Lincoln: Geography and Climate

Set near the center of Lancaster County in southeastern Nebraska, Lincoln is surrounded by gently rolling prairie. The western edge of the city lies in the valley of Salt Creek, which flows northeastward to the lower Platte River. The upward slope of the terrain to the west causes instability in moist easterly winds. Humidity remains at moderate to low levels except during short summer periods when moist tropical air reaches the area. The summer sun shines an average of two-thirds of possible duration; high winds combined with hot temperatures occasionally cause crop damage. A chinook or foehn effect often produces rapid temperature rises in the winter. Although annual snowfall is approximately 26 inches, it has sometimes exceeded 59 inches.

Area: 75.38 square miles (2000)

Elevation: 1,167 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 20° F; July, 77° F; annual average, 51° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 28.3 inches of rain; 26 inches of snow