
Political parties

The history of the two major political groups in Oklahoma, the Democratic and Republican parties, dates back to 1890, when Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory were separately organized. Indian Territory was dominated by Democrats, reflecting the influence of southern immigrants, while Oklahoma Territory was primarily Republican because of immigration from the northern states. When the two territories joined for admission to the Union in 1907, Democrats outnumbered Republicans, as they have ever since. Democrats have continued to dominate the lesser state offices, but the Republicans won the governorship three times between 1962 and 1990, and the Republican presidential nominee out-polled his Democratic counterpart in ten of twelve presidential elections between 1948 and 1992. The best showing by a minor party in a recent presidential race was 25% garnered by Independent Ross Perot in 1992.

Oklahomans cast 60% of their popular vote for Republican George W. Bush in the 2000 presidential election, and 38% for Al Gore. In 2002 there were 2,008,036 registered voters. In 1998, 57% of registered voters were Democratic, 35% Republican, and 8% unaffiliated or members of other parties. The state had eight electoral votes in the 2000 presidential election.

Democrat Brad Henry was elected governor in 2002. Republican Senator James Inhofe, first elected in a special election in 1994, was reelected to full terms in 1996 and 2002. Republican Senator Don Nickles, first elected in 1980, was reelected in 1998 to a fourth term. In 2002, Oklahoma sent four Republicans and one Democrat to the US House of Representatives. Democrats controlled the state house and senate in 2003—there were 28 Democrats and 20 Republicans in the house, and 53 Democrats and 48 Republicans in the senate.

Oklahoma Presidential Vote by Political Parties, 1948–2000
Oklahoma Presidential Vote by Political Parties, 1948–2000

Oklahoma Presidential Vote by Political Parties, 1948–2000

* Won US presidential election.
** Independent candidate Ross Perot received 319,878 votes in 1992 and 130,788 votes in 1996.
1948 10*Truman (D) 452,782 2687,817
1952 8*Eisenhower (R) 430,939 518,045
1956 8*Eisenhower (R) 385,581 473,769
1960 8Nixon (R) 370,111 533,039
1964 8*Johnson (D) 519,834 412,665
1968 8*Nixon (R) 301,658 449,697
1972 8*Nixon (R) 247,147 759,025
1976 8Ford (R) 532,442 545,708
1980 8*Reagan (R( 402,026 695,570
1984 8*Reagan (R) 385,080 861,530
1988 8*Bush (R) 483,423 678,367
1992** 8Bush (R) 473,066 592,929
1996** 8Dole (R) 488,105 582,315
2000*** 8*Bush, G. W. (R) 474,276 744,337