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  1. What Is A Reasonable Statute of Limitations For Sexual Abuse?: ethical, legal - Great Debates
  2. Are Indians Asian?: languages, permit, own, city - Great Debates
  3. Solution to ending homelessness: Reagan, drugs, Clinton, money - Great Debates
  4. Haute Cuisine Comes At A Terrible Price (And I Don't Mean Money!): statistics, crime - Great Debates
  5. Will Hispanic Americans be the new Italians while the Muslims will be the new Hispanics ?: crime, terrorists - Great Debates
  6. Relationship between government and citizens: deaths, solution, elect, work - Great Debates
  7. Prostelyzing, Trying to Convert Strangers to Christianity: global warming, good news, government - Great Debates
  8. Why do men think its to beat other innocent men but not women?: soldier, racist - Great Debates
  9. Is it time for universal health care and female conscription?: generation, women - Great Debates
  10. why a Muslim can never be a politician in the west: radical, death - Great Debates
  11. Would you live in a virtual reality world?: permit, family, President - Great Debates
  12. Corruption is legal in America (shocking video embedded): Congress, generation, ethical - Great Debates
  13. 9/11 Report - 28 Secret Pages: Kennedy, economy, government, citizen - Great Debates
  14. Should there be a Website and Database of Rude Drivers?: weapon, money - Great Debates
  15. What would happen if there was no income tax?: soldiers, state, federal - Great Debates
  16. I Don’t Believe in Freedom, and You Shouldn’t (well, not THAT much).: death, document - Great Debates
  17. The myth of a peaceful civilized modern age: enemy, health care, deaths - Great Debates
  18. MTV on Black History Month video vs Rebuttal video: racist, african, Americans - Great Debates
  19. EPA The Relatively Non Existant Government Agency Network: crimes, military, cost - Great Debates
  20. Climate change and shifting magnetic north pole: Al Gore, Congress, global warming - Great Debates
  21. Sports and Politics - Yea or Nay or: how much, state, gun - Great Debates
  22. are DNA testing kits reliable?--are most legit?: great - Great Debates
  23. Will we be seeing more warnings about movies and TV shows?: drug, racism - Great Debates
  24. Public trends of downplaying divorce rates continues: fast food, legal, biased - Great Debates
  25. Should women's restrooms have urinals in them?: Marines, female - Great Debates
  26. Will You Stand Or Grovel?: invasion, government, murder, constitutional - Great Debates
  27. someone explain the ridiculousness of sports fanaticism to me...: controversial, layoff, school - Great Debates
  28. About Attorneys/Clients and Lies: legal, accuse, crime, insurance - Great Debates
  29. Teenage Murderers- Parole?: drug, suspect, death, Alabama - Great Debates
  30. The Urban Dictionary: examples, own, example - Great Debates
  31. Do you believe in the moon landing?: conspiracy, 9/11, USA - Great Debates
  32. Double standards during WW2: Marines, soldiers, 2015, Army - Great Debates
  33. Most will never accomplish their dreams: retirement, money, income, children - Great Debates
  34. It's all local: minimum wage, support, problems, community - Great Debates
  35. Personal hygiene, why don't more people take it seriously?: regular, world, workers - Great Debates
  36. Absence makes the heart grow fonder OR Out of sight, out of mind ?: great - Great Debates
  37. Are People more inclined to pull the trigger Now V. Then?: illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  38. I have for you a hypothetical: ethic, millionaire, compare, money - Great Debates
  39. Should poor people own pets?: ethical, health care, how much, cost - Great Debates
  40. Adverse Possession: legal, attorney, fence, dollars - Great Debates
  41. Gun Purchases Continue To Shatter Records!: Congress, legal, death, Clinton - Great Debates
  42. Are anti-vaxxers liable if their children spread preventable diseases?: death, military, companies - Great Debates
  43. Why do people text on their phones?: regular, speech, vs - Great Debates
  44. What would happen if Europe and America completely stopped immigration from third world countries?: wages, Indiana - Great Debates
  45. Another American civil war?: CNN, polls, activist, Clinton - Great Debates
  46. Why worry for Europe?: drugs, health care system, weapons, racism - Great Debates
  47. The free market destroys privilege, racism, and discrimination.: employment, minimum wage, legal - Great Debates
  48. Who is God? Is there a time or an that could bring about common ground between religions?: Iraq, enemy - Great Debates
  49. Is Hollywood's feminism setting unrealistic expectations?: salaries, generation, weapons, compared - Great Debates
  50. would it worry you to live near a cell phone tower?: suspected, elect - Great Debates
  51. Civil War II: Amerika vs. ‘Murica: ethic, highway, speech - Great Debates
  52. Does science and math require a high IQ?: revolution, myth, school - Great Debates
  53. End of Money Madness: Congress, legal, how much, myths - Great Debates
  54. New laws we need: ethical, accuse, death, crime - Great Debates
  55. three to four feet concrete(see photo) barriers dividing two-way streets: how much, cost - Great Debates
  56. Will The Next Prez Be Decided In The US House?: Ron Paul, house of - Great Debates
  57. To against the death penalty: fence, Minnesota, violent crime, county - Great Debates
  58. Does the American Dream still exist anywhere in the USA??: unemployment, minimum wage - Great Debates
  59. Property taxes/state taxes: does it all out?: illegal, health care system, premium - Great Debates
  60. Can the 1% survive without the need for the 99%?: school, money, states - Great Debates
  61. Black or AA?: interview, generation, poll, accuse - Great Debates
  62. Why Is It Socially Acceptable To Be Bad At Math?: regular, school - Great Debates
  63. If you have a penis, shouldn't you have to use the men's bathroom?: legal, carry - Great Debates
  64. Debate: do you feel marijuana(weed) causes bad behavior in smokers or are people bad from the start.: illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  65. 30,000 white males commit suicide every year... why is the media obsessed over chicago?: illegal, statistics - Great Debates
  66. How far should we bend over to accomodate?: illegal, activist, suspect - Great Debates
  67. Owners of potentially dangerous animals: death, Boxer, fence, insurance - Great Debates
  68. Does The American Dream Still Exist Today?: illegal, borders, illegals - Great Debates
  69. Faith based bussiness.: attorneys, accuse, Canada, violent crime - Great Debates
  70. Is it ethical to live forever?: Palestinian, generations, Israeli, global warming - Great Debates
  71. Is Gambling Harmless Fun Or Encouraging Addiction?: ethical, heroin, regular - Great Debates
  72. Can a state become almost completely free of illegal drugs?: generation, heroin - Great Debates
  73. Is being wealthy immoral?: ethical, death, dollars, rating - Great Debates
  74. American Capitalism: statistics, weapons, solutions, companies - Great Debates
  75. is the death penalty to severe for poachers?: ethic, highway, deaths - Great Debates
  76. Do you think Martin Luther King, Jr. Would Be Disappointed?: drug, racism - Great Debates
  77. Why are so many people against suicide?: regular, death, solution - Great Debates
  78. What's wrong with saying that a girl is pretty?: crime, state, homosexual - Great Debates
  79. Why are Asians left out?: employment, statistics, regular, Hispanics - Great Debates
  80. Why does society pressure men to be manly as opposed to women being womanly ?: generations, fence - Great Debates
  81. Why do people become mass murderers?: serial killers, weapon, death, Missouri - Great Debates
  82. Should non-handicapped use the doors?: school, carry, support, assistance - Great Debates
  83. Should People require a Child Certificate in order to have and keep their children ?: ethical, health care - Great Debates
  84. Sugar Daddies: employment, legal, regular, parties - Great Debates
  85. Can child molesters ever be cured?: injection, death, deported, crime - Great Debates
  86. Should the highest leveled face the death penalty when they choose actions that kill citizens for no reason?: Congress, interview - Great Debates
  87. Is societies attitude towards Crime and Punishment flawed?: Congress, ethics, cocaine - Great Debates
  88. Can liberalism ever be defeated?: Ron Paul, NAFTA, Congress, Glenn Beck - Great Debates
  89. It is time for female conscription: Congress, CNN, Marines, military - Great Debates
  90. times have changed saying: health care, highway, Canada, cost - Great Debates
  91. Would you take someone s life?: ethical, soldiers, death, cost - Great Debates
  92. Are We (Through the Government) Overpricing Ourselves Out of the Job Market?: NAFTA, employment - Great Debates
  93. Why is there so much concern with weed when prescription drugs have such bad side effects?: salaries, generations - Great Debates
  94. Should America have capsule hotels?: unemployed, generations, Miami, cost - Great Debates
  95. White slavery was a fabrication, to undermine the atrocities suffered by African slaves.: Minnesota, myths - Great Debates
  96. Why $15 an hour minimum wage may not be good.: fast food, salaries, illegal - Great Debates
  97. How does American global power benefit the average American?: Iran, legal, weapons - Great Debates
  98. LGB....&T? Why is that last letter grouped in?: votes, percentage - Great Debates
  99. And Speaking of Free Tuition...: insurance, cost, politicians, governor - Great Debates
  100. Are All Men Pedophiles?: party, carry, propaganda, teenage - Great Debates
  101. Would you vote for a Muslim politician: Congress, interview, death - Great Debates
  102. Should society force gender identities on people?: Amish, Clinton, school - Great Debates
  103. Race vs Class: which is more important?: employment, interview, minimum wage - Great Debates
  104. Crime and Poverty: unemployment, interview, generation, illegal - Great Debates
  105. Twins identification?: terrorist, examples, programs, states - Great Debates
  106. Do you think women mature earlier than men?: Clinton, high school, economic - Great Debates
  107. Parole: employment, wage, global warming, legal - Great Debates
  108. American Voters Anti-Intellectual?: McCain, generations, global warming, regular - Great Debates
  109. should we make changing rooms in pools/gyms unisex with private stalls?: health care, vs - Great Debates
  110. If Bernie's Plan for Free Tuition Was Approved...?: interview, wage, healthcare - Great Debates
  111. Child Support Vs Welfare: wages, salary, legal, lawyer - Great Debates
  112. Why hasn't the United States invaded Pakistanis?: Iran, Iraq, middle east - Great Debates
  113. Is watching porn bad?: illegal, abuse, gun, 2013 - Great Debates
  114. Big or small government?: enemies, pros and cons, racist, borders - Great Debates
  115. Will Hispanics reach socio-economic parity with Whites?: wages, generations, Mexicans - Great Debates
  116. Why can't North Korea develop nuclear weapons?: Iran, Iraq, middle east - Great Debates
  117. How close to the end: drugs, regime, deaths, invasion - Great Debates
  118. Do deceased people still have a right to privacy?: death, insurance, party - Great Debates
  119. White Genocide: middle east, suspect, racist, invasion - Great Debates
  120. Vigilantes/ Peace Keeper Patrols?: middle east, enemy, Mexican, drug - Great Debates
  121. What if we exiled prisoners?: Mexicans, serial killers, cost, states - Great Debates
  122. What does it mean to be homeless?: heroin, Birmingham, money - Great Debates
  123. should I feel guilty for not voting?: Marines, soldiers, Obama - Great Debates
  124. Why is for profit always considered bad?: ethical, health care, premium - Great Debates
  125. National Service in Exchange for a Stronger Safety Net ?: wage, Israel - Great Debates
  126. Democracy is a failure!: Congress, legal, independent - Great Debates
  127. Narcotic pain relievers - too hard or too easy to get legally?: illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  128. Should all adult behavior be excused?: employment, Iraq, enemy, generation - Great Debates
  129. Should we throw away our first amendment rights?: Congress, Iraq, middle east - Great Debates
  130. Exchange our Food Stamp Program for Amazon PrimeNow?: wages, Christmas, stats - Great Debates
  131. Do you think people are becoming more paranoid?: CNN, statistics, conspiracy - Great Debates
  132. Exchange Our Food Stamp Program for Welfare Stores?: minimum wage, illegal - Great Debates
  133. Do most women want to have their cake and eat too, when it comes to getting pregnant?: dollars, economic - Great Debates
  134. Should doctors who perform failed vasectomies be forced to pay *all* of their child support?: accuse, regular - Great Debates
  135. A HBO ducomentary about Heroin addiction.: interview, illegal, drugs, health care system - Great Debates
  136. Socialism promotes slavery: Congress, minimum wage, illegal, healthcare - Great Debates
  137. Immunity for Underage Drinkers Who Call 911 for Help: illegal, drug, healthcare - Great Debates
  138. Multiple wives - refugees: Iraq, generations, legal, regular - Great Debates
  139. What Does It Mean to Be A Woman? (Or A Man?): interview, claim - Great Debates
  140. Does ignoring internet troll discourages them?: controversial, Brown, community, pay - Great Debates
  141. going out in public with your pajamas on is disgusting: drug, Christmas - Great Debates
  142. Will Wealth and Money Become Redundant in the Future?: salary, generations, revolution - Great Debates
  143. Would it be irrational for a woman to get rid of her ovaries and/or her uterus in the event of a *global* abortion ban?: support, female - Great Debates
  144. What does tolerance mean now?: legal, drugs, suspect - Great Debates
  145. The Founding Fathers Screwed Up: Congress, enemies, generations, candidacy - Great Debates
  146. Artist's statues downtown causing controversy: controversial, school, politician, education - Great Debates
  147. and similar: Good or bad?: employment, party affiliation, drug - Great Debates
  148. Victim Blaming: crimes, insurance, percentage, female - Great Debates
  149. Ethics of Income Taxes: Congress, wage, generation, ethical - Great Debates
  150. Is the 20 and 30-something generations More Rude to Seniors than Previous Generations??: bias, Colorado - Great Debates
  151. Should people be fired for social media: drugs, controversial, racist - Great Debates
  152. Do you think overpopulation of Earth is being overlooked??: enemies, generation, Canada - Great Debates
  153. why is an all white dating site racists and Jewish and black dating sites not racists.: accuse, regular - Great Debates
  154. Do We Really Need So Many Laws?: Palestinian, enemy, legal - Great Debates
  155. Do we still need/want the IRS?: Corporate Profits, unemployment, Congress - Great Debates
  156. white lives don't matter: drugs, activist, racism, crime - Great Debates
  157. I don't understand the black lives matter movement: Iraq - Great Debates
  158. The effects of Twitter - is it helping or hurting?: election, elect - Great Debates
  159. Slavery is impossible under free market capitalism.: unemployment, minimum wage, generation - Great Debates
  160. Democratic Socialism could be in our future. Are the new America? At what costs?: employment, minimum wage - Great Debates
  161. Is panhandling protected by the constitution?: illegal, attorneys, Reed, free speech - Great Debates
  162. Why was the white race(anglo saxon) so successful?: Limbaugh, middle east, enemies - Great Debates
  163. Right to die.: death, school, money, state - Great Debates
  164. How is hiding the face a valid religious right?: legal, suspect, death - Great Debates
  165. Time for universal health care ?: employment, drugs, health care system, premium - Great Debates
  166. Sex offender registries, so why not child abuse registries?: employment, legal, lawyers - Great Debates
  167. Of The Latin Immigrant Groups, Why Are The Cubans More Successful?: employment, Mexicans - Great Debates
  168. Do you feel bad for that get injured/hurt in porn?: unemployment, Iraq - Great Debates
  169. Should children be able to acquire 18+ years of child support from their parents in adulthood?: illegal, solution - Great Debates
  170. Do you support affirmative consent laws in their current form?: lawyer, accuse - Great Debates
  171. Child forcibly removed from home and family in CA for silly reason: illegal, regular - Great Debates
  172. torture or not?: illegal, regular, death, crime - Great Debates
  173. Do you believe in luck and, if you do, what happens when your luck runs out?: independent, 9/11 - Great Debates
  174. Do you ever think eating dogs & cats will be commonplace in the U.S. like in other countries?: illegal, school - Great Debates
  175. Is it rude to pinch people for not wearing green on St. Patrick's day?: rating, laws - Great Debates
  176. An argument in favor of giving male-bodied people a unilateral opt-out from paying child support: illegal, injection - Great Debates
  177. America VS the World in a War.: middle east, soldiers, weapons - Great Debates
  178. Will PC silliness ever end?: generation, Mexican, impeachment, racist - Great Debates
  179. are minorities getting sick and tired of all the racial talk: employment, racism - Great Debates
  180. Should we continue life-time appointments to the Supreme Court?: Congress, illegal, lawyers - Great Debates
  181. What is the American Way?: enemies, ethic, health care, suspect - Great Debates
  182. What if we just stopped the war on drugs?: employment, generations, Reagan - Great Debates
  183. Could Justice Anthony Scalia have been murdered and covered up?: conspiracy, deaths - Great Debates
  184. Could you forgive your greatest enemy?: generation, drug, death, Amish - Great Debates
  185. For-profit prisons: minimum wage, healthcare, military - Great Debates
  186. Is Earth Doomed?: global warming, Canada, how much, elect - Great Debates
  187. Welfare Programs and Liberty: wage, generations, drugs, Obama - Great Debates
  188. Do you believe OJ murdered Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman?: ethical, legal - Great Debates
  189. Compare attitudes toward welfare recipients in the U.S. vs. other countries: unemployed, minimum wage - Great Debates
  190. Gay Marriage, Has it Made Your's Illegitimate: illegal, Minnesota, dollars - Great Debates
  191. Racism is alive and well in Hollywood?: global warming, boycott, speeches - Great Debates
  192. What do you think of the promotion of hot , sex appeal and affect social/romantic relationships: suspect, March - Great Debates
  193. Will Facebook be a global diary decades from now?: employment, Congress - Great Debates
  194. worry about the 'Yellowstone Cauldron'?: vote, 2015, New York, million - Great Debates
  195. Women Unpaid Work .... “time poverty” gender gap: salary, how much, rating - Great Debates
  196. Gender in Politics: suspect, Clinton, Sanders, Obama - Great Debates
  197. Nazi vs Communist: racism, Sanders, dictators, leader - Great Debates
  198. world war three: Iran, Iraq, middle east, Afghanistan - Great Debates
  199. We have absolutely no proof of alien visitation: Congress, regular, death - Great Debates
  200. Why do liberals pressure Black Americans to support Hispanic issues but not Asian Americans?: employment, Mexicans - Great Debates