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  1. Another Poll - Daily Caller Conservative Home: voters, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  2. Perry Interview w/ Mark Levin: Ron Paul, Republican, Dodd, Americans - Elections
  3. Perry - tactical error: Ron Paul, Reagan, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  4. Rick perry acorn supporter.: vote, Republicans, activist - Elections
  5. Obama is still looking good in most battle ground States: wage, enemy - Elections
  6. Rick Perry's reckless Ponzi Scheme language will sink him for sure! Eh, not so much.: voters, security - Elections
  7. Plastic Men Tv ad by Ron Paul PAC to air.....: revolution - Elections
  8. The Left's Case for Boycotting Obama in November 2012: Ron Paul, vote, Baby Boomers - Elections
  9. The New American critiques candidates performances in...: Ron Paul, vote, enemy - Elections
  10. Democrats Leaving Obama: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, liberal - Elections
  11. Paul supporter creates hotline for who has had sex with Rick Perry.: parade, - Elections
  12. 4 more years of Obama if the election were held today: vote, Republicans - Elections
  13. New Ron Paul TV ad for a Money Bomb: vote, interviews, campaign - Elections
  14. Perry sought to sideline nuclear waste site critic: campaign, dollars, million - Elections
  15. President is no longer the favorite to win re-election, Democratic pollster say: voters, Congress - Elections
  16. Who would be the most competitive in a General Election against Obama?: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  17. Hot..HOT Subject -Perry and Romney trade jabs on Social Security: voters, Republican - Elections
  18. Rick Santorum can lead the charge: Ron Paul, 9/11, enemies, security - Elections
  19. Ron Paul Endorsements: voting, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  20. Dinner with Obama Raffle/Fundraiser: Ron Paul, money, bombs, news - Elections
  21. Dropouts: Who Gets Their Voters?: Ron Paul, unemployment, Congress, campaign - Elections
  22. CBS news poll on Congress: unemployment, health care, voters, campaign - Elections
  23. I can't be the only one...: Ron Paul, accuse, political, news - Elections
  24. Two Different Worlds: Romney and Perry: voters, generation, Republican, liberal - Elections
  25. O'Reilly tells it like it is... In todays politics: Ron Paul, vote, Obama - Elections
  26. Ron Paul is a thorn in Rick Perry's side: Congress, poll, president - Elections
  27. Frank Luntz Is Not Impartial And Should Not Head Fox News GOP Candidate Focus Groups: Ron Paul, Republicans - Elections
  28. Border State Republicans soft on immigration.: Ron Paul, vote, illegal, Obama - Elections
  29. Rush Limbaugh Continues his Republican Talking Points for the Elite.: Ron Paul, Democrats - Elections
  30. Why Rick Perry Fears Ron Paul -- an article for a: campaign, Republicans - Elections
  31. CNN Interview with Ron Paul 11:30 EST today: 9/11, interviews, campaign - Elections
  32. Looks like the crooked republicans got stopped: enemy, democrat, president - Elections
  33. Rick Perry's file: The truth-o-meter.: vote, conservative, American, million - Elections
  34. Jerry Falwell Jr: Perry US's most pro-life gov: vote, conservative - Elections
  35. Huffington Post: Ron Paul can win: million, claim, 2012, most - Elections
  36. The GOP Debate Drinking Dame: Ron Paul, Reagan, president - Elections
  37. Fox News Sunday interview of Ron Paul with Chris Wallace: vote, Congress - Elections
  38. Well I guess we can scratch Rubio from the A list.: Harry Reid, voters - Elections
  39. Ron Paul getting great radio coverage and more....: interview, most - Elections
  40. Ron Paul close 2nd to Cain in GA straw Poll: votes, money - Elections
  41. do i have to register as a republican to vote for ron paul in minnesota?: voters, democrat - Elections
  42. Democrat urging Dems and Republicans to vote for Ron Paul: Democrats, president - Elections
  43. ive that people seem to be drawn more into absolutes then the middle: voting - Elections
  44. Rick Perry: Know-Nothing Neoconservatism Reincarnated?: Cheney, campaign, Republican, conservative - Elections
  45. Am I Nuts to Consider Romney--As Quasi-Liberal, Ex-Obama Supporter?: vote, Congress - Elections
  46. Tea Party debate - Tampa: Ron Paul, generation, Baby Boomers, security - Elections
  47. Obama can beat Perry: unemployment, voters, security, democrat - Elections
  48. I told you guys the tea partiers were nothing but neo cons bought and paid for by foxnews.: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  49. Ron Paul has the numbers behind him: votes, campaign, CNN - Elections
  50. Reagan's Daughter Disgusted with Republican Candidates: voting, drug, conservative, president - Elections
  51. What exageration won't the Republican Presidential hopefuls cross in order to lie their way into Office.: global warming, unemployment - Elections
  52. Perry on job stimulus: Republicans, liberal, CNN, Obama - Elections
  53. USA Today Poll for candidate who best represents Tea Party values...: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  54. GOP Tea Party Debate: Audience Cheers, Says Society Should Let Uninsured Patient Die: Ron Paul, health care system - Elections
  55. Media Has Picked Rick Perry WTF: Ron Paul, voters, Republican - Elections
  56. 8-28 Vote: If it were today: unemployment, voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  57. Perry Offended by Insinuation being bought for 5k: Ron Paul, vote, conservative - Elections
  58. Is Rick Perry a Fonzie scheme?: liberal, conservative, Obama, supporter - Elections
  59. Rick Perry issued an official proclamation to pray for rain in Texas: governor, money - Elections
  60. Are Republicans Really Going to Choose Rick Perry or Mitt Romney over This Guy?: global warming, democrat - Elections
  61. Theory: Hillary as VP in 2012 to save Obama: Cheney, voters, campaign - Elections
  62. Most Deceptive Graph of GOP Debate winner results: Ron Paul, voters, Congress - Elections
  63. Ron Paul says we can buy gasoline for a dime... and he's right...: gas price, gallon - Elections
  64. Boehner Gets a Primary Challenge: Republicans, conservative, activist, Obama - Elections
  65. Awww...Rick Perry not so happy with Paul: Ron Paul, campaign, president - Elections
  66. There’s a ‘very ugly side’ to Rick Perry: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  67. Ron Paul Refuses To Go On O'Reilly, I Had Other Things And Likely Better To Do O'Reilly Isn't Exactly A Journalist: Rush Limbaugh, Huckabee - Elections
  68. Ron Paul's Disproportionate Approval Numbers Online Polls Vs. What The Media Reports: voters, conspiracy - Elections
  69. Will Barack Obama's homosexual tendancies hurt his relection bid in 2012?: vote, president - Elections
  70. This Rick Perry is as 'Wacky' as Ron Paul...this will sink him!: voters, security - Elections
  71. first 2012 electoral map from rasmussen/sabato: vote, Democrats, Republicans, polls - Elections
  72. To the GOP:What if were the dem front runners: vote, enemy - Elections
  73. Are voters this about Ron Paul?: middle east, president, brainwash - Elections
  74. Daily Kos in Panic Mode over Weiner's Seat: house seat, voters, Israel - Elections
  75. Oh Lord Ron Paul's Lost My Support - Abortion: votes, Congress, stats - Elections
  76. Draft Hillary Clinton to Replace Barack Obama as the 2012 Democratic Nominee for President: health care, Congress - Elections
  77. Perry vs. Romney?: Ron Paul, health care, voters, illegal - Elections
  78. This is where we are in America today!: Ron Paul, voters, Republican - Elections
  79. New Poll Released (1. Perry, 2. Romney, 3. Paul): Ron Paul, votes, polls, president - Elections
  80. What happened to the Republican party?: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, Iran - Elections
  81. Romney and perry Should Stop Agreeing to So Many Televised Debates: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  82. My view of the Republican Field for President and beating OBAMA: Al Gore, Ron Paul - Elections
  83. Which Type of Candidate will you vote for, Tea Party, Neo-Con, Establishment, or libertarian.: Ron Paul, Israel - Elections
  84. Elizabeth Warren just announced she will run for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts against Republican Scott Brown: voters, Congress - Elections
  85. Limbaugh says Ron Paul should join the Democratic party: Republicans, heroin - Elections
  86. Why are liberals questioning if Perry, Romney, Bachman, are qualified for being the next President?: Reagan, Republican - Elections
  87. News, Ron Paul’s Campaign Manager Died Sick and Uninsured, the Way ‘Freedom’ Allows.: premium, Obama - Elections
  88. For Ron Paul Fans (Present and Future) a documentary...: voting, regular, president - Elections
  89. Michele Bachmann just on 'Tonight Show' with Leno: vote, interview, campaign - Elections
  90. News, Jimmy Carter wants Mitt Romney to be the Republican nominee.: vote, interview - Elections
  91. Swarm of new polls shows Perry trailing Obama: Ron Paul, security, illegal - Elections
  92. WaPo: New voter ID laws may cost Dems the election: voters, legal - Elections
  93. Former Opponent Kinky Friedman Endorses Rick Perry: unemployment, vote, Israeli - Elections
  94. Obama Clock for iPhone has Arrived!: president, states, world - Elections
  95. Having real 2nd thoughts about Perry: vote, security, Reagan, illegal - Elections
  96. .... NewsFlash ...Rick Perry can possibly walk on water: voters, candidacy - Elections
  97. What I like best about Tea Party debates.: voters, liberals, president - Elections
  98. Is Newt Gingrich Stupid?: legal, impeachment, democratic, biased - Elections
  99. If the Republican candidate wins the NY9 House election tonight...: Cheney, vote - Elections
  100. Rick Perry's Texas; Above Average Poverty, Highest Rate of Uninsured: wages, campaign - Elections
  101. Jon Huntsman needs more media exposure: Ron Paul, voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  102. The Hill: Ron Paul should take Rick Perry to the Wood shed: Al Gore, - Elections
  103. Perry Leads In 3 Categories of Issues Important to GOP VotersVoters: Al Gore, Ron Paul - Elections
  104. Ron Paul Leaps Past Bachmann in Latest Poll: Congress, candidacy, Republican - Elections
  105. Gardasil Rick as he is known in Texas: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  106. NC voter fraud, charges filed, accused confess up: voters, Democrats, racist - Elections
  107. Ron Paul Surging: vote, represent, death, Kennedy - Elections
  108. Fox News: Bachmann is developing a poor reputation in Iowa: vote, campaign - Elections
  109. News Video, GERGEN: MANY AMERICANS ‘HORRIFIED’ AT GOP DEBATE.: Ron Paul, enemy - Elections
  110. Huntsman staffer says she is ‘sick and sad’ for the Republican Party (after debates): vote, enemy - Elections
  111. Brooklyn makes up for Queens. NY-Dist. 9 goes Republican: voters, Israel, democratic - Elections
  112. Same sex marriage debate gave Weiner's seat to the Republican: voters, Congress - Elections
  113. This is why Ron Paul is unelectable: 9/11, vote, Iraq - Elections
  114. Perry the Hypocrite doesn't like the FEDS until...: Ron Paul, security, candidacy - Elections
  115. 26 topics on this page about Rick Perry: Ron Paul, vote, illegal - Elections
  116. Perry pulls ahead in Nevada: Al Gore, voters, security, campaign - Elections
  117. Did Gore Really Win in 2000?: Al Gore, global warming, votes, president - Elections
  118. Rick Perry praised Hillary Care: Al Gore, health care, vote, Republicans - Elections
  119. Rick Perry wants to regulate what you do in your bedroom: parade, - Elections
  120. NeoCons are not conservatives: Ron Paul, vote, legal, Republican - Elections
  121. Rick Perry Jobs Miracle Was Due to ring: employment, wage, candidacy - Elections
  122. Slick Rick Perry is a Ponzi Scheme: unemployment, vote, wages - Elections
  123. the right only backs front runners and people who the media push: vote, campaign - Elections
  124. Poll showing Romney the only Candidate leading Obama: Ron Paul, vote, Republicans - Elections
  125. Taking a good look at John Huntsman: global warming, wage, democrat - Elections
  126. Why isn't Rick Perry doing something about this?: campaign, Republican - Elections
  127. Bachmann says God is punishing with earthquake and hurricane: votes, Republican, American - Elections
  128. Palmetto Freedom Forum on CNN Today at 3: Ron Paul, interview, - Elections
  129. I dont trust in the 2012 gop field,: Ron Paul, vote, Israel - Elections
  130. Romney nabs tea party endorsement in South Carolina: vote, campaign, conservative - Elections
  131. If you Righties win in 2012 what expectations do you have.: unemployment, Putin - Elections
  132. poll-perry vs romney: Ron Paul, NAFTA, unemployment, vote - Elections
  133. Dems in Danger of Losing WEINER'S Seat???: Al Gore, house seat, voters - Elections
  134. The party of stupid....why isn't the left seeking a new candidate?: unemployment, Democrats - Elections
  135. Sen. Inhofe becomes the first Senator to endorse Rick Perry for President: global warming, 9/11 - Elections
  136. How important will homosexuality be in the 2012 election?: voters, Obama, Reed - Elections
  137. The Female Vote & Ron Paul´s Abortion Stance vs Las Vegas: middle east, liberal - Elections
  138. Ron Paul Has Passed Bachmann: vote, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  139. First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you,....: Ron Paul, votes, conservative - Elections
  140. Is Rick Perry worse than Dubya Bush at Lying and sneakyness?: security, campaign - Elections
  141. NYT - We Need to Confront Presidential Candidates About Their Religion: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  142. Never Wrong Pundit Picks Obama to Win in 2012: house of Congress, Reagan - Elections
  143. Paul could object to Obama's request: Ron Paul, Congress, ethical, Republicans - Elections
  144. Another poll for Paul supporters - How would you vote if he ran as an independent?: Ron Paul, Congress - Elections
  145. Perry/Paul 2012: Ron Paul, 9/11, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  146. First modern incumbent to not get party nomination?: unemployment, vote, Congress - Elections
  147. Obama to announce he will not run for re-election next week?: Congress, democrat - Elections
  148. Will Perry Beat Obama: Ron Paul, vote, economy, prediction - Elections
  149. Why are GOP Candidates and the Media Afraid of Ron Paul?: voters, Congress - Elections
  150. Shock Poll: Perry leads Obama 44% to 41% in latest national poll: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  151. Perry just dropped out of today's GOP Forum...: campaign, Republican, conservative - Elections
  152. GOP & Tea Party to Palin: don't run for president: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  153. wow, you guys really want to nominate perry?: Ron Paul, conservative, George Bush - Elections
  154. Good Debate: voters, campaign, thoughts, Republican - Elections
  155. President Huntsman NOW!: vote, patriot, illegal, democratic - Elections
  156. Ron Paul supporters: Who will you vote for if Ron Paul isn't in the general election?: health care, votes - Elections
  157. Ross Perot was right... There's a Giant Sucking Sound... Let's listen this time...: Ron Paul, 9/11 - Elections
  158. What to look for in GOP Debate tonight: unemployment, campaign, - Elections
  159. Who Will Win the Republican Debate Today?: security, campaign, - Elections
  160. GOP establishment getting shakey leg over Perry?: Ron Paul, vote, illegal aliens - Elections
  161. good point from ron paul about the border fence: racist, compare - Elections
  162. How many times did the GOP canidates say Ronald Reagan today?: Obama, tax - Elections
  163. Rick Perry's Mad.: Al Gore, Ron Paul, health care, voters - Elections
  164. Rick Perry executed an innocent man: unemployed, liberal, death, Obama - Elections
  165. The reason Paul wins the Primaries: Ron Paul, voters, Republican, conservative - Elections
  166. It sounds funny when Bachmann says, When I'm President: voting, - Elections
  167. I didn't like what Romney said about capital gains taxes: Ron Paul, - Elections
  168. MSNBC Poll still open (for debate winner): Ron Paul, vote, - Elections
  169. Now do you see why I keep saying nominating Perry=Obama wins?: vote, Democrats - Elections
  170. The black vote could play an important role in getting Obama re-elected: health care, voters - Elections
  171. For who don't get it when it comes to Ron Paul: employment, 9/11 - Elections
  172. Ron Paul's newest TV ad Trust: Al Gore, vote, Congress - Elections
  173. Rick Perry says Social Security is a Ponzi scheme: Ron Paul, unemployment, voters - Elections
  174. Ron Paul Wins CA Strawpoll: votes, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  175. Will Rick Perry's request for federal aid for TX wildfires hurt him?: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  176. Bachmann campaign startegist quits: Congress, regular, president, politician - Elections
  177. Who should Rick Perry pick as his running mate (if he wins the nomination)?: Republican, Obama - Elections
  178. Bachmann wants to ax Dept. of Education: Reagan, democrat, Republican - Elections
  179. Would be OK with Rick Perry were it not for...: vote, illegal - Elections
  180. Ron Paul attacks Perry new AD: Al Gore, vote, enemy, campaign - Elections
  181. Bachmann says she'd consider drilling for oil in the Florida Everglades: Iran, Republican - Elections
  182. Republicans are refusing to watch the upcoming GOP presidential debate because it's on MSNBC: Democrats, liberals - Elections
  183. News, News, Bachmann says California to go Republican.: votes, Congress, illegal - Elections
  184. Rick Perry- bein' gay's like... bein' alchoholic!: conservative, crime, Reed - Elections
  185. find Romney to be a huge joke?: vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  186. Perry vs. Romney: Al Gore, health care, enemy, democrat - Elections
  187. Texas Gov. Rick Perry Cut Fire Department Funding by 75%: enemy, campaign, leader - Elections
  188. why obama needs to lose: unemployment, enemies, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  189. For reference purposes, the video and transcript of the GOP Debate are: Reagan, Republican - Elections
  190. Tons of Post Fox News Sunday Interview articles are out about Ron Paul: voting, money - Elections
  191. Palmetto Freedom Forum Debate: senator, work, date - Elections
  192. Palin gives O'Donnell a boost: CNN, political, party, 2011 - Elections
  193. For Progressives about Ron Paul from Tom Woods: president, Obama, Washington - Elections
  194. Vintage Ron Paul commercial: Congress, political - Elections
  195. Palin's campaign strategy: candidacy, Republicans, compare, money - Elections
  196. Tigard mayor announces for Metro: vote, Republican, party, election - Elections
  197. Ron Paul supporters at the Reagan Library - Elections
  198. Pataki Is Out: Republicans, president, Obama, abortion - Elections
  199. Texas TV station poll shows Texans choose Ron Paul....: 2012 - Elections
  200. Vote for the candidate with the least amount of political donations.: voters, campaign - Elections