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  1. Is empathy gap the biggest divide in America right now?: generation, wisdom - Great Debates
  2. Girl in boy's body...need help...: female, religion, women, society - Great Debates
  3. Intelligence vs. wisdom: ethics, invasion, military, high school - Great Debates
  4. A Solution: Black Police Forces for Black Neighborhoods: enemy, illegal, weapon - Great Debates
  5. Is it time for Blacks to leave the USA?: work, news, country - Great Debates
  6. What can be done to reduce personal bias?: global warming, death, abortion - Great Debates
  7. White off-duty cop kills young black male who invaded his home after Facebook disagreement: controversial, county - Great Debates
  8. Is it for a country to be 1st world while keeping the same replacement population?: generations, nativist - Great Debates
  9. If a police officer calls GUN, drop the gun will others agree?: solution, government - Great Debates
  10. Is fair government a myth?: Clinton, cost, dictators, leader - Great Debates
  11. If a Government wants to censor something, do you think it's always due to them doing something bad?: Iran, ethical - Great Debates
  12. got a call from department of labor: tax, own, great - Great Debates
  13. Why didn't the SWAT teams run in during the Orlando shootings?: Denver, gun - Great Debates
  14. N.J. distracted driving bill isn't about your coffee, frustrated lawmakers insist: companies, rating - Great Debates
  15. The Evil Spin Within Common Core: activist, school, leader, states - Great Debates
  16. Lets try this case for all police shootings: heroin, drugs, lawyers - Great Debates
  17. When Sex became Gender, or the redefining of basic human condition.: polls, activist - Great Debates
  18. Does the government have the right to regulate trade?: Congress, states, citizen - Great Debates
  19. Gun rights reasonable in unequal society: military, biased, economic, government - Great Debates
  20. Crime Prevention or Futile? Racism?: drug, accuse, deaths, solution - Great Debates
  21. What would happen if every western country refused to make deals with all the horrible countries?: generation, global warming - Great Debates
  22. What kind of new laws and other changes do the Black Lives Matter group want?: racism, KKK - Great Debates
  23. Philosophy vs science: interviews, Boxer, Clinton, independence - Great Debates
  24. Do you think a very significant percentage of Olympians are taking steroids or other drugs?: illegal, world - Great Debates
  25. Can understand this girl who speaks too fast?: speech, accent, pay - Great Debates
  26. Which of the following are racist?: illegal, heroin, drugs, statistics - Great Debates
  27. Prime John Wayne vs Prime Clint Eastwood in a street fight: great - Great Debates
  28. If Trump is elected....: election, voting, presidency, socialist - Great Debates
  29. Do you think for as long as humans are around evil will always triumph?: middle east, leader - Great Debates
  30. Brain Death is not determined before organ donation!: legal, laws - Great Debates
  31. Law Enforcement Being Refused Service: unemployment, salaries, legal, boycott - Great Debates
  32. The unfair burden of women: examples, children, city, difference - Great Debates
  33. In a true Democracy, Elections and therefore voting that comes with them, should be abolished?: regime - Great Debates
  34. If the U. 'S Government really did have Aliens could they really keep it a secret?: conspiracy, Clinton - Great Debates
  35. The Latest Deception to Steal Your Money: drug, stats, weapon - Great Debates
  36. Change My View: The 14th Amendment Implicitly Repealed the Natural-Born Citizen Requirement for the U.S. Presidency: legal, abortion - Great Debates
  37. Adherents and Apostasy: middle east, Taliban, illegal, suspect - Great Debates
  38. Is society a sham?: billion, bill, problem - Great Debates
  39. Leather vs Fur: Alaska, American, difference - Great Debates
  40. Why is skin lightening stigmatized so heavily?: attractive, European, jobs - Great Debates
  41. did the riots between English and Russian hooligans reflect something deeper: Putin, soldiers - Great Debates
  42. Transvestites in the Olympics: abuse, voted, advantages, female - Great Debates
  43. Abortion is the worst option.: health care, Clinton, solution, speech - Great Debates
  44. Should there be option to pay in advance into Medicare for earlier age entry: health care, premium - Great Debates
  45. Why do conservatives blame a person's religion (non-Christian) for their crimes?: crime, great - Great Debates
  46. A note to liberals: Islam is cancer and the Arab world needs to level up: middle east, radical - Great Debates
  47. America can follow other countries to stop decrease our prison population: accuse, death - Great Debates
  48. Should we cede the southwest to Mexico??: Mexicans, states, vote - Great Debates
  49. Will Skype Closed Down?: companies, 2013, million, work - Great Debates
  50. Bring Back The Lobotomy?: drug, biased, state, 2014 - Great Debates
  51. It's war on the 2nd amendment.: enemy, illegal, weapons, suspect - Great Debates
  52. Can a wife take legal action if husband rapes her?: illegal, attorney - Great Debates
  53. Great debates: elections, governor, elect, state
  54. Pedophilia - Is It An Outdated Taboo or is it Simply Wrong?: illegal, drug - Great Debates
  55. Do you regard the life of one American being worth more than the lives of several foreigners?: Iran, Iraq - Great Debates
  56. If we did turn the middle east into a glass crater what would that mean?: Iraq, impeachment - Great Debates
  57. Is coercion a constructive way to effect change?: regime, dictator, election - Great Debates
  58. Why is the label coward so powerful in society?: generations, serial killers - Great Debates
  59. Would this originalist argument for same-sex marriage work?: Congress, legal, lawyer - Great Debates
  60. A Pragmatic Approach to Climate Change...: global warming, environmentalists, Minnesota, solutions - Great Debates
  61. Should black on black murder headline the news daily?: drug, conspiracy, racist - Great Debates
  62. Black women CAN NOT be doctors: drugs, healthcare, racism, stereotypes - Great Debates
  63. Gun Laws and Crime/Mass shooting corrolation!, Do Countries with stricter gun control really have lower crime?: legal, drugs - Great Debates
  64. Ok so what do you think about: Mexican, highway, Indiana - Great Debates
  65. Why Do People Think Selling Insurance Over State Lines is A Good Idea?: interstate - Great Debates
  66. Should Academic Freedom at Universities Trump Political Correctness and Safe Zones ?: attorney, activist - Great Debates
  67. Change My View: Bans on incestuous sex and on incestuous marriage are unconstitutional.: generations, illegal - Great Debates
  68. What's the right amount to tax the rich?: ethical, health care, death - Great Debates
  69. Would you be for genocide if it were Mosquito?: deaths, politicians, carry - Great Debates
  70. Is it always right never to negotiate with terrorists?: Congress, Iraq, Baghdad - Great Debates
  71. How is the Usa overpopulated?: unemployment, middle east, generations, illegal - Great Debates
  72. If Hillary Falters: house of soldiers, Clinton, Sanders - Great Debates
  73. no such thing as bad dogs / bad people, just bad owners / parents?: serial killers, death - Great Debates
  74. Income vs. Sales vs. Property Taxes: Congress, generation, illegal, death - Great Debates
  75. Should we imprison Senior Citizens for Life?: drug, activist, Barack Hussein Obama - Great Debates
  76. Is Anti-PC Really Just A Way to Not Get Punished For What You Said: generation, illegal - Great Debates
  77. Why is it when a man and woman have druken sex only the man is accused of rape?: drugs, attorney - Great Debates
  78. Penn State to formally honor Joe Paterno on Sept. 17: generation, activist, Obama - Great Debates
  79. How different would the USA be if 9/11 never happened?: John Kerry, McCain, Iraq - Great Debates
  80. The Greatest Generation vs all the rest.: unemployed, middle east, generations - Great Debates
  81. is religion the foundation of civilization?: generations, death, 2013, world - Great Debates
  82. Should door to door solicitation/telemarketers be illegal?: ethics, religion, workers - Great Debates
  83. Millennials hate dealing with humans: minimum wage, generations, Baby Boomers, suspect - Great Debates
  84. Do you believe Paul is Dead ?: how much, money, claim - Great Debates
  85. Is Full Medical and Sexual Disclosure of Presidents and Candidates Helping Us?: Reagan, illegal - Great Debates
  86. Will you kill the duckies?: death, Maine, problems, - Great Debates
  87. Obamacare discussion - Was it as success or failure?: minimum wage, health care, premium - Great Debates
  88. Should employers be allowed to use IQ / intelligence tests to select amongst job seekers?: enemy, death - Great Debates
  89. Where would you move if Trump wins???: illegal, racism, Canada - Great Debates
  90. Long-Term Effects of the Increased Feminization / Sensitization of Western Societies: wages, generations - Great Debates
  91. What can be done to alleviate the affordable rent crisis going on in America?: minimum wage, generations - Great Debates
  92. Should Cops be Charged with Murder-2 in Cases of Unarmed Shootings Like the Rest of Us U.S. Citizens: illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  93. Do good guys really finish last?: ethic, money, government, vote - Great Debates
  94. If the National Debt is Such A Problem, Why Isn't Raising Taxes on EVERYONE An Answer: unemployment, wage - Great Debates
  95. Is there anything Wrong with Rejecting Other Peoples Culture and Judging it Outdated or Savage?: middle east, radical - Great Debates
  96. what is the strongest opinion you have?: states, United States, great - Great Debates
  97. Should you feel bad when a bad person dies?: drug, deaths, felons - Great Debates
  98. Recreational Drugs: wages, Mexicans, illegal, heroin - Great Debates
  99. are sexy pics on Facebook sexist?: racist, examples, female, world - Great Debates
  100. Do Politicians really care about that suffer and die when they declare war?: gas prices, gallon - Great Debates
  101. Asking for hand in marriage: independent, laws, work, best - Great Debates
  102. Wither Venezuela? Wither Congo? Wither Self-Determination ?: Hugo Chavez, Iran, generation - Great Debates
  103. Should Timed Tests Be Done Away With?: soldier, education, federal government - Great Debates
  104. Two questions about affirmative consent: illegal, drugs, accuse, crime - Great Debates
  105. Has the concept of gender become meaningless?: legal, weapon, death - Great Debates
  106. Is it inherently wrong for a wealthy person to spend extravagantly?: employment, ethical - Great Debates
  107. JMU - Guide to 'dumb things you should not say': Christmas, death - Great Debates
  108. Why don't we get more outraged, as a society by reckless driving?: drugs, premium - Great Debates
  109. Should Drug Prices Be Tied To A Country's GNI?: minimum wage, Mexican, drugs - Great Debates
  110. Whatever Happpened to Citizenship in America?: soldiers, pros and cons, death - Great Debates
  111. Is censorship ever justified?: racist, speech, society, against - Great Debates
  112. What yearly salary makes a person RICH: salaries, millionaires, Nebraska - Great Debates
  113. When will this PC stuff end?: soldier, racist, Brown, speech - Great Debates
  114. National health systems: too much vs too little medical care: which is worse?: lawyer, health care system - Great Debates
  115. In regards to drugs, what do you think the consequences would be if this were to happen?: illegal, heroin - Great Debates
  116. Why do so many politicians think spending billions on killing is better than on issues that matter?: Congress, Iraq - Great Debates
  117. If Trump wins, successionism will go mainstream: drugs, accuse, soldiers - Great Debates
  118. Best Ways To Reduce The High Cost Of Homelessness?: employment, drug, health care - Great Debates
  119. was the 80s a time for flashiness and excess in America?: unemployment, generations - Great Debates
  120. What If Polarization in America Continues to Intensify?: Congress, regular, radical - Great Debates
  121. Why is white nationalism considered right wing, but black nationalism considered left wing?: nationalist, racism - Great Debates
  122. Africans are not black: racism, Brown, government, state - Great Debates
  123. Could the US beat iran: Iraq, Afghanistan, weapons, regime - Great Debates
  124. Do you think we would have had more terrorist attacks without the draconian security we have today?: enemy, Israeli - Great Debates
  125. Has Information Technology Put A Damper On Fun?: generations, stats, myths - Great Debates
  126. Can the propensity toward violence be removed from the human design?: CNN, regular - Great Debates
  127. Do you feel that living standards are unfairly forced on us in first world countries?: illegal, Obama - Great Debates
  128. Aaron Hernandez Murder Trial: legal, weapon, O.J. Simpson, millionaire - Great Debates
  129. Tort Reform- Needed or Not?: legal, attorney, statistics, suspect - Great Debates
  130. Is it easier being a woman than a man?: school, party, carry - Great Debates
  131. Why is it socially acceptable for someone to announce their dislike of children but not of other minority groups?: racist, school - Great Debates
  132. The media DOES NOT portray disabled people fairly: interviews, school, education - Great Debates
  133. Boomer record dealers gutted Black culture?: enemy, generation, drugs, death - Great Debates
  134. Can Passenger Rail Service Ever Become A Major Player Again?: Congress, March - Great Debates
  135. Why are single mothers considered heroes now?: solution, how much, compared - Great Debates
  136. why does america only have two major political parties: house of Congress, Reagan - Great Debates
  137. Licensing for having a child?: illegal, health care, deport, illegal immigration - Great Debates
  138. What can be done to limit police shootings?: legal, drugs, suspect - Great Debates
  139. On the American Propensity for Violence: Iraq, enemy, legal - Great Debates
  140. The support in this country towards people with certain occupations but not others: deaths, Brown - Great Debates
  141. What does the EU do after Brexit?: legal, nationalist, Canada - Great Debates
  142. Are strippers/prostitutes victims?: employment, interview, Mexican, legal - Great Debates
  143. Act of Terror or Act or Hate: Obama, military, dollars - Great Debates
  144. Why is rape not seen as such a horrible crime in the U.S?: legal, drugs - Great Debates
  145. The Taliban is back in force what can be done?: Putin, Iran - Great Debates
  146. Is it worth a few more years of life?: regular, regime, border - Great Debates
  147. Should Police Stings Be Allowed?: illegal, drugs, crime, carry - Great Debates
  148. 5 factors that could turn America into another collapsed empire: enemies, ethic, suspect - Great Debates
  149. Pit bulls: a sign that our society is finished: legal, drug, regular - Great Debates
  150. The gun debate after orlando: enemies, illegal, drugs, weapons - Great Debates
  151. Should 11 million illegal immigrants be amnesty: racist, border, Obama - Great Debates
  152. Whites are considered the most beautiful because of media brainwashing - Truth or BS?: drugs, regular - Great Debates
  153. The saying i worked hard for what i have: wages, holidays - Great Debates
  154. Is racism taught by parents?: generations, illegal, illegals, high school - Great Debates
  155. The ever-expanding, all-encompassing, permanent and generational welfare class.: Congress, illegal aliens, health care - Great Debates
  156. Westoboro Baptist to protest at Orlando funerals: enemies, illegal, regular - Great Debates
  157. orlando blame game: Iran, Iraq, illegal, lawyers - Great Debates
  158. Have We Lost Our Republic?: drug, regime, racism, Clinton - Great Debates
  159. Why is being the better man always seen as the best course of action when dealing with evil?: Palestinians, enemies - Great Debates
  160. Are BLM different then ISIS?: enemy, weapon, racism, Whitehouse - Great Debates
  161. Why do otherwise intelligent people fall for pseudoscience?: global warming, bias, party - Great Debates
  162. Is the Cultural Paradigm Shifting Along with the Demographic Changes?: gasoline, Hispanics - Great Debates
  163. What would the consequences be if America were to become isolationist?: Congress, Iraq - Great Debates
  164. Should People Be More Questioning of Ridiculous Restrictions and Protest More?: employment, Congress - Great Debates
  165. Excessive College Drinking: Rite of Passage or Pathology?: illegal, drugs, statistics - Great Debates
  166. Does a person's wealth reflect on his or her character?: ethical, illegal - Great Debates
  167. Mother and Son Face Up to 18 Years in Prison for Incestuous Relationship, Report Says: crime, government - Great Debates
  168. should someone who killed a pregnant women be charged with two murders: ethics, legal - Great Debates
  169. Contaminating Trash To Deter Dumpster Divers - Wrong?: gallon, regular, solution - Great Debates
  170. Will the High Tech and Emerging Technologies Workers Become the new Middle Class?: unemployed, wages - Great Debates
  171. about the O.J. Simpson conspiracy theories.: interview, attorney, regular - Great Debates
  172. Expungement of criminal records - Good idea or a legal lie ?: how much, violent crime - Great Debates
  173. Why do people refuse to acknowledge Egypt as a civilization founded primarily by black Africans?: how much, school - Great Debates
  174. Should pedophilia and rape be automatic death sentences?: lawyers, crime, school - Great Debates
  175. Why is value of intimacy as a whole the ONE thing we can't: illegal, regular - Great Debates
  176. Should Social Security Have A Means Test?: unemployment, legal, lawyers - Great Debates
  177. What are your opinions about good manners?: money, world, kids - Great Debates
  178. Late vs Early: polls, vote, work, great - Great Debates
  179. Should intersex athletes be allowed to compete in sports?: Amish, carry, female - Great Debates
  180. Why Does the Media Misrepresent Facts?: controversial, death, companies, cost - Great Debates
  181. Shooting sports in the Olympics: weapon, fence, guns, laws - Great Debates
  182. Black Ghetto culture, engineered by the US Government?: unemployment rate, minimum wage, middle east - Great Debates
  183. Let's face it; the media controls most of us: healthcare, independent, myth - Great Debates
  184. Cancer cure?: statistics, conspiracy, deaths, solutions - Great Debates
  185. Why are minorities more successful than others in America?: generations, Mexicans - Great Debates
  186. Why is it considered so wrong if people want to commit suicide?: illegal, death - Great Debates
  187. Are we all defined and pigeon-holed by our socioeconomic status?: school, Chicago - Great Debates
  188. Have laws become revenue generators, rather than safety measures?: legal, heroin, drugs - Great Debates
  189. Is Sharia law incompatible with democracy?: Israel, conspiracy, death, Canada - Great Debates
  190. Do Milennials like old things because they fear a bleak Future: generations, world - Great Debates
  191. Should women register for Selective Services like men do?: military, leader, votes - Great Debates
  192. If there were a complete collapse of the U.S and law and order would warlords take over?: wages, enemies - Great Debates
  193. Letting your teens try weed/alcohol at home.: illegal, heroin, drugs - Great Debates
  194. is it right for Julian Assange to try to influence the US Election with his email leaks?: Putin, enemies - Great Debates
  195. Do you like a group of people/culture other than your own?: generation, racism - Great Debates
  196. Is it wrong to record a conversation without consent?: illegal, Jesus, Pennsylvania - Great Debates
  197. Why does society allow the NRA (gun manufacturers) do dictate?: employment, poll - Great Debates
  198. Is it Common to Have Escaped Fighting in Vietnam?: soldiers, regular, Canada - Great Debates
  199. Obama on healthcare at the DNC: Congress, illegal, drugs, health care system - Great Debates
  200. How will the marijuana industry deal with tobacco industry style lawsuits?: legal, drugs - Great Debates