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  1. Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel agrees with Ron Paul!: American, military - Elections
  2. Romney’s Fiscal Agenda: millionaire, security, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  3. Herman Clark's Anti-Newt ad from 1992: Republicans - Elections
  4. SCOTUS throws out new Texas electoral map created by Federal judges: voters, Democrats - Elections
  5. Romney becomes focus of debate -- and not in a positive way: voters, campaign - Elections
  6. NBC/Marist Florida and S.C Gingrich big lead on Romney in Primary, Obama leads both in General: unemployment, president - Elections
  7. Gingrich’s past catches up with him; rivals attack: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  8. Obama and the Boat he is Leading: Ron Paul, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  9. Newt Gingrich: Selling Access (New Ron Paul ad): Obama, government, supporter - Elections
  10. Rick Perry 'Hot Gas' & Gingrich 'Barrel' Slam: political, website - Elections
  11. News, Gingrich Is a 'Human Hand Grenade': Ron Paul, Congress, Republicans - Elections
  12. Obama Discouraging Latino Voters: Mexican, illegal, activist - Elections
  13. Georgia gun-rights group blasts Gingrich: president, Obama, Lautenberg - Elections
  14. Voters FLEE Democratic Party in Key Swing States: enemy, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  15. Wait, Wait, Don’t Appoint Me: Romney, Gingrich Cabinet Promises Could Break Law: Republican, Attorney - Elections
  16. Battleground State Voters Leaving Democrat Party in Droves Since 2008: Ron Paul, enemy, Democrats - Elections
  17. Exposing Newt Gingrich's Fake Conservativeness - suspect, revolution, party - Elections
  18. Gingrich vs. Santorum: president, Obama, money, date - Elections
  19. Obama and Romney in statistical tie in average of all polls: campaign, president - Elections
  20. News, Gay half-sister of Republican Gingrich backs Obama.: house of vote, legal - Elections
  21. Republican VS Obama.: votes, enemy, Republicans, polls - Elections
  22. Newt Gingrich Wants the Constitution to Die: Ron Paul, campaign, president - Elections
  23. Gingrich hires former Rubio campaign chief: 2011, date - Elections
  24. 21st Century Contract With America: insurance, dollars, government, 2012 - Elections
  25. Why i am glad that Ron Paul is Running!: vote, security, campaign - Elections
  26. Do You Live In a Late Voting Primary State?: votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  27. For every War loving, Anti-PAUL, Listening Fox news, Right wing Radio listening Newt, Bachmann, Mitt, Santorum supporter: Ron Paul, Iraq - Elections
  28. Blankley defends Newt's conservative record.: unemployment, Congress, democratic - Elections
  29. Cannot ignore Ron Paul anymore. The machine is in freakout mode.: polls, Obama - Elections
  30. Fox News- Mickey Mouse sig on Walker Recall Petition: carry, government - Elections
  31. Benn Swann Reality Check: Is Ron Paul really anti-Israel?: democratic, liberals, suspect - Elections
  32. Anti-Ron Paul posters, read: voters, legal, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  33. An idea: Condi Rice, Colin Powell, votes, democrat - Elections
  34. Nightmare neocons join Team Romney: Iraq, security, Afghanistan - Elections
  35. Savage offers Gingrich a mill to drop out: Obama, dollars - Elections
  36. 30-year-old Man Arrested For Defacing Recall Governor Walker Petition Signatures In West Bend: accuse, news - Elections
  37. Rick Perry doesn't like the country Solyndra...: Ron Paul, political, 2012 - Elections
  38. George Will for Huntsman: voting, liberals, conservative - Elections
  39. Justice Dept to look into voter repression: democratic, Republicans - Elections
  40. Notice the Difference Game: Ron Paul, politicians, 2011 - Elections
  41. Newt wants to kill you if you import 2 ounces of marajuana across the border, though he admits he once smoked it: Congress, illegal - Elections
  42. Gingrich Iowa staffer resigns after calling Mormonism a 'cult': campaign, Republican, spokesman - Elections
  43. Romney in 2002: My views are progressive: liberal, conservative, president - Elections
  44. Gingrich- I helped Romney get rich!: interview, Republicans, billion - Elections
  45. The Real Rick Perry: Republicans, conservative, support, 2011 - Elections
  46. Utah school voucher activist: I'll never support Huntsman again.: vote, campaign, - Elections
  47. Rush and Romney: Rush Limbaugh, conservative, ratings, party - Elections
  48. Ladies and Gentlemen; this IS perhaps, the MOST profound reason NOT to support Newt Gingrich...: vote, interview - Elections
  49. Interesting article on the Recent History of the GOP: ethics, Republicans, support - Elections
  50. Newt Gingrich about Trump over the years: American, political, 2011 - Elections
  51. I Could Be Succumbing to the Paul Aura...: Ron Paul, 9/11, enemies - Elections
  52. Ron Paul speech excerpts over the years (1984 - 2011): patriot, president, American - Elections
  53. Christmas Vacation with Ron Paul: voters, campaign, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  54. Slow & Steady Narrowing of the Field: campaign, polls, president - Elections
  55. Rasmussen: leading indicator?: voters, illegal aliens, Republicans - Elections
  56. Egads - Gingrich Interview With Glenn Beck This Morning: voting, Republican - Elections
  57. Woman who went to the Iowa Caucus surprised Bachman won: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  58. McCain says that spanic vote is up for grabs: Mexicans, Reagan - Elections
  59. Florida GOP hamstrings Allen West, helps Alan Grayson: vote, Congress, democratic - Elections
  60. IMAGINE! China Invades America!: wages, patriot, Mexicans, illegal - Elections
  61. Where do you live and whose signs are you seeing?: Ron Paul, Obama - Elections
  62. Newt Gingrich-- death penalty for drug offenders: Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  63. C-D Weekly Republican Poll (Dec. 13-17): Ron Paul, vote, polls, president - Elections
  64. Election 2012: Resurgent Republicans Close Gap in Key Swing States: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  65. News flash! Trump cancels debate!: Republicans, conservative, christmas, president - Elections
  66. Mitt Flip-Flop Romney in 2002: My Views are Progressive: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  67. Paul / Ventura 2012?: Ron Paul, vote, interview, thoughts - Elections
  68. Elizebeth Warren Makes me want to puke!: vote, Brown - Elections
  69. Newt: FDR Was The ‘Greatest President’ Of The 20th Century: Republicans, liberals - Elections
  70. With Cain gone, Democrats preparing to destroy Gingrich next: Congress, Iran, campaign - Elections
  71. Can we get T-Paw back?: votes, campaign, conservative, Obama - Elections
  72. Gingrich driving GOP off a cliff: campaign, Obama, Americans, Bush - Elections
  73. President Obama Losing his Base, and Others: Ron Paul, vote, - Elections
  74. GOP's secret weapon for 2012- SCOTUS: health care, vote, security, campaign - Elections
  75. New Brutal anti-Gingrich ad paid for by RP's campaign: Ron Paul, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  76. Who are people voting for Newt: Ron Paul, voters, Democrats - Elections
  77. Newt and Perry?: Ron Paul, votes, campaign, Republican - Elections
  78. The Trump/Gingrich/Santorum debate is still on: Ron Paul, vote, Iran - Elections
  79. Rand Paul: Newt Gingrich “Goes Against Everything the Tea Party Stands For”: global warming, Ron Paul - Elections
  80. Huntsman - Gingrich Show: arsenal, president, Obama - Elections
  81. Trump won't moderate Dec. 27 GOP debate: campaign, Republican, conservative - Elections
  82. Obama said dont vote for him because he fix the economy: unemployment, Congress - Elections
  83. No more couch scenes for newt and nancy: vote, ethics, - Elections
  84. Gingrich promises 'personal fidelity' in pledge: vote, Republicans, conservative, CNN - Elections
  85. Michael Savage offers Newt Gingrich 1 million dollars to drop out of the race: Ron Paul, Obama - Elections
  86. Huntsman: I am not kissing Trumps ring or other party of his anatomy.: campaign, Republicans - Elections
  87. How Ron Paul could be cheated out of an Iowa Caucus win: Republican - Elections
  88. Romney confronted by gay veteran: votes, Republicans, conservative, Obama - Elections
  89. Most SANE Americans agree....: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, generations - Elections
  90. So, You Like Ron Paul, But You Think his foriegn policy is 'kooky'? read this.: Cheney, 9/11 - Elections
  91. Herman Cain will endorse Newt Gingrich for presidential nomination: Ron Paul, campaign, - Elections
  92. If Gingrich is the answer, Tea Party has failed: Ron Paul, health care, Democrats - Elections
  93. People do not disagree with Ron Paul's ideas, they disagree with what they THINK are Ron Paul's ideas: Huckabee, security - Elections
  94. gun control and the 2012 election: Al Gore, Ron Paul, vote, Congress - Elections
  95. Gary Johnson withdraws form GOP race, will run as Liberatarian: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  96. Just in! Ron Paul is the candidate to beat in Iowa: Huckabee, campaign - Elections
  97. Ron Paul Wins Miami Straw Poll: vote, Republicans, conspiracy, Obama - Elections
  98. SHOCKING New Rasmussen Poll: Romney Leads in Iowa, Gingrich Plummets: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  99. Is it just me, or is Ron Paul getting way more support than is reported?: votes, interviews - Elections
  100. The unelectable: Limbaugh, voters, campaign, - Elections
  101. Newt Gingrich: Poor Kids Should Clean Bathrooms: vote, ethic, liberal - Elections
  102. Putting John Bolton in charge of the State Department would be like making Aman al-Zawahiri commandant of the Marine Cor: Iran, Iraq - Elections
  103. The Gingrich Charade. The End game!: Ron Paul, campaign, ethics, illegal - Elections
  104. Why do candidates lie. They Say President Obama is so bad ; but then they tell lies about him.: voters, security - Elections
  105. Newt blowing it in Iowa: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, thoughts - Elections
  106. Ron Paul's Tea Party Money Bomb - Dec 16th: voters, campaign, christmas - Elections
  107. Congressman Paul's most extraordinary trait is his consistancy ...: Ron Paul, vote, Iran - Elections
  108. Obama will be re-elected.: Ron Paul, vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  109. Trump, Gingrich announce new child apprentice program: Republican, liberal, conservative - Elections
  110. Fox News DEBATE 12/15: Ron Paul, Huckabee, unemployment, votes - Elections
  111. Will Santorum be the next GOP flavor of the week ?: liberal, brainwash - Elections
  112. Walker recall: Same people signing, multiple times.: voters, ethics, Democrats - Elections
  113. Gingrich tax plan favors the rich: campaign, Republican, Reed, American - Elections
  114. What is all this about Obama and the gay rumors?: Rush Limbaugh, democrat - Elections
  115. Down the stretch, Perry plans a big push in Iowa: voters, campaign - Elections
  116. AG Holder: DOJ to review new voter ID laws: voters, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  117. Romney speaks french in attack ad: voters, campaign, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  118. Romney gets endorsed by... Christine O'Donnell???: voters, campaign, liberal, conservative - Elections
  119. 2012 Republican Race: The Field May Not Be Closed: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote - Elections
  120. At what point will the Obamatrons consider RP to be a serious threat?: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  121. Newt's grievous ethics violation: Congress, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  122. Ron Paul Is The King of Earmark Requests???: votes, Congress, Republicans - Elections
  123. Two new Rasmussen & PPP polls show great news for Ron Paul: voters, Israel - Elections
  124. Iowa Poll: Only Ron Paul Can Beat Obama: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  125. Paul supporters: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, Obama - Elections
  126. A Brokered GOP Convention?: voters, Congress, campaign, democrat - Elections
  127. Rick Perry's new TV ad, Strong: Republicans, conservative, polls - Elections
  128. Ron Paul vs. Obama?: votes, Republican, poll - Elections
  129. The man who would be King >Donald Trump<: campaign, biased - Elections
  130. Don't Count Out Rick Perry Just: Ron Paul, vote, interview - Elections
  131. My Opinion on Mr. Paul.: Ron Paul, voters, candidacy, Democrats - Elections
  132. Poll: Huntsman vs. Obama: vote, Republican, liberal - Elections
  133. 3 Questions: Obama or Gingrich?: vote, security, campaign, democrat - Elections
  134. Voters Flee Democratic Party in Key Swing States: Democrats, liberals, president - Elections
  135. Newt's healthcare plan: cheat on and dump wife 1(cancer) and wife 2(MS), bend over America - comes Gingrich!!!: voting, Congress - Elections
  136. Trump calls Ron Paul a 'joke' - talk about the pot calling the kettle...: Republican - Elections
  137. Presidential Election 2012: Generic Republican 49%, Obama 41%: Ron Paul, interviews, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  138. Rick Perry's War on Religion: Iran, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  139. Bachmann Hurts Trump's Feelings: Ron Paul, fence, party, news - Elections
  140. Romney won't participate in Trump debate, cites busy campaign schedule: Ron Paul, interview - Elections
  141. Bachmann turns down Trump debate: Republican, politicians, rating, 2011 - Elections
  142. Media Bias / Ron Paul: vote, interviews, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  143. Palin Endorses Trump Debate, Urges Candidates to Join: interview, Republican, conservative - Elections
  144. Elizabeth warren leading brown by large Margin: campaign, president, death - Elections
  145. Gingrich: latest GOP decoy: voters, campaign, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  146. Can Obama be beat by in the world?: voters, enemy, security - Elections
  147. Hypothetical: Assuming Ron Paul Wins the Primary, What VP Pick Will Satisfy His Followers?: votes, enemy - Elections
  148. Gingrich's Organization Deficit Disorder: Ron Paul, unemployment, voters, security - Elections
  149. Woman says she performed sexual acts on married Newt in 1977: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  150. SHOCKING: Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) Flubs Easy About Red Sox: voters, campaign - Elections
  151. Newt Gingrich VS obama.: vote, Republicans, Clinton, independent - Elections
  152. Perry too turns down Trump debate: voters, campaign, American, governor - Elections
  153. Can we agree to end all discussion of Perry as president?: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  154. A Kennedy to replace Barney Frank?: vote, Congress, democratic, liberal - Elections
  155. ABC Debate on Saturday - December 10: interview, Democrats, Republicans, poll - Elections
  156. Santorum calls Trump debate skippers 'hypocrites': vote, candidacy, Republican, political - Elections
  157. Stop Obama before he Registers to Run in Your State: patriots, illegal - Elections
  158. CBS Poll: 75% Wrong Direction, 66% No Idea What Obama Wants To Do If Reelected: health care system, Bush - Elections
  159. Bachman, the supposedly Christian Torutre queen!: voters, Congress, interview, enemy - Elections
  160. Newt calls for massive program to colonize the moon.: Congress, democrat - Elections
  161. Newt Gingrich another NeoCon.: unemployed, vote, Iran, middle east - Elections
  162. What you don't know about Herman Cain: interviews, bias - Elections
  163. Dan Quayle Endorses Mitt Romney, Calls Him 'Our Best Hope': Republican - Elections
  164. Judicial Watch Sues Obama Administration to Obtain Solyndra Records: global warming, vote, campaign - Elections
  165. When The Flavor Of The Month Newt Tanks, Who Will The Right Support Next?: votes, enemy - Elections
  166. Do you Think Obama was responsible for the character assassination of Herman Cain?: voters, campaign - Elections
  167. Dear lefties.... think of this the next time you want to post a about the GOP candidates being weak.: voting, ethics - Elections
  168. Let's Say You Vote For Gingrich Because...: Ron Paul, Iran, campaign - Elections
  169. Two Romneys: Wealthy Man, Thrifty Habits: campaign, Rockefeller, American, dollar - Elections
  170. ABC Iowa Debate: All Of Ron Paul’s Answers: vote, interview, - Elections
  171. Who's smarter between Rick Perry and Sarah Palin?: Rush Limbaugh, conspiracy - Elections
  172. Newt the GOP noninee soon?: voters, Iran, patriot - Elections
  173. We are going to get CREAMED (GOP): Ron Paul, health care system, voters - Elections
  174. Rick Perry thinks there are 8 Supreme Court Justices, & says one of them is Montemayor: activist, president - Elections
  175. Ron Paul wins Oklahoma Straw Poll: voters, campaign, polls, dollars - Elections
  176. Ron Paul: Bush gleeful of invading Iraq: Cheney, 9/11, Congress - Elections
  177. Obama's ace in the hole could be Hillary Clinton: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  178. Ron Pauls crazy foriegn policy ideas don't matter: vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  179. redirects to Ron Paul site!: campaign, Reed, support - Elections
  180. Fox News Poll Picks Obama, Stuns Gretchen Carlson: voters, democratic, polls - Elections
  181. Gallup: Obama approval rating drops to 42%: unemployment, Reagan, polls, president - Elections
  182. Ron Paul debate highlights.: unemployment, vote, patriot, Reed - Elections
  183. If the election was today, who would you vote for as the next President of the United States in 2012, and why?: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  184. Is Rick Perry proof that Texans are dumb?: Ron Paul, vote, Congress - Elections
  185. - New site for new to Ron Paul: vote, security - Elections
  186. Presidential Choices - No choice at all: Ron Paul, vote, patriot - Elections
  187. Texas Monthly gets it right on the money: campaign, president, 2012 - Elections
  188. New identification of Citizens of a Nations for True Democray.: employment - Elections
  189. News, Cain still has millions in campaign money.: dollars, 2011, presidency - Elections
  190. A new poll of 12 swing states shows Mitt Romney doing better vs. President Obama than Newt Gingrich: Republicans, election - Elections
  191. Fact-Checkers Blast Brett Baier and Democrats – The Charge of Romney’s “Flip-Flopping” is Greatly Exaggerated: global warming, health care - Elections
  192. sarah chang for President: Putin, enemies, 2012, world - Elections
  193. the best video to help you understand Ron Paul's foreign policy - Elections
  194. Are you going to vote in 2012?: president - Elections
  195. Arpaio gets death threats over Obama investigation: controversial, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  196. Noted veteran political journalist Peggy Noonan.. Warns about Gingrich: ethical, president - Elections
  197. The Keystone Cops II: Ron Paul, ethics, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  198. Interesting Iowa Trending Polling Data and Analysis: Ron Paul, voters, campaign - Elections
  199. The candidate for a strong national defense and the...: military, support - Elections
  200. Gingrich Child Labor Hypocrisy Exposed By 'Cookie' Ad - Elections