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  1. Political election jokes. Both sides of the isle.: Ron Paul, Cheney, Democrats - Elections
  2. Polls In Ohio and Pennsylvania: vote, Republican, state, 2011 - Elections
  3. America can't lose: Ron Paul, drugs, president, Obama - Elections
  4. Fox News Poll: Romney, Perry, and Cain: Ron Paul, voters, CNN - Elections
  5. the truth about christie is people wont vote for him because he's morbidly obese: conservative, Obama - Elections
  6. Politico - Christie Too Liberal, Cain Says: global warming, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  7. Hilary Clinton should run as an Independent.: Ron Paul, votes, democrat - Elections
  8. Donations Predictions For The Quarter: Ron Paul, voting, campaign, Obama - Elections
  9. Bob McDonnell: Republican, president, governor, states - Elections
  10. Pawlenty's campaign commercials are back and Perry's the star: governor, Texas, news - Elections
  11. Great job, Michele Bachmann...Pressing hard after Rick Perry's shady dealings in Texas.: vote, campaign - Elections
  12. Ron Paul ditches CPAC in FL for better audience at LSU: vote, polls - Elections
  13. i wrap my head around this. why do people donate hard earned money to politicians?: Ron Paul, - Elections
  14. Sign this petition to get money out of politics!: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  15. How do the candidates seem to measure up to the task?: Ron Paul, Congress - Elections
  16. How can this happen?! Herman Cain wins BIG in another straw poll conservatives!: Republican, women - Elections
  17. Election alert: WV Gov election Tues 10-4: votes, patriot, Democrats - Elections
  18. s a Republican I Can Fully Support: Ron Paul, unemployment, campaign - Elections
  19. Obama: From First to Worst on Medical Marijuana: campaign, drug, liberal - Elections
  20. Secure New Ron Paul TV ad: security, American, money - Elections
  21. Banned Ron Paul TV Ad: president, speech, government, states - Elections
  22. Mitt Flip Flop Romney now says public sector experience more important than private sector experience!: Republicans, president - Elections
  23. Pre-debate Bloomberg Montage of Ron Paul: Republican, Clinton, Obama, support - Elections
  24. Perry TV AD Romney's Remedy - Elections
  25. havent had the internet for a week, can paul people confirm that he actually is against the killing of that terrorist?: enemy, - Elections
  26. Perry's Critics Say He is Not Racist: democratic, president, Reed - Elections
  27. Chris Christie announces today... He is not Running for President...: Ron Paul - Elections
  28. For Him-self or US of America.: president, Obama, economy, goverment - Elections
  29. Campaign Length: candidacy, polls, president - Elections
  30. Senate Dems Eye Elections in Split With Obama: voters, interview, campaign
  31. Regulations = Liberty.: vote, security, drugs - Elections
  32. Romney’s Cash Swells After Christie Opts Out: campaign, Republican, conservative - Elections
  33. Freedom Watch: What to look for in tonite's debate (and $16 muffins): Republican, president - Elections
  34. Michelle Obama drops dinner raffle cost from $5 to $3: Ron Paul, legal, million - Elections
  35. Donald Trump is absolutely correct US Military!: enemies, security, Texas - Elections
  36. President Zero Video: Al Gore, Ron Paul, campaign, Obama - Elections
  37. Republicans - Government can't do anything right: Ron Paul, Iraq, generations - Elections
  38. Obama losing ground to Sarah Palin?: Ron Paul, voters, Congress, thoughts - Elections
  39. Bachman betting all in Iowa: votes, campaign, polls, school - Elections
  40. John Fleming says that, Class Warfare Never Created a Job.: Congress, security - Elections
  41. The Truth - The Nation - Ron Paul know what he is talking about.: vote, racist - Elections
  42. Elizabeth Warren Leads Scott Brown in Senate Race: Republicans, poll, American - Elections
  43. The Alternative Vote: Ron Paul, Democrats, Republicans, elect - Elections
  44. Ron Paul 2nd in NH - Perry 4th: votes, campaign, Republican - Elections
  45. Republican canidates twist the truth-quite a bit: Palestinians, Israeli, - Elections
  46. Latest Poll Shows Obama Has Hit an All Time Low!: president, March - Elections
  47. New Ron Paul TV ad He Served: Al Gore, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  48. Why does Michelle Bachman lie so much?: Republican, liberals, Obama - Elections
  49. National and statewide polls show Herman Cain catapulting to the top: voters, campaign - Elections
  50. Dem WINS in WV Gov race: health care, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  51. Christie Not my time: voters, campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  52. Is this the Occupiers?: Iraq, democrat, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  53. Ron Paul's Message to Hispanics: Same as to Everyone: voters, democrat - Elections
  54. Another GOP White Knight Bites The Dust.: campaign, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  55. Honkeys for Herman?: vote, work - Elections
  56. Herman Cain finds another group to alienate: unemployment, voters, wage - Elections
  57. Palin NOT running for POTUS: Republicans, president, Obama, Levin - Elections
  58. Ron Paul: I won’t ‘kowtow’ to Hispanic voters: wage, Mexican - Elections
  59. Romney vs. Obama--not quite the slam dunk you think it will be: vote, campaign - Elections
  60. White Conservatives Like Herman Cain Because...: democratic, liberals, activist - Elections
  61. President Christie: Ron Paul, governor, elect, state - Elections
  62. Perry Has Something New To Crow About: Texas Number 1 For Most Favorable Business Climate: wage, Republican - Elections
  63. 'Obama Supporters' vs 'Ron Paul Supporters': voters, conservative, represent - Elections
  64. Cain offended by Perry's hunting camp's name: N*****head: Republicans - Elections
  65. why hasnt rick perry resigned as governer???: Democrats, Republican, liberals - Elections
  66. Romney has been purchased by big banks: vote, campaign, - Elections
  67. Rick Perry: Drug war may require our military in Mexico: 9/11, vote - Elections
  68. Herman Cain wins GOP National Women's Convention straw poll: votes, campaign, Republican - Elections
  69. His Policies Suck But He's Black! That's All That Matters! He's Got My Vote!: democrat - Elections
  70. Great Herman Cain interview. In depth, not soundbites: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  71. Cain ties Perry for 2nd in new WaPo/ABC poll: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  72. Does Care The Chris Christie Isn't Running?: campaign, thoughts, democratic - Elections
  73. Looks like Perry is falling out of the Republican race.: vote, - Elections
  74. News alert! Christie press conference 1PM Eastern time: campaign, conservative, president - Elections
  75. Democrat Governor Calls for Suspending Elections: vote, campaign, impeachment
  76. Obama May Cancel 2012 Elections!!!... Under the cover of economic collapse...: campaign, president
  77. Palin on Hannity: voters, Congress, president - Elections
  78. Rick Perry: As a Christian, I have a directive to support Israel: vote, Palestinians - Elections
  79. Cain! Epic genius! Vote for this guy!: Ron Paul, NAFTA, security - Elections
  80. Joe the Plumber is Running for Congress: salary, candidacy, Republican - Elections
  81. Election 2012 - Conservatives Reclaim White House: campaign, Reagan, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  82. Ron Paul and the internet...: NAFTA, 9/11, vote, Congress - Elections
  83. Why vote why bother if the media ignores your voice: Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul - Elections
  84. Are Mormans Christians? Cain and Bachmann refuse to say: votes, CNN - Elections
  85. A few questions a left leaning Independent who's Ron Paul would like to ask of his supporters.: 9/11, votes - Elections
  86. Chicago Tribune article on Why Obama Should Withdraw: wage, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  87. Why Aren't Bachmann and Romney Actively Competing In Florida's Straw Poll?: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  88. Gallup--Romney 20%--Cain 18%--Perry 15%--Paul 8%: Ron Paul, voters, campaign, - Elections
  89. HERMAN CAIN, is he able?: voters, campaign, democrat, Americans - Elections
  90. Christie Endorses Romney: Republican, conservative, Obama, Levin - Elections
  91. Who should be eligible to vote in the US?: Congress, salaries, Americans - Elections
  92. Could an unmarried woman sink Obama?: vote, security, campaign, - Elections
  93. Opposition to Cain's 9-9-9 plan: Congress, Democrats, CNN, economic - Elections
  94. If the Republicans dont raise taxes on the rich, they lose the election...: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  95. Ron Paul's Foreign Policy is CRAZY, right??: September 11, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  96. Look at numbers for Obama: voters, enemy, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  97. Third Party effort to transform 2012 Elections: Ron Paul, votes, candidacy, Democrats
  98. Wonder why republicans drooled over Christie?: unemployment, voting, millionaire, - Elections
  99. Romney calls for America to lead the world: Republican, conservative, president - Elections
  100. Donald Trump tweeted his dis-pleasure with Obama.: voters, millionaire, Republican - Elections
  101. Obama the loner president: campaign, Bill Clinton, million - Elections
  102. What Do You Think of The Republican Debate Schedule: voters, Congress, Israel - Elections
  103. Todays election, besides Cain: Ron Paul, voters, conservative, Barack Hussein Obama - Elections
  104. Romney's Foreign Policy team- be afraid!: Ron Paul, 9/11, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  105. Herman Cain ... Ex Fed. Chairman! (1995–96): Ron Paul, vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  106. If the Election were today...: vote, conservative, Obama, constitutional - Elections
  107. Is Obama still President??: Harry Reid, Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  108. Ron Paul wins straw poll at Value Voters summit!: Congress, conservative, polls - Elections
  109. Romney as a Mormon: vote, Republicans, Obama, Reed - Elections
  110. Cain against AUDITING the Federal Reserve: Ron Paul, Congress, Americans - Elections
  111. Will You Watch The Debate Tuesday? Not: politician, leader, economy - Elections
  112. The greatest anti-war ad by Ron Paul (PAC): vote, Iran, Israel - Elections
  113. Cain's Nine Nine Nine: Does It Mean Bigger Government?: Ron Paul, employment, health care - Elections
  114. Far left vows Primary challenge to Obama: health care, vote, interview - Elections
  115. If Ron Paul wins the republican nomination...: voters, Attorney, party - Elections
  116. Cain Now Leads O'bummer:: Reagan, democratic, Republican, conservative - Elections
  117. Why Should I Be Excited By Christie?: Iran, liberal - Elections
  118. Note to Republicans no viable candidate is going to run against Obama in the primaries.: Cheney, voters - Elections
  119. Now that Ponzi Perry flamed out... whose next?: Republicans, president, Obama - Elections
  120. Top 10 reasons to vote Republican: Congress, Iraq, campaign, - Elections
  121. GOP is out of options: unemployed, votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  122. 57% of Floridians disapprove of Obama: voters, Congress, Republicans, polls - Elections
  123. Herman Cain...: Ron Paul, vote, Republicans, poll - Elections
  124. It was very clear, after the latest GOP Debate, Herman Cain took it 'by Storm': impeachment, Democrats - Elections
  125. Is it just me, or have I been noticing Fox News trying to do damage control on Perry?: interviews, - Elections
  126. Top 10 reasons to vote Democratic: voters, gallon, Iraq, Republicans - Elections
  127. Obama has pretty much up n trying to run on his record: unemployment, voters - Elections
  128. For Who Think The Hermanator Is Inexperienced: Ron Paul, Republicans, president - Elections
  129. Has the US elected an obese president in the last 100 years?: Democrats - Elections
  130. Elizabeth Warren gets major Endorsement: voters, Democrats, conservative, polls - Elections
  131. Ron Paul (2nd) Still Ignored By Media - s Why!...: Congress, Iran - Elections
  132. The Hill: When Perry Drops out Ron Paul could be in second place: votes, Congress - Elections
  133. Elections aren't just contests: voters, Congress, campaign, Democrats
  134. Mitt Romney Wins Michigan Straw Poll: Al Gore, vote, Congress - Elections
  135. If You want to sell a product, you need a POSITIVE message: voters, campaign - Elections
  136. christie is interesting if he joins the race: votes, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  137. Why not Newt?: global warming, Ron Paul, Congress, Iran - Elections
  138. Republicans fear they do not have a candidate they believe has the best odds of beating Obama: vote, democratic - Elections
  139. Sleaze-Bucket Larry Flynt Offers $1Million for Dirt on Rick Perry: vote, patriot - Elections
  140. FOX News website removes another poll showing Ron Paul won the debate...: Rush Limbaugh, voters - Elections
  141. The Gimmicks Are Slowly being Eliminated: Ron Paul, voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  142. Who Will Win Today's GOP Debate?: Israel, security, illegal, president - Elections
  143. Is Ron Paul the only candidate who can emancipate us from the Fed?: Reagan, Kennedy - Elections
  144. Elect Michelle Bachmann Parent of The Year and Other Debate Issues: Ron Paul, Israel - Elections
  145. Ron Paul on with Sean Hannity after the Debate last night: 9/11, vote - Elections
  146. My call, Gop candidate, the Beautiful, perfumed one: voters, campaign, - Elections
  147. Texas Toast. Rick Perry is Dead Candidate walking.: Taliban, campaign, liberal - Elections
  148. To the left, if you don't vote for Herman Cain, are you a racist?: Fast food, votes - Elections
  149. Barack Obama is on course for a second term – against all the odds: voters, Congress - Elections
  150. Florida Straw Poll live stream all day: Ron Paul, voters, interview - Elections
  151. Why does the media purposefully act like Ron Paul doesn't exist?: health care, vote - Elections
  152. Chris Christie Reconsidering 2012 Run, Will Decide in Days!: illegal, Liberalism, president - Elections
  153. Obama beats all Republic candidates in most recent polls: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  154. To GOP: your candidates are not the problem it is you.: voters, security - Elections
  155. Perry flops at Latino Conference after making lame joke: votes, campaign, illegal - Elections
  156. good news! Allen West not ruling out VP bid: Congress, Republicans - Elections
  157. Baachman wants to get rid of the EPA: voting, Congress, patriot - Elections
  158. Will Christie run for President?: politicians, party, election, elect - Elections
  159. They are cancelling the Texas GOP Straw Poll......: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  160. Mitt Romney Can't Live Down Being a Flip-Flopper: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  161. Rick Perry backpedaling and flip flopping on immigration, issues a pseudo apology to conservatives: illegal, Democrats - Elections
  162. Not Perry, Not Romney, but Paul is: Ron Paul, vote, security - Elections
  163. Limbaugh On The Chris Christie Push: Rush Limbaugh, Democrats, Republican, conservative - Elections
  164. Is Hermain Cain's race the real elephant in the room?: vote, Republicans - Elections
  165. Most Americans Believe Obama Will Lose in 2012: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  166. Ron Paul is a Clown: middle east, campaign, bias, Obama - Elections
  167. Huntsman should run as an independent.: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  168. Tea Party Candidate for President?: vote, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  169. Obama really IS in big trouble of not being re-elected.: voters, Democrats - Elections
  170. Is the failure of Barack the reason voters are hesitant to support Herman Cain?: campaign, democrat - Elections
  171. Herman Cain ,why most Black people won't support him.: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  172. Rasmussen Poll: Mitt Romney MOST QUALIFIED to be President: Ron Paul, voting, parade - Elections
  173. Is It Legal?: votes, campaign, illegal, Obama - Elections
  174. Perry on Hannity: vote, Bill Clinton, Obama, dictator - Elections
  175. Yes! Gary Johnson another sane candidate will be in tomorrow's debate: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  176. Ron Paul beats Obama in latest POLL: party affiliation, votes, thoughts - Elections
  177. Romney is going to win the nomination: Limbaugh, security, Democrats - Elections
  178. So how was round 3 in the GOP Debates ?: Republican - Elections
  179. For Ron Paul Fans: What Happens When He Brings The Troops Home?: gallon, middle east - Elections
  180. Cain wins Zogby poll: voters, security, campaign, - Elections
  181. Is Herman Cain Resonating with Voters?: Republican, Obama, American, leader - Elections
  182. Politico - Christie Not Running: Al Gore, global warming, votes, Republicans - Elections
  183. Romney On Romneycare: “We can accomplish the same thing for everyone in the country.”: Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  184. Support from KRS ONE; Rock the Revolution Tour=Good News for Ron Paul!: vote, enemy - Elections
  185. More Voters Romney Than Obama, Perry - New Gallup Poll: campaign, democrat - Elections
  186. To the Independent Voters: Ron Paul, Congress, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  187. Dr. Paul & Raising Cain!: patriot, campaign, illegal aliens, democratic - Elections
  188. Obama, Backdoor Man: money, news - Elections
  189. There's another Black Republican running for President all forgetting.: voters, Americans - Elections
  190. The Wildest Presidential Candidates.: news - Elections
  191. News, Why Ron Paul is winning the GOP primary.: president, school, economy - Elections
  192. more heroes on white horses: illegal, Republicans, conservative, illegal immigration - Elections
  193. Arizona Senate Senate: Pierce recall update!: voters, campaign, illegal, Republican - Elections
  194. Rick Perry The Controversial Willingham Case: What Rick Perry Knew and When 0: political, FBI - Elections
  195. Quinnipiac poll: Republican, president, Obama, 2012 - Elections
  196. Arizona shenanigans in Russell Pierce recall: vote, Republican, activist, Hispanic - Elections
  197. The Street: Top 10 Reasons Obama should drop out of race: Congress, president - Elections
  198. GOP candidates attack each other leaving Paul out to surge ahead: health care, conservative - Elections
  199. Harris poll says only Ron Paul or Mitt Romney would defeat Barack Obama: Congress, Republican - Elections
  200. Herman Cain, Businessman: president, independence, million - Elections