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  1. Grandmother's use of rusty nails: quote, Christ, about, secret - Paganism
  2. Demons look black because they have no light?: Muslims, quote, exist - Paganism
  3. the Gods: translation, Egyptian, priest, Isaac - Paganism
  4. A for animists: soul, Mormon, pray, believer - Paganism
  5. Solstice Celebration Plans?: quote, Eve, Christ, about - Paganism
  6. Astrological Birth Chart > random technical: quote, marriage, heaven - Paganism
  7. What's the difference between New Age and psychic abilities?: reincarnation, faith, God - Paganism
  8. Well That's One Way: church, quote, Abraham, God - Paganism
  9. Mind-Body non-duality: soul, hell, bible, Israel - Paganism
  10. Undoing literalist brainwashing: disciples, hell, myth, church - Paganism
  11. Blessed Mabon!: quote - Paganism
  12. Building Greek Altar?: hell, atheist, spirits, worship - Paganism
  13. Anthony Strano on the cyclical nature of time in ancient Greek, Roman, Indian and pagan philosophies: souls, Egyptian - Paganism
  14. Summer Solstice 2022: quote, pray, Christianity, Christian - Paganism
  15. Perhaps The Greatest Power: America, priest, spirits, quote - Paganism
  16. The Green Knight!!: pagan - Paganism
  17. Dark witches: mythology, quote - Paganism
  18. Is Witchcraft hereditary?: church, atheist, spirits, quote - Paganism
  19. Pagan music/festivals and money?: quote, religion, about - Paganism
  20. Spiritualist: Buddhism, hell, America, church - Paganism
  21. Ammonia- uses for/occult properties: against - Paganism
  22. Blessed Lughnasadh/Happy Lammas: quote, pagan, about, festival - Paganism
  23. Happy Strawberry Moon - Paganism
  24. Solstice 2020: quote, about - Paganism
  25. Magick- black, white, grey: quote, belief, philosophy, Wicca - Paganism
  26. Brujeria: paranormal, spirits, worship, quote - Paganism
  27. Update on the Stonehenge trespassing appeal case.: soul, Egyptian, bible - Paganism
  28. An Opinion: Pagans do not worship nature: paranormal, quote, Abraham - Paganism
  29. Songs for the Solstice - Paganism
  30. Pagans react to Notre Dame fire.: Buddha, quote, Mary, Christianity - Paganism
  31. Natal Chart Help?: quote, religion, science, spiritual - Paganism
  32. CO star App for Astrology use it?: soul, Earth, about - Paganism
  33. Happy Halloween: quote, pagan - Paganism
  34. Book recommendations on the history of wicca/witchcraft: America, worship, exist - Paganism
  35. Oro Se do Bheatha Bhaile: grace, translation, beliefs, belief - Paganism
  36. Full Moon - 9/1 (Tuesday): spirits, quote, spiritual, spirit - Paganism
  37. How to reinvigorate interest in paganism: quote, religion, pagans, about
  38. Do you have a Book of Shadows?: verse, pagans, about - Paganism
  39. Samhain 2015?: churches, quote, beliefs, belief - Paganism
  40. What have you done for the pagan community and what has it done for you?: atheist, agnostic - Paganism
  41. Pagan New Year traditions.: quote, faith, holidays, purification - Paganism
  42. Ostara blessings!: quote - Paganism
  43. Best friend's wifes hates our belifes.: quote, divorce, marriage, Christian - Paganism
  44. How do I know if my son has been put under a love spell?: quote, believe - Paganism
  45. Yoga Vasistha - ancient Indian text: salvation, quote, pray, God - Paganism
  46. Lunar Eclipse building.... May 5, 2023 (evening/night in the U.S.): quote, believe - Paganism
  47. Astrology?: quote, exist, pagans, explanation - Paganism
  48. Liminal time - the Magic of In-between: quote, believe, Eve - Paganism
  49. 70 Year Super Moon: perspective, Earth, different - Paganism
  50. Imbolc 2016: about - Paganism
  51. What are your top 5 Pagan music videos?: soul, priest, quote - Paganism
  52. Adhyatma Ramayan: quote, philosophy, spiritual, spirit - Paganism
  53. Heartland Pagan festival (KS): attend - Paganism
  54. More Blows Struck for Minority Religions!: church, Christ, about, woman - Paganism
  55. trance channeling: spirits, quote, belief, body - Paganism
  56. Its The 21st: quote, Earth, difference, about - Paganism
  57. Candle Lighting Service Offered: priest, quote, marriage, pray - Paganism
  58. Love Spell: quote, Mary, children, about - Paganism
  59. Lily Dale. July 2024,: church, paranormal, quote, blessing - Paganism
  60. Do you think neo-paganism is more pagan or new-age?: mythology, church, quote
  61. into Astro*Carto*Graphy?: America, quote, believe, origin - Paganism
  62. Full Moon Tonight: quote, bless, spiritual, spirit - Paganism
  63. The Relationship of The Julleuchter and The Jack o'lantern: about - Paganism
  64. What can yall tell me about the Thoth deck?: quote, punished, demons - Paganism
  65. about herbs: quote, pagan, history, experience - Paganism
  66. Llamas/Lughnasadh: America, quote, holidays, differences - Paganism
  67. Priestess Starr RavenHawk ~ Calling Spirits Together For The Angry Gods: Buddhist, God - Paganism
  68. mens: quote, Christians, Christ, married - Paganism
  69. Paganism, Polyamory, Polygamy.: Mormons, myth, church, priest
  70. Tarot query - friendship 10-7-23: ghost, Israel, quote - Paganism
  71. I intuit a Christian is praying for me to convert to her church: Holy Spirit, protestant - Paganism
  72. Full Moon tonight...July 4/5: quote, pray, prayer, piercing - Paganism
  73. Encouraging Quotes: soul, hell, Buddha, evolution - Paganism
  74. Death Comes in Threes what is the origen of this and...: mythology, church - Paganism
  75. Virginia teen dies after summoning ancient voodoo god. Your thoughts?: souls, America - Paganism
  76. Apports in New House.: suicide, spirits, quote, divorce - Paganism
  77. Moon phases: America, quote, Wicca, wiccan - Paganism
  78. What's a pagan to do?: quote, believe, biography, Wicca - Paganism
  79. tarot decks- the more the merrier or give me a break: quote, about - Paganism
  80. Good website about tarot card meanings: quote, believe, perspective, different - Paganism
  81. Alester Crowley: America, quote, divorce, Christian - Paganism
  82. How did they miss Corona?: prophecies, quote, believe, Earth - Paganism
  83. If you believe in reincarnation...: hell, America, Baptist, quote - Paganism
  84. TroutDude's gone fishing: grace, hell, quote, believe - Paganism
  85. Experiences with Ghosts: spirits, quote, divorce, sunday - Paganism
  86. Crystals: quote, believe, married, created - Paganism
  87. What would constitute proof of the Greek/Roman gods being the true religion?: mythology, quote - Paganism
  88. open vs closed systems in paganism/occult/new age: church, quote, beliefs
  89. Tarot chat: myth, quote, cross, seven - Paganism
  90. Pagans and ........the rest: worship, quote, believe, belief - Paganism
  91. About Past Lives: spirits, quote, witness, spirit - Paganism
  92. I just bought a new Tarot deck...: quote, tattoo, about - Paganism
  93. Questioning Faith.: soul, quote, pray, God - Paganism
  94. Interested in Paganism...HELP?: hell, spirits, quote, Jewish
  95. Reiki: quote, techniques, miracle, spirit - Paganism
  96. Your Version of Hell: Buddhism, quote, Christianity, Christian - Paganism
  97. James Allen (d. 1912): Buddha, quote, principle, eternal - Paganism
  98. Ask a Witch ;): priest, spirits, quote, faith - Paganism
  99. Mabon: The celebration of the fall equinox: mythology, quote, pray - Paganism
  100. Darkness: hell, quote, pray, believe - Paganism
  101. Imbolc - Spring begins: quote, pray, Christianity, Christians - Paganism
  102. What Does A Questing Spirit Seek?: quote, heaven, verse, Universe - Paganism
  103. Does have an interest in magic(k)?: hell, quote, believe - Paganism
  104. Samhain Blessings...: soul, quote, sunday, believe - Paganism
  105. I am confused..Where does one discuss Paganism or related beliefs: paranormal, spirits
  106. As a Christian, my favorite Pagan movie is...: Buddhist, Harry Potter, myths - Paganism
  107. tarot reader - psychic reader gave me bad news: hell, quote - Paganism
  108. Solstice 2016: quote, verse, California, organization - Paganism
  109. Happy Solstice/Christmas/Hannukah: quote, Christians, believe, verse - Paganism
  110. Little Things To Appreciate: quote, verse, children, bless - Paganism
  111. Trout ~ If Sees My Good Buddy Trout, Just Hollar out!!: hell, quote - Paganism
  112. Pythagoras: soul, translation, quote, faith - Paganism
  113. Favorite Book: Harry Potter, myth, quote, Christianity - Paganism
  114. Trying to explain to others.: America, church, Muslim, spirits - Paganism
  115. After This Life -- What?: hell, ghosts, reincarnation, worship - Paganism
  116. Pagan Music,: created, origin - Paganism
  117. Next Generation Christianity: salvation, Buddhism, soul, grace - Paganism
  118. Short - help: believe, perspective, children, explanation - Paganism
  119. Peace Sign Not So Peaceful?: agnostic, quote, Satan, Christian - Paganism
  120. Solstice Mourning Moon: quote, marriage, Christians, beliefs - Paganism
  121. Yule 2015: church, bible, quote, Christianity - Paganism
  122. Someone stuck on your mind: atheist, quote, believe, religion - Paganism
  123. A beef with Pagans.: Buddhists, church, atheist, Muslims - Paganism
  124. Could use a bit of advice: Buddha, quote, faith - Paganism
  125. Concept of evil.: mythology, bible, quote, punished - Paganism
  126. Satan: church, spirits, bible, worship - Paganism
  127. Paganism and Satanism?: hell, Egyptian, America, myth
  128. Oklahoma Pagan Family Targeted.: hell, bible, worship, quote - Paganism
  129. How do you view the Rede?: Mormonism, spirits, quote, Christianity - Paganism
  130. Witchcraft, Shamanism, work if you know what you are doing.: hell, quote - Paganism
  131. Teach me the way of Tarot: hell, Revelation - Paganism
  132. Christian Paganism: hell, church, gospel, bible
  133. If someone told you that they had cursed you...: America, quote, pray - Paganism
  134. Ancient Pagan Wisdom: quote, Christianity, Christian, believe - Paganism
  135. Super Blood Wolf Moon: America, quote, sunday, virtual - Paganism
  136. Bonding With An Animal: spirits, quote, marriage, children - Paganism
  137. Winter Solstice Is: America, Islam, Muslim, quote - Paganism
  138. areas with large pagan community: hell, church, atheist, quote - Paganism
  139. Thanksgiving Music: America, quote, Christ, religion - Paganism
  140. Where to start...pantheon, greek, Norse, druidry?: atheism, agnostic, quote - Paganism
  141. How do you deal with religion at work? (getting preached at): church, protestant - Paganism
  142. Pagans and Hindus: Buddhism, Islam, quote, faith - Paganism
  143. Yule/Winter Solstice: church, quote, nuns, Catholic - Paganism
  144. The Significance of the Cold Moon - your thoughts?: Israel, quote, Apostle - Paganism
  145. Tarot: America, quote, believe, Universe - Paganism
  146. Pagan Gardening: soul, hell, spirits, quote - Paganism
  147. My husband had a heart attack.: quote, pray, Christianity, Christian - Paganism
  148. Occult Supply Shops: Buddhism, Islam, quote, Christianity - Paganism
  149. PC Halloween: churches, quote, believe, religion - Paganism
  150. Is Magic And Science The Same Thing?: quote, miracles, created - Paganism
  151. How do you measure spiritual progress?: church, quote, punishment, pray - Paganism
  152. Do objects have a soul?: ghost, quote, believe, created - Paganism
  153. Looking For A Very Simple Spell To Sell: hell, bible, quote - Paganism
  154. What Is More Important: hell, quote, believe, belief - Paganism
  155. for Pagans: Harry Potter, mythology, spirits, quote - Paganism
  156. What if something just to not want to happen ?: quote, believe - Paganism
  157. Where are we headed?: Islam, Muslim, worship, quote - Paganism
  158. Superstition: Jehovah's Witness, church, quote, faith - Paganism
  159. Demons: souls, hell, quote, Christian - Paganism
  160. Travel deities?: spirits, quote, Catholic, Vatican - Paganism
  161. Numerology: America, Revelations, quote, believe - Paganism
  162. need to downsize and clear clutter: what to do with books: salvation, hell - Paganism
  163. Interested.: hell, Buddha, mythology, church - Paganism
  164. spirituality without a duality of god/goddess - Paganism
  165. Which other types of white magic/Right Hand Path occultism would be worth showcasing to the public ?: Satan, Satanism - Paganism
  166. A Present for all: bless, pagans - Paganism