Cleveland: Geography and Climate

Extending 31 miles along the south shore of Lake Erie, Cleveland is surrounded by generally level terrain except for an abrupt ridge that rises 500 feet above the shore on the eastern edge of the city. Cleveland is bisected from north to south by the Cuyahoga River. The continental climate is modified by west to northerly winds off Lake Erie, which lower summer temperatures and raise winter temperatures. Summers are moderately warm and humid, winters relatively cold and cloudy. Snowfall fluctuates widely, ranging from 45 inches in west Cuyahoga County to 90 inches in the east. Thunderstorms often bring damaging winds of 50 miles per hour or greater; tornadoes occur frequently.

Area: 82.42 square miles (2000)

Elevation: most of the city is on a level plain 60 to 80 feet above Lake Erie

Average Temperatures: January, 25.7° F; July, 71.9° F; annual average, 49.6° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 38.71 inches of rain; 55.8 inches of snow