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  1. Herbal alternatives to caffeine? - Alternative Medicine
  2. For of you taking Apple Cider Vinegar:: infection - Alternative Medicine
  3. Looking for a good red wine ...An article suggests a daily glass for a healthy heart......... - Alternative Medicine
  4. Oral Chelation: effects - Alternative Medicine
  5. tipping your massage therapist - Alternative Medicine
  6. Tax Deductions and Alternative Medicine: effects
  7. Pruritus ani treatments?: infection, natural - Alternative Medicine
  8. Death by ignorance.... - Alternative Medicine
  9. Ideas for gift for doctor/healer - Alternative Medicine
  10. Soap Ingredients Information: reviews, infection, home remedies, natural - Alternative Medicine
  11. Cramps in my toes? - Alternative Medicine
  12. Silver Sol: infection, research, effects - Alternative Medicine
  13. Chiropractor worked on my TMJ today: sinus, surgery - Alternative Medicine
  14. Negative Results After Inversion Table (People Over 50): infection, relief, research - Alternative Medicine
  15. ! i'm italian student of osteopathy - Alternative Medicine
  16. raw kale with hypothroid?: juice - Alternative Medicine
  17. CoQ10 options?: reviews, natural - Alternative Medicine
  18. Organic Manifesto: natural, effects - Alternative Medicine
  19. For who see a chiropractor - venting + advice - Alternative Medicine
  20. crystal healing therapy: research - Alternative Medicine
  21. Bio Energetic Therapy with Electro-Diagnosis ? - Alternative Medicine
  22. Germ Theory (Fallacy): juice, infection, research, natural - Alternative Medicine
  23. Conflicting Opinions About Fungicides: nail fungus - Alternative Medicine
  24. Magnesium and Epsom Salt Baths Help Woman with Anxiety and Acne: relief - Alternative Medicine
  25. about LLMDs: infection - Alternative Medicine
  26. gluten free bread causing right finger joint pain and stiffness?: swelling - Alternative Medicine
  27. Tried Cupping - Alternative Medicine
  28. Liver and Gall Bladder Flush instead of surgery: natural - Alternative Medicine
  29. Does the title B.K have actual meaning?: remedy - Alternative Medicine
  30. Natural help for fybromyalgia?: effects - Alternative Medicine
  31. Feels like food is stuck in my throat - Alternative Medicine
  32. Celery Seed Extract - Experience With Circulation & Swelling Improvement?: juice, research - Alternative Medicine
  33. Physiological changes from going organic: juice, sinus, relief - Alternative Medicine
  34. Long Dan Xie Gan Wan - Has used this long term?: juice, sinus - Alternative Medicine
  35. Dance ethics. - Alternative Medicine
  36. Has done this? - Alternative Medicine
  37. Collagen supplements for pain in knees.: surgery, relief, natural - Alternative Medicine
  38. Unatural Dreams From Natural Products (?): remedies - Alternative Medicine
  39. Herbalist cheat sheets? - Alternative Medicine
  40. Alternative relief for a thyroid goiter?: surgery - Alternative Medicine
  41. IV Vitamin C Used to Recover Terminal Swine Flu Case (2009): juice - Alternative Medicine
  42. Fatique and smoking: juice - Alternative Medicine
  43. ethyl alcohol + white vinegar for nail fungus: infection, home remedies, relief - Alternative Medicine
  44. Holistic treatments for psoriasis: natural - Alternative Medicine
  45. advice for bile salt malabsorbion?: juice - Alternative Medicine
  46. Rolfing and PTSD: effects - Alternative Medicine
  47. Cannabis for PTSD: research, effects - Alternative Medicine
  48. Hormone imbalance?: infection, research, natural - Alternative Medicine
  49. Water pills/: juice, swelling, natural - Alternative Medicine
  50. Ringworm - Alternative Medicine
  51. Heavy metal toxicity - Alternative Medicine
  52. Vitamin C shows promise as cancer therapy....: remedy, research, natural - Alternative Medicine
  53. Alternative to water pills: juice, natural - Alternative Medicine
  54. Pain moves from place to place in my leg: surgery - Alternative Medicine
  55. moisture in my ears am: sinus infection, infection - Alternative Medicine
  56. GcMAF for cancer: research - Alternative Medicine
  57. Low Dose Naltrexone - Alternative Medicine
  58. Asthmatic?: sinus, research, natural, effects - Alternative Medicine
  59. Gallbladder ....wholistic approach...experiencing discomfort right back flank area..: juice - Alternative Medicine
  60. gustatory rhinitis: sinus, remedies - Alternative Medicine
  61. Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Career? - Alternative Medicine
  62. Homeopathy for sinus infection?: nasal polyp, remedies, natural - Alternative Medicine
  63. balancing seasonal mood issues with which supplements? - Alternative Medicine
  64. Teas and Iron Absorption: juice, research - Alternative Medicine
  65. Could you be gluten intolerant/sensitive?: natural - Alternative Medicine
  66. Diabetic? Overweight? - Alternative Medicine
  67. iodine: blood pressure, research, natural - Alternative Medicine
  68. Sound Healing: surgery - Alternative Medicine
  69. Seborrheic Dermatitis: remedies, relief, research, natural - Alternative Medicine
  70. ever read Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures book? - Alternative Medicine
  71. Epsom Salts: infection, surgery, swelling, relief - Alternative Medicine
  72. Gua sha: Scraping of back is said to relieve pain and ease other medical problems - Alternative Medicine
  73. Morphine-like Painkiller found in Black Mamba Venom: research, effects - Alternative Medicine
  74. High Intraocular Pressure: remedies, surgery, blood pressure, natural - Alternative Medicine
  75. Urine cures problems ????????????: infection - Alternative Medicine
  76. What your poop is telling you! - Alternative Medicine
  77. elderberry - Alternative Medicine
  78. Hands on Healing-( Reiki, Quantum Touch, ) - Alternative Medicine
  79. Napping - a huge problem. Need to change the sleeping routine: remedy, natural - Alternative Medicine
  80. Bromday eye drops? - Alternative Medicine
  81. Naturally Hot Mineral Springs - Alternative Medicine
  82. What do you use acupuncture/acupressure for? - Alternative Medicine
  83. Master Tonic for colds and flu: was a skeptic, now a believer: blisters, natural - Alternative Medicine
  84. yeast infection: remedies, nail fungus, natural - Alternative Medicine
  85. Iridology - what your eyes can reveal about your health: natural - Alternative Medicine
  86. Bach Flower Remedies: surgery, relief, natural - Alternative Medicine
  87. Improve eyesight: research - Alternative Medicine
  88. cold eeze - Alternative Medicine
  89. Acupuncture for fertility - Alternative Medicine
  90. Holistic medicine and Rheumatoid Arthritis.: remedies, research, natural, effects - Alternative Medicine
  91. Shark Cartilage for Rheumatoid Arthritis: infection, research - Alternative Medicine
  92. remove sun damage?: surgery, natural - Alternative Medicine
  93. Have you heard of The Gerson Therapy - a treatment for Cancer?: juice, surgery - Alternative Medicine
  94. Iodine. How and why you started taking it: surgery, research - Alternative Medicine
  95. Simple tone generator: infection - Alternative Medicine
  96. Pain killer medicine alternative?: infection, surgery, relief, research - Alternative Medicine
  97. Eye Glasses and Sun Glasses - Alternative Medicine
  98. Can recommend a good aromatherapy diffuser?: reviews, research - Alternative Medicine
  99. home remedies for dry nose/nose bleed?: sinus, surgery, relief - Alternative Medicine
  100. Insomnia--Your Cures that Work: blood pressure, research, natural, effects - Alternative Medicine
  101. Have You Gone from Bad Health to Good Health: sinus infection, infection, surgery - Alternative Medicine
  102. natural remedies for hormonal acne: surgery - Alternative Medicine
  103. Does practice oil pulling?: sinus, natural - Alternative Medicine
  104. Has tried grounding or earthing ?: relief, research, effects - Alternative Medicine
  105. Thermography instead of mamograms?: surgery, research - Alternative Medicine
  106. The Fungus That IS Us:: infection, relief, research - Alternative Medicine
  107. Strange remedies for health problems?: juice, blood pressure, natural - Alternative Medicine
  108. My Red Rice Yeast & Fish Oil Testimonial: reviews, swelling, natural - Alternative Medicine
  109. Natural Beauty Treatments: juice - Alternative Medicine
  110. Garlic for earache: infection, home remedies, natural - Alternative Medicine
  111. upper respiratory infection treatments??: research, herpes, natural - Alternative Medicine
  112. Homeopathic Pellets: sinus infection, infection, remedy, nail fungus - Alternative Medicine
  113. Effective treatment for enlarged prostrate: infection, remedy, blood pressure - Alternative Medicine
  114. Home remedies for cough?: infection, natural - Alternative Medicine
  115. Home Remedies For Start of Colds: infection, natural, effects - Alternative Medicine
  116. White Vinegar for Toenail Fungus: home remedies, natural - Alternative Medicine
  117. Alternative Medicines For Rheumatoid Arthritis?: juice, infection, remedy, natural
  118. Cancer and ketogenic diets: reviews, surgery, research, natural - Alternative Medicine
  119. Apple Cider Vinegar Cure for Acid Reflux: sinus, natural, effects - Alternative Medicine
  120. How Do You Find A Good Alternative Dr?: natural - Alternative Medicine
  121. take cod liver oil?: natural - Alternative Medicine
  122. Does garlic prevent back pain?: remedy - Alternative Medicine
  123. Mms - Alternative Medicine
  124. so much pain - carpal tunnel: home remedies, surgery, research, effects - Alternative Medicine
  125. Medical Marijuana users step inside: juice, relief, research, effects - Alternative Medicine
  126. Homeopathy explained: remedies, research, natural, effects - Alternative Medicine
  127. Green tea since 8 years: juice, blood pressure, natural, effects - Alternative Medicine
  128. Food Grade Hyrdrogen Perioxide: infection, research, natural - Alternative Medicine
  129. Doctor has my son on this: juice, remedies, natural, effects - Alternative Medicine
  130. alternative medicines or ways to sleep?: remedies, blood pressure, natural
  131. s for herbs to rebuild collagen and cartilage?: surgery, research, effects - Alternative Medicine
  132. Home health 'cure' you got as a kid and hated - Alternative Medicine
  133. Cramps leg's during the night help!! - Alternative Medicine
  134. Natural cures for vitiligo: infection, remedies, relief - Alternative Medicine
  135. Clear Skin Diet! pointers??: juice, infection, remedies, research - Alternative Medicine
  136. Fibromyalgia News--Sounds good: juice, research, effects - Alternative Medicine
  137. Headaches, sinus infection?: remedy, relief, effects - Alternative Medicine
  138. Should I go back to the doctor or buy medicine from the store?: sinus, infection - Alternative Medicine
  139. Do you go to the Chiropractor? - Alternative Medicine
  140. Little known health secret: juice, sinus, natural - Alternative Medicine
  141. I tried accupuncture!: sinus - Alternative Medicine
  142. Cure for pinworm?: infection, remedies, natural - Alternative Medicine
  143. Severe acne - Alternative Medicine
  144. Food Cravings: Do you or don't you - Alternative Medicine
  145. All Cancer is Cureable: research, natural, effects - Alternative Medicine
  146. My 9 year old daughter is suffering from a boil HELP: infection, remedy - Alternative Medicine
  147. Reflexology: sinus - Alternative Medicine
  148. Why won't people open their minds?: natural - Alternative Medicine
  149. Problemfeet (Photo): surgery - Alternative Medicine
  150. Not getting into a deep sleep, chronic fatigue, tired: remedies, research - Alternative Medicine
  151. Fibromyalgia - what are alternative treatments?: surgery, relief, effects - Alternative Medicine
  152. Blackstrap molasses & its benefits?: infection, remedies, surgery, natural - Alternative Medicine
  153. right place ?? Cramps at night help: remedy - Alternative Medicine
  154. heard alternative remedies for eye floaters?: juice, home remedies, surgery - Alternative Medicine
  155. Alternative Tips for Protecting Skin from the Sun: research, natural, effects - Alternative Medicine
  156. How Does Surgery Cause Cancer Cells To Spread by 250%?: research, natural - Alternative Medicine
  157. Let's duke it out . . - Alternative Medicine
  158. Essential oils: relief, natural - Alternative Medicine
  159. Applied Kinesiology - Alternative Medicine
  160. Beauty/Skin/Hair Natural Recipes & Tips: research - Alternative Medicine
  161. Juicing and Detox?: juice, remedies, natural - Alternative Medicine
  162. ever had adrenal fatigue?: blood pressure - Alternative Medicine
  163. Liquid Paraffin for Arthritis: relief, research - Alternative Medicine
  164. PROBIOTICS........Looking for a good supplement... s.....: natural - Alternative Medicine
  165. What kind of cough do I have??: sinus - Alternative Medicine
  166. Holistic Options for Cancer: reviews, remedies, surgery, research - Alternative Medicine
  167. Home Remedies for Nausea - Alternative Medicine
  168. Medicine for Menopausal Glow: surgery, swelling, relief, research - Alternative Medicine
  169. Ketogenic Cure for Cancer: research, effects - Alternative Medicine
  170. Heart Burn: juice, home remedies, blood pressure, relief - Alternative Medicine
  171. Apple Cider Vinegar for Hypertension?: remedies, blood pressure - Alternative Medicine
  172. Taking FOREVER to Really Wake Up - Alternative Medicine
  173. Are Placenta Pills a Miracle Cure or Just a Scam? - Alternative Medicine
  174. Daily Showering - Alternative Medicine
  175. Kratom in San Antonio?: juice, blood pressure, relief, effects - Alternative Medicine
  176. Honey and Cinnamon for a cold or flu: Does it work?: sinus, remedy - Alternative Medicine
  177. Report on using a ketogenic diet to starve cancer....: reviews, research - Alternative Medicine
  178. watch Forks Over Knives.: effects - Alternative Medicine
  179. Do You Trust Healing More to You Than to a Doctor?: blood pressure, natural - Alternative Medicine
  180. Whats best stomach acid/gas med on the planet?: juice, effects - Alternative Medicine
  181. Ayahuasca for healing?: natural - Alternative Medicine
  182. The Gerson Therapy - The cure for cancer?: juice, infection, research - Alternative Medicine
  183. Experimenting with magnesium - Epsom salts, lotion?: blood pressure, relief, effects - Alternative Medicine
  184. Diagnose my STRANGE symptoms: sinus infection, infection, sores, blood pressure - Alternative Medicine
  185. go to a Chiropractor for monthly tune-ups?: relief, natural - Alternative Medicine
  186. Slowing down gray hairs: remedy, natural - Alternative Medicine
  187. Schweizer Top-Klinik for Surgery - Alternative Medicine
  188. Breast milk a secret weapon against HIV: research - Alternative Medicine
  189. Does It Fow When You Go.... - Alternative Medicine
  190. Mind and Sleep hacks needed - Alternative Medicine
  191. the business of disease and mind programind - Alternative Medicine
  192. Essentiall Thrombocythemia: natural - Alternative Medicine
  193. Looking for a place to start practicing Alternative Medicine
  194. Family member in ICU from wrong blood pressure pills - Alternative Medicine
  195. Birch Leaf Tea - Alternative Medicine
  196. An Alternative Viewpoint of Sickness - Alternative Medicine
  197. Acupuncture Eases Hot Flashes (news article0 - Alternative Medicine
  198. Be civil. No demanding proof-this is just a discussion. - Alternative Medicine
  199. Garcinia Bitter Kola Nut - Alternative Medicine
  200. Sleep! - Alternative Medicine