Cedar Cultural Center - Nightlife - Minneapolis, Minnesota

City: Minneapolis, MN
Category: Nightlife
Telephone: (612) 338-2674
Address: 416 Cedar Ave. South

Description: The Cedar Cultural Center is a great place to see musicians perform. The auditorium is designed specifically for listening to music, with beautiful hardwood floors, a large raised stage in the front, excellent acoustics, and a soundman who actually pays attention to musicians’ cues. Exciting acts perform at this venue, from traditional Irish bands to folk duos to world-famous acoustic soloists such as Pierre Bensusan and Didier Malherbe. The Cedar is also the home of the annual Nordic Roots festival, a three-day event that features elemental, contemporary, and experimental groups from the Nordic countries. The refreshment bar is worth noting, too—this establishment includes cheap, good beer on tap, wine, homemade cookies, and Indian samosas on the menu. Dress light if you’re heading to the Cedar in summertime—when the venue’s sold out, it can get mighty sticky in there.