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  1. Organ Donor vs. religion: believe, delusion, Christ, after life - Atheism and Agnosticism
  2. Bad Bob Comix: Jesus, blood, missionaries, mission - Atheism and Agnosticism
  3. another 'televangelist' goes to prison.: Christ, preacher, pastor, churches - Atheism and Agnosticism
  4. Condom effectiveness statistics: debate, birth control, choice, doctrine - Atheism and Agnosticism
  5. R. Crumb's new graphic novel: Creator, Christ, bible, faith - Atheism and Agnosticism
  6. Morality explained: believe, pagan, evidence, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  7. Unbelievable video from in the R & P forum!: Christ, godless - Atheism and Agnosticism
  8. I need music to go with lyrics: believe, born, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  9. Hmmm....: believe, Jesus, sin, divine - Atheism and Agnosticism
  10. World Peace?: believe, delusion, doom, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  11. Year One: debate, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  12. Pope 'led cover-up of child abuse by priests': believe, catholic, Vatican - Atheism and Agnosticism
  13. None of the Above: Creator, atheist, agnostic, vain - Atheism and Agnosticism
  14. USA Today Article: Atheism 3.0: believe, atheists, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  15. Progenitor of atheism?: God, baby - Atheism and Agnosticism
  16. The Church on Trial - CBS news (2002): bishop, catholic, Vatican - Atheism and Agnosticism
  17. Who is that one comedian?! My mind went blank!: believe, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  18. Mr. Deity And The Identity Crisis: Jesus, hell, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  19. Now what? Do we wait on the word police: atheists, vain, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  20. 19th Century deconversion testimony: priests, soul, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  21. Abuse not Typical?: meaning, believe, priests, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  22. An outlook on America's Christian founding.: born, experience, atheist, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  23. Rock-climbing catfish: believe, evolution, Earth, science - Atheism and Agnosticism
  24. Letter from abuse victim sent to catholic bishop: believe, priests, soul - Atheism and Agnosticism
  25. Old Churches get Taxpayer Money: worship, blessing, sunday, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  26. chance of a Nerdstock in the US? ;): Christ, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  27. Priest Accused of Shoplifting Butter, Sofa cover: atheist, catholic, children - Atheism and Agnosticism
  28. Just saying: preach, children, against - Atheism and Agnosticism
  29. To my atheist and agnostic friends: Christ, political - Atheism and Agnosticism
  30. News, Richard Dawkins on his tense relations with who believe in God.: Creator, delusion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  31. A atheist and a catholic mother in law...and problems!: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  32. Four rants from Pat Condell.: virtual, translation, America, service - Atheism and Agnosticism
  33. Funny atricle on morality.: religion, devil, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  34. Evangelist witch-hunter: believe, Jesus, prayer, moral - Atheism and Agnosticism
  35. Julia Sweeney...Letting Go of God: Christ, experience, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  36. A gift for all my fellow non-believers!: Christ, atheists, agnostics - Atheism and Agnosticism
  37. No christmas tree in Cary, NC we have Community Tree.: atheist, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  38. where in the bible does it say that the earth is 6k years old?: meaning, believe - Atheism and Agnosticism
  39. Chambersburg bans holiday displays to keep non-Christians from participating: believe, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  40. Occidental College's course on Stupidity: America, Jacob, attend, difference - Atheism and Agnosticism
  41. Maps of war: religions - Atheism and Agnosticism
  42. Theology courses: believe, atheist, agnostic, attend - Atheism and Agnosticism
  43. Let Buddha in to you and you will be saved! - Atheism and Agnosticism
  44. Not All Dogs Go To Heaven: Satan, verse, living - Atheism and Agnosticism
  45. This guy has a message for youz guys: delusion, Jehovah, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  46. 21-year-old raises money for her own funeral: believe, born, punishment - Atheism and Agnosticism
  47. James Allen - As a Man Thinketh - too esoteric for atheists?: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  48. Just Want To Wish You All A Very.... - Atheism and Agnosticism
  49. Heathens Greetings: believe, Buddhist, Christ, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  50. Atheists for Jesus (???): believe, born, Kingdom - Atheism and Agnosticism
  51. Would you donate to Salvation Army?: Christ, America, preach, mission - Atheism and Agnosticism
  52. Something puzzling: believe, scientific, debate, salvation - Atheism and Agnosticism
  53. How the Earth Was Made: History Channel: believe, scientific, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  54. Samoa Tsunami: believe, doomsday, Christ, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  55. Having Gay/Lesbian Children: believe, Christ, experience, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  56. Am I being too difficult?: believe, Buddhist, Jesus, choices - Atheism and Agnosticism
  57. The Demonization of Atheists in America: believe, born, Jesus, minority - Atheism and Agnosticism
  58. Religious Banners Removed from School. Protests planned: believe, Christ, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  59. Christmas presents?: godless, freedom, people, living - Atheism and Agnosticism
  60. What do atheists think of agnostics, and vice versa?: believe, Creator, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  61. Religulous; why religions must end: believe, doom, Christ, choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  62. HumanLight celebration: attend, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  63. Repost- North Carolina church burning satanic bibles: Christ, translation, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  64. Why are Atheist moral values better than christian morals?: believe, scientific, choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  65. What kind of Atheist are you?: believe, debate, agnostic - Atheism and Agnosticism
  66. Atheism in the workplace......: believe, Christ, preacher, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  67. More humor: believe, atheist, agnostics, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  68. How atheists deal with Christmas: meaning, believe, Jesus Christ, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  69. The Importance of 'Ardi': scientific, delusion, America, evolution - Atheism and Agnosticism
  70. Church steeples with lightning rods: believe, Jesus, sinners, divorce - Atheism and Agnosticism
  71. I need advice.: believe, Christ, God, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  72. Would you ever marry a Theist?: meaning, believe, Buddhist, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  73. Calling all El Paso Atheists!: priests, procreation, America, preaching - Atheism and Agnosticism
  74. Adam Carolla on atheism: Christ, God, churches, religions - Atheism and Agnosticism
  75. It's The End Of The World As We Know It...Again: believe, paradise - Atheism and Agnosticism
  76. What bothers you?: believe, Christ, minority, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  77. Another incident that illustrates my position: believe, Christ, preacher, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  78. Atheist trying to find other locals to socialize with..................: believe, Christ, pray - Atheism and Agnosticism
  79. Why does god hate christmas trees?: punishment, vain, bible, worship - Atheism and Agnosticism
  80. Why did god-fearing puritans hate christmas.: believe, Jehovah, Jesus, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  81. of you former fundies/evangelicals remember two clowns: believe, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  82. Born athiest? Do you wish you had exposure to religion?: believe, punishment - Atheism and Agnosticism
  83. I've Seen A Vision of Mary!: people, living - Atheism and Agnosticism
  84. Do atheists believe there is plausible mercy for the world trickling down?: moral, grace - Atheism and Agnosticism
  85. Reasoning to become Atheist: believe, priests, contradiction, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  86. One of the brightest minds you may have never heard of. Oh, he was an atheist.: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  87. Great new church: Lord, verse, religions - Atheism and Agnosticism
  88. Spiritual Naturalism: meaning, believe, afterlife, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  89. Trying not to hurt family: believe, rejecting, Christ, choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  90. No atheists in foxholes?: believe, Creator, Buddhist, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  91. Christians invaded the art center !!! AHHHH!!!: believe, Jesus, sin, hell - Atheism and Agnosticism
  92. Kidnapping for God?: America, zealous, Earth, Savior - Atheism and Agnosticism
  93. Raising children (inter-faith household): believe, born, debate, baptism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  94. Atheist in a foxhole. Why did I speak to a God that I don't believe in?: born, Buddhist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  95. Were the Gods really vistors from other planets?: believe, Kingdom - Atheism and Agnosticism
  96. Christian Friends?: believe, born, debate, preaching - Atheism and Agnosticism
  97. Atheists explanations of how consciousness is supposed to have arisen out of nothing: believe, afterlife - Atheism and Agnosticism
  98. I Am The Antichrist: meaning, born, Kingdom, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  99. Tennessee state approved Bible classes...: Christ, America, preach, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  100. Atheists in the Bible belt---: meaning, believe, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  101. Is there conflict between conservative atheists and liberal atheists?: believe, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  102. Car Salesmen? or...?: believe, born, priest, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  103. Would jesus wear a rolex watch - the video: Buddhist, recall, Biblical - Atheism and Agnosticism
  104. Need advice: believe, born, Christ, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  105. Why would an atheist ever marry?: meaning, believe, experience, divorce - Atheism and Agnosticism
  106. Good Without God: believe, punishment, delusion, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  107. next xmas I'll give out Atheist/Agnostic books and cards...: meaning, believe - Atheism and Agnosticism
  108. Anit religious buses in US:: believe, Mormons, atheist, followers - Atheism and Agnosticism
  109. How do you like this definition of an atheist?: meaning, believe, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  110. Are all Humanist Non-Religious?: believe, priests, Creator, birth control - Atheism and Agnosticism
  111. Dealing with the curveballs of life: believe, Christ, atheist, agnostic - Atheism and Agnosticism
  112. Prehistoric discovery disproves Bible timeline: believe, punishment, Kingdom, contradiction - Atheism and Agnosticism
  113. Darwin film finds US distributor:: believe, scientific, debate, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  114. Why is the atheist/agnostic bashed but not the believers?: salvation, Jehovah's Witness - Atheism and Agnosticism
  115. My professor prayed to the class before a test: prayer, bible, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  116. Can You Watch This Without Laughing or Rolling Your Eyes?: meaning, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  117. What is your image (as an atheist or agnostic) of the afterlife? (IF there is one): believe, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  118. Let me tell you a fun story of a 'non believer' (me) living in Mississippi.: Christ, choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  119. Folks Who Flaunt Their Religious Belief: believe, testimony, Jesus, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  120. The golden age of nano/biotechnology: scientific, blood, science, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  121. Secular billboard in CO defaced: Jesus, atheist, pagan, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  122. Another pedophile sentenced: meaning, believe, priests, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  123. Atheism: the way to Peace?: believe, born, afterlife, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  124. Different forms of atheism: believe, born, debate, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  125. What is the most compelling evidence for evolution?: scientific, prophecy, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  126. What do you think of Deism & Pantheism?: believe, rejecting, Creator - Atheism and Agnosticism
  127. God has a cleaning service?! (Yellow Page ad): Christ, preacher, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  128. Secular billboard causing controversy: believe, Jesus, church, science - Atheism and Agnosticism
  129. Religious license plates....: believe, Christ, choice, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  130. Being a Athiest or Agnostic Parent: believe, born, Buddhism, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  131. One: hell, verse, baby - Atheism and Agnosticism
  132. Satan's greatest hits: believe, born, doom, pagan - Atheism and Agnosticism
  133. What do you guys do at a gathering when they say grace?: Jesus, pray - Atheism and Agnosticism
  134. The 6 Major Points of Dawkins in his book 'The God Delusion': believe, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  135. Catholic Church gives Washington, DC Council Ultimatum: Jesus, blood, attending - Atheism and Agnosticism
  136. The shroud of turin not a fake !: Jesus, Jerusalem, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  137. Toys, games and characters considered evil by funnymentalists: believe, Christ, Harry Potter - Atheism and Agnosticism
  138. Hey everyone, get ready to convert!: believe, Jesus Christ, bible, communion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  139. Can We Really Blame Christians for Being Intollerant and Intrusive?: meaning, believe - Atheism and Agnosticism
  140. Atheism in the Media? What Next?: meaning, believe, Creator, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  141. What do you do (or not do) during religious holidays?: Christ, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  142. Do you ever find yourself....: believe, Christ, atheists, recall - Atheism and Agnosticism
  143. New School V. Old School Athiests: believe, atheist, myths, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  144. Which is worse?: believe, afterlife, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  145. Former Bob Jones University Fundy becomes agnostic: believe, born, testimonies - Atheism and Agnosticism
  146. A Special Place in Hell: believe, delusion, Christ, worship - Atheism and Agnosticism
  147. For Ex-Christians/ Religious: How Do Tell Others (Family,ect.),You Are Not?: rejecting, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  148. The Origin of Stupidity: believe, atheist, science, children - Atheism and Agnosticism
  149. O'Reilly vs Dawkins: debate, America, atheist, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  150. I've been saying this for years! (Love Me Or Burn): Christ, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  151. Funny but with a point. Yes, people are offended: Jesus, pray - Atheism and Agnosticism
  152. Just found out that one of my co-workers died last night: born, baby - Atheism and Agnosticism
  153. Seeking Book Recommendations for the New Atheism or Anti-theism: believe, debate, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  154. Religulous - call to arms?: believe, Buddhism, Christ, preach - Atheism and Agnosticism
  155. In Case of Rapture...: believe, Christ, atheist, hell - Atheism and Agnosticism
  156. Religious flowchart (humor): Christ, worship, Jewish, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  157. I was confronted by a bible beater Wal-mart greeter tonight: Jesus, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  158. Wow, Three Rivers episode tonight made me cry!: believe, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  159. Isn't it funny that when I disagree with an atheist they immediately call me a Christian?: believe, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  160. Again when are posters in R&P and C forums: Christ, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  161. Did Christianity Cause the Crash?: believe, America, faith, Biblically - Atheism and Agnosticism
  162. Girls consider you a monster as an atheist/agnostic. Help: believe, followers - Atheism and Agnosticism
  163. Our questions were not all answered.: believe, debate, Jesus, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  164. FROM JUNE AND MISS BLUE: Christer ...: meaning, believe, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  165. As a non-believer, I find the enclosed words offensive and as such they should be banned: meaning, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  166. Non fundy churches?: believe, Christ, atheist, agnostic - Atheism and Agnosticism
  167. Ritual Human Sacrifice in the Bible: believe, debate, delusion, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  168. Hall of shame: believe, priests, punishment, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  169. Do you find Hell offensive?: meaning, believe, Christ, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  170. Doubt and the 'salvation' cycle: believe, baptism, purification, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  171. Atheists/Agnostics I'd like to know your thoughts: scientific, experience, evolution - Atheism and Agnosticism
  172. BEE is for Beestiality..: Christ, sin, religion, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  173. Am I alone ? Warning and Apologies for the rant.: Kingdom, baptize, virtual - Atheism and Agnosticism
  174. End of life decisions: Atheism vs Christianity: believe, funerals, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  175. I met a woman at Walmart who was a christian suffering from cancer.: believe, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  176. Why are you an atheist?: believe, debate, Jesus, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  177. What religion is Obama?: believe, Buddhist, Christ, minority - Atheism and Agnosticism
  178. I've decided to volunteer at a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving: godless, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  179. Why has religion lasted this long?: believe, born, scientific, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  180. Atheism as a Positive Force: Atheists Only,: believe, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  181. If simple lifeforms evolve to more complex lifeforms.: meaning, scientific, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  182. Talk About Brainwashing: believe, soul, Jesus, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  183. Is Agnosticism a Cop-Out?: believe, Creator, scientific, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  184. Oh good grief...why do they do this?: Christ, pagan, Satan - Atheism and Agnosticism
  185. Tired of the Christian fish?: Darwin - Atheism and Agnosticism
  186. Shroud of Turin a fake!: meaning, believe, priest, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  187. Why is it that the older people get, the more susceptible they seem to be to God!!!???: believe, delusion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  188. Ever notice...: believe, Creator, salvation - Atheism and Agnosticism
  189. To my friends in the A&A forum...just to make you smile. - Atheism and Agnosticism
  190. Born an Atheist vs formerly religious Atheist: meaning, believe, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  191. I was just now SHOCKED to learn that richard dawkins is almost 70 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: born, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  192. ...systemic, calculated perversion of power and trust...: believe, priests, mission - Atheism and Agnosticism
  193. Thanksgiving...Prayer..and Public School: believe, choice, America, suicide - Atheism and Agnosticism
  194. Xenu, the Supreme 'Rule-ah'. - Atheism and Agnosticism
  195. Found my theme song! NO RELIGION AT ALL! - Atheism and Agnosticism
  196. Jon Stewart Clip: Christ, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  197. One of the best set of atheist videos on YouTube: theology, knowledge - Atheism and Agnosticism
  198. Religion used to recruit for drug cartel: America, morals, children - Atheism and Agnosticism
  199. Franklin Graham gives up one of two nonprofit $669,000 salaries: - Atheism and Agnosticism
  200. Priest Pope's appointment:: priests, bishop, catholic - Atheism and Agnosticism