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  1. Is charity to medical problems just a bunch of scams.: wages, salary - Great Debates
  2. What National Tax Increase Would Be Widely Accepted And For What?: Clinton, best - Great Debates
  3. Are GoFundMe accounts a slippery slope for donations?: ethic, drugs, regular - Great Debates
  4. Are the sins of the father really visited upon the son?: racism, religion - Great Debates
  5. Another reason for non-employer-based health coverage: employment, healthcare, insurance, medical - Great Debates
  6. The Interplay of Good, Bad, Consciousness, Ethics, and Value: economic, education, money - Great Debates
  7. Are the US's relations with the foreign world going to get better or worse in the next 20 years?: military, politicians - Great Debates
  8. Varieties of feminism: compared, countries, articles, - Great Debates
  9. I'm a Bad American - I Don't Like Fireworks: illegal, party, states - Great Debates
  10. How strong is the so called culture of honor in today's US of A ?: generation, school - Great Debates
  11. More and more sites not allowing comments fighting discord: accuse, regular, extremist - Great Debates
  12. Conquer or Produce?: ethical, state, claim, laws - Great Debates
  13. Is Human Nature Evolutionarily Obsolete?: enemy, generations, radical - Great Debates
  14. Tinkering with genetics?: ethical, racist, ideologies, elections - Great Debates
  15. How accurate were 2016 Pres Election Polls? How useful will polls be for 2020?: house of Clinton - Great Debates
  16. Should people do DNA before a relationship?: solution, pregnant, doctor - Great Debates
  17. Full Funding of Essential Government Functions Such as Courts, Not Frivolous Programs Needed: illegal, politicians - Great Debates
  18. Why Conservatives or Republicans Appear to Be Against Welfare: generation, Obama - Great Debates
  19. Survey and opinion Poll: Small Talk is necessary to make friends?: world, workers - Great Debates
  20. Do Americans really live in fear?: statistics, crime rate, tasers, compared - Great Debates
  21. U.S. Suicide Rates Are Climbing: generation, stats, suspected, deaths - Great Debates
  22. Is paying too much for something being generous or unethical?: economy, money - Great Debates
  23. Brain Drain of Old World; Brain Gain for New World: illegal, Indiana - Great Debates
  24. Is WASP a meaningless term?: private school, party, money - Great Debates
  25. Does Federal Authority Really Trump State And Local Laws: interstate - Great Debates
  26. How many fewer wars would we have if 50% of world leaders were women?: interstate, soldiers - Great Debates
  27. Do you think the media should not be allowed to mention the races of homicide victims in news headlines?: suspect, crime - Great Debates
  28. What is American culture ? Is there such a thing now?: Mexicans, borders - Great Debates
  29. What would Medicare for All look like?: drugs, health care system, premium - Great Debates
  30. Do you think women dying is inherly worse than men dying?: statistics, deaths - Great Debates
  31. Voting Illegally - Who is more responsible?: suspect, compared, carry - Great Debates
  32. Define a Human Being: illegal, drugs, abortions, rating - Great Debates
  33. Why is North America so anti-bidet?: cost, compared, elect, retired - Great Debates
  34. Brain Scans in the Courts: Prosecutor's Dream or Civil Rights Nightmare?: accuse, death - Great Debates
  35. Why Accents Are Disappearing, Preserve Culture: speeches, economic, states, Georgia - Great Debates
  36. What if there were more police officers carrying only non-lethal weapons?: salaries, drug - Great Debates
  37. What Are Fake Rape Allegations and Why do People Worry About Them So Much: attorney, accuse - Great Debates
  38. Why Do People View Porn Stars/Strippers Negatively?: interview, legal, drugs - Great Debates
  39. Are you concerned with the future of virtual reality technology and the impact it will have on the future generations?: Christmas, weapon - Great Debates
  40. Do you find population growth trends troubling?: generations, revolution, solution - Great Debates
  41. Should insurance companies refuse to pay?: legal, drug, premium, cost - Great Debates
  42. Americans do not believe in the common good.: illegal, leader, education - Great Debates
  43. The Sixth Extinction - Thoughts?: ethical, deaths, retired, money - Great Debates
  44. Is pro Palestian/anti Zionism a cover for anti semitism?: Iran, Iraq - Great Debates
  45. Your Ideas For Increasing The Fertility Rate: global warming, speech, cost - Great Debates
  46. What's the Appropriate Limits of Personal Freedom?: interstate, independence, how much - Great Debates
  47. Is monotheism a destructive idea?: soldiers, military, ideology, compare - Great Debates
  48. Should prisons be air conditioned?: crime, military, school, support - Great Debates
  49. I don't understand the John/Joan case, or things about it, that I would like to.: death, solution - Great Debates
  50. the water on planet earth and where it derived from: rating, state - Great Debates
  51. should the infamous gowanus canal of brooklyn be a place of scientific inquiry as a source of new antibiotics: Brown, federal - Great Debates
  52. Speed and cell phone laws - Self-Inflicted Drag on Productivity: enemy, illegal - Great Debates
  53. If brain transplants were would the soul be removed with the brain do you think?: doctor, religion - Great Debates
  54. Racially Integrated Society - Is the U.S. Doing Well in Unique Experiment?: Congress, middle east - Great Debates
  55. Honduran migrants on their way to U.S.: Mexicans, drug, Pelosi - Great Debates
  56. Is it realistic for marriage to be a lifelong commitment/contract?: money, states - Great Debates
  57. Is there left out there who actually . . .?: Christmas, invasion, leader - Great Debates
  58. Consequences by voicing an opinion on an UNpopular opinion?: racist, politician, compared - Great Debates
  59. Rich people and their own better firefighters?: illegal, how much, insurance - Great Debates
  60. Should NCAA student-athletes be compensated for their performance?: illegal, how much, crimes - Great Debates
  61. Disobedience/ refusing to comply with drug laws: illegal, drugs, gasoline - Great Debates
  62. Should there be no public acknowledgment of holidays whatsoever?: Christmas, rating - Great Debates
  63. Why are Indian (Native American) team names offensive?: racist, Chicago - Great Debates
  64. Social Justice and Gun Violence -- Are They Related?: legal, drug - Great Debates
  65. How often are you thankful for your circumstances?: legal, drug, attorneys - Great Debates
  66. How will most U.S. residents live 50 years from now?: employment, health care - Great Debates
  67. Are Voter Participation Rates Meaningful?: party affiliation, Congress, minimum wage, independent - Great Debates
  68. Is the NZ law prohibiting the viewing of the Christchurch m: enemy, parade - Great Debates
  69. Should America disband the Electoral College?: interstate, Congress, interview - Great Debates
  70. Is It Time To Police Amazon, And How?: death, lobby, insurance - Great Debates
  71. To who believe in pro life 100% of the time;: independent, crime - Great Debates
  72. Pro choice big 3 are usually: rape, incest, life of the mother. What about young ignorance?: death, 18 year old - Great Debates
  73. America 200 years from now...: illegal, drugs, illegals, dollars - Great Debates
  74. Should ALL poor behavior and/or lack of success by adults be excused?: legal, lawyers - Great Debates
  75. Why do we still need banks?: money, government, difference - Great Debates
  76. If All Immigrants Came Fluent In English, Then What?: illegal, regular - Great Debates
  77. Is it wrong to eat food in the grocery store before paying?: ethical, invasion - Great Debates
  78. Can a woman be as evil as a man?: Iraq, deaths, atrocities - Great Debates
  79. Did ancient civilization love, or care about the ocean??: state, support - Great Debates
  80. Is the problem with sex trafficking really mostly society's attitude?: illegal, lawyer - Great Debates
  81. Fear of 'dangerous neighborhoods': drug, racist, how much, crime - Great Debates
  82. Sloppy language, or thinking, as a pet peeve: lawyers, pros and cons, abortion - Great Debates
  83. Which society has most fair, inclusive history?: Canada, borders, compared - Great Debates
  84. Can One Be a Leftist or Liberal and Believe in Constitution and Deep-Rooted American Values: unemployment, Israel - Great Debates
  85. Is not having/wanting children selfish ?: how much, insurance, rating - Great Debates
  86. Life skills in school.: high school, economic, financial, examples - Great Debates
  87. Has diversity been beneficial to the US?: Putin, middle east, illegal - Great Debates
  88. The House is discussing REPARATIONS, RIGHT NOW: Congress, racist, how much - Great Debates
  89. This is why Nuclear Deterrent is needed for less powerful, Ukraine Example: Putin, Iran - Great Debates
  90. Population Conrol = Perfect Solution?: employment, interstate, generations, legal - Great Debates
  91. Abortion for many reasons - CNN article: death, abortions, carry - Great Debates
  92. Are we just entering a new Dark Ages?: legal, healthcare, weapons - Great Debates
  93. Why is the term hate crime always attributed to whites: legal, statistics - Great Debates
  94. Free-Range Parenting; Criminalization of Parenthood, vs. Overprotection of Children?: Congress, interview, generations - Great Debates
  95. Is Progressiveism About Feeling Good or Doing Good?: minimum wage, illegal, radical - Great Debates
  96. s a perfect example of why prostitution should be decriminalized: illegal, heroin - Great Debates
  97. Why Race Realism is racist.: racism, Canada, bias, examples - Great Debates
  98. Should We Have A Maximum Wage Law?: employment, Congress, minimum wage - Great Debates
  99. When The Brain Reaches Peak Development: drug, money, work, news - Great Debates
  100. Can Local Newspapers Ever Be Resurrected And How?: accuse, Denver, cost - Great Debates
  101. not entirely free (as Americans): employment, wages, salaries, generations - Great Debates
  102. Hypothetical: Congress, activist, Missouri, Indiana - Great Debates
  103. It is Time for Climate Change Plan B: Geo-Engineering: global warming, illegal, injection - Great Debates
  104. Should America move its capital?: generations, Missouri, independent, how much - Great Debates
  105. Why does a country's level of development by itself explain one's quality of life?: crime rate, school - Great Debates
  106. Can Incipient Violent Killers be Committed for Protection of Society?: Israel, illegal - Great Debates
  107. Reporting Racial biases before hire.: ethics, accuse, racism, politicians - Great Debates
  108. Do Words Hurt: speech, abuse, support, gun - Great Debates
  109. Scattering Ashes of a dead loved one ethical?: illegal, laws, Utah - Great Debates
  110. Retirement in USA going be very hard? People who retire in 30 yrs will need over $1 Mllion: salary, generation - Great Debates
  111. Annexation of Mexico/Central America, or at least parts: Iraq, Mexicans, illegal - Great Debates
  112. Which would lose its value quicker: A new car or a new video game?: vote, own - Great Debates
  113. Is the one drop rule actually non-existent in the U.S.?: Iraq, middle east - Great Debates
  114. Does welfare state lower IQ, making democracy unsustainable: drugs, health care, statistics - Great Debates
  115. Is there to stop the most evil and corrupt people from getting in power regardless of system?: wage, ethical - Great Debates
  116. Are Americans less hardy and self-reliant now than they were in previous centuries?: unemployment, generation - Great Debates
  117. Next major infrastructure projects: interstate, generation, highway, cost - Great Debates
  118. What Would The U.S. Be Like If We Didn't Need A Military Budget?: Congress, enemies - Great Debates
  119. Diversity in sport: Iraq, Israel, nationalist, racism - Great Debates
  120. Are America's poor the envy of the world?: wages, healthcare, statistics - Great Debates
  121. Liberation Movements Gone Mad - Bad Behavior, Teen Pregnancy, Truancy and Hopelessness in the Heartland - Solutions: generations, Baby Boomers - Great Debates
  122. What group has the very worst of the arrogant male ego ?: attorneys, politicians - Great Debates
  123. Should free speech be more restrictive?: illegal, racist, Missouri - Great Debates
  124. Why shouldn't the federal government fund public transportation in metropolitan areas?: interstate, Congress - Great Debates
  125. Should the USA adopt European-style license plates?: solution, compared, rating - Great Debates
  126. Should jails be allowed to refuse someone medicine if they are arrested?: illegal, heroin - Great Debates
  127. If you knew that a family member or friend committed a heinous crime, would you turn them in?: ethical, legal - Great Debates
  128. What if police were only allowed to use self-defense in the case where someone attacked them first?: interview, drugs - Great Debates
  129. Populists, Marxists, Fundamentalists and SJW's: legal, conspiracy, marijuana, how much - Great Debates
  130. Was it Easier and More Sensible to be Socialist or Liberal Decades Ago Than Now?: wages, illegal - Great Debates
  131. So we’ve got transgender, a few instances of transrace. What about trans-age?: generations, ethical - Great Debates
  132. Is (and should) military service put on a pedestal to the detriment of other public service?: drug, lawyers - Great Debates
  133. Why I Don’t Buy That the “Weak”, “Stupid”, , Deserve Scorn: speech, compared - Great Debates
  134. Why blame Al-Qaeda for 9/11 when our politicians were the cause of it?: Israel, Afghanistan - Great Debates
  135. Machine Superintelligence is One of the Greatest Threats Facing Humans Today: unemployment rate, Putin - Great Debates
  136. Is it right to condemn terrorists as 'cowards'?: middle east, regular, revolution - Great Debates
  137. How Should We Define the Social Justice Movement/Advocacy in a Historical Context?: nationalist, death - Great Debates
  138. I'm almost ready to give up talking.: Congress, enemies, CNN - Great Debates
  139. Is Panhandling Become an Industry?: interview, drugs, dollars, school - Great Debates
  140. What matters more: needs of immigrants or needs of current natives?: NAFTA, wage - Great Debates
  141. did see where consequences went? they were around where: illegal, lawyers - Great Debates
  142. Sanctions Are Not a Substitute For Military Action: Congress, Iran, Iraq - Great Debates
  143. why don't obituaries state cause of death more?: generation, drug, rating - Great Debates
  144. Are We Diluting the Importance of the Bullying Problem?: generation, boycott, stereotypes - Great Debates
  145. Is It To Survive Without The Internet Today?: generations, radical, elect - Great Debates
  146. Organ Donation Should be Compulsory: ethical, death, state, religion - Great Debates
  147. Should it be illegal to fire someone over a conduct not related to work duties?: employment, regular - Great Debates
  148. Why does the Canadian justice system have such pacifist views in this case?: legal, death - Great Debates
  149. Mariachi band & guayabera shirts for weddings--cultural appropriation?: Mexican, examples, Seattle - Great Debates
  150. Are the prairie dog relocators morally just?: ethical, illegal, Brown - Great Debates
  151. How much disruption by a protester(s) is acceptable?: Congress, illegal, soldiers - Great Debates
  152. Is Marijuana a gateway drug?: unemployed, illegal, heroin, drugs - Great Debates
  153. Did the US make a mistake in not taking over the world when they were the only country with nuclear weapons?: Putin, Congress - Great Debates
  154. Colonialism v. Immigration v. National Borders v. Compassion - What's the Solution?: Congress, Israel - Great Debates
  155. Should the US steal the strongest and advantaged from third world countries, leaving behind disadvantaged?: salary, racist - Great Debates
  156. Salmonella terrorism ? Could it be all outbreaks are deliberate?: Palestinians - Great Debates
  157. would it be right to harvest the organs of the lowest killers on death row?: legal, injection - Great Debates
  158. We should gradually reduce the 40 hour week to 30 hours: Congress, wages, middle east - Great Debates
  159. Man Whistles At Woman In France, $880 Fine! Too Much, Too Little?: legal, free speech - Great Debates
  160. Are circumcisions for newborns unethical?: Hispanics, high school, state, laws - Great Debates
  161. The whole reporting sexual assault decades later debate: employment, interview, candidacy - Great Debates
  162. Are sex crimes so heinous that they shouldn't be subject to the presumption of innocence tradition in our legal system?: accuse, crime - Great Debates
  163. Break down of society: generations, regime, high school, rating - Great Debates
  164. Why the USA in 2018 is similar to Mexico: Mexicans, legal - Great Debates
  165. Do Evangelicals support Isreal for biblical or secular political reasons?: Iran, Palestinians - Great Debates
  166. Has our aversion towards violence contributed to the rise of more serious violence ?: generations, drugs - Great Debates
  167. London Bans Knives Despite Failure Of Gun Ban: weapons, death, compared - Great Debates
  168. Is There Really, A Worker Shortage Today?: unemployment rate, wage, Mexican - Great Debates
  169. Should U.S. Have Placed Nuclear Weapons in South Vietnam?: Israeli, arsenal - Great Debates
  170. Are mandatory vaccinations good for kids?: military, school, states, claim - Great Debates
  171. Why wasn't there more outrage to the Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Marriage?: generation, legal - Great Debates
  172. Inequality of Power in Intimate Relationships: Al Franken, interviews, impeachment, Clinton - Great Debates
  173. Foreign languages in public: generation, illegal, regular, racist - Great Debates
  174. Why societies are more technologically advanced than others: economic, education, government - Great Debates
  175. Should we be less harsh on people with learning or other mental disabilities: attorney, violent crime - Great Debates
  176. The Deteriorating American Center: party affiliation, Congress, interview, Reagan - Great Debates
  177. Is Corporal Punishment Child Abuse?: drugs, Canada, fence, school - Great Debates
  178. When you see a Homeless person, Do you give to them or ignore them?: illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  179. winning the lottery is better for people?: lawyers, dollars, school - Great Debates
  180. Mental Health Therapy--Hustle, or: health care system, elect, state, medical - Great Debates
  181. As an adult are you more a product of Nature or Nurture? what %?: 9/11, school - Great Debates
  182. Do you think that caffeine should be banned in workplaces?: legal, drugs - Great Debates
  183. America is Great (and Always Has Been) - My Post Labor Day thoughts: legal, revolution - Great Debates
  184. Do you think anything someone says to a cop warrants the cop arresting/beating them?: salary, suspected - Great Debates
  185. Do you think killing of the worst mass murders as infants would honestly be that bad?: independent, terrorism - Great Debates
  186. Will we have popular presidents in the foreseeable future?: Congress, Iran - Great Debates
  187. US Life expectancy decreases.: illegal, drugs, health care system, statistics - Great Debates
  188. Is society becoming too collectivist?: pros and cons, Canada, government, England - Great Debates
  189. Civil Rights Attorney on Standing For National Anthem: Brown, speech, elect - Great Debates
  190. Do people like Harvey Weinstein deserve the death penalty?: accuse, independent, crimes - Great Debates
  191. Did millennia of divergent evolution lead to psychological as well as physical differences between races?: racist, Canada - Great Debates
  192. Gun Control? What About Minding Your Own Community as Well?: generation, legal - Great Debates
  193. Does the Social Justice Movement Represent True Pluralism?: enemy, illegal, death - Great Debates
  194. Diversity Can Include Normally Successful Minority Groups Too: Palestinian, ethic - Great Debates
  195. Is another person's health your business?: fast food, illegal, drugs, lawyers - Great Debates
  196. One world government: would we still need a military?: Iraq, Afghanistan, nationalist - Great Debates
  197. Does being anti United States equal being anti American ?: Congress, Mexican, revolution - Great Debates
  198. Veganism and Vegetarianism is a Knee Jerk Reaction to a Real Problem. Food Sustainability: legal, death - Great Debates
  199. The Totality of Evil: illegal, soldiers, suspected, how much - Great Debates
  200. If lab grown meat replaces conventional meat, will you eat it?: Franken, injection - Great Debates