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  1. The Longest Running Scam in History: believe, priests, virtual, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  2. Interesting article about morality religion versus atheism: believe, atheist, mission - Atheism and Agnosticism
  3. Ban The Bible? FFRF broadcast: children, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  4. How an atheist became a mystic: experience, mission, created, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  5. An open declaration: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania: doctrine, agnostic - Atheism and Agnosticism
  6. Madalyn Murray O'Hair on the Tonight Show w/Johnny Carson: believe, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  7. has gone off line: atheist, created, compared - Atheism and Agnosticism
  8. Essay from FFRF: Christ, experience, morals, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  9. God Game: believe, Jesus, verse, divine - Atheism and Agnosticism
  10. Incredible podcast: believe, atheist, worship, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  11. Names of God: Creator, Christ, bless, faith - Atheism and Agnosticism
  12. Satanic Temple donation cards: believe, priests, delusion, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  13. Alpha God?: verse, compared - Atheism and Agnosticism
  14. Why is Czechia the most atheistic country in Europe?: believe, reincarnation - Atheism and Agnosticism
  15. Joke about Jesus: Jesus Christ, prayer, pope, Earth - Atheism and Agnosticism
  16. Crank mail to the FFRF: Christ, organization, religion, freedom - Atheism and Agnosticism
  17. What do you miss about being a Christian - Atheism and Agnosticism
  18. The Bible may have exaggerated the lifespans of Methuselah and the like, but...: America, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  19. I can't believe how cringey I was when I was still a Christian...: Jesus, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  20. Daniel Dennet: believe, scientific, debate, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  21. WOW. I just experienced something unbelievable and I need to be talked down: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  22. Religious affiliation drops 11 points in past decade: meaning, believe, rejecting - Atheism and Agnosticism
  23. In praise of the King James Bible. - Atheism and Agnosticism
  24. This could be a hoot!: God, president - Atheism and Agnosticism
  25. Op-ed about proving the existence of a loving god: believe, born, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  26. I could be a believer if... - Atheism and Agnosticism
  27. Age and religion.: born, funeral, worship, attend - Atheism and Agnosticism
  28. For former believers... What was the Biblical dealbreaker?: meaning, born, punishment - Atheism and Agnosticism
  29. John Adams and christianity: believe, priests, Jesus, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  30. Psychic Continuity: experience, recall, body, existence - Atheism and Agnosticism
  31. Sunday mornings for non-religious - what do you do?: believe, Buddhist, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  32. (Un)Godly Business Names: Jesus Christ, Israel, mission, bless - Atheism and Agnosticism
  33. Ai: believe, debate, contradiction - Atheism and Agnosticism
  34. Ever heard of apatheism ?: believe, atheist, evolution - Atheism and Agnosticism
  35. Neil deGrasse Tyson on God.: believe, Christ, bible, created - Atheism and Agnosticism
  36. God doesn't draw people to Jesus. People draw themselves to Jesus.: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  37. Plausible Miracles: believe, Christ, atheists, recall - Atheism and Agnosticism
  38. Hope is not really a Good Thing: meaning, believe, contradiction - Atheism and Agnosticism
  39. Theist Orientation to Atheism Booklet: believe, choice, atheist, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  40. Purpose to an atheist: meaning, believe, Buddhism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  41. Is Fideism the Fundamental Problem of the Modern Era?: meaning, believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  42. Freedom From Religion online: believe, services, service, verse - Atheism and Agnosticism
  43. Attraction to and belief in religion, is the best evidence against it: meaning, believe - Atheism and Agnosticism
  44. Ever notice most theists in R&S are young; most atheists are old?: believe, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  45. A little gem from Facebook today - Atheism and Agnosticism
  46. Focused criticism of religion as opposed to criticism of a poster's view of religion: meaning, believe - Atheism and Agnosticism
  47. What is the atheist's response to NDEs?: meaning, believe, afterlife - Atheism and Agnosticism
  48. give your opinion spooky coincidence - Atheism and Agnosticism
  49. More evidence a God had nothing to do with life on earth: delusion, faith - Atheism and Agnosticism
  50. Atheists - what is the purpose of life?: meaning, believe, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  51. Do you wish there was a god?: believe, priests, afterlife - Atheism and Agnosticism
  52. Tithing in the Mormon Church: experience, attend, Commandment, hell - Atheism and Agnosticism
  53. Ask a humanist.: meaning, believe, afterlife - Atheism and Agnosticism
  54. How can an otherwise perfectly normal appearing person have beliefs w/ absolutely no proof?: believe, delusion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  55. I saw this sentiment on Facebook...: born, delusion, Jesus, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  56. rate 3 idiots in terms of their destructive force on society: Buddhist, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  57. Atheists: do you feel kind of spirituality?: believe, afterlife, Buddhist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  58. Humanists Values: meaning, believe, born, priests - Atheism and Agnosticism
  59. Looks like I found the Anti-Christ: believe, baptism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  60. Today is Carl Sagan Day: confess, verse, political - Atheism and Agnosticism
  61. Mordant's wife: meaning, believe, afterlife, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  62. Removing illegally placed religious propaganda: atheist, bible, catholic, church - Atheism and Agnosticism
  63. The Atheist Enjoyment of Christmas: meaning, believe, born, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  64. Another religion I need to ditch...: believe, suicide, people, living - Atheism and Agnosticism
  65. A Passage from MIT Engineering Professor Thomas Sheridan's Book, 'Respectful Atheism': believe, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  66. Lamenting the lure of the madness: Buddha, Jesus, America, prophecy - Atheism and Agnosticism
  67. A (or two) for former Christians...: believe, Jesus, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  68. Secular Humanist Music: believe, atheist, agnostics, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  69. Veganism and Atheism: meaning, debate, Buddhist, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  70. What age did you become agnostic/atheist: meaning, believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  71. What was your former religion / denomination?: believe, born, Buddhist, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  72. Agnostic Christians: meaning, believe, scientific, contradiction - Atheism and Agnosticism
  73. The existence of ghosts: believe, scrutiny, hell, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  74. This is fantastic I'm impressed: believe, Buddhist, soul - Atheism and Agnosticism
  75. Conspiracy Theory Watch: believe, born, scientific, doomsday - Atheism and Agnosticism
  76. Something I saw today that I liked: Christ, America, moral - Atheism and Agnosticism
  77. Does morality exist in the Atheist world?: believe, religion, philosophical - Atheism and Agnosticism
  78. Are Atheists on the spectrum of mental abnormality?: believe, scientific, Buddhist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  79. Atheists, how do you face the fact your dead loved ones are gone forever?: meaning, believe - Atheism and Agnosticism
  80. MightyQueen: believe, afterlife, experience, witness - Atheism and Agnosticism
  81. New Atheism is dead: what's the new new atheism?: believe, scientific, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  82. First Principle to Harry: believe, blood, atheist, miracle - Atheism and Agnosticism
  83. White Evangelicals Want Christian Influence, not a Christian Nation -- Christianity Today: believe, minority - Atheism and Agnosticism
  84. Atheist/agnostics - do you worry about social stigma your beliefs?: believe, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  85. Are agnostics and atheists different?: believe, Creator, afterlife, Buddhism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  86. Belief, as in religious belief, vs. values: believe, Buddhist, Jehovah - Atheism and Agnosticism
  87. Official at Kenyan Atheist Society Resigns After Finding Jesus: believe, born, doom - Atheism and Agnosticism
  88. This forum to be slowly dying...: atheists, pray, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  89. God stuff: born, Latter Day Saints, Creator, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  90. An example of why we: Jesus, blood, choices, doctrine - Atheism and Agnosticism
  91. What due respect is owed religion and religionists?: believe, Jesus Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  92. Another Easter... No Jesus.: believe, pray, bible, pagan - Atheism and Agnosticism
  93. FFRF stuff: believe, Christ, atheist, prayer - Atheism and Agnosticism
  94. What is Drift: choice, evidence, education, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  95. A blog on one of the topics we have often talked about: believe, Creator - Atheism and Agnosticism
  96. The extent of atheistic: meaning, believe, priest, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  97. Survey showing % of millennials who don't care or don't believe in god: Jesus Christ, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  98. Well-written op-ed about a secular nation: Kingdom, blood, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  99. People who say there is NO GOD and are actually quite insulting on the matter..: believe, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  100. Talking to a child about death and the afterlife: believe, born, choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  101. Morality might as well be described as objective: meaning, believe, delusion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  102. Execution methods supported in the bible: believe, punishment, Christ, minority - Atheism and Agnosticism
  103. 2 People Who Got Me Out of Religion: believe, priest, testimony - Atheism and Agnosticism
  104. I want to found a cult. What do you think of this?: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  105. Atheists: things that make you go...hmm? The big questions without good answers.: believe, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  106. Got a PHONE CALL from a JW ...: Jehovah's Witness, door-to-door, preach - Atheism and Agnosticism
  107. The Advantage of the Christian: believe, faith, Satan, hell - Atheism and Agnosticism
  108. Has Humanism and Atheism failed America?: atheists, followers, mission, services - Atheism and Agnosticism
  109. Mary Xmas: Christ, atheist, beliefs, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  110. Moral obligations for atheists: believe, preaching, followers, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  111. A misconception made by both Atheism and Theism?: meaning, believe, Creator - Atheism and Agnosticism
  112. A two and a half legged stool: believe, priests, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  113. Atheist Apologetics Part One: believe, Creator, afterlife, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  114. Religons: believe, translation, atheist, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  115. Interesting deconstruction of the bible.: believe, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  116. Organized Atheism and its Sexism problem: believe, Christ, atheist, agnostics - Atheism and Agnosticism
  117. Bad = Good ?: believe, Creator, choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  118. Believing in God V Believing in Santa Claus: believe, debate, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  119. A hoot of a movie...for atheists: believe, debate, salvation - Atheism and Agnosticism
  120. What atheist/agnostic/skeptic thinkers do you follow?: believe, delusion, funerals - Atheism and Agnosticism
  121. The Plausibility of an Afterlife: scientific, soul, experience, beliefs - Atheism and Agnosticism
  122. Was it almost impossible for a person to have no religion belief centuries ago?: believe, punishment - Atheism and Agnosticism
  123. If there's a 'caring' deity, how do you 'explain' the problem of an apparently 'indifferent' God/Nature?: choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  124. Belief in God drops to 81%, an all-time low: believe, born, Buddhist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  125. Relentlessly Gay: believe, scientific, Jesus, minority - Atheism and Agnosticism
  126. And now a word from George Carlin: believe, Christ, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  127. ReAwaken road show recruits 'army of god': meaning, believe, baptism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  128. Discussion of misogyny in religion: meaning, believe, Buddhism, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  129. Another Example of Christian Misogyny: believe, Jesus, experience, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  130. Pattern-Matching: believe, testimony, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  131. Founders views on Religion: believe, debate, Jesus, blood - Atheism and Agnosticism
  132. Should crimes involving a religious figure commiting a crime be prosicuted more severely?: believe, punishment - Atheism and Agnosticism
  133. A few churches agree with of us atheists about racism in their history: Jesus, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  134. Evangelicals: People who don't have uestions: believe, afterlife, delusion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  135. Became agnostic and didn’t realize it: believe, baptize, Buddhism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  136. Video Religion Is Coming For Anti-Discrimination Laws: believe, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  137. Would an atheist ever actually consider circumstantial evidence for a god?: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  138. Endless Absurdities Of Religion op ed: believe, paradise, Jehovah - Atheism and Agnosticism
  139. Which religions are compatible with agnostic view?: meaning, believe, Buddhism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  140. What is woo ?: believe, scientific, paranormal, evolution - Atheism and Agnosticism
  141. Invitation to List testable evidence that deities exist.: God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  142. What is atheism for you?: believe, choice, experience, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  143. The Rise Of The Nones: believe, America, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  144. World's Greatest Scam Ever: believe, delusion, Christ, choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  145. Atheists: Do you want to end or stop religion?: Christ, beliefs - Atheism and Agnosticism
  146. To atheists and agnostics: What personal beliefs , if do you embrace?: believe, afterlife - Atheism and Agnosticism
  147. Atheism = just another belief system?: believe, Creator, Christ, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  148. Atheists' belief in the supernatural - not what you expected: meaning, believe - Atheism and Agnosticism
  149. Where is the line between critiquing a religion and attacking a religion: believe, Buddhism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  150. Can improved mental health support replace religion?: believe, born, Buddhist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  151. Benefits of Non-Belief: believe, afterlife, Christ, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  152. When someone says they believe in god or a higher power, what does that translate into?: Buddhism, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  153. 'The Phenomenon Of Witnessing' and the 'Burden Of Proof': meaning, believe, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  154. Non belief as a system. Yes, another but from a different angle: believe, rejecting - Atheism and Agnosticism
  155. Strange, metaphoric uses of “God”: believe, scientific, experience, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  156. Interesting study: Why is Atheism growing across the world: believe, afterlife, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  157. Perhaps a good vid for Ramadan: Muslim - Atheism and Agnosticism
  158. High School essay contest from the Freedom From Religion Foundation - Atheism and Agnosticism
  159. ANNOUNCEMENT: Stop making Political: religion, issues - Atheism and Agnosticism