Commuter Connections - Getting Here, Getting Around - Washington, District of Columbia

City: Washington, DC
Category: Getting Here, Getting Around
Address: 777 North Capitol Street NE, Suite 300

Description: Are you interested in joining a car pool? Missed your ride home because you had to work late? Need information about local mass transit? Commuter Connections, a regional transportation information network, is ready to come to the rescue with solutions to common dilemmas. If you regularly travel to work via car alternatives, you can join the Guaranteed Ride Home program, which provides free rides home from work, up to four times annually, in cases of emergencies, illnesses, or unscheduled overtime. The network’s rideshare database also helps people find car pools or van pools in their neighborhoods. Commuter Connections helps companies implement commuting and “telework” programs; provides information about Park-and-Ride lots, HOV locations, and public transit options; and publishes a quarterly newsletter.