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  1. way to go Justin Amash Michigan District 3: Ron Paul, votes, Congress - Elections
  2. are my fellow minnesotans voting tonight?: poll, governor, state - Elections
  3. News, Ark. gov. race all shook up: Elvis Presley running.: governor, 2010 - Elections
  4. Voudou Economics still haunting America: vote, Reagan, Republican, president - Elections
  5. Republican gubernatorial candidate warns that promoting bicycle riding in the U.S. will lead to United Nations control: Tom Tancredo, votes - Elections
  6. Senator Harry Reid Uses Race To Garner Votes: illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  7. 2010 Nov. elections?: voting, governor, state, senators
  8. Former GOP Senator Chuck Hagel to endorse Joe Sestak: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  9. It's quite. Is everyone holding their breath?: vote, democrat, Republican - Elections
  10. The Current Status of The Governor Races: unemployment, vote, Congress - Elections
  11. PA Senate: Toomey moves ahead of Sestak: voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  12. Do Endorsements Matter?: vote, Obama, fence, Americans - Elections
  13. Republican Candidate For Governor of Tennessee: vote, interview, crimes, party - Elections
  14. So Who Voted Early: house of voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  15. He is so Unpopular, Republican Beats obama: voters, poll, president - Elections
  16. Tea Party Activist Cedra Crenshaw Wins Legal Battle and Will be on Will County Ballot: Democrats, Republican - Elections
  17. Chris Christie Should Be The GOP Candidate In 2012: Congress, interview, Attorney - Elections
  18. Maryland just passed a law today restrictiing use of Facebook and Twitter in Campaigns: highway, Reed - Elections
  19. Independent designation invalidated in Maryland: voters, campaign, democratic, party - Elections
  20. Maryland Sen. Mikulski ahead but spends tons on consultants: campaign, million, political - Elections
  21. Will the REAL Meg Whitman stand up?: campaign, illegal, Republican - Elections
  22. National Popular Vote Interstate Compact: votes, illegal, president - Elections
  23. Oklahoma not fooled by tea party rhetoric: voters, represent, racist - Elections
  24. Democrat Candidates Running From or Running To Obama?: campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  25. Tom Tancredo to run for CO governor as independent: Congress, democratic, liberals - Elections
  26. Who would make a better President than Obama???: Al Franken, votes, Congress - Elections
  27. Precinct Committeemen - What is it really?: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  28. Conservative British economic policy: Ron Paul, health care, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  29. The Last Primary for 2010: Which Race Interests You The Most?: states - Elections
  30. Nancy Pelosi, Wicked Witch of the West: president, party - Elections
  31. you know what's funny? obama is improving in rasmussen and decreasing in gallup: Republican - Elections
  32. Jerry Brown Majorly Disses Clinton for video used by Whitman: voters, campaign - Elections
  33. ever notice...: Congress, Democrats, liberal, conservative - Elections
  34. What is Wrong with the Polls?: vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  35. Out of Touch Intellectuals vs. Out of Touch Rightwingnuts: liberal, Obama, political - Elections
  36. LOL They can run but they can't hide: vote, Congress, - Elections
  37. This should do it for Charlie snake in the grass Crist: vote, illegal - Elections
  38. Republican Party ditches GOP nominee for Colorado governor: campaign, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  39. NRSC Reverses WILL Support O'Donnell: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  40. G.O.P. Has 2-in-3 Chance of Taking House, Model Forecasts: house seat, vote - Elections
  41. Flying Solo: Everyone Abandons [Colorado Tea Party candidate] Dan Maes After Mistake-Riddled Campaign: Republicans, Bush - Elections
  42. One more Dem Senate seat up for Grabs: WV (Byrd's seat): house seat, voters - Elections
  43. Poll Shows GOP with Largest Polling Edge in 68 Years: voting, Iran, campaign - Elections
  44. Crist says he'll return campaign contributions: vote, conservative, independent, Bush - Elections
  45. Hypothetical Scenario: Congressional Elections: votes, Democrats, Republican, represent
  46. Immigrant Who Voted Illegally on Road to Becoming a U.S. Citizen: president - Elections
  47. Scott Brown - The Sequel: democrat, Republican, financial, support - Elections
  48. TRENDING: Dems get more bad news in Gallup poll: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  49. Will Republicans win majority in House?: voters, Democrats, polls, Obama - Elections
  50. NRSC hits Dems over “Recovery Summer”: political, 2010 - Elections
  51. GOP Recruits Homeless for Green Party: voters, illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  52. Mysterious Fire destroy's Houston's voting machines: vote, Republican, election, elect - Elections
  53. Orioles Owner's Law For No. 1 contributer to Liberal Senator: campaign, liberals, conservative - Elections
  54. News, 'No way' Newt can win, ex-wife says.: vote, democrat - Elections
  55. Video shows Angle promoting Scientology program: Harry Reid, votes, Republican - Elections
  56. Piyush Amrit Jindal / Mike Huckabee for 2012: Obama, elect - Elections
  57. Congressman Ellsworth (D), running AGAINST himself: voters, Democrats, Obama, party - Elections
  58. Florida candidate for Senate Marco Rubio facing foreclosure: Republican, politician, election - Elections
  59. Tea party favorite loses runoff in Alabama: Congress, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  60. Etheridge's violent assault on student costing him.: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  61. 6/22 UT Primary, MS, NC, SC Runoffs: votes, Congress, security, campaign - Elections
  62. Halter Loss a Major Blow to Liberal Activists, Unions: NAFTA, health care, voters - Elections
  63. Ron Paul endorsed John Dennis to challenge Pelosi: votes, Congress, democratic - Elections
  64. Rory? Rory Who? Dirty Harry's Son Looking for a Name Change.: Harry Reid, voters - Elections
  65. Did Charlie Crist Hug Obama Again?: voters, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  66. Fiorina Leads Boxer for First Time in California Senate Race: poll, political - Elections
  67. 25 Reasons To Kick Democrats To The Curb In November: vote, Iran, Israel - Elections
  68. Gallup: Parties now tied in Generic Ballot: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  69. Boozman out to big lead over Lincoln - 61%-32%: voters, Congress, ethical - Elections
  70. Democratic Turnout: Lowest in 80 Years: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  71. Do You Think Your Congressional District Will Have a New Rep. Next Year?: vote, campaign - Elections
  72. If the 2012 election was tomorrow, who would you vote for?: Republican, conservative - Elections
  73. Democrats deserve to lose this November: vote, Congress, millionaire, Republicans - Elections
  74. Who Do You Regret Voting For?: Dick Cheney, vote, generation, campaign - Elections
  75. Palin endorses 'tea party' favorite Christine O'Donnell in Delaware Senate race: Iraq, security - Elections
  76. Is There On City Data That Doesn't Know Which Way They Will Lean In An Election?: party affiliation, voters - Elections
  77. Man Who Made His Fortune Outsourcing US Jobs to India is Running for Congress!: unemployment, vote - Elections
  78. your guys thoughts on my senate projections: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  79. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.): Gingrich is 'the last person I'd vote for president': global warming, Democrats - Elections
  80. Republican ideas?: health care, illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  81. 2012: Hillary Clinton versus Mitt Romney: Huckabee, vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  82. Suposedly racist SC conservatives just nominated an Indian American female for governor and black male for congress: Republicans, Reed - Elections
  83. What will blacks do when Obama loses in 2012?: vote, accuse, racist - Elections
  84. Republicans vs Obama- They ALL Stink One: Huckabee, Michael Bloomberg, unemployment - Elections
  85. Carly Fiorina eats watermelon to woo black voters in Los Angeles: Putin, enemy - Elections
  86. Murkowski admits defeat in Alaska: Franken, vote, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  87. Should I vote this fall?: democrat, Republican, conservative, polls - Elections
  88. Democrat Primary 2012: Reagan, president, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  89. What do you expect a Republican majority in Congress to do?: vote, security - Elections
  90. 2012 Election (thoughts and a: Ron Paul, Huckabee, unemployment, health care - Elections
  91. Gov. Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.) fails at debate (VIDEO): John Kerry, Congress, security - Elections
  92. Brewer admits she lied about the beheadings..: voters, Mexican, illegal - Elections
  93. What If Obama is Re-Elected?: health care, voters, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  94. Sharron Angle floated possibility of armed insurrection: vote, Congress, interview - Elections
  95. Say all of the Tea Party candidates win in November...: vote, Congress - Elections
  96. Bachmann update: health care, vote, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  97. Feingold Trails Johnson by 7 - 51%-44%: voters, campaign, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  98. Former Sen. D'Amato (R-NY): Paladino is mean-spirited , dangerous , and unfit for office: vote, campaign - Elections
  99. Charlie Cook, The Gold Standard!, Moves CT to Toss-Up: voters, Democrats, polls - Elections
  100. O'Donnell winning the primary must be the right thing: Rush Limbaugh, voters, democrat - Elections
  101. Christine O'Donnell is anti-gay - though her sister is a lesbian: vote, campaign - Elections
  102. Carly Firiona is an Outsource Proponent: unemployed, voters, campaign, represent - Elections
  103. Lisa Murkowski (AK-R) to run as a write-in candidate: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  104. Obama and the 2012 election.: vote, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  105. Tea Party Extremism Will Help Democrats in 2010 Election: voters, Congress, security - Elections
  106. O'Donnell cancels national TV spots: interviews, campaign, liberals, March - Elections
  107. Slate of New Polls: Good News......but not for obama or the dems: vote, Congress - Elections
  108. Sore Loser Murkowski Joins Sore Loser Crist - Will Sore Lose Castle Be Next?: voters, Congress - Elections
  109. Can Gillibrand Be Beaten In NY?: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  110. Karl Rove throws O'Donnell under the bus on FOX: Rush Limbaugh, voters, Republicans - Elections
  111. O'Donnell trailing big in Delaware..: 9/11, vote, democratic - Elections
  112. Angle jumps out to 50%-39% lead on Dirty Harry Reid: health care, voters - Elections
  113. Dems believe their only hope for Election win is...Sarah Palin?: Congress, Democrats - Elections
  114. 2012 presidential debates: unemployment, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  115. Tea Party TV commercial (this is a must watch ): campaign, Obama - Elections
  116. GOP turning against the Tea Party?: democrat, Republicans, liberal, conservative - Elections
  117. 17 Republicans In The 2012 Presidential Race Field: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters, interview - Elections
  118. Poll: Murray opens up 9% lead over Rossi: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  119. How Do GOP Candidates Say They Will Achieve A Smaller Government?: voting, wages - Elections
  120. Mark Kirk, GOP Candidate for IL Senate: The Hits Just Keep Coming: campaign, liberal - Elections
  121. Rubio Way Ahead In Florida Senate Race: vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  122. Fiorina's unfortunate open mike incident: campaign, Republican, CNN, Boxer - Elections
  123. News, S.C. - Alvin Greene (D) urged to quit Senate race over felony obscenity charges: unemployed, voters - Elections
  124. Christine O'Donnell is trying to become a Sarah Palin look-alike - or is it Tina Fey?: Congress, democrat - Elections
  125. O'Donnell defeated establishment pick U.S. Rep. Mike Castle: voting, Congress, - Elections
  126. The November Elections: house seat, voters, Congress, Democrats
  127. Murkowski may run as Libertarian if Miller's lead holds: voters, campaign, ethics - Elections
  128. Does Newt Gingrich have charisma?: Ron Paul, votes, president, Obama - Elections
  129. Newt Gingrich says he's a presidential run: health care, vote, Congress - Elections
  130. Allen West 2012?: Congress, Iraq, Republican, conservative - Elections
  131. What Should The Democrat Slogan(s) Be For 2012?: health care, Congress, Reagan - Elections
  132. California Governor's Race: Brown is ahead of Whitman, 46-40: Corporate Profits, vote, campaign - Elections
  133. felons illegally voted, giving franken victory: voters, Democrats, conservative, poll - Elections
  134. House Democrats head for a thumping at the polls: Congress, Republican, regime - Elections
  135. It's A Sad Day When The President Becomes America's Biggest Enemy.: Harry Reid, Tom Tancredo - Elections
  136. Boxer (D), California, Tied with Fiorina: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  137. Confessions of a Tea Party Casualty: Ron Paul, health care, Congress, security - Elections
  138. Sharron Angle Plays the 'Girl' Card: Harry Reid, votes, illegal aliens, Democrats - Elections
  139. Democrats Jump Into Six-Point Lead on Generic Ballot: unemployment, voters, Congress - Elections
  140. Reid takes lead over Angle!!: Harry Reid, voters, campaign, - Elections
  141. Dreadful Turnout Numbers for the Democrats in MI & MO Primaries: voters, Republicans - Elections
  142. Vote in Republicans; More Bush regression: Limbaugh, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Al Gore - Elections
  143. If you can choose the GOP nominate, you would choose... ?: Huckabee, vote - Elections
  144. all this talk about change come november is horse crap: Harry Reid, vote - Elections
  145. Harry Reid: vote, Republican, liberal, president - Elections
  146. Mike Pence (R-IN): Does He Appeal To You As A Viable Presidential Candidate?: vote, Congress - Elections
  147. What Republican will be elected in 2012?: Huckabee, vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  148. Palin 2012: interview, Republican, Obama, political - Elections
  149. states want to change Electoral College process: John Kerry, Al Gore, Huckabee - Elections
  150. Chris Christie - 2012?: Ron Paul, interview, liberals, president - Elections
  151. Pelosi, White House Feud Over Gibbs' House Prediction: house seat, Democrats, party - Elections
  152. Boxer expands lead over Fiorina: voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  153. Democrats Maintain Advantage on Generic Ballot, 48% to 44%: voters, Congress, Republicans - Elections
  154. Hispanics' Approval of Obama Drops in 2010: Reagan, conservative, poll, president - Elections
  155. Its over for tea party candidate Allan West: vote, enemy, Democrats - Elections
  156. Jeb Bush for Presidente..............?: vote, illegal, Republican, conservative - Elections
  157. Pathetic Palin's video not in same league as Yes We Can!: Ron Paul, campaign - Elections
  158. Levi Johnston to run for mayor of Wasilla: controversial, elect, government - Elections
  159. Congressman Reyes faces Strong Opponent: vote, democratic, Republican, liberal - Elections
  160. Meek wins Florida Primary. What does that spell for November?: voters, Congress - Elections
  161. 2012 Dream Team Ticket: Condi Rice, Condoleezza, vote, campaign - Elections
  162. Buying Democrat Votes In Time For Obama's Re-Election: unemployment, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  163. 2012 Republican nominee: Mike Huckabee leads Iowa Republican straw poll: Ron Paul, vote, Congress - Elections
  164. WA Senate: Rossi by 7 over Murray: votes, candidacy, Democrats - Elections
  165. Republican hero John McCain defeats J.D. Hayworth: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  166. A 2012 Palin/Brewer ticket?: Ron Paul, vote, president, Obama - Elections
  167. New Harry Reid ad: Sharon Angle is a dangerous maniac..: health care, vote - Elections
  168. Revenge, or a day of reckoning? The Mid Terms: house of 9/11, votes - Elections
  169. Democratic campaign slogan for Obama in 2012?: Bush, political, elect, states - Elections
  170. Sheriff Joe Arpaio For President!!!: voters, security, thoughts, illegal - Elections
  171. Get Real: thoughts, biased, president, Obama - Elections
  172. Who is it that's Extreme?: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  173. Obama till 2016; get used to it: Rush Limbaugh, unemployment, health care - Elections
  174. Palin Endorsement Tracker..: states, Senate, 2010, Washington - Elections
  175. Weak candidates will hurt Republican hopes in midterm elections: illegal, Democrats
  176. Danny tarktanian: Harry Reid, vote, Reed, Reid - Elections
  177. GOP Proposes Pushing Back the 2012 Primary Calendar: Huckabee, voters, Congress - Elections
  178. obama Can't Beat Palin in 2012 Match-ups: Huckabee, vote, Democrats - Elections
  179. Election Day 2010: Are Democrats, Liberals, Socialists and Marxists running scared?: voters, Congress - Elections
  180. What If The Democrats Do Lose The House?: vote, Congress, ethics - Elections
  181. Democratic Candidate for Pres 2012.O has got to GO!!!: vote, campaign, ethics - Elections
  182. Why The Governor Races Outside of Your Own State Are Important: house of Democrats - Elections
  183. Generic Ballot: Republican Lead Largest in Gallup History: unemployment, voters, Congress - Elections
  184. The of the GOP taking the Senate has Chris Matthews in Pain: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  185. 2012 for President: Ron Paul, party affiliation, votes, Reagan - Elections
  186. Whitman vs Brown, All tied up in Calif Governor Race: voters, illegal - Elections
  187. Important To Michigan. Stupak's Seat Is Up For Grabs.: vote, Congress, Republican - Elections
  188. Nevada voting: tax - Elections
  189. Carter's NSA Brzezinski Sees Malaise with obama: Reagan, president, speech - Elections
  190. Politico House Tracker: Congress, Democrats, 2010, top - Elections
  191. Colorado Craziness; Read it and weep, Republicans: campaign, election, elect - Elections
  192. Nationalizing Local Elections: American, 2010
  193. Only in this country can: votes, democrat, crime, leader - Elections
  194. Democrats attached a document that deemed as passed a non-existent $1.12 trillion budget.: vote, Congress - Elections
  195. Conway supporter exposed. Impersonating himself as a supporter of Rand Paul: campaign, accuses - Elections
  196. Hickenlooper shower ad (CO Governor): Tom Tancredo, Congress, democratic, conspiracy - Elections
  197. Karl Rove's Updated 2010 Senate Race Map: Democrats, races - Elections
  198. Bloodbath in Ohio......for the Democrats?: Congress, campaign, Republican, governor - Elections
  199. Could Be Historic 30 Governor Turnover This Year: Democrats, Republicans, represent - Elections
  200. Ga Governors race: voting, Democrats, Republican, conservative - Elections