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  1. Good Speech by Herman Cain on Nov. 18: Ron Paul, Congress, Taliban - Elections
  2. Herman Cain Gets Secret Service Protection.: vote, CNN, president, suspect - Elections
  3. Mitt Romney pens open letter to President Obama in N.H. newspapers: campaign, democrat - Elections
  4. Newt Gingrich and the derailment of the 1994 revolution.: votes, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  5. Electoral College – Romney or Gingrich vs Obama: Ron Paul, voters, enemy - Elections
  6. Architect of Obama Healthcare Bill says Romney is Lying: health care, campaign, democrat - Elections
  7. Republicans show at debate their lack of security vision years after Sep. 11th: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  8. Generic Congressional Ballot - GOP lead expands to 5%: voters, democrat, Republican - Elections
  9. George Kaiser, Obama Donor, Discussed Solyndra Loan With White House, Emails Show: president, Barack Obama - Elections
  10. Rick Perry proposed a binational health insurance program with Mexico.: health care, voters - Elections
  11. Will you vote for this man: campaign, spokesman, activist - Elections
  12. The Keystone Cops...: Ron Paul, security, illegal aliens, Democrats - Elections
  13. Christie opens his campaign: Ron Paul, Congress, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  14. Cain on the patriot act ...: conservative, FBI, Obama - Elections
  15. Why Do Political Parties Allow The Media To Pick ItS Candidates?: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  16. Newt Gingrich in striking distance of Romney in New Hampshire: vote, Republicans - Elections
  17. Chaos prevails in GOP! Guarantee, if Christie jumped in NOW...he'd lead by 50%..: interviews, campaign - Elections
  18. Tommy Thompson Launches Wisconsin Senate Bid: health care, vote, campaign, - Elections
  19. Congressman Paul endorses the freestate project in New Hampshire: Ron Paul, vote, interview - Elections
  20. Romney: There is nothing exceptional about the U.S.: campaign, ethics - Elections
  21. If america votes their pocket book Obama loses.: Republicans, conservative, president - Elections
  22. Right wing rag, has Paul way ahead: Ron Paul, vote, conservative - Elections
  23. Will Newt tank?: global warming, voters, Iran, campaign - Elections
  24. Clueless Cain - MSM's pick for front-runner: voters, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  25. Ron Paul Has International Grassroots Support ... Do of the other GOP candidates?: votes, Congress - Elections
  26. More stupid stuff from Perry!: voters, Republicans, conservative, president - Elections
  27. Sheriff Joe Arpaio to endorse Rick Perry: votes, campaign, illegal - Elections
  28. Obamas job approval lower than Carter.: unemployed, Congress, ethical, legal - Elections
  29. Poll: Should Herman Cain End His Presidential Campaign?: vote, candidacy, conservative - Elections
  30. Herman Cain is reassessing his campaign. This means.......: candidacy, democrat - Elections
  31. worst republican field in modern history?: Ron Paul, voters, patriot, democrat - Elections
  32. US Election 2012: Newt Gingrich surges ahead in Iowa: voters, conservative, activist - Elections
  33. Ron Paul Supporters: Join the GOP or Go Home: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  34. Shut up Rick, just shut up...: vote, campaign, legal, president - Elections
  35. Romney Picks Up Key Endorsements In Florida: house of voters, Congress - Elections
  36. Can someone tell me why someone like Roemer doesnt get traction???: Congress, interview - Elections
  37. So now that there is no doubt Herman Cain is out due to his issues , who can the Republicans possibly throw out now?: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  38. about the women of Herman Cain: Democrats, president, death - Elections
  39. Gary Johnson threatening 3rd party run, feels abandoned by the republican party: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  40. Bill Kristol: FL GOP primary winner could be write-in: campaign, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  41. Herman Cain panders to Hispanics, recites 'nueve, nueve, nueve' plan to crowd: voters, Democrats - Elections
  42. Newt Gingrich to get Big New Hampshire endorsement: Ron Paul, security, - Elections
  43. would obama have to run vs. gingrich?: Congress, enemy, democrat - Elections
  44. My thoughts on 2012: unemployment, voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  45. If conservatives control so much why you elect one for President?: enemy, liberals - Elections
  46. President Obama's purported 'weird'-Mormon strategy against Mitt Romney will backfire, pundits say: voters, campaign - Elections
  47. Newt's Economic plan: unemployment, Reagan, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  48. Why is Ron Paul different than ALL the others?: voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  49. You say Mitt Romney is a flip-flopper...: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  50. Romney- candidate of the 1%?: Ron Paul, candidacy, campaign, - Elections
  51. Newt: the perfect Democrat Candidate: Ron Paul, vote, Reagan, Republicans - Elections
  52. Will Santorum get a turn?: Ron Paul, vote, Republican, conservative - Elections
  53. What vice president pick could get you to seriously think about voting republican in 2012?: voters, enemy - Elections
  54. Bill Clinton: Newt Gingrich Is 'Being Rewarded For Thinking': vote, security, - Elections
  55. Newt calls out Obama AND his telemprompter: Congress, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  56. Herman Cain re-assessing presidential candidacy: security, campaign, Republican, liberal - Elections
  57. Why is the party that wanted to impeach Clinton for his sexual history Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich?: security, thoughts - Elections
  58. Woman Says to Have Been in 13 Year Affair With Herman Cain: vote, interview - Elections
  59. Ron Paul Believes Bloodthirsty Islamofascist Terrorists are Morally Equivalent to Peaceful Americans: 9/11, Iran - Elections
  60. Why don't independents and Democrats unhappy with Obama vote for Huntsman?: global warming, votes - Elections
  61. George Will: Uh... can we take another look at Perry?: voters, - Elections
  62. Herman Cain suspends Campaign Ends with Pokeman Quote: democrat, president - Elections
  63. A Black Man Traveled the Country and Was Applauded By Supposedly Racist Whites: vote, Democrats - Elections
  64. Huntsman the only electable Republican: Ron Paul, vote, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  65. Do You Think Newt Gingrich Has Hair Growing On His Back?: Brown, Obama - Elections
  66. Which Republican would make the most hilarious president?: nuclear, Obama, million - Elections
  67. Michelle Bachmannn on gay marriage: campaign, legal, president, Reed - Elections
  68. Trump to host GOP debate- no joke: campaign, Republicans - Elections
  69. Gingrich explanation of Freddie relationship fails to hold up.: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  70. Another Presidential Forum tonight at 8 on Fox...: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote - Elections
  71. Newt Gingrich To Obama: Let's Debate, You Can Use Your Teleprompter: president, Dodd - Elections
  72. Was Herman Cain a product of affirmative action?: racist, political, world - Elections
  73. Does Ron Paul have Cross Over Appeal?: party affiliation, voters, generation - Elections
  74. Sen. Tom Coburn Finds Newt Gingrich’s Leadership ‘Lacking’: house of vote - Elections
  75. Is Newt Gingrich a Classic Sociopath?: vote, campaign, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  76. Trump attacks Ron Paul for skipping the debate: votes, campaign, - Elections
  77. Obama Issues Ron Paul 'Kill Order': Putin, Congress, security, Republican - Elections
  78. Predictions? Which candidate will Cain endorse?: patriots, campaign, party, election - Elections
  79. It was really the Libya comments that brought down the Cain campaign.: interview, security - Elections
  80. Condi for VP: Condi Rice, Republicans, president, Bush - Elections
  81. Iowa Poll: Gingrich 25, Paul 18, Romney 16: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters, - Elections
  82. Obama is going to get re-elected in 2012: voters, Congress, millionaire - Elections
  83. Cain launches website: Women for Herman Cain: campaign, president, Reed - Elections
  84. The Anti-Semitism of Ron Paul Supporters: vote, Israel, democrat, Republican - Elections
  85. Obama's base turning against him: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  86. Newt Gingrich: I helped defeat communism: Al Gore, vote, Congress, interview - Elections
  87. Mitt Romney Doesn't Think He Flip Flops and Gets Annoyed: health care, vote - Elections
  88. Why would you vote for Mitt Romney? Why not?: Cheney, 9/11, Congress - Elections
  89. Newt Gingrich ad paid for by Ron Paul campaign: vote, Republican, drug - Elections
  90. Why are people afraid to support Ron Paul?: votes, interviews, middle east - Elections
  91. Bye, Bye Herman Cain??: campaign, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  92. City Data Election Prediction 342 Days Out: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  93. Is this the beginning of what to expect if Gingrinch is the candidate?: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  94. FOX NEWS Reporter claiming GOP race just CHANGED dramatically..: poll, Obama, top - Elections
  95. A few surprises from Cain's 13-year-affair accuser: interviews, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  96. I think Romney senses he may be in trouble: voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  97. Bad news Reds- Nov jobless rate hits two year low!: unemployment, liberal - Elections
  98. What's Good for Romney Should Go For Gingrich Too: Ron Paul, vote, patriot - Elections
  99. Cain to meet with his wife to discuss affair allegation: campaign, - Elections
  100. Newt Gingrich: The Serial Hyporite: Ron Paul, voting, Clinton, support - Elections
  101. Perry running for third party!: conservative, president, Obama, ideologies - Elections
  102. Newt's rise... explain????: conservative, Obama, Reed, party - Elections
  103. Gingrich: 'I'm going to be the nominee': Rush Limbaugh, voters, Republican - Elections
  104. Rasmussen: Gingrich 38, Romney 17: Ron Paul, voters, Republican, poll - Elections
  105. Americans Elect: Ron Paul, party affiliation, thoughts, legal - Elections
  106. Why can't people see Romney is the man for the GOP?: global warming, voters - Elections
  107. R.I.P. Newt: vote, Congress, campaign, democrat - Elections
  108. Amazing! As a 'flavor of week' is Falling like a big rock, the MSM is promoting their 'rise.' - False News: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  109. Why you need to vote Obama in 2012: Iraq, Baby Boomers, president - Elections
  110. Ron Paul Is An Isolationist Who Will Kill Us All: Iran, Iraq - Elections
  111. Ron Paul is kids' choice in presidential straw poll: vote, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  112. GOP Primary: Romney Leads in California; Ron Paul at 6%: voters, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  113. Republican Presidential Nominee in 2012? Who????: Republicans, Bush, leader, party - Elections
  114. The next push for Paul?: death, Obama, McCain, political - Elections
  115. Could Ron Paul be the next 'not Romney.': Republican, liberal - Elections
  116. LOL HERMAN CAIN Was Messing With Us: campaign, president, dollars - Elections
  117. We need a leader, not a reader.: voting, president, Simpson - Elections
  118. Conservative columnist: the GOP has become Palinized: Republicans, liberals - Elections
  119. Cain says Paul would not be a good president b.c he actually wants to get rid of stuff: Ron Paul, Congress - Elections
  120. how do ron paul people come off to you?: health care, vote, wage - Elections
  121. Breaking NOW - Live streaming of GOP candidates in Thanksgiving Forum: Obama, political - Elections
  122. ron paul could win, if he wins iowa: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  123. Is Romney a liberal, a moderate, or a conservative?: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  124. Cain suggests Taliban running Libya: 9/11, middle east, security, arsenal - Elections
  125. Greed is Good--Romney IS Gordon Gekko: Huckabee, vote, legal, Democrats - Elections
  126. Is Herman Cain the Republican Flavor Flav ?: voting, racist, Obama - Elections
  127. Perry Town Hall Guests Asked To Prove Citizenship: voting, campaign, illegal - Elections
  128. Perry Challenges Pelosi To Debate Him on An Overhaul of Congress: campaign, - Elections
  129. Does Herman Cain Know ANYTHING besides the art of fondling??: voting, - Elections
  130. Bellweather: Romney Leads Obama by 10 Points in New Hampshire: global warming, Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  131. Newt and his freddie mac connection: campaign, Republicans, president, Obama - Elections
  132. 2008 democrat candidates were jokes: Ron Paul, vote, middle east, Democrats - Elections
  133. God has been calling a bunch of Republicans again: democratic, liberals - Elections
  134. Gary Johnson Files FEC and FCC complaints Against CBS For Being Excluded From The Recent GOP Debate: John Kerry, Ron Paul - Elections
  135. Dems, if you could make the switch, would you?: democratic, Republican, president - Elections
  136. Perry Comes Out With Solutions Plan Today: global warming, votes, Congress - Elections
  137. Romney, Gingrich and Cain all Beat Ron Paul in Maryland GOP Straw Poll: Republican - Elections
  138. Newt's a Bankster operative: Ron Paul, vote, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  139. GOP Candidate Surge In December?: Huckabee, campaign, Reagan, Republican - Elections
  140. What Do You Think Will Be the First Item on the Agenda if Obama Wins a Second Term?: Republican, conservative - Elections
  141. Gingrich says ticket of Gingrich-Cain could happen in 2012: Cheney, campaign, - Elections
  142. Romneycare and Obamacare The Same Says MIT Architect of Both Plans: vote, legal - Elections
  143. Herman Cain would loosen federal marijuana restrictions: Ron Paul, Fast food, campaign - Elections
  144. 'I'm Not Supposed to Know Anything About Foreign Policy,' Cain Says: voting, middle east - Elections
  145. If a Republican wins in 2012: Ron Paul, wage, poll, president - Elections
  146. The Right Wing Radio (Idiots): Ron Paul, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  147. Perry Ad: Obama Pathetic for calling Americans Lazy: Putin, president - Elections
  148. Is Ron Paul More Progressive Than Obama? (Good Read for Dems/Libs/Progs): voters, Congress - Elections
  149. Did Newt make millions promoting health care ideas he now opposes: interviews, campaign - Elections
  150. For most Republican voters, Mitt Romney's faith is not an issue: Republicans, polls - Elections
  151. New Iowa Poll Places Ron Paul Firmly as #1 with 25%: voters, patriot, security - Elections
  152. Bombshell: Newt Gingrich Failed to Qualify for the Missouri GOP Primary… Won’t Appear on Ballot: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  153. ABC News reports Romney has problems in Iowa: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  154. Newt wants to set labor laws back and put nine year olds to work !: democrat, liberals - Elections
  155. FACT: Ron Paul is NOT an Isolationist: September 11, Congress, campaign - Elections
  156. Head to Head, Obama still leading all Republican candidates.: vote, Republicans, polls - Elections
  157. CNN Republican National Security debate tonight at 8pm ET: Ron Paul, vote, Iran - Elections
  158. Really and honestly, the Republican Party must change: Harry Reid, Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  159. Obama struggling in Pennsylvania: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  160. Ron Paul Reaps Big Donations From Federal Workers: health care, security, campaign - Elections
  161. 9/11, Iraq, Housing Bubble: GWB worst president in U.S. history?: deaths, Clinton - Elections
  162. Newt and illegal immigrants: voters, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  163. The political wilderness without a place to call home: global warming, votes, gallon - Elections
  164. Mitt Romney strong with women voters: health care, interviews, campaign, represent - Elections
  165. INTERESTING: How will you vote in the next 2012 PRESIDENTIAL elections ..?: Ron Paul, democrat
  166. No republican has the vast network Obama has: vote, Congress, candidacy - Elections
  167. Narrowing down the field: Ron Paul, vote, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  168. When will Rick Perry bow out?: voting, democrat, Republican, christmas - Elections
  169. A Failure of Leadership: Great RNC Ad: Congress, president, Obama - Elections
  170. First on CNN: Key social conservatives secretly meet to stop Romney in Iowa: Huckabee, - Elections
  171. The Republican primary circus show has a new head clown: Congress, ethics - Elections
  172. Straw Polls: Ron Paul, voters, work, date - Elections
  173. Kristol: Romney all too evitable candidate: voters, campaign, - Elections
  174. Ron Paul wins North Carolina Republican Straw Poll: votes, patriot, - Elections
  175. Cain says black vote will give him the win: voters, Republican - Elections
  176. Paul: US policy contributed to 9/11: Ron Paul, president, revolution, terrorists - Elections
  177. Oh....My: Michigan in Play for 2012?: voters, Congress, conservative - Elections
  178. Investigator: Herman Cain innocent of sexual advances: vote, interview, Democrats - Elections
  179. How will you celeberate Obama's 2012 electoral victory?: Ron Paul, unemployment, Congress - Elections
  180. 9-9-9: A Discussion with Herman Cain: unemployment, health care, wage - Elections
  181. 2016 Contenders: Michael Bloomberg, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  182. Republicans Suffer Bitter Defeat in Culture War. Current Field of GOP Candidates Prove it.: Ron Paul, campaign - Elections
  183. Uh oh...Could Texas be poised to Turn Blue in 2012?: voters, campaign - Elections
  184. Birthers try to keep Obama off New Hampshire ballot: Rush Limbaugh, house of candidacy - Elections
  185. Is Obama the Worst President in US History?: Limbaugh, unemployment, Congress - Elections
  186. Which Republican do you want to face in 2012?: voters, campaign, - Elections
  187. Romney goes on attack in New Hampshire: unemployment, Congress, campaign - Elections
  188. News, Firm's T-shirts take 2 sides on Cain.: Republican, president, support - Elections
  189. Nation's Largest Election Sign Goes Live!: Ron Paul, supporter, 2011 - Elections
  190. Bachman Pushes all the Chips to Center with New Ad: Obama, 2012 - Elections
  191. Romney picks up Iowa paper's endorsement: voters, Democrats, Republican, conservative - Elections
  192. Herman Cain Interview on David Letterman - Elections
  193. Newt now statistically ties Romney in New Hampshire: Ron Paul, states, claims - Elections
  194. Newt Responds to the Scrutiny from the Media: 2011, world - Elections
  195. This is why Mitt Romney avoids the media like the plague: interviews, political - Elections
  196. Crazy Republican Polls and the Agenda: Ron Paul, Israel, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  197. Alert- Romney to appear on Fox and Friends Friday AM: interview, date - Elections
  198. Jimmy Fallon's house band dissed Bachman: interview, 2012 - Elections
  199. This lead cannot endure what Gingrich must face..: Ron Paul, voters, Republican - Elections
  200. AARP: Dr. Paul puts the lies in the trash.: 2011 - Elections