Buffalo: Geography and Climate

Buffalo is situated on level or gently rolling terrain at the eastern end of Lake Erie at the head of the Niagara River and at the terminus of the Erie Canal.

Buffalo has a reputation for severe winters, which is slightly exaggerated. The effect of below-freezing winds gusting across the warmer lake water produces lake effect snow in amounts higher than most northern states. The lake effect also produces a somewhat longer winter season, but additionally contributes to frequent thaws. The same winds over Lake Erie create cool breezes in summer, which arrives suddenly in mid-June.

Area: 52.51 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 599 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 24.2° F; July, 70.7° F; annual average, 47.7° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 38.5 inches of rain; 93.3 inches of snow