

Despite a dry climate and unpromising terrain, Utah ranked 37th in the US in value of farm marketings in 2001, with $1.1 billion. Crops accounted for $263 million; livestock and livestock products for $853 million. The first pioneers in Utah settled in fertile valleys near streams, which were diverted for irrigation. Today, Utah farmers and ranchers practice comprehensive soil and water conservation projects to help maximize crop yields and protect the natural resources. A farmland preservation movement is under way to protect valuable food-producing land from urban sprawl. In 2002 there were some 15,000 farms and ranches, covering 11,600,000 acres (4,700,000 hectares). The chief crops in 2002 were hay, 2.3 million tons; wheat, 4.9 million bushels; and tart cherries, 3 tons.