Hong Kong

Performing Arts

Venues for the performing arts in Hong Kong include City Hall (for classical music, theater, and film), the Hong Kong Arts Centre, the Fringe Club (mostly for contemporary and avant garde) in Central District. Queen Elizabeth Stadium (for ballet and pop and orchestra concerts) and the Hong Kong Academy for the Performing Arts (with two theaters for dramatic performances and classical and modern dance) are in Wanchai. The Hong Kong Stadium in Happy Valley is used for pop concerts,

Visiting troupes of the Bejing Opera perform in Shouson Theater. ()
as is the Hong Kong Coliseum in Kowloon.

Performance groups include the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, which performs in City Hall; the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, playing traditional Chinese music; some ten troupes performing Cantonese opera; and visiting troupes from the mainland that perform Peking opera. The Hong Kong Dance Company performs Chinese dance and contemporary choreography on Chinese themes. The Hong Kong Ballet performs traditional and contemporary Western pieces while the City Contemporary Dance Company performs more innovative works. The Fringe Club presents drama of various sorts in English and Cantonese, and the Zumi Icosahedron is an avant garde drama and dance troupe.