Orting, WA: Our home sits on a hill over looking the valley of farms & the town of Orting. We can sit/stand on our balcony in the summer and see every star because we don't have "all the traffic lights" to interfer.We hold a "farmers market" home grown or made, in town. Spring we have deer,rabbits,owls,blue jays,sparrows nesting and looking for berries and green grass.Floral parades, 4th of July picnic/fire works. Fall is full of multicolored leaves blowing around on the road and throughout town, then the highschool is well known for the football talent so Homecoming Parades go crazy, and safe fun anything from a tractor to a jacked up 4 wheel pick up truck with the king/queen of Homecoming. Winter brings some chilly snowy fun days of sitting on Santas lap a a free party at the Eagles, we also have adults & kids competing to sled on anything from a sled,innertube,skies,snowboards, & for some cardboard boxes. We are a close town/neighborhood and look out for everyones best interest. Come visit, we are just outside Puyallup. Here is our newspaper online @ http://www.ortingnews.com

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