Columbus: Geography and Climate

Situated in central Ohio in the drainage area of the Ohio River, Columbus is located on the Scioto and Olentangy rivers; two minor streams running through the city are Alum Creek and Big Walnut Creek. Columbus's weather is changeable, influenced by air masses from central and southwest Canada; air from the Gulf of Mexico reaches the region during the summer and to a lesser extent in the fall and winter. The moderate climate is characterized by four distinct seasons. Snowfall averages around 27 inches annually.

Area: 225.9 square miles (2000)

Elevation: Ranges from 685 to 893 feet above sea level; average elevation is 777 feet

Average Temperatures: January, 28.3° F; July, 75.1° F; annual average, 52.8° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 39.4 inches of rain; 27.7 inches of snow