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  1. News media v. News commentary: interview, legal, CNN, solution - Great Debates
  2. Student reaction............: school, terrorists, gun owners, laws - Great Debates
  3. Striking difference between brains of two three-year old babies: unemployed, drugs, racist - Great Debates
  4. Old America: ethics, Canada, Hispanic, suburban - Great Debates
  5. A nation of Iagos?: drugs, extremist, racism, school - Great Debates
  6. Can Just Become A Fix-It-All/Handyman?: Christmas, cost, compared - Great Debates
  7. Guilty or not guilty? Why is this happening and what to do?: crimes, Massachusetts - Great Debates
  8. googles great dilemma: lawyers, controversial, death, money - Great Debates
  9. Alpha male definiton: society, American - Great Debates
  10. Lower the age of liability for contracts?: suspect, elect, states - Great Debates
  11. Should Mergers/Buyouts Between Large Companies Be Allowed?: Congress, ethics - Great Debates
  12. Is 2018: Why are you all still obsessing over patriotism?: patriots, thoughts - Great Debates
  13. If The Israeli's Were In Charge Of Our Water In The U.S.?: Palestinians, solution - Great Debates
  14. What made USA great ?: elect, government, voted, jobs - Great Debates
  15. For the Monday eclipse, things STOP: regular, cost, school - Great Debates
  16. another teacher busted for sex with student.: legal, 18 year old, school - Great Debates
  17. State of Uniom address on tickets for the House: best - Great Debates
  18. Do you think dating sites can be sexist when it comes to censorship in this case?: illegal, examples - Great Debates
  19. Should Poor Countries Build New Capital Cities?: economy, education, money - Great Debates
  20. Ages Restrictions For Smartphone Users?: high school, versus, laws, parenting - Great Debates
  21. Do Well-Intentioned Regulations Price Necessities Out of Reach?: employment, ethics, legal - Great Debates
  22. Homeopathy Debate: world, great, reasons - Great Debates
  23. Allopathy vs Alternative Medicine: injection, drugs, regular, suspect - Great Debates
  24. An alternative to the sex offender registry?: employment, illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  25. Sarco Capsule Euthanasia Machine assists with dying: legal, drugs, deaths - Great Debates
  26. Summer soul project: radical, education, world, kids - Great Debates
  27. organizations that promote soft on crime mentality: attorney, FBI, healthcare - Great Debates
  28. DNA database legal and ethical ramifications for the future: Putin, high school, retired - Great Debates
  29. Farmer & Corporate Welfare - Gasoline Subsidies: gallon, global warming, statistics - Great Debates
  30. Should witnesses not be allowed to make deals in court cases, cause it influences their testimony?: interview, illegal - Great Debates
  31. Where Death with Dignity is legal - only 1/4 of 1% choose it - why?: generation, drugs - Great Debates
  32. The world as we know it is about to end — again — if you believe this biblical doomsday claim: Brown, crime - Great Debates
  33. Aren’t extreme sports game basically their own genre?: state, community, - Great Debates
  34. Human population at this rate...(what will planet look like in 100, 200..500 years..): middle east, global warming - Great Debates
  35. SNAP benefits covering pet food: money, program, state, support - Great Debates
  36. What Malcolm Gladwell's book Outliers has wrong:: Canada, 18 year old, high school - Great Debates
  37. We fight for non-segregation but we segregation our selfs: Taliban, legal, racism - Great Debates
  38. Re; School Shootings by minors- Why aren't parents charged?: legal, drugs, lawyers - Great Debates
  39. Why Is Accountability a Dirty Word Today?: employment, illegal, racism - Great Debates
  40. In the America we are in. Actions Speak Louder Than Words, or Words Speak Louder Than Actions: racist, free speech - Great Debates
  41. The Superbowl Half time show YAH or NAY ?: million, world, country - Great Debates
  42. When us aren't who we think they are...: generations, dollars - Great Debates
  43. Time to Treat Texting While Driving Like DWI: legal, drugs, statistics - Great Debates
  44. Are the tales of the ''unsocial bullied kid'' in high school succeeding over the 'sociable bully'' the other way round?: lawyer, regular - Great Debates
  45. Would color meanings play a role in racism?: Brown, stereotypes, Jesus - Great Debates
  46. Child drugging in schools, time for it to stop ?: drugs, death, abuse - Great Debates
  47. Should there be less liability surrounding minors?: employment, minimum wage, legal - Great Debates
  48. Sexual Harassment Continuum: Franken, accuse, suspected, how much - Great Debates
  49. Is Canada the New Land of Opportunity?: generation, ethic, illegal - Great Debates
  50. Was Bush v. Gore (2000) actually as bad as its critics say it was?: house of illegal - Great Debates
  51. Punishment or prior restraint?: crime, party, government, laws - Great Debates
  52. What's to be done about the oncoming technological advancement singularity?: legal, heroin - Great Debates
  53. Safe injection sites.. a Good or Bad idea.: illegal aliens, heroin, drugs - Great Debates
  54. Why can't we end world hunger?: activist, how much, myth, politicians - Great Debates
  55. Should U.S. Put Its Interests Before World - Examples Jerusalem as Capital, Paris Accords?: employment, Congress - Great Debates
  56. Once trustworthy professions now looked at suspiciously.: drug, lawyers, accuse - Great Debates
  57. Why Is Hollywood A Political Target?: candidacy, boycott, free speech, money - Great Debates
  58. Should Palestinian Arabs Continue to Have Their Own Refugee Agency?: Iraq, Palestinians - Great Debates
  59. Why So Hard For So Many Husbands To Stand Up To Their Wives?: accuse, Obama - Great Debates
  60. The Me-Too Movement - Is Merit and Skill on the Job Important?: employment, accuse - Great Debates
  61. Controversial Are we the most tribalistic/greedy culture/society ever?: revolution, rating - Great Debates
  62. WW I, Korea, WW II and Israel; Heads You Win Should Not be Tails I Lose: Iran, middle east - Great Debates
  63. minority status in the future?: legal, racism, Hispanics, companies - Great Debates
  64. Automation will be the greatest threat to non-STEM workers: Putin, lawyers, healthcare - Great Debates
  65. Redistribution of wealth: wages, salary, death, millionaires - Great Debates
  66. Mass Shootings ARE Domestic Terrorism: generation, drugs, Brown, revolution - Great Debates
  67. Animal Rights v. Peoples' Rights; People Trump Animals: activist, solutions, school - Great Debates
  68. What if JFK had lost? 5 things that might be different: drugs, Kennedy - Great Debates
  69. Japanese Internment and the 2nd Amendment: generation, legal, lawyer, Afghanistan - Great Debates
  70. Why are Suburbs Bashed So Hard and Cities Glorified days?: global warming, regular - Great Debates
  71. Traffic fines ) should be scaled to income for fairness: unemployed, illegal - Great Debates
  72. Why don't we use nitrogen asphyxiation for death sentence?: injection, lawyers, deaths - Great Debates
  73. 911 officers went to wrong house, one killed after. Who's at fault?: illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  74. Is NIMBYism anti-Capitalist?: legal, lawyer, millionaires, cost - Great Debates
  75. Are Merit Systems in Academia and Work a Method of Enforcing White Dominance?: attorney, racism - Great Debates
  76. What explains the decline of social capital in the USA?: generations, Baby Boomers - Great Debates
  77. Is it really that unbelievable our government played a part of allowing 9/11 to happen?: legal, conspiracy - Great Debates
  78. Is Society Becoming Too Extreme?: enemies, accuse, radical, solutions - Great Debates
  79. Should women be held to the same standard as men in the criminal justice system?: attorneys, activist - Great Debates
  80. What Should Be Allowed in Protecting Property?: illegal, weapons, suspect - Great Debates
  81. My problem with the IRS.: Congress, illegal, healthcare, death - Great Debates
  82. What has changed in America with Mass shootings?: serial killers, weapon, death - Great Debates
  83. Is There A future for Jews Outside Israel, the U.S., Canada & Australia?: Palestinians, generation - Great Debates
  84. Why are we dumping so much money into the fight against drug abuse ?: Congress, heroin - Great Debates
  85. The Parkland survivors just got the cover of TIME magazine.: generation, Israel - Great Debates
  86. Students class room are now armed: weapon, solution, school - Great Debates
  87. Is there really harm when it comes to public nudity, especially in regards to children?: regular, crimes - Great Debates
  88. Has SNL crossed a line in joking about the Florida shootings?: accuse, solution - Great Debates
  89. Can mass killings in the US ever be greatly reduced?: illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  90. people don't know how easy it is to buy a gun....: legal, FBI - Great Debates
  91. Could America go back to Articles of Confederation: federal government, states, federal - Great Debates
  92. A Fat-Free America! What Would It Be Like?: unemployed, generations, drug - Great Debates
  93. Guns and entertainment: interviews, enemies, illegal aliens, weapons - Great Debates
  94. Whites Need Not Apply: Canada, carry, states, claim - Great Debates
  95. Surveillance Creep, At What Point Has It Gone Too Far?: generation, weapon - Great Debates
  96. Should we put age restrictions on Guns like Alcohol: enemy, legal, drugs - Great Debates
  97. What do you think the outcome would be of a total gun ban?: Congress, illegal - Great Debates
  98. England whole of Europe has gun problems.......: illegal, drugs, statistics - Great Debates
  99. A new militia......: minimum wage, legal, accuse, solution - Great Debates
  100. When are your really dead ??: legal, healthcare, deaths - Great Debates
  101. Why do people say you have total freedom to be whatever you want to be?: salary, legal - Great Debates
  102. Declaration of Independence vs Second Amendment: death, high school, abuse, government - Great Debates
  103. Constitutionality of Spending Vast Sums (Taxes) due to Gun Proliferation: ethical, legal - Great Debates
  104. How about Tiers of Gun Ownership??: weapon, death, 18 year old - Great Debates
  105. Can't Beat the Jump: weapon, school, terrorists, vs - Great Debates
  106. Amend the Constitution to Make Driving a Vehicle a Right.: employment, poll - Great Debates
  107. putting all our eggs in one basket with smartphones: revolution, how much, money - Great Debates
  108. African Migrants In Israel Being Forcibly Deported: middle east, Israeli, illegal aliens - Great Debates
  109. Is torture always wrong, if the person is 100% evil?: FBI, regular - Great Debates
  110. Should the FDA ban medicines made in India?: drugs, regular, insurance - Great Debates
  111. As I see it Nothing is Absolute, So Much Grey: injection, stats - Great Debates
  112. Which is more important: freedom of speech, or avoiding offending others?: illegal, poll - Great Debates
  113. Unpatriotic or not: Marines, independent, lobbyist, lobby - Great Debates
  114. Confederate Symbolism; Time to Stop Nursing Grievances and Relitigating Past: Merry Christmas, regime - Great Debates
  115. Is diversity really so great in practice?: middle east, activist, suspect - Great Debates
  116. Charlottesville: Testosterone Vacuum?: fast food, interview, generation, extremist - Great Debates
  117. Is There Too Much History and Civics to Teach in School.: revolution, companies - Great Debates
  118. News, 8 million dead - what nuclear war with North Korea could look like: Congress, Iran - Great Debates
  119. Are races stupid or do they make sense?: enemy, statistics, Hispanic - Great Debates
  120. On Godwin's Law: From Godwin Himself: Israel, legal, accuse, regular - Great Debates
  121. What if all countries banned all refugees?: ethics, illegal aliens, drugs - Great Debates
  122. Is Israel of Strategic Value to the U.S. and the West?: middle east, Israeli - Great Debates
  123. money isn't everything ?: Israel, drugs, death, wisdom - Great Debates
  124. Spanish monuments in the US becoming controversial: Mexican, racism, Hispanic - Great Debates
  125. At what point to you quit working and move to Slab City?: employment, wages - Great Debates
  126. NFL concussion problem over hyped?: regular, military, dollars, compared - Great Debates
  127. Japanese Lifespan: Fact or Fiction: fast food, enemy, generation, health care - Great Debates
  128. Are sex offender registries unconstitutional?: employment, crime, government, state - Great Debates
  129. Should We Blindly Bail Out Natural Disaster Victims?: unemployed, regime, insurance - Great Debates
  130. What jobs are illegals taking??: minimum wage, generation, Mexicans, accuses - Great Debates
  131. Should K-9s be allowed to bite suspects?: death, crime, taser - Great Debates
  132. addicted to a drug before trying it: illegal, heroin, drugs - Great Debates
  133. Is a Paralyzed Government a Positive?: Congressmen, generations, impeachment - Great Debates
  134. Sperm Counts down 50% - were the Hippies right?: suspected, rating, elect - Great Debates
  135. Should people be arrested on what they intend to do, instead of for what they've done?: suspected, conspiracy - Great Debates
  136. Why isn't eating insects more popular in America?: regular, death, programs - Great Debates
  137. What would the consequences be if the War on Drugs were to end?: illegal, heroin - Great Debates
  138. Is segregation really by choice?: racist, rating, economic, examples - Great Debates
  139. How influential were the Puritans on today's American culture?: Al Gore, generations, ethic - Great Debates
  140. Can Free Markets Prevent Monopolies?: Canada, Rockefeller, independent, companies - Great Debates
  141. Is everything a FRAUD now? This needs to stop!: interview, how much, cost - Great Debates
  142. Is equal non-monogamy really: ethical, legal, myth, financial - Great Debates
  143. Should people under 18 have the right to move out of their parents' home?: generation, legal - Great Debates
  144. Do you ever consider how fortunate we are to live in times?: regular, death - Great Debates
  145. Is it necessary to make deals with the bad guys for the world to function?: Iran, middle east - Great Debates
  146. Resolved: asking people to post to back up their claims is often a cheap rhetorical tactic: legal, bias - Great Debates
  147. how is this a disease?: Rush Limbaugh, illegal, drugs, death - Great Debates
  148. America's Other Drug Problem & Waste: drugs, states, senators, laws - Great Debates
  149. Should disciplining your children include 'whippings', 'spankings' or 'beatings': speech, school, abuse - Great Debates
  150. Is the Electoral College Flawed and if So How do We Change It?: house of Congress - Great Debates
  151. Why drug companies can't/won't produce drugs w/out side effects: Congress, conspiracy - Great Debates
  152. Does the life of a woman mean more than a man?: military, money - Great Debates
  153. Polyamory, Why not?: ethical, program, marriages, problems - Great Debates
  154. can really understand a tribal mentality?: middle east, generations, nationalist - Great Debates
  155. The NFL won't die: salaries, generations, regular, millionaire - Great Debates
  156. Democracy cannot permanently survive: enemies, regime, revolution - Great Debates
  157. Do you see Michael Jordan as a black man or as Michael Jordan?: generation, racism - Great Debates
  158. Why does the media harp on climate change so much?: unemployment, gas prices - Great Debates
  159. Is it natural for the younger generation to bash it's elders?: generations, Baby Boomers - Great Debates
  160. Why is it that Africas problems still exist..: racist, how much, school - Great Debates
  161. Why is Colin Kaepernick always referred to as black ?: suspect, racist - Great Debates
  162. Have handicap plates Abuse: legal, highway, military, school - Great Debates
  163. Why are sexual assaults still so under reported?: enemy, illegal, drug - Great Debates
  164. who is behind the gay movement?: generation, illegal, accuse, death - Great Debates
  165. Space Exploration. Justified?: Congress, illegal, drugs, weapons - Great Debates
  166. Should We Pay Our Legislators and Officials More to Get Cleaner Service?: house of Congressmen - Great Debates
  167. Smartphones’ Negative Effects:: generation, drugs, premium, regular - Great Debates
  168. When does a government become a gang?: John Kerry, McCain, Congress - Great Debates
  169. Is more government intervention needed in controlling airlines: interstate, military, economic - Great Debates
  170. Will Our Electronic Epoch Survive Time?: death, how much, state, claim - Great Debates
  171. Liberation Movements (including gender); Equality or Special Pleading?: employment, ethics, speech - Great Debates
  172. Thanksgiving and Debates: Christmas, holidays, regular, doctor - Great Debates
  173. America's racial divide is a dangerous farce: generations, legal, drugs - Great Debates
  174. Child sex offenders to be named as such in US passports: drugs, revolution - Great Debates
  175. Fixing a healthcare system: ideas: salaries, legal, drugs, lawyers - Great Debates
  176. Who will replace the United States as World's greatest superpower?: McCain, Iraq - Great Debates
  177. Do you still believe in the effectiveness of debates?: global warming, illegal, soldier - Great Debates
  178. Hypocricy in NFL Flag Etiquette: employment, speeches, March - Great Debates
  179. is it the law to hire illegals?: employment, minimum wage, hiring illegals - Great Debates
  180. Should Car insurance be mandatory?: gallon, premium, how much, companies - Great Debates
  181. What do you think is more important, the collective, or the individual?: nationalist, racism - Great Debates
  182. Is Technology A $ Making Scam?: injection, Simpson, how much, cost - Great Debates
  183. How Do We Preserve Civilization?: generation, party, state, propaganda - Great Debates
  184. A Tale of Two Persecutions & Discriminations Through History; Blacks and Jews: employment, Clarence Thomas - Great Debates
  185. Cigarette advertising/ marketing: drugs, gasoline, military, companies - Great Debates
  186. Are the new opioid prescribing restrictions pushing innocent people to the streets to buy heroin?: Mexican, illegal - Great Debates
  187. Why do many women cite discrimination at work when HR is a female-dominated industry?: employment, interviews - Great Debates
  188. Why weed should be legal.: illegal, drugs, death, marijuana - Great Debates
  189. Why is no one concerned with Automation?: unemployment, Congress, wages - Great Debates
  190. Homelessness Worse Than Ever: Iran, middle east, Reagan, weapons - Great Debates
  191. Problems With Millenials and Keeping America's Unique Advantages: Al Gore, generation, ethical - Great Debates
  192. Should VP Pence sit down with NFL on 60 Minutes?: soldiers, racism, border - Great Debates
  193. Why must there be White Guilt to resolve racism?: ideology, stereotypes - Great Debates
  194. Is Capitalism Failing?: financial, government, alternatives, worker - Great Debates
  195. Why is there such an intense hatred towards drugs by cops/politicians?: illegal, heroin - Great Debates
  196. Why are people turning to Astrology and woo to guide their lives?: Reagan, illegal - Great Debates
  197. Take a Knee + stop supporting= racism?: boycott, solution, crimes, military - Great Debates
  198. Who Should Pay For Wilderness Rescues?: wages, illegal, drug, healthcare - Great Debates
  199. BLM and Police officers would have common ground if they'd just talk to each other: enemy, heroin - Great Debates
  200. I think v. I feel v. I believe: legal, drugs - Great Debates