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  1. Person who commits sex offense as a child...: accuse, March, crime - Great Debates
  2. New Orleans Redux: Alabama, dollar, election, elect - Great Debates
  3. Are We Better Off Living with the Blues?: generations, parade, drugs - Great Debates
  4. Homless Hotspots: money, news, thoughts, advantage - Great Debates
  5. Who is responsible for the meaning of something you say?: languages, women - Great Debates
  6. Feminism, Body Image, Self-Reliance, and Senstivity: Franken, generation, 9/11, high school - Great Debates
  7. If a national background check is adopted: felons, money, waiver - Great Debates
  8. College professors and politics: radical, abortion, school, leader - Great Debates
  9. Sources/Informants vs Leaking Classified information? Whats the difference?: ethical, treason, crime - Great Debates
  10. One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.: Congress, legal - Great Debates
  11. Foreign aide ?: Congress, middle east, Israel - Great Debates
  12. Companies and Corporations - How far can they go?: unemployment, minimum wage, salary - Great Debates
  13. sustain ABILITY reposted from economics forum: generations, ethical, politicians - Great Debates
  14. Sad story that contradicts pretty much every NRA talking point: Iraq, weapon - Great Debates
  15. NASCAR is there just too many cars running?: races - Great Debates
  16. Fortune and the dark cloud: ethic, Clinton, wisdom, school - Great Debates
  17. Know of former classmate who went from poorly performing in school to straight As?: salary, stats - Great Debates
  18. Do you think most people love strangers/human beings in general?: how much, income - Great Debates
  19. Should HUGE Christmas Light Displays be legal in residential areas?: dollars, vs - Great Debates
  20. How come inaction that causes harm to be more forgiavble than action that causes harm?: death, million - Great Debates
  21. Americans are dopamine addicts...and successful.: wisdom, crime, financial - Great Debates
  22. You're wasting your time and other naysayers.: financial, education, world - Great Debates
  23. Social Networks: generations, revolution, independent, fence - Great Debates
  24. A Class Divided...: death, racism, program, percentage - Great Debates
  25. Was the Constitution intended to be Pro-Plutocracy?: unemployment, wisdom, revolution - Great Debates
  26. Is The US a True Meritocracy?: generations, millionaires, companies, education - Great Debates
  27. True or False: Native American tribes are more united now than pre-Columbus: percentage, history - Great Debates
  28. The end of privacy and anonymity: employment, ethical, illegal, party - Great Debates
  29. On the great gun debate...: gallon, generations, illegal, weapon - Great Debates
  30. The Prison-Industrial-Complex in the USA: Mexican, illegal aliens, drugs, attorneys - Great Debates
  31. Do we overvalue intelligence?: wisdom, high school, examples, education - Great Debates
  32. Why can't our elected get it together?: Congress, lawyers, health care - Great Debates
  33. Do Kids Have 2nd Amendment rights?: middle east, illegal, weapons, Minnesota - Great Debates
  34. The counter-cooperation movement: Limbaugh, ethical, revolution, dollar - Great Debates
  35. Is it out of Politcal Correctness that so many people seem to shout for more Diversity in their cities??: racist, Hispanic - Great Debates
  36. Nancy Lazna: weapons, deaths, how much, abuse - Great Debates
  37. Not every American born person can work in an office and not everyone should go to college: unemployed, fast food - Great Debates
  38. Is Hip Hop contributing the destruction of the young Black Youth in America?: generations, drug - Great Debates
  39. Could the U.S. win a war against unified continental Europe + UK?: arsenal, soldier - Great Debates
  40. No future for the children: unemployment, gas prices, salaries, holidays - Great Debates
  41. Friends and relatives tell me I should relocate to a boom town, should I?: unemployment rate, crime - Great Debates
  42. Lawsuit: Black nurses barred from treating baby at parent's request.: employment, legal - Great Debates
  43. MASSIVE Immigration has destroyed the friendly neighborhood!: middle east, generations, Mexican - Great Debates
  44. She had a bottle, he asked put it down,she didn't,*hit to the face*: parade, legal - Great Debates
  45. Is dog ownership essentially narcissistic?: ethics, healthcare, election, elect - Great Debates
  46. Why do people hate the rich???: Obama, money, voted, status - Great Debates
  47. In Need Of: black president, Obama, program, citizen - Great Debates
  48. Is 22 young enough to start a new life?: death, Jesus, school - Great Debates
  49. Which lifestyle do you think is more fulfilling: professional middle class or very rich: millionaires, companies - Great Debates
  50. Are Babyboomers a viable economic engine to our economy?: generation, Baby Boomers, stats - Great Debates
  51. Would you live with a roommate?: best, considered, own, city - Great Debates
  52. Are Stay at Home Parents Too Self-Righteous????: salary, how much, school - Great Debates
  53. Why can't people read and comprehend?: stats, deaths, Obama, ratings - Great Debates
  54. New States: Congress, Israel, Canada, Pittsburgh - Great Debates
  55. Is multiculturalism/diversity necessarily a good thing?: Iran, racism, Canada - Great Debates
  56. Sen. Rubio to give Republican response to State Of Union In English and Spanish.: death, Menendez - Great Debates
  57. Discrimination: illegal, drugs, racism, solution - Great Debates
  58. Is there a Southern culture , and how has it contributed to the U.S.?: McCain, Iran - Great Debates
  59. Should the draft be reinstated and include both men and women: Congress, interview - Great Debates
  60. Does society choose what's offensive & what is not?: drugs, racism, border - Great Debates
  61. Hedonism vs Asceticism: ethical, support, best, thoughts - Great Debates
  62. Libertopia - Conservative hippies????: suspect, wisdom, millionaire, school - Great Debates
  63. are preppers overly paranoid: employment, arsenal, millionaire, military - Great Debates
  64. Was the U.S.A. really that great back then?: Iran, wage - Great Debates
  65. Can 'Nothing' Exist?: school, elect, state, religion - Great Debates
  66. BatMan Vs Superman: votes, mortality, job, capital - Great Debates
  67. Ginger or Mary Ann: Kansas, children, town, great - Great Debates
  68. Psychopaths: interstate, legal, weapons, radical - Great Debates
  69. Global Warming and the systems of the earth and chaos.: Rush Limbaugh, Al Gore - Great Debates
  70. What would happen to America if everyone born starting tomorrow was a genius?: minimum wage, generation - Great Debates
  71. Do you think a felony should stay on someone's record? (Part 2): border, crime - Great Debates
  72. Should A Felony Stay On Someone's Record? Closed: legal, violent crime, felons - Great Debates
  73. USA is a better place to live in than the UK...let's debate: wages, legal - Great Debates
  74. Does a person have the right to end their life?: Iraq, rating - Great Debates
  75. Drones - the end of privacy?: Putin, solution, military, cost - Great Debates
  76. Is being Straight a Choice?: parties, percentage, Muslim, children - Great Debates
  77. Does a person owe it to society to work?: death, independent, insurance - Great Debates
  78. The glorifcation of homeownership: cost, money, government, income - Great Debates
  79. simply NOT interested in Facebook?: regular, high school, teenage - Great Debates
  80. Is Victoria's Secret mall advertising pornography?: examples, vs, European, world - Great Debates
  81. is Victoria's Secret mall advertising pornography?: legal, death, Obama, solutions - Great Debates
  82. Why does US society expands all rights one?: legal, weapons, deaths - Great Debates
  83. Should the North Korea threat be taken seriously?: Iran, Afghanistan, border - Great Debates
  84. Drug wars.: salaries, illegal, heroin, cocaine - Great Debates
  85. Are you aware? Are you awakened?: gallon, global warming, conspiracy, borders - Great Debates
  86. The New Sexism: interview, wages, generations, heroin - Great Debates
  87. Why does the USA use the English imperial measurements and not metric.: gallon, Canada - Great Debates
  88. Women should always support other women!! ...just about this imbecilic and immoral feminist mantra: ethical, legal - Great Debates
  89. Newborn Circumcision: spokeswoman, statistics, deaths, military - Great Debates
  90. Why does the US grow so little food?: NAFTA, unemployment, fast food - Great Debates
  91. Why do most gay men sound different?: controversial, bias, carry - Great Debates
  92. Is America really a country of immigrants?: wages, generations, illegal - Great Debates
  93. Can states choose to ignore Federal laws?: minimum wage, Mexican, legal - Great Debates
  94. are we being overwelmed with technology?: Putin, wages, revolution, independent - Great Debates
  95. Is the layman jury system a good system?: interviews, legal, drugs - Great Debates
  96. Should School Administrators be held legally responsible for bullying?: how much, Jesus, high school - Great Debates
  97. Abortion Restrictions! Yes!!!: Taliban, health care, Brown, abortions - Great Debates
  98. Why do most African Americans claim to not be able to swim?: generations, poll - Great Debates
  99. Rape gets 1 yr, Murder gets life, Ohio get it right?: legal, suspect - Great Debates
  100. If gay is genetic, would you alter an embryo?: illegal, carry, gay people - Great Debates
  101. The benefits of diversity: Mexican, controversial, racism, crime - Great Debates
  102. If education is the great equalizer, why is our society so profoundly unequal as educated as it is?: unemployed, generations - Great Debates
  103. Mentally Retarded Adults have RIGHTS!: Congress, generations, Obama, independent - Great Debates
  104. Professionals?: employment, salary, lawyer, regular - Great Debates
  105. English - a Scandinavian language?: the latina, invasion, compare, claim - Great Debates
  106. Without the 2nd amendment the others mean nothing.: Taliban, legal, regular - Great Debates
  107. So who was actually rude?: female, kids, working, country - Great Debates
  108. Loneliness – Insoluble social problem?: solution, parties, elect, retired - Great Debates
  109. What proof do you need that climate change exists?: enemy, global warming, independent - Great Debates
  110. Source Labeling - Why is it NOT the law?: illegal, companies, dollars - Great Debates
  111. Is our government overreaching it's original intent?: unemployed, Congress, minimum wage - Great Debates
  112. Why do Europeans hate us?: global warming, fence, elect, retired - Great Debates
  113. Is America still the greatest nation: Iran, interview, middle east - Great Debates
  114. Does driving American made cars equal poor/blue collar?: Alabama, economy, Massachusetts - Great Debates
  115. Incarcerated: Put them to work? Save money? Why not?: unemployment rate, wage, illegal aliens - Great Debates
  116. Is Widespread Use of The Pill Making American Women Depressed and/or Crazy?: drug, health care - Great Debates
  117. How likely is it that a person would be physically attacked for being in an interracial relationship?: Mexican, CNN - Great Debates
  118. Partition California into 5 new states (and the ethics of state partition): house of Congress - Great Debates
  119. Are Catholic Elementary Schools Acceptable?: legal, radical, Canada, brainwash - Great Debates
  120. Citym urder rates depend largely on race, gender, and age: illegal, heroin - Great Debates
  121. Do Europeans have a 'right' to have tighter immigration controls than the US, Aus, Canada due to cultural reasons?: generations, legal - Great Debates
  122. Let's say top 1% paid 50%....: wages, salary, Clinton, Obama - Great Debates
  123. Tough Why do people fear death?: deaths, brainwash, how much - Great Debates
  124. why are white americans so racist?: racism, Obama, school, gay people - Great Debates
  125. Government changing society's right and wrongs?: unemployment, Congressmen, wages - Great Debates
  126. I used to be all for the legalization of marijuana until...: illegal, injection - Great Debates
  127. Is giving English names to non-English children running from their heritage?: multiculturalism, regular - Great Debates
  128. Welfare Abuses: wages, generations, legal, lawyers - Great Debates
  129. Is it stealing to cash 60K in credit card convenience checks and declare bankrupcy?: ethical, illegal - Great Debates
  130. Is researching to vote and voting a waste of your time?: employment, insurance - Great Debates
  131. Are all twentysomethings hipsters?: generations, independent, fence, Miami - Great Debates
  132. Why are celebrities so often vulnerable to drug addiction and depression?: legal, drugs - Great Debates
  133. Why is it that weak people are so hated?: crime, school, party - Great Debates
  134. Why Are Doctors Favored Over Lawyers?: ethical, legal, attorneys, stereotypes - Great Debates
  135. What to do about bullies: illegal, death, Canada, school - Great Debates
  136. Death with Dignity: legal, drug, stats, deaths - Great Debates
  137. Racist against own race????: conspiracy, racism, brainwashing, KKK - Great Debates
  138. Are 21st century humans more stressed out than humans who lived in the past?: death, speech - Great Debates
  139. Do you believe in the implicit cycle of karma?: independence, Jesus, state - Great Debates
  140. Is American society becoming a society of irritated people?: interview, compare, rating - Great Debates
  141. Let Grace die with Dignity: death, state, support, Maine - Great Debates
  142. TV parental guidelines VS local news: accuse, school, rating, good news - Great Debates
  143. Should require locations?: employment, salary, legal, regular - Great Debates
  144. Concealed Carry. Going too far...........: attorney, weapon, military, compare - Great Debates
  145. Should we publicize where sex offenders live?: drug, activist, FBI - Great Debates
  146. Closed: Should we publicize where sex offenders live?: drug, statistics, death - Great Debates
  147. What has happened to America's Police Officers?: Congress, enemy, illegal - Great Debates
  148. Should non-violent offenders and people who do not commit crimes against others be put in jail?: wage, generation - Great Debates
  149. What does The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions mean?: generation, global warming - Great Debates
  150. CEO/Founder of Susan G Komen Made $417K Last Year. Too much?: wages, salaries - Great Debates
  151. Drugs/Alcohol: illegal, deaths, Amish, how much - Great Debates
  152. I don't know where to put this?: unemployment, interview, ethical - Great Debates
  153. What do you really think about poor people?: interview, drugs, school - Great Debates
  154. Can you Work to Live and still have a good Work Ethic?: death, independent - Great Debates
  155. Why is it to eat animals and not others?: Amish, cost - Great Debates
  156. Performance Enhancing Substances vs. Real Ability: illegal, drugs, stats, Pittsburgh - Great Debates
  157. We are responsible for each other.: employment, drugs, CNN - Great Debates
  158. Technology and standard of living: unemployed, ethical, regular, death - Great Debates
  159. Would you advocate for a more liberal assisted suicide law in this country like in Belgium?: legal, death - Great Debates
  160. should the perents of overweight children be charged with child neglect?: Putin, drugs - Great Debates
  161. Motivational speakers - hot air or effective?: speech, school, leader - Great Debates
  162. Are vaccines dangerous? Why or why not?: injection, drug, regular - Great Debates
  163. State removes video game from rest stop?: military, school, terrorists - Great Debates
  164. Cuba-United States Relations: drugs, suspect, revolution, Miami - Great Debates
  165. When will the insanity STOP in this country?: soldiers, regular, weapon - Great Debates
  166. TAKE time to educate others of Martin Luther King Jr: activist, how much - Great Debates
  167. Should SUV's,Mini Vans, Pick up trucks have their own parking areas?: regular, solution - Great Debates
  168. Why Doesn't the Black Community Value Marriage? .: statistics, suspect, racist - Great Debates
  169. What's the $ value of a human being?: ethical, drug, regular - Great Debates
  170. What is the most important ethical debate of our time?: interstate, injection - Great Debates
  171. Sovereignty and Land Ownership: Palestinians, Israel, legal, premium - Great Debates
  172. Animal Rights: death, abuse, support, world - Great Debates
  173. Why is there so much hate towards people who don't have siblings?: independent, claim - Great Debates
  174. Why are Black ladies worth less in the dating world?: Iran, racism - Great Debates
  175. Old school dating vs. Social media: compare, world, women, news - Great Debates
  176. Why are other races obsessed with discussing black people?: violent crime, Hispanic, murder - Great Debates
  177. Why do you want more government & taxes?: Ron Paul, unemployment - Great Debates
  178. Fiscal cliff and a double dip recession: Congress, March, insurance - Great Debates
  179. Should interest rates of 90%-300%+ be allowed?: illegal, cost, dollar - Great Debates
  180. Should organ donation be mandatory?: death, invasion, doctor, religion - Great Debates
  181. Profile of Spree Killers: generation, Mexican, drug, stats - Great Debates
  182. TV News Media - Out of Control?: interview, crime, school - Great Debates
  183. When a woman pays a man: illegal, controversial, crime, attractive - Great Debates
  184. Can a person make a mistake in life and rebound today?: generation, attorney - Great Debates
  185. If Marijuana is legalized, should smoking ban laws be amended to allow marijuana smoking in public places?: Brown, school - Great Debates
  186. America's rural/urban divide: border, independence, parties, elections - Great Debates
  187. Extreme Lifestyle: Stupid or Great?: death, insurance, rating - Great Debates
  188. Why don't people move away from crime? educate me?: interview, minimum wage - Great Debates
  189. What do you think would actually prevent another tragedy?: Israel, drugs, weapons - Great Debates
  190. Why Are We Shocked/Upset About Mass Killings, But Not Individual Ones?: school, Chicago - Great Debates
  191. Does something that kills 348 people in the US in a year need to be banned?: weapons, deaths - Great Debates
  192. Rehabilitation v. Incarceration: ethical, Reagan, legal, drugs - Great Debates
  193. Americans are spoiled compared to the rest of the world: unemployment, fast food - Great Debates
  194. The eternity of US constitution.: generations, parties, vs, states - Great Debates
  195. Guns don't kill people, people kill people: arsenal, drugs, regular - Great Debates
  196. Should every school in the country need a armed guard ?: unemployed, Canada - Great Debates
  197. Nancy Lanza: the mastermind of the Newtown attack?: weapons, how much, school - Great Debates
  198. Should Teachers Carry Guns?: legal, drugs, weapons, military - Great Debates
  199. Is America lost?: Congress, polls, healthcare, death - Great Debates
  200. Does latitude/weather correlate positively with personality style?: Canada, crime, Miami - Great Debates