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  1. Romney Supporters at Polling Places are PAID by the campaign: vote, election - Elections
  2. Libs, Unions funding anti-Romney ads in FLA: campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  3. Ron Paul action figures available!: vote, Obama, 2009, constitution - Elections
  4. Newt Gingrich's Reverend Wright: Ron Paul, voters, Iran, Republicans - Elections
  5. Indiana Ron Paul Supporters! - Elections
  6. Va. Gov. Bob McDonnell endorses Mitt Romney, says ex-Mass. governor has been effective leader: campaign, president - Elections
  7. Marco Rubio RIPS Gingrich Again For Dishonest Florida Ad Against Romney: campaign, illegal - Elections
  8. The U.S.A. has a disaster own it's hands!: vote, Congress - Elections
  9. How is Mittens Romney the front runner??: Republican, state, date - Elections
  10. Another new Florida GOP primary poll where Romney leads Newt by 8 points: Republican, president - Elections
  11. Newt Gingrich is Ellsworth Toohey: Democrats, Republican, Obama, speech - Elections
  12. Gingrich Supporters, how do you figure that your choice in a candidate is demonstrably conservative?: Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul - Elections
  13. Romney's 2002 Pro-Gay-Flyers: vote, campaign, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  14. Grayson: Newt Running Most Racist Campaign Since George Wallace: vote, security, democrat - Elections
  15. Iowa GOP officals declare Rick Santorum winner of Iowa caucuses: votes, campaign - Elections
  16. POLL for Political Commentators- Who is going to win South Carolina?!? Make your expertise heard! Become a prophet: vote, elect - Elections
  17. Bush and Ceney Endorse Obama: Cheney - Elections
  18. Ron Paul......Dr. NO: politicians, support, 2011, most - Elections
  19. With the GOP's 2012 Self-Destructive nature, this came to mind: Reagan, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  20. Symbol of what Extremists are doing to GOP in 2012: Ron Paul, NAFTA, patriots - Elections
  21. Newt's support of the death of our constitution as proof that the letter R changes perceptions: employment, Republican - Elections
  22. If Newt wins I'm asking for an open presidency: Ron Paul, vote, Republicans - Elections
  23. Newt Gingrich YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!: campaign, ethics, Republicans - Elections
  24. IT is elections time and PARENTS AND TEACHERS NEED TO TAKE ACTION to better the educational system in US !!!: salary, security
  25. Could Newt be Mitt's Dick?: Cheney, political - Elections
  26. A Crime Against Conservatism [1-Hour Long Expose on Newt Gingrich]: Al Gore, global warming - Elections
  27. Thanks MSNBC, I guess it will be the same for all primaries.: voters, interview - Elections
  28. Wow! Newt's interesting interview on Univision: interviews, campaign, 2012, television - Elections
  29. California Open Primaries - not for presidential primary: vote, Republicans, date - Elections
  30. Santorum should drop out: campaign, money, pay, tax - Elections
  31. Gingrich's Tax Return Questions: lobby, million, politician, financial - Elections
  32. Ron Paul supporter view of the republican party: voters, Congress, generation - Elections
  33. GOP Marching to ...: unemployment, vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  34. Trust... It is a very big word!: Ron Paul, Republican, conservative - Elections
  35. Romney's deceptive disclosures show he's a conniver: Franken, represent, financial - Elections
  36. The LA Times is reporting that Willard Romney's tax returns are missing mandatory financial disclosures!: campaign, ethics - Elections
  37. Newt May Stop Global Warming: Ron Paul, Americans, party, 2012 - Elections
  38. Conservative Rank and File Under Constant Media Attack - STOP, DROP, and ROLL: enemies, liberals - Elections
  39. Newty not really what we need.: illegal, Republicans, liberal, conservative - Elections
  40. Bill Kristol vs Ron Paul Supporters, live on CSPAN: 9/11, vote, Iraq - Elections
  41. This Should Help Romney: votes, Republican, liberal, conservative - Elections
  42. Santorum's Tax Plan: religion - Elections
  43. Obama leads by 8 points or more in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan against all GOP contenders: voters, Congress - Elections
  44. Ron Paul - only GOP candidate to publicly denounce SOPA: voting, Reed - Elections
  45. Super PAC = money wasted: illegal, conservative, CNN, Pelosi - Elections
  46. Why was Santorum a pass on black people: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  47. NYT/CBS: Bleeding Indies, Trust Republicans More with Economy: voters, security, campaign - Elections
  48. Gov. Perdue (D-NC) Won't Seek Re-Election: voters, Democrats, polls, Obama - Elections
  49. Tea Party Co-Opted - endorse fredy Mack TARP supporting Patriot Act expanding Gingritch: NAFTA, patriots - Elections
  50. NBC/WSJ Poll Shows Public Optimism About Economy Benefits Obama: interview, Republicans - Elections
  51. How could support Romney, Gingrich, or Santorum over Paul? Who doesn't like Liberty & the Constitution?: Ron Paul, health care - Elections
  52. Romney slips ... supports online pirates: speech, rating, government, amendment - Elections
  53. Largest newspaper in South Carolina endorses Romney: Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  54. Issue with Romney's tax rate...what's the problem?: Ron Paul, vote, Congress - Elections
  55. Gallup National poll: Neuticles now ahead of Flip-Flop Romney: Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  56. Newt explains why he can beat Obama.: vote, radical, racist - Elections
  57. Fred Thompson Endorses Newt: vote, campaign, CNN - Elections
  58. Why do people over 45, particularly seniors, not support Ron Paul?: voting, generations - Elections
  59. Shame on you, Santorum: campaign, legal, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  60. Willard's Taxes Released, Earned 45.2 Million, Pays Tax Rate Lower Than Most Wage Earners: Obama, Americans - Elections
  61. How can people vote for Newt?: Fast food, Congress, generation, security - Elections
  62. New Florida GOP primary poll shows Newt with less of a lead: Democrats, Republican - Elections
  63. Ms. Gingrich #2 Cheated: voters, interview, president, suspect - Elections
  64. Newt Gingrich to skip debates if he doesn't get applause: interview, election - Elections
  65. Newt Gingrich: Spanish is “the language of living in a ghetto”: vote, democrat - Elections
  66. Director Oliver Stone: I would vote for Ron Paul over Obama: votes, - Elections
  67. NBC's Debate was a DISGRACE!: liberal, CNN, biased - Elections
  68. When Newt wins Florida...: campaign, Obama, political, money - Elections
  69. Do you really think Iran is a threat like Santorum and Gingrich argue?: Ron Paul, Iraq - Elections
  70. Santorum: Pregnancy from Rape a Gift: vote, security, democrat - Elections
  71. Is Ron Paul History?: voters, Congress, security, - Elections
  72. Will Mitch Daniels jump in late?: votes, CNN, Obama, Bush - Elections
  73. Newt is the only one that could beat Obama in the debates!: voters, campaign - Elections
  74. Can I be an atheist Republican who supports gay marriage?: votes, Iran - Elections
  75. Texas poll: Obama 47, Newt 45: unemployment, vote, Mexicans, Democrats - Elections
  76. I wish someone would produce a better debate format!: interview, Bush, party - Elections
  77. Gingrich admits ABC claim was false: voting, interview, campaign, spokesman - Elections
  78. Ready for a Second Term: Ron Paul, vote, Republicans, president - Elections
  79. Fox news declares Romney unfit to be president.: legal, highway, Obama - Elections
  80. What should the GOP ticket look like?: Ron Paul, vote, illegal - Elections
  81. Obama running mate rumor: Condi Rice, Dick Cheney, Republican, Byrd - Elections
  82. Is Mitt more Conservative than Newt?: Ron Paul, vote, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  83. New general election poll: Romney leads Obama by 5 points in Florida: votes, Democrats - Elections
  84. Wisconsin Governor Walker leading Democratic candidates in recall election poll: voters, Congress - Elections
  85. Romney revising disclosures for overseas accounts: Ron Paul, campaign, illegal - Elections
  86. Mitt Romney: Of Course The Economy Is Getting Better VIDEO INCLUDED: vote, interview - Elections
  87. Don't forget tonight's CNN debate at 8PM: Ron Paul, liberal, poll - Elections
  88. MSM is now pushing Santorum: Ron Paul, votes, poll, extremist - Elections
  89. Newt and Romney both failed to report income: Ron Paul, votes, salary - Elections
  90. Questions for Ron Paul supporters: unemployment, interstate, Congress, Iran - Elections
  91. Democrats, You Should be Worried if Newt Gingrich Gets The GOP Nomination: John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  92. is how I come down on the Primary.: Ron Paul, vote, Congress - Elections
  93. Ron Paul raised close to a quarter-million dollars in his campaign to End the TSA - agree or disagree?: Congress, Israel - Elections
  94. Newt Gingrich....: Ron Paul, vote, security, Democrats - Elections
  95. What a moron, or does he think I am...........: employment, Republicans - Elections
  96. Gingrich: voters, Congress, ethics, democrat - Elections
  97. Gingrich Fires Back, But Tax Expert Says He's in 'World of Trouble': Clarence Thomas, vote - Elections
  98. Why did infidelity ruin Cain and help Newt?: 9/11, campaign, conservative - Elections
  99. Newt nails Obama's State of the Union address: unemployment, Democrats, president - Elections
  100. Romney Gave 15% to Charity, Obama 1%, Biden $369: vote, represent, dollars - Elections
  101. Could Romney win without Southern support?: voters, party, carry, elect - Elections
  102. Newt's Lack of Sexual Morals is Refreshing: Ron Paul, legal, Republicans - Elections
  103. Newt promises to Overthrow Castro government ...: Ron Paul, Republicans, regime - Elections
  104. Poll: Romney Regains Momentum in Florida: Ron Paul, Franken, voters, interviews - Elections
  105. New Florida GOP primary poll: Romney ahead of Newt by 8 points: arsenal, Republicans - Elections
  106. Gingrich promises US moon colony by 2020: global warming, votes, ethics, - Elections
  107. Why no one should be scared of Ron Paul's foriegn policy: Iraq, - Elections
  108. Since the gloves are off, why don't people talk about Romney's religion?: campaign, Republicans - Elections
  109. Why do people fall for media manipulation?: Ron Paul, voters, campaign - Elections
  110. In your opinion, which GOP candidates are true conservatives?: Ron Paul, voters, Reagan - Elections
  111. Will Mormons vote for Romney because he is Mormon?: voters, Republican, conservative - Elections
  112. Ron Paul Videos: interview, campaign, revolution, government - Elections
  113. Newt would appoint Paul chairman of the FED...........: Ron Paul, Congress, campaign - Elections
  114. romney is an idiot if hes thinking he can just get off with a second place finish in sc: vote, Republican - Elections
  115. Ron Paul Supporters who do you love: Republican, solution, political - Elections
  116. How are Radio talk hosts you listen to spinning the candidates?: Limbaugh, Ron Paul - Elections
  117. O'Reilly paul isnt in this, i dont count him: Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  118. A quick description of the four candidates: John Kerry, Ron Paul, democrat - Elections
  119. Electability??: global warming, Ron Paul, voters, thoughts - Elections
  120. Ron Paul and moving forward: voters, Congress, generations, campaign - Elections
  121. Gingrich cancels campaign event, poor attendance: Ron Paul, Republican, president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  122. Newt owns John King: vote, campaign, CNN, biased - Elections
  123. Study: TV News Bashes Romney, Boosts Horse Race: Ron Paul, campaign, biased - Elections
  124. SC Predictions: polls, Reed, money, states - Elections
  125. How Will The Current Mrs Gingrich Play as First Lady?: voters, - Elections
  126. Why Does Mitt Romney Seem so Stupid to be an Ivy League Grad?: vote, president - Elections
  127. How Santorum Ripped Off Veterans: vote, Republican, controversial, American - Elections
  128. South Carolina Primary Jan. 21, 2012: voters, Congress, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  129. My Ideal GOP Candidate...: Ron Paul, votes, Reagan, conservative - Elections
  130. Ron Paul should change campaign manager: 9/11, middle east, illegal, heroin - Elections
  131. Mitt Romney: a professional candidate?: Ron Paul, campaign, Republican - Elections
  132. Ron Paul is right on foreign policy, endorsed by 22 year CIA veteran/former head of CIA Bin Laden Unit: Congress, Iran - Elections
  133. Romney Camp Asks Gingrich to Release Congressional Ethics Report: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  134. Ron Paul Might Just Win South Carolina: votes, campaign, - Elections
  135. Rick Santorum doesn't understand monetary policy or economics: unemployment, voting, campaign - Elections
  136. Michele Bachmann Says She Will Not Endorse Newt Gingrich: campaign, Republican, represent - Elections
  137. Swing Voters Turning Against Obama: independent, elect, 2012, pay - Elections
  138. Gingrich take the lead in most recent SC poll: voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  139. Perry to drop out: Ron Paul, voters, conservative, CNN - Elections
  140. Ron Paul - Repeal sec. 1021 of National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 ...: vote - Elections
  141. Romney has millions in offshore Cayman Islands accounts: campaign, ethics, illegal - Elections
  142. Santorum Received 34 More Votes than Romney in Iowa!: Ron Paul, campaign, Republican - Elections
  143. QE 3.5 expected to becoming soon...$1 Trillion: Congress, Obama, dollars, dictator - Elections
  144. Perry’s K Street Allies Jump to Romney, Not Gingrich: Congress, candidacy - Elections
  145. Evangelical Leader Blasts Romney on Mormonism: campaign, president, Kennedy - Elections
  146. Paul supporters....who is your second choice?: Ron Paul, vote, Iran - Elections
  147. Gingrich is a Professional Lobbyist: campaign, dollars, million, party - Elections
  148. Ron Paul fights indefinite detention of Americans that Obama supports: votes, Congress - Elections
  149. Romney says Obama taking away rights of citizens: health care, generations, millionaire - Elections
  150. Newt Gingrich: I would ignore supreme court as president: Ron Paul, Iran, enemy - Elections
  151. Poll: Republican Presidential Candidate Preference & Your Age: Ron Paul, vote, democrat - Elections
  152. another debate discussion (1/19/12): CNN, economy, bombs, most - Elections
  153. Monday 1/23 debate?: campaign, independent, leader, elections
  154. Gingrich VS Obama: votes, Reagan, conservative, poll - Elections
  155. Which candidate offers the best take on important issues: Ron Paul, employment - Elections
  156. Romney will release tax returns on Tuesday: Ron Paul, Huckabee, wage - Elections
  157. Gingrich makes Corrupt Politicians list: house of vote, Congress - Elections
  158. Why are liberals so afraid of Newt Gingrich?: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  159. Bill O’Reilly & Mike Huckabee: GOP Candidates are Identical, Ron Paul (01/20/12): health care, vote - Elections
  160. The Delegate Count So Far: Ron Paul, votes, campaign, Republican - Elections
  161. Wouldn't it be great if a President cannot be re-elected?: unemployment, vote - Elections
  162. Newt: 'Nobody in the Elite Media Wants to Cover' Obama's Alinsky Roots: Limbaugh, employment - Elections
  163. Let's Say Ron Paul wins the election...: voters, Congress, security - Elections
  164. The Gloves Are Definitely Coming Off: votes, democrat, liberal, conservative - Elections
  165. Obama Vs Gingrich: Bring it ON!: vote, Congress, campaign, ethics - Elections
  166. Tea Party Versus The Establishment: Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul, voters, generations - Elections
  167. Gingrich now leading in Florida by twelve points.: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  168. Iowa vote fraud official: Ron Paul, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  169. 953 Dead People Voted In South Carolina: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  170. New Florida GOP Primary Poll: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  171. So who do you think will win Florida?: voters, Democrats - Elections
  172. Mitt Romney will release his tax returns on Tuesday: Obama, election, elect - Elections
  173. The fix is in. The media will not allow Obama to lose the election: Ron Paul, - Elections
  174. Republicans have proven they're out of touch with reality: Ron Paul, voters, campaign - Elections
  175. Gingrich is a Liberal in Actions, but Speaks like a Conservative: global warming, vote - Elections
  176. does newts rhetoric about obama fire you up or turn you off?: vote, ethical - Elections
  177. Will Newt Legalize Prostitution if Elected?: Ron Paul, campaign, illegal, president - Elections
  178. Thanks A Lot South Carolina: voters, patriots, Republicans, president - Elections
  179. Carville to Republicans: You Have a Disaster on Your Hands: legal - Elections
  180. What is it about Ron Paul?: NAFTA, vote, wages - Elections
  181. Something actually newsworthy: health care, campaign, Republican - Elections
  182. The Race Is Still Romney's: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  183. Newt's Open Marriage Issue: Republicans, Obama, party - Elections
  184. A gay president?: vote, democrat, Republicans, black president - Elections
  185. Newt Campaign Song (Parody of Cee-Lo Green's Forget You ): vote - Elections
  186. Explain it to me: Candidate Placards: vote, campaign, president, election - Elections
  187. The show must go on: election, elect, 2012 - Elections
  188. Delaware Ron Paul Supporters! - Elections
  189. Newt's SC Win is a Win for Florida's Economy: Republicans, money, race - Elections
  190. Charlie Crist Aides Running Romney's Campaign: Republican, president, Barack Obama, political - Elections
  191. Arizona Ron Paul Supporters!: vote, Republican, elect, family - Elections
  192. who has ever interviewed at Bain (or other peer consulting or PE firms)....: voting, interviews - Elections
  193. For that think Newt can beat obama in a debate: health care, Congress - Elections
  194. A Romney Fan who felt bad for Newt This week: Bill Clinton - Elections
  195. Gingrich poll data-Nice site that adds new poll numbers automatically - Elections
  196. Gingrich repeatedly insulted Reagan: vote, Congress, campaign, Republican - Elections
  197. Romney's Tax Returns: liberal, Obama, Reed, Americans - Elections
  198. Definition of Grandiose - Elections
  199. Florida Poll: Romney Stronger than Gingrich in General Election vs. Obama: voters, Democrats - Elections
  200. So much for the Ron Paul Surge: most - Elections