicans, poll - Elections
  145. Who is Saul Alinsky and why is Newt saying bad things about him?: John Kerry, campaign - Elections
  146. Poll: Romney Opens Up 20-Point Lead in Florida: Ron Paul, voters, candidacy - Elections
  147. MSNBC-Marist poll: Obama beats Romney with Fla Latinos: voters, Mexican, Republican - Elections
  148. 23 of Romney’s foreign policy advisers served under George W. Bush: Cheney, voting - Elections
  149. Are women voters favoring romney for his good looks?: Republican, polls, racism - Elections
  150. Convince me why the Democratic ideology is superior: vote, Congress, thoughts - Elections
  151. Should Obama Lose...: unemployment, vote, Iran, democrat - Elections
  152. Palin Back In The News, And Turning On The GOP Over Newt Attacks, Calling Them Stalin-esque: candidacy, Republican - Elections
  153. More Caucus Weirdness, This Time Nevada: Huckabee, voters, Israel, campaign - Elections
  154. Romney is like Obama. Directly from Jim Rogers: John Kerry, Ron Paul, conservative - Elections
  155. 2012 general election will be 'all race card, all the time.': unemployment, vote - Elections
  156. Why is Tea Party not supporting Ron Paul?: vote, Republican, liberal - Elections
  157. People just want to see Obama lose + Other partisan drivel....: Ron Paul, health care system - Elections
  158. Willard Botches One To Obama: enemy, liberal, president, 2012 - Elections
  159. I Feel Sorry for Newt: votes, campaign, Republicans, president - Elections
  160. Obama leads Neuticles and Flip-Flop Romney in Ohio: vote, Republican, conservative - Elections
  161. Trump backs Mitt: Ron Paul, voters, Democrats - Elections
  162. what the election will be about: Limbaugh, vote, enemy, president - Elections
  163. Why would you choose not to vote Obama?: unemployment, Congress, campaign - Elections
  164. New Florida general election poll: Romney 48, Obama 44: campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  165. Shocking new general election poll: Santorum in statistical tie with Obama: voters, polls - Elections
  166. Romney Not Concerned about the Poor... - How stupid are people???: interview, - Elections
  167. Gallup State-By-State Approval Ratings: Obama Under Water in 40 States: vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  168. More States Move to GOP in 2011: party affiliation, votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  169. Who will be the next GOP candidate to drop out of the race?: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  170. Ron Paul vs. the Media Industrial Complex: vote, bias, Obama - Elections
  171. News, Comedian Roseanne Barr says she's off and running for Green Party presidential nomination: interview, - Elections
  172. Newt Did Not Resign in Disgrace: Ron Paul, house of vote, Congress - Elections
  173. Romney promises loyalty- to Israel: Ron Paul, votes, interview, middle east - Elections
  174. 3 Words to Describe Mitt Romney: democrat, president, politician, gun - Elections
  175. Santorum’s Racist Welfare Rant: ‘I Don’t Want To Make Black People’s Lives Better’ With Taxpayer Money: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  176. Should Romney have refused The Donald's endorsement?: vote, poll, president - Elections
  177. Paul in secret alliance with Romney???: Ron Paul, votes, thoughts, vice president - Elections
  178. Romney glitterbombed twice in Minnesota: Ron Paul, votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  179. Obama's re-election chances gaining steam: unemployment, vote, Congress, middle east - Elections
  180. Trump will announce something tomorrow, supposedly major: campaign, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  181. News, Newt: I'd Like to Be Played by Brad Pitt,: conservative, 2012 - Elections
  182. Paul Supporter Declaration Making The Rounds of Facebook: Ron Paul, voters, - Elections
  183. Did Newt's Spanish ghetto hurt him in Miami/Florida?: party affiliation, voters - Elections
  184. Serious For the Paul Supporters: Ron Paul, Congress, Iran, - Elections
  185. The Romney Effect - depressed GOP voter turnout. s a graph.: Ron Paul, Franken - Elections
  186. Gingrich wants of Romney's Florida delegates: Ron Paul, campaign, Obama - Elections
  187. If NEWT really loves America, he will STEP ASIDE: voters, patriot, campaign - Elections
  188. Ron Paul's Foreign Policy Gains Favor: Congress, enemy, - Elections
  189. Trump Will Endorse Gingrich: campaign, ethical, death, political - Elections
  190. Will Newt Convert to Mormonism?: liberal, conservative, political, governor - Elections
  191. Newt Gingrich Ordered to Stop Using 'How You Like Me Now?': campaign, legal - Elections
  192. John McCain on Meet the Press: democrat, Republicans, president, Obama - Elections
  193. One Word to Describe Barack Obama: democrat, president, American, elections
  194. Year End FEC Filings - Ron Paul Military Donations Nearly Twice of his GOP Rivals & Obama—COMBINED!: 2012 - Elections
  195. This video about mitt romney and damon corp SCANDAL: Ron Paul, votes, election - Elections
  196. Oama's success story: Why we should re-elect him.: salary, Obama, American - Elections
  197. The Romney Con: voting - Elections
  198. Take a break from the fight and laugh a little - starring Romney & Gingrich: election, elect - Elections
  199. Who Would Reagan Support: Republican, 2012, date - Elections
  200. News, Historian-in-Chief Gingrich Can’t Shake His Past: Noah Feldman.: campaign, Republican - Elections