Chattanooga: Geography and Climate

Chattanooga is located at the juncture of Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia, in a valley in southeastern Tennessee between the Appalachian and the Cumberland mountain ranges. The city lies on both banks of the Tennessee River at Moccasin Bend and is bordered by Signal Mountain on the north and Lookout Mountain to the south, with Missionary Ridge running through the eastern section of the city. The mountains shelter the city from major weather systems.

The city has a moderate climate, with cool winters and hot summers, and springs and falls characterized by plentiful sunshine and rainfall, mild temperatures, and lush foliage. Extreme cold is rare, and the annual average snowfall is only 2.8 inches.

Area: 135.2 square miles (2000)

Elevation: Ranges from 675 feet above sea level in city to 2,391 feet at Lookout Mountain

Average Temperatures: January, 39.4° F; July, 79.6° F; annual average, 60.5° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 54.5 inches