Akron: Geography and Climate

Akron's natural surroundings provide a little of everything—to the south and east lie the gently rolling Appalachian Foothills, to the north is the glacial legacy of Lake Erie, and Akron itself sits on the Cuyahoga River in the Great Lakes Plains region. The Plains are renowned for their fertility, while the Appalachian Plateau is not only beautiful but a concentrated repository of minerals.

Akron experiences four distinct seasons throughout the year. A consistently high level of humidity makes for cold winters and hot summers. The winter season can be quite snowy, although Akron's relative distance from Lake Erie protects it from the full barrage of lake effect precipitation experienced by Cleveland. Year-round moisture generates an excellent growing climate.

Area: 62.41 square miles

Elevation: 1,050 feet above sea level

Average Temperatures: January, 24.8° F; July, 71.5° F; annual average, 49.2° F

Average Annual Precipitation: 35 inches of rain; 48 inches of snow