Staples locations in Miami, FL

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Address: 2121 Biscayne Blvd
City and Zip Code: Miami, FL 33137
Phone: 305-573-1680
Fax: 305-573-1748
Year business was established: 3/8/2008
Hours open:
Monday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Tuesday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Wednesday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Thursday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Friday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday:9:00am - 9:00pm
Sunday:10:00am - 6:00pm

Staples: (67th and 8th)

Address: 1044 SW 67th Ave
City and Zip Code: Miami, FL 33144
Phone: 305-267-1012
Fax: 305-267-3477
Year business was established: 1/13/07
Hours open:
Monday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Tuesday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Wednesday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Thursday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Friday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday:9:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday:10:00am - 6:00pm

Ratings Summary

Based on 1 vote

Overall Rating:
Ratings in categories:
Product quality and selection:

1 User Review:

Jennifer Gonzalez

Added on Sep 14, 2014 8:45 AM
Visited on Sep 14, 2014 9:38 AM
Product quality and selection:
Very attentive representatives and great customer service is offered every day, all day by everyone. Store is always clean and meticulous, it is also very easy to find items that you are looking for. And of course, if you have any trouble finding something, there is always a representative more than happy to help you find what you are looking for in particular. I've gone more than a couple of times and I always get excellent customer service. Right when you walk in the store they greet you, and make you feel like you are a valued customer. Thank you for a wonderful-easy experience :)
Would you recommend Staples: (67th and 8th) to others? Yes
Staples: (67th and 8th) respresentatives - respond and add information


Address: 8859 S.W. 24th St.
City and Zip Code: Miami, FL 33165
Phone: 305-559-6211
Fax: 305-559-6583
Year business was established: 11/28/05
Hours open:
Monday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Tuesday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Wednesday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Thursday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Friday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday:9:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday:10:00am - 6:00pm

Staples: Kendall Mall

Address: 8811 SW 107th Avenue
City and Zip Code: Miami, FL 33176
Phone: 305-271-4282
Fax: 305-271-4351
Year business was established: 11/2/06
Hours open:
Monday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Tuesday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Wednesday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Thursday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Friday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday:9:00am - 7:00pm
Sunday:10:00am - 6:00pm

Staples: Carter Square

Address: 13640 North Kendall Drive
City and Zip Code: Miami, FL 33186
Phone: 305-387-5267
Fax: 305-387-5680
Year business was established: 11/17/2007
Hours open:
Monday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Tuesday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Wednesday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Thursday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Friday:8:00am - 9:00pm
Saturday:9:00am - 9:00pm
Sunday:10:00am - 6:00pm
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