Missouri Severe Storms, Tornadoes, And Flooding (DR-1980)

Joplin: Missouri Severe Storms, Tornadoes, And Flooding (DR-1980)
Photo date: August 6, 2011
Photographer: FEMA / Rossyveth Rey-Berrios
Photo location: Joplin MO
Categories: Community Relations, Debris, FEMA Event, Miscellaneous, Operations, Preparations, Recovery, Response, Special Event, Volunteering, Severe Storm, Tornado
Nearly 1,000 Boy Scouts volunteered to clean debris around Joplin's schools Saturday August 6. The scout leaders who organized the event at Old Middle School were represented by Mounir Elquallab (Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Junction, Kansas), Peter Paras (Scout Master, Junction, Kansas), Trevor Wright (Order of Arrow Representative), Ron Spicer (Scout Master, Shawnee, Kansas), Steven Garlow (Shawnee, Kansas), John Moore (Assistant Scout Master, Shawnee, Kansas) and Lee Schneider (Scout Master, Shawnee, Kansas).

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