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  1. 110 year old Holocaust survivor dies... - Judaism
  2. You know you're in a Reform shul when... - Judaism
  3. Kaparot (Chicken Sacrifice In Judaism): believe, beliefs
  4. Returning from Israel - Judaism
  5. Tzom gedaliah: Israel - Judaism
  6. Help a gentile with Hebrew?: believe, Bible, Christians, translation - Judaism
  7. Who wrote the Torah?: believe, biblical - Judaism
  8. Divorced From My Husband, and My Faith: religious - Judaism
  9. Can a non Jewish person (Christian) rent a Jewish Banquet Hall? - Judaism
  10. English only: religious - Judaism
  11. Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah: religious, Israel - Judaism
  12. Happy Rosh Hashanah! - Judaism
  13. K'siva V'Chasima Tova - Judaism
  14. Kol Tuv: translation - Judaism
  15. Is the Talmud complete and final? - Judaism
  16. Dinner: Who would you invite - Judaism
  17. Clean Orthodox Jewish Comedian (VIDEO) - Judaism
  18. Elul, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur: Israel - Judaism
  19. Favorite Tanakh/Siddur?: Bible, translation, Sabbath, Israel - Judaism
  20. Useful apps - Judaism
  21. Traditional Purim Meals: food - Judaism
  22. Holocaust book I never forgot: believe - Judaism
  23. Are American Jews Creating a New Jewishness: religious, Israel, returning - Judaism
  24. Who will remain to tell the story of our people?: Israel - Judaism
  25. Should Orthodox girls be allowed to have a synagogue based Bat Mitzvah: women, believe - Judaism
  26. Reincarnation and the Holocaust: believe, Bible, religious - Judaism
  27. Jewish scholarship: marry, Sabbath, Israel - Judaism
  28. Orthodox Jewish Women Donate Used Wigs To Cancer - Judaism
  29. Hassidim in America - Judaism
  30. Visiting an Orthodox synagogue....: food, dating - Judaism
  31. The Vatican and the Temple vessels - Judaism
  32. About a Jewish Custom: religious - Judaism
  33. Tu B'Shevat - Judaism
  34. Headstones on Jewish graves: believe, Israel - Judaism
  35. New Reported NYC Knocking People Down: women, Sabbath - Judaism
  36. How Israel lost the Kingdom of God and developed into just another religious system! - Judaism
  37. Where does the word Shtraam comes from? - Judaism
  38. Work Exception for Shabbat?: religious, Sabbath - Judaism
  39. Judaism in the Netherlands: religious, Israel
  40. From 1939 - I Married a Jew - Judaism
  41. Jews in the South--an oxymoron?: believe, Israel - Judaism
  42. 22% of European Jews hide identity: religious, Israel - Judaism
  43. Tefilas Haderech... - Judaism
  44. Borscht - Judaism
  45. The 10th of Tevet: believe, Bible, biblical, food - Judaism
  46. conceptualizing jews: Americans, Israel, biblical - Judaism
  47. New digital copies of Dead Sea scrolls uploaded to web: Exodus - Judaism
  48. News, Rabbi returns $98,000 he found in desk he bought on Craigslist. - Judaism
  49. The challenge - Judaism
  50. Bess Myerson: women, religious, Israel - Judaism
  51. Olam HaBa (Jewish afterlife): Christians - Judaism
  52. for Jews About Teachings About Time of Death: women, believe - Judaism
  53. Siddur recommendations?: women, translation, Israel - Judaism
  54. To Jews that have moved to Israel: Sabbath, food - Judaism
  55. Bateman and his experience with a seder. - Judaism
  56. Favorite Pesach Haggadah - Judaism
  57. Creation offering - sacrifice - Sabbath - Judaism
  58. Shinto = Judaism?: Israel
  59. Bi-national state: what would Israeli Jews do?: believe - Judaism
  60. Is this Orthodox Woman Dressing modestly?: women, Christians, religious, Israel - Judaism
  61. World's Oldest Torah Believed Found - Judaism
  62. Israeli society debates the value of Haredi jobs, but Patrick Leigh Fermor saw the ultra-Orthodox hard at work: religious - Judaism
  63. What is meant by post-exile Jew?: Bible, Israel - Judaism
  64. Kibbutz vacation?: Israel - Judaism
  65. Jewish Wardrobe: women, Sabbath - Judaism
  66. How and when does a ruling in Jewish law become set in stone?: Asher, Israel - Judaism
  67. Jews and Baha'is: Personal Perspectives: women, believe, religious, - Judaism
  68. Borough Park And Williamsburg Battling Measles Outbreak - Judaism
  69. Bein adam lechavero commandments: believe - Judaism
  70. A doctor is born: Hebrew University honors Streisand with honorary PhD: translation, Israel - Judaism
  71. Plans for Shavuot?: religious, Israel - Judaism
  72. Kindling fires on Shabbat: food - Judaism
  73. When Jews are not allowed to pray in their own country... - Judaism
  74. Noah Knew [a new song inspired by the legend of Noah] - Judaism
  75. Combining technology and Jewish law: Israel - Judaism
  76. When and why did the Samaritans separate from the Jewish community?: Bible, Christians - Judaism
  77. What do Jews think of blessed Virgin Mary?: women, Bible, Christians - Judaism
  78. Kosher Website: food - Judaism
  79. Websites that discuss Israel - Judaism
  80. re Deuteronomy 15: believe, religious - Judaism
  81. What kind of different kinds of Judaism are there?
  82. Beautiful Shabbos - Judaism
  83. Correct Bible Translations?!: women, believe - Judaism
  84. Tell me about Hebrew school.: Christians, religious - Judaism
  85. Chief Rabbinate doesn't trust U.S. Orthodox rabbis: women, witness, marry - Judaism
  86. to you guys:D: women, religious, Israel - Judaism
  87. Do you wear a Kippah everyday?: religious - Judaism
  88. Downgrading Judaism: believe, beliefs, Israel
  89. Orthodox high school allows women to wear tefillin: religious - Judaism
  90. Weekly halacha: believe, religious - Judaism
  91. Hiker: believe, Bible, Israel - Judaism
  92. Funeral tomorrow: women - Judaism
  93. Jewish Scholars: Bible - Judaism
  94. The future of Conservative Judaism: believe, translation, religious, Sabbath
  95. Jews Must not Pray at Kotel: religious - Judaism
  96. Were Hebrews Runaway African Slaves?: believe, Christians, Israel - Judaism
  97. Putting Jewish community work on resume for completely unrelated job (antisemitism?): believe, Christians - Judaism
  98. Orthodox Professor of Talmudic Studies talks about Jesus: believe, Christians, - Judaism
  99. Tikva: believe, Christians, translation, religious - Judaism
  100. Need advice on how to upgrade from Reform to Orthodox: women, believe - Judaism
  101. Kosher Kitniyot for Pesach 2014: translation, Israel - Judaism
  102. Do you hate treif?: believe, Bible, religious, food - Judaism
  103. Should Orthodox men/boys have the same level of modesty as women/girls: Bible - Judaism
  104. Woodrow: believe, Christians - Judaism
  105. How do Jews all seem to understand each other with only transliterations?: Israel - Judaism
  106. Are Jews allowed to live in non-Jewish neighborhoods?: believe, religious, food - Judaism
  107. Where can I find a list of anti-Jewish proselytic rhetoric?: believe, Catholics - Judaism
  108. Orthodox branch: Israel, biblical - Judaism
  109. Jewish tradition and archaeology: believe, Christians - Judaism
  110. A for Orthodox Jews: believe, translation, religious, beliefs - Judaism
  111. Should women be allowed up to the bima and read the torah?: Israel - Judaism
  112. Does know a Jewish interpretation to the Bible?: translation, religious, civilization - Judaism
  113. Yiddish: Israel - Judaism
  114. Ask a former Reform Jew anything!!!: believe, religious, Israel - Judaism
  115. tips of ively family communities accross the country?: Israel, returning - Judaism
  116. Purim. What's it about?: women, Israel - Judaism
  117. Hilchot Valentine's Day - Judaism
  118. How do you prove your a Kohen or Levi? - Judaism
  119. Do ALL Jews have mezuzas? - Judaism
  120. Myths and Misconceptions about your branch / denomination of Judaism?: women, believe, Sabbath
  121. What is the correct pronunciation of (Biblical) Hebrew?: Israel - Judaism
  122. Are Orthodox Women Treated as Second Class Citizens?: believe - Judaism
  123. Descendents of Abraham: believe - Judaism
  124. Jewish Divorce: women, religious, Israel - Judaism
  125. How do you celebrate Shabbos?: believe, Bible, Christians, Sabbath - Judaism
  126. Clothing: What do you wear: women, Israel - Judaism
  127. Tzedaka: food - Judaism
  128. What part of the Talmud discussed Numbers 31?: Bible, translation, Exodus - Judaism
  129. Torah vs Talmud: believe, Catholics, witness, Americans - Judaism
  130. How many days do you take off for Rosh Hashanah?: Israel - Judaism
  131. Is the Talmud the true word of your god?: believe, Bible, Christians - Judaism
  132. What can we learn from Exodus 32:25-29?: translation, Israel - Judaism
  133. If Jesus is a false god for Jews, why not for Gentiles?: believe, Christians - Judaism
  134. Who started this Talmud Jews are not real Jews business?: Christians - Judaism
  135. Using a computer on Shabbat per Zomet: believe, Israel - Judaism
  136. Converting to Judaism: believe, Bible
  137. What historical Jews do you admire?: believe - Judaism
  138. of the Night: Crime: religious - Judaism
  139. a about Bar-mitzvahs, from a non Jew: believe, witness, Christians - Judaism
  140. Hashkalah movement: good or bad?: women, believe, marry, beliefs - Judaism
  141. Kippah: believe, Bible - Judaism
  142. In general, do Jews believe in Evolution?: Bible, Christians, religious - Judaism
  143. Judaism and Pre-marital sex: marry, religious
  144. Questions from a Christian: believe, Christians, Israel - Judaism
  145. Learning Hebrew?: Israel, biblical - Judaism
  146. Lashon Hara: believe, food - Judaism
  147. Jewish unity and preventing divisions us: women - Judaism
  148. Am I Jewish?: Bible, Israel - Judaism
  149. Women of the Wall: believe, religious, Israel - Judaism
  150. Why is it so hard to meet attractive Jewish girls: women, marry - Judaism
  151. Do you believe G-d calls Gentiles to convert?: Sabbath, Israel, food - Judaism
  152. What are the main differences between Conservative and Orthodox?: women, - Judaism
  153. Have an easy fast: Israel - Judaism
  154. Crazy Orthodox to Reform: Sabbath - Judaism
  155. Reconciling traditions with personal values: women, believe, religious, food - Judaism
  156. What are the Messianic Prophecies?: believe, Bible, marry, beliefs - Judaism
  157. do not hug me!: women - Judaism
  158. about greeting during Yom Kippur: Christians, religious, food - Judaism
  159. Just ordered our Sukkah! - Judaism
  160. Thanksgivukkah: returning, food - Judaism
  161. Topic of the Night: Holiday Season: believe, translation, beliefs - Judaism
  162. Kosher: Is it or is it not - Judaism
  163. Interested in Judaism, but slightly put off by the Torah?: believe, Bible
  164. Felt uncomfortable visiting reform synagogue: Sabbath - Judaism
  165. The Jewish Race: believe, Bible, beliefs, Israel - Judaism
  166. Gefilte Fish: food - Judaism
  167. Questions on Judaism: women, believe, religious, beliefs
  168. for TFF: believe - Judaism
  169. Secular/Civil New Year - Judaism
  170. Where do rabbis get this type of authority?: women, believe, religious - Judaism
  171. for HyperionGap: believe, religious, - Judaism
  172. about eternal life in the New Testament: Bible, Christians - Judaism
  173. Do you think it's time to retire the word Zionist?: Israel - Judaism
  174. What do Orthodox Jews think about homosexuality and gay marriage?: women, Catholics - Judaism
  175. Ashkenazi movements vs. Sephardic identity: religious, Israel - Judaism
  176. Welfare in Haredi Communities: religious, Israel - Judaism
  177. Drug abuse in secular Israeli Jewish society: women, marry - Judaism
  178. Chanukah & Thanksgiving 2013: Americans, religious - Judaism
  179. Why do so many threads get locked?: Israel - Judaism
  180. Debates between Rabbis: believe, Christians, beliefs - Judaism
  181. So Black Americans are the true Israelites?: Bible, Exodus - Judaism
  182. Few to Jews: women, believe, Sabbath - Judaism
  183. uestions: Jehovah, witness, Christians, beliefs - Judaism
  184. Why do Jews have to pay monthly dues to their synagogue?: religious, Sabbath - Judaism
  185. This is pretty intense stuff: women, Israel, biblical - Judaism
  186. Are they lost?: women, believe, Americans, marry - Judaism
  187. Branches of Judaism: Israel
  188. The bright side to intermarriage: marry, Israel - Judaism
  189. I want to become a Ger but I'm scared?: believe, beliefs, biblical - Judaism
  190. News, One in five American Jews say they have no religion, Pew survey finds: believe, Americans - Judaism
  191. Spiritual leader of Iran Jews dies aged 100 - Judaism
  192. Israel National Anthem - Judaism
  193. How Hashem uses suffering - Judaism
  194. and Action: Christians, beliefs - Judaism
  195. New teaching on leadership - Judaism
  196. Interesting Purim shailos: women - Judaism
  197. The Story of the Jews - Judaism
  198. Making a Difference: biblical - Judaism
  199. Classical Theism - Judaism
  200. The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture - Judaism