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  1. Your experience Shopping Insurance - share: health care, premium, Obama - Great Debates
  2. Canada wants to bury nuclear waste in Lake Huron.: Michigan, 2013, radio - Great Debates
  3. Forcing old or foreign political movements into the modern US framework - an instant discussion-killer: generation, borders - Great Debates
  4. Common Core issues: solution, high school, education, program - Great Debates
  5. Today's Howling Laugh Item: independent, government, 2013, agent - Great Debates
  6. Rural counties in the US lose population overall for first time, according to Census estimates: how much, Pennsylvania - Great Debates
  7. One Adam?: school, money, claims, female - Great Debates
  8. Battle it Out. Dem's verses Republicans: unemployment rate, wages, health care, statistics - Great Debates
  9. New York Stop and Frisk...: illegal, drugs, weapons, deaths - Great Debates
  10. do you hide money from family members?: drugs, school, New York - Great Debates
  11. Agree or Disagree: Warfare built modern civilisation/technology and advanced civilisation to it's present state: Putin, Iraq - Great Debates
  12. Why arent criminal gangs not terrorist groups?: drugs, FBI, weapons - Great Debates
  13. The Role of Conspiracist Ideation and Worldviews in Predicting Rejection of Science: healthcare, conspiracy - Great Debates
  14. economics of slavery: minimum wage, legal, economy, money - Great Debates
  15. More Guns Less Crime.: illegal, weapons, school, terrorism - Great Debates
  16. Correlation between gun ownership and homicide rate.: illegal, statistics, weapon - Great Debates
  17. Inability to point out?: accuse, Seattle, teenage, New York - Great Debates
  18. Governments ability to govern being hamstrung.: Congress, Reid, Obama - Great Debates
  19. Should friends and extended family be included in inheritances/estate plans? How would it affect society?: enemies, ethical - Great Debates
  20. What is needed to regime change?: fast food, middle east, enemies, revolution - Great Debates
  21. BONKERS over MONEY: unemployed, generation, healthcare, conspiracy - Great Debates
  22. Are environmentalism and humanism opposed to each other?: activist, radical, environmentalists - Great Debates
  23. When it comes to international matters, what can be done to curb inhuman laws , out there cultural practices ,: solution, goverment - Great Debates
  24. The Media and it's Influence on you: Stop The Madness!: flag, radio - Great Debates
  25. Recognizing the results of an overthrown government: Iran, Iraq, illegal - Great Debates
  26. Do people still throw wild parties after college?: ethic, high school, attractive - Great Debates
  27. Retirement benefits: defined benefits or defined contribution?: generation, holidays - Great Debates
  28. In fear of being bullied - How to live?: Austin, doctor, female - Great Debates
  29. The concept of innate self-worth is crap: Alabama, state, declaration - Great Debates
  30. What Would Happen To Capitalism Without Caffeine?: ethic, drug, Utah - Great Debates
  31. Time Magazine vs Field & Stream Magazine: compare, workers, news - Great Debates
  32. Penmanship and what could it say of you?: school, examples, doctor - Great Debates
  33. Law against shackling pregnant women????: leader, Maryland, states, supporters - Great Debates
  34. Do you think that interrethnic relationships will be the norm in integrated societies?: enemy, generation - Great Debates
  35. Should Compliance be an issue organ transplant?: ethical, legal, drugs - Great Debates
  36. Justice Clarence Thomas Speaks — And Oh What A Speech!: interview, legal - Great Debates
  37. Make a donation, forget what happened and why.: Massachusetts, money, states - Great Debates
  38. How does declaring money stop money laundering and terrorism?: Mexican, legal, drug - Great Debates
  39. Is there definitive opposite or antithesis to modern-day Internet adult-theme models? If so, what would that be?: generations, ethical - Great Debates
  40. Do You Want To Know How Long You Will Live?: ethical, legal - Great Debates
  41. Overuse of the Word Random and Its Implications: obsession, world - Great Debates
  42. do people really believe the crime rate is going down?: generations, illegal - Great Debates
  43. A Nation of Obsessions ?: interview, wages, health care, Canada - Great Debates
  44. Establishing Equality in Wealth Building: generation, controversial, racism, Obama - Great Debates
  45. Why do the majority of US employees get such short paid holidays ?: Christmas, suspect - Great Debates
  46. Did 9/11 happen how the American government claims it happened?: conspiracy, insurance, terrorists - Great Debates
  47. What rights should an unmarried father have to his child, if: legal, drugs - Great Debates
  48. Is Internet Trolling an Art?: education, abuse, state, 2014 - Great Debates
  49. Do you ever worry about all the chemicals and hormones in our food?: fast food, premium - Great Debates
  50. Why is it to Post Anti-Israeli items – but not Anti-Islam?: Palestinians, illegal - Great Debates
  51. The nouveau rich never stay rich, s why...: generations, heroin, drugs - Great Debates
  52. Women: Do you feel unsafe traveling alone after sunset?: fast food, illegal, weapon - Great Debates
  53. Women: Abortion vs Men: Deadbeats: wages, illegal, controversial, border - Great Debates
  54. Rape and cold weather.: legal, drug, statistics, violent crime - Great Debates
  55. Bullying - the new moral panic?: borders, solution, high school, terror - Great Debates
  56. California gets stranger every day.: legal, school, examples, government - Great Debates
  57. Should American employers hire Americans for GOOD JOBS?: generations, illegal, Obama - Great Debates
  58. Why People Are Divided by Politics and Religion: pros and cons, radical, Clinton - Great Debates
  59. If the USA was liberal would it be more prosperous ?: health care, suspect - Great Debates
  60. Feminism gone wrong: myth, leader, education, support - Great Debates
  61. Do people treat you better when you have money?: school, economic, examples - Great Debates
  62. What degree of health care is everyone's RIGHT?: drugs, health care system, premium - Great Debates
  63. Strange sense of worth?: salary, how much, dollars, school - Great Debates
  64. Receiving Charity: Merry Christmas, wisdom, dollars, money - Great Debates
  65. What causes white flight (or flight of sort)?: generation, controversial, highway - Great Debates
  66. Is the death penalty human sacrifice?: interview, salary, legal, attorney - Great Debates
  67. Why is prostitution illegal in the US?: drugs, regular, marijuana - Great Debates
  68. Doctors and nurses need to be replaced by computers and robots (long post!): wages, ethical - Great Debates
  69. Humanity, society and governance.: legal, health care system, Amish, myth - Great Debates
  70. Do you think the US has a chance of beating China in innovation...: premium, vs - Great Debates
  71. should east indians living in the U.S. call themselves indians: racism, Canada - Great Debates
  72. Does think message boards are the great liar/denier?: fast food, salaries - Great Debates
  73. Thug the new n-word ?: crime, school, world - Great Debates
  74. Could free money be the best way to end poverty and homelessness?: fast food, minimum wage - Great Debates
  75. Money is the Key to Happiness: employment, holidays, Canada, revolution - Great Debates
  76. Do you think the ideology of american exceptionalism hold the USA back?: unemployment, minimum wage - Great Debates
  77. Do you think the US will last as a union through the 21st century?: illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  78. Would the world be better off or worse without religion?: brainwashing, solutions - Great Debates
  79. Let's kill Hitler: Israel, highway, death, school - Great Debates
  80. Do you think buying Made in the USA products makes a major difference?: wages, Canada - Great Debates
  81. Is Capitalism failing most Americans?: employment, minimum wage, salaries, illegal - Great Debates
  82. Why do we thank the troops for our freedoms as Americans?: Iran, Iraq - Great Debates
  83. Did Putin use Sochi as smokescreen to attack Ukraine?: heroin, Afghanistan, radical - Great Debates
  84. Is prison too easy?: cocaine, drugs, healthcare, death - Great Debates
  85. Will American society ever get to the point to where males and females will share the same public restrooms?: polls, party - Great Debates
  86. Should Cancer Without Insurance or Money Be Left to Die?: drugs, premium - Great Debates
  87. Noticing Signs of Societal Collapse?: Rush Limbaugh, generations, drug - Great Debates
  88. Is the desire for violent retribution a cultural universal?: middle east, regular, radical - Great Debates
  89. It's not the place, its the person ?: Iran, Iraq, independent - Great Debates
  90. Is lack of understanding the main reason for one's choosing to be childless?: ethical, suspect - Great Debates
  91. What is CIVILIZATION?: healthcare, racist, Boxer, Canada - Great Debates
  92. Should the USA strictly or loosely adhere to the US Constitution?: Congress, generations - Great Debates
  93. Is pirating as bad as shop lifting? Is it worse? Should they carry the same penalties?: illegal, crime - Great Debates
  94. Most marijuana users are delusional, irresponsible and short sighted.: Baby Boomers, illegal, heroin - Great Debates
  95. A solution to childhood obesity: generation, health care system, regular, highway - Great Debates
  96. Should Americans be more open to public nudity?: ethic, Jesus, school - Great Debates
  97. Time to Kill Daylight Savings: Minnesota, Denver, Michigan, Chicago - Great Debates
  98. What is the culture of entitlement and how we got it: salary, generations - Great Debates
  99. Do People in the North Really Not Know about this...?: interstate, Iraq - Great Debates
  100. Do You Know GMO? Watch this:: death, Maine, Oregon, billion - Great Debates
  101. Will Humans Become Extinct Soon: death, Canada, economy, money - Great Debates
  102. Why did Christians hate Jews so much before and during the Holocaust?: middle east, generations - Great Debates
  103. Are there advantages for employers if their employee has lots of debt?: unemployment, drug - Great Debates
  104. For Every 10 Executions, 1 Death Row Inmate Is Exonerated ... Are Juries Competent Enough To Reasonably Discern Guilt?: Congress, illegal - Great Debates
  105. Genetically Modified Crops, Good or Bad: ethical, regular, lobby, claim - Great Debates
  106. Definition of Poverty: unemployment, minimum wage, parade, drug - Great Debates
  107. What are your thoughts on reckless drivers who put others lives at risk?: military, school - Great Debates
  108. 6% of wealthy say what’s on their mind vs. 69% of poor.. Explanation?: illegal, independent - Great Debates
  109. How do you feel about people smoking e-cigarettes in public places?: school, biased - Great Debates
  110. What if tax payers could decide how their money is used?: interstates, Congress - Great Debates
  111. Is Depression Curable? Should Depressed People Have the Option of Euthanasia?: legal, injection - Great Debates
  112. Racial diversity: good, bad, or indifferent?: legal, suspect, racism, Canada - Great Debates
  113. Honestly, why not just legalize all drugs?: illegal, heroin, cocaine - Great Debates
  114. is the end of the master craftsman near?: unemployed, generations, Obama - Great Debates
  115. Is it Cool to be gay now?: Obama, March, gay people - Great Debates
  116. Which Laws do you think need to go? Which crimes should be legal?: illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  117. People need to stop whining?!: illegal, healthcare, Obama, insurance - Great Debates
  118. If a girl is drunk, is it to have sex with her?: 2013, own - Great Debates
  119. Are Gay Pride Parades damaging to the community: March, military - Great Debates
  120. Texting more dangerous than drunk driving: statistics, how much, crime, compared - Great Debates
  121. Marxism, Catholics, and Liberation Theology: Rush Limbaugh, Congress, generations, health care - Great Debates
  122. What if there were no Hitler?: radical, Clinton, Obama, revolution - Great Debates
  123. Will the future suck for non-competitive/easy-going people?: wages, drugs, holidays - Great Debates
  124. Giving to a charity or other organization and never getting a thank you: salaries, compared - Great Debates
  125. What is the solution to the healthcare issue?: fast food, gallon, salaries - Great Debates
  126. The Denigration of Work: The unskilled worker.: unemployment, fast food, minimum wage - Great Debates
  127. John Wayne - an American hero ?: Reagan, Edwards, military, carry - Great Debates
  128. Has America always been medicore from an education point of view?: employment, wage - Great Debates
  129. Should people have a choice to live or to die?: illegal, soldiers - Great Debates
  130. A perspective on Black Americans and crime, something I read.: illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  131. Halloween Has a Blackface Issue: legal, controversial, death, racism - Great Debates
  132. should the military be teaching that white males have an unfair advantage?: employment, racism - Great Debates
  133. have you done hard drugs? no judgement: legal, heroin, regular - Great Debates
  134. are people more lonely and isolated compared with past times: regular, Walmart - Great Debates
  135. Society has become INSTANT and IMPATIENT. No?: generation, legal, examples - Great Debates
  136. Does the federal government have the right to set minimum insurance policy standards?: Congress - Great Debates
  137. Would you rather be a poor man in a wealthy city or a rich man in a poor city?: unemployment, serial killers - Great Debates
  138. Shoot up at LAX has totally negated the Gun Lobby's argument: Pelosi, weapon - Great Debates
  139. Why do Americans always tiptoe around race?: employment, Mexican, illegal - Great Debates
  140. Time for a new Constitution? No agenda Academic.: Congress, salary - Great Debates
  141. Is there really a problem with low voter turnout?: Congress, enemies - Great Debates
  142. Is The Victim Partly To Blame When Raped?: illegal, drug, death - Great Debates
  143. Does heritage and culture have real practical value?: drugs, millionaire, economy - Great Debates
  144. Is America Ripe For A Great Awakening?: holidays, weapon, death - Great Debates
  145. Are the best days for the USA behind us?: Ron Paul, unemployment, CNN - Great Debates
  146. Let's insult skinny people but shun that insult fat people?: injection, drugs - Great Debates
  147. A for the masses...: wages, drugs, statistics, regular - Great Debates
  148. Oprah upset because clerk she was a regular person: racism, money - Great Debates
  149. Costs of Saving a life?: death, military, cost, dollars - Great Debates
  150. What would happen if everyone stopped paying insurance companies: unemployment, salaries, lawyers - Great Debates
  151. Where have all the heroes gone?: legal, lawyers, Kennedy, independence - Great Debates
  152. Snap judgments - what I learned from Duck Dynasty (not an entertainment: generations, suspect - Great Debates
  153. guarenteed minimum income as a result of automation: unemployment, wages, Mexican - Great Debates
  154. Thoughts for your consideration: What I saw at an LGBT Pride rally: parade, Reagan - Great Debates
  155. When do you not talk to the police?: Iran, interviews, legal - Great Debates
  156. Are White Americans a real ethnic group?: ethical, racist, Miami - Great Debates
  157. Extinction makes us sad, but doesn't have serious side effects: generations, pros and cons - Great Debates
  158. Food stamps stigma: unemployed, wages, suspect, racism - Great Debates
  159. Could employment return to previous levels?: unemployment rate, fast food, minimum wage, generation - Great Debates
  160. Why Shouldn't Celebrities Be Held to a Higher Standard of Conduct?: Congress - Great Debates
  161. Who is the MOST responsible for a run-down neighborhood: The Landlords or the Residents?: interstates, cost - Great Debates
  162. Rabbits are skinned alive to make wool?: death, wisdom, vs - Great Debates
  163. Why do people fight cancer?: regime, death, money, mortality - Great Debates
  164. Could slavery actually exist in America today?: minimum wage, Mexican, ethical - Great Debates
  165. Is patronizing a street prostitute unethical and expoitive?: interview, illegal, drugs - Great Debates
  166. Is America racist or classist?: unemployed, generation, suspected, racism - Great Debates
  167. Should private Businesses built infrastructure in cities?: interstate, legal, independent - Great Debates
  168. If kids could make an adult's wage: minimum wage, legal, lawyer - Great Debates
  169. How do we definition and value Life? And how does it relate to abortion laws.: ethical, illegal - Great Debates
  170. 190 Billion dollars just from Obesity???: generation, Baby Boomers, accuse, health care - Great Debates
  171. Why do we divide ourselves?: racist, stereotypes, state, citizen - Great Debates
  172. Whats with all the veteran worship?: unemployment, Iraq, military, companies - Great Debates
  173. Do Americans Hate Their Poor?: Corporate Profits, unemployed, wages, generation - Great Debates
  174. Traditional marriage: love or a system of barter to acquire wealth, heirs and workers?: ethic, legal - Great Debates
  175. What would happen if we all looked the same?: generation, racism, money - Great Debates
  176. Is the weather really getting more extreme?: global warming, suspect, states - Great Debates
  177. Living in Areas at Risk of Forest Fire: global warming, statistics, regular - Great Debates
  178. Not thankful for Thanksgiving.: holidays, how much, insurance, school - Great Debates
  179. Why isn't there a cure for cancer: drugs, conspiracy, companies - Great Debates
  180. What If We Got Rid of Health Insurance: healthcare, premium, death - Great Debates
  181. Why Is Polygamy Illegal?: Congress, accuse, fence, crime - Great Debates
  182. Why such resistance to secession?: racism, brainwashing, military, school - Great Debates
  183. There is no problem with out of wedlock birthrates African Americans.: generation, drugs - Great Debates
  184. What would you fix about the ACA: enemy, drug, health care system - Great Debates
  185. Is There Female Privilege?: generations, state, advantages, pay - Great Debates
  186. Are your twenties the most important decade....: generations, fence, myth - Great Debates
  187. Should the Great Lakes States/Provinces Form a Country before its too late for our future generations?: gallon, spokesman - Great Debates
  188. Does Biology Dictates the way men and women love each other ?: suspect, death - Great Debates
  189. Why do people think Minorities are the main beneficiaries of Affirmative Action?: generation, statistics - Great Debates
  190. Will marijuana, or another drug, enter the mainstream of society?: illegal, heroin - Great Debates
  191. Why do US employers pay their employees health care ?: Congress, wages, salaries - Great Debates
  192. Is the US splitting into different nations?: interstate, generations, ethic - Great Debates
  193. Capitalism better than socialism: employment, Congress, salary, health care - Great Debates
  194. So-called Freedom: employment, minimum wage, salaries, illegal - Great Debates
  195. Do most millennials want to live without a car and will they stay that way?: unemployment rate, generations - Great Debates
  196. Texting While Driving - Teen is Subjected to Three Years in Prison: illegal, highway - Great Debates
  197. Did George Zimmerman lie?: claims, handgun, murder, - Great Debates
  198. Is Capitalism on the Way Out?: drugs, Rockefeller, revolution, lobbyists - Great Debates
  199. Should mandatory minimum sentences be abolished?: employment, Reagan, drug, Canada - Great Debates
  200. Why to be rude about peoples looks?: attractive, jobs, own - Great Debates