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  1. Religion is religion and in religion everything goes!: believe, experience, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  2. Science and God: meaning, believe, scientific, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  3. NOLAN CHART for religious concepts / positions: Christ, atheist, sinners, beliefs - Atheism and Agnosticism
  4. Is this forum an echo chamber?: baby, public - Atheism and Agnosticism
  5. The Atheist Experience - Michael Shermer calls Matt Dillahunty?: science, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  6. A new Illuminati with own rituals rising in 2019: religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  7. Remember John Davidson...he's an atheist and really into it - Atheism and Agnosticism
  8. The factory maker argument: virtual, translation, experience, evolution - Atheism and Agnosticism
  9. Not an easy documentary to watch: minority, America, atheists, mission - Atheism and Agnosticism
  10. Happy Birthday, Bertrand Russell!: political - Atheism and Agnosticism
  11. Inexplicable things (prodigies): debate, reincarnation, atheists, agnostics - Atheism and Agnosticism
  12. Truth in advertising - Catholic Church - Atheism and Agnosticism
  13. An Oxymoron (Conservative + Atheist): believe, Christ, America, prayer - Atheism and Agnosticism
  14. A bit tongue in cheek, but an interesting essay: punishment, Christ, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  15. Stage Hypnotists: grace, heaven, religion, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  16. Alternative Seasonal Celebrations: Christ, Isaac, God, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  17. How much time and research did you put into an engagement ring?: atheist, places - Atheism and Agnosticism
  18. How can atheism be true?: meaning, believe, scientific, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  19. Another Bucket list item: experience, atheists, bible, attending - Atheism and Agnosticism
  20. More than 2/3 of who identified as atheist before a God like experience no longer identified as atheist afterward: meaning, difference - Atheism and Agnosticism
  21. The problem of evil: atheists, agnostics, Satan, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  22. Silly remarks: sell-out or politic?: Christ, experience, Jewish, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  23. Travel to Israel with Church Group ...: Christ, experience, atheist, prayer - Atheism and Agnosticism
  24. Rational (non-theistic) definitions of good & evil: believe, Christ, preach - Atheism and Agnosticism
  25. A lesson from a t.v. show ( God Friended Me ): Christ, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  26. The usefulness of religion: believe, virtual, Christ, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  27. Crazy Talk: believe, Christ, God, Earth - Atheism and Agnosticism
  28. Can this data be right?: meaning, believe, scientific, choices - Atheism and Agnosticism
  29. A day late: Ask an Atheist Anything: Christ, blood, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  30. Another Tragic COVID19 Story - Jim Bakker can't process credit card transactions: believe, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  31. Victorian Atheist with Contemporary Relevance: doom, experience, morals, marriage - Atheism and Agnosticism
  32. Your favorite atheist books: believe, delusion, Christ, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  33. Uptick in religion due to fear and stress?: believe, rejecting, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  34. Why do feel relieved to be atheists?: believe, born, afterlife - Atheism and Agnosticism
  35. Difference: believe, rejecting, scientific, minority - Atheism and Agnosticism
  36. Non-religious Mentoring of Children: meaning, believe, born, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  37. Why do Religious people try to convert everybody?: Buddhism, Christ, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  38. Study: Children raised without religion: believe, punishment, Buddhist, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  39. Happy Holidays, everyone!: Christ, Eve, difference, differences - Atheism and Agnosticism
  40. Study: Religion is the root of the world problems: meaning, believe, priests - Atheism and Agnosticism
  41. Seasonal positives, no religion required: Christ, faith, God, charity - Atheism and Agnosticism
  42. Holidays for the unbeliever: meaning, Jesus, atheist, pray - Atheism and Agnosticism
  43. How did you explain religion to your children?: meaning, believe, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  44. Intelligent trees: verse, science, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  45. Pew study: Does Christianity Have a Future?: believe, rejecting, Buddhism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  46. Where's the proof?: meaning, believe, scientific, virtual - Atheism and Agnosticism
  47. How does someone live on with a dead brain?: believe, scientific, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  48. If Religion Is The Opiate Of The Masses................: believe, Jesus, choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  49. Did George Washington Believe in God?: punishment, Creator, afterlife, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  50. Life is scary: Why not religion?: believe, Buddhism, Jesus, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  51. Hello! Joined today and ... O-O: believe, choice, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  52. Article: Why people fall for <expletive deleted>, according to a scientist: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  53. Cantheism: The Makings of a Cannabis Religion: Jesus, preaching, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  54. Enjoying The Thinking Atheist: believe, debate, Christ, preaching - Atheism and Agnosticism
  55. Atheist attitudes towards religion: believe, born, priests, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  56. The Most Astounding Fact...: meaning, believe, salvation, delusion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  57. Why atheism matters: meaning, believe, born, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  58. Self-identification as a-theist: believe, born, rejecting, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  59. Problems with past religious practices still on your mind: believe, priests, Buddhism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  60. Evaluating an argument for the existence of God: believe, priests, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  61. A challenge for humanists: meaning, believe, priest, afterlife - Atheism and Agnosticism
  62. Reconciling Simulation Theory and Atheism: believe, Creator, debate, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  63. agree or not, miracles happen to atheists every day: believe, virtual - Atheism and Agnosticism
  64. How would you describe Christianity or religion in general with one sentence?: believe, soul - Atheism and Agnosticism
  65. Are atheists generally consistent in their skepticism?: believe, experience, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  66. A few tidbits from the latest FFRF newspaper: believe, priests, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  67. I'm an agnostic who considers believing in God, share your thoughts on my reasoning, counter-arguments are welcome: believe, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  68. What exactly did Jesus sacrifice?: born, atheists, recall, worship - Atheism and Agnosticism
  69. Clever billboard from Freedom From Religion Foundation: believe, Christ, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  70. Blunt op-ed: meaning, atheist, God, verse - Atheism and Agnosticism
  71. I'm an apostate with Asperger's...not a good combo...: believe, born, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  72. How did you guys go about ''catching up'' to everyone: born, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  73. How do you deal with not following the conventional life script?: meaning, believe - Atheism and Agnosticism
  74. Evolution of your atheism: meaning, believe, born, priest - Atheism and Agnosticism
  75. My unusual dream: believe, Buddhism, Christ, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  76. What atheists DO: believe, baptism, contradiction, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  77. Essay about miracles: believe, preaching, Revelations, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  78. Essays by young people of color about atheism: believe, Buddhism, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  79. Is this section of the forum dead?: atheist, bible, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  80. Shattered Assumptions: believe, Buddhism, Christ, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  81. Tribute to our poster Grandstander: afterlife, debate, Jesus, blood - Atheism and Agnosticism
  82. A nice analogy from Ricky Gervais: believe, scientific, scrutiny, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  83. got abused by religious fanatics and ended up being a Christian fanatic?: meaning, believe - Atheism and Agnosticism
  84. My justification for total agnosticism: meaning, believe, scrutiny - Atheism and Agnosticism
  85. Where do atheists get their meaning from?: believe, afterlife, Buddhist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  86. Why do people want to worship?: believe, Jesus, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  87. Premise: Atheism provides more time to focus on morality and ethics: believe, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  88. Less intelligent people need religion?: meaning, believe, priest, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  89. Jonathan Steingard, Christian singer, reveals he no longer believes in God: born, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  90. A New Enlightenment?: born, America, pray, evolution - Atheism and Agnosticism
  91. Sweet Christians: Buddhism, preaching, atheists, recall - Atheism and Agnosticism
  92. Interesting Mark Twain quote: born, experience, atheist, worship - Atheism and Agnosticism
  93. How does belief change in 30 minutes?: meaning, believe, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  94. What was your faith breaker?: believe, debate, Buddhism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  95. Religion for better or worse?: believe, birth control, Buddhism, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  96. Is theism comparable to belief in supernatural beings other than gods?: believe, Creator - Atheism and Agnosticism
  97. Fascinating interview with physicist about quantum physics: experience, bible, beliefs - Atheism and Agnosticism
  98. What would constitute proof of God's existence?: Jehovah, atheists, agnostics - Atheism and Agnosticism
  99. Would the existence of aliens who worship the same deities as humans be proof of a higher power?: believe, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  100. If Big Bang is a Christian theory, why do of you follow it?: believe, priest - Atheism and Agnosticism
  101. Is your significant other religious?: believe, born, baptism, funeral - Atheism and Agnosticism
  102. Are atheists nicer to Christians than the other way around?: believe, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  103. Interesting article about why Americans are still uncomfortable with atheism: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  104. the atheist stick and carrot.: believe, afterlife, agnostics, bible - Atheism and Agnosticism
  105. Religious themed films that atheists can enjoy.: priest, Kingdom, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  106. Proposal for a Day Of Reason: Jesus Christ, choice, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  107. Atheists in Texas: atheist, attend, evidence, people - Atheism and Agnosticism
  108. Christianity & veganism: believe, rejecting, Jesus, translation - Atheism and Agnosticism
  109. The Catholic Church is the mother of Western Civilization: Kingdom, Jesus, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  110. Good Friday and Easter: meaning, priests, Creator, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  111. Obscurantism: meaning, Christ, choices, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  112. New book about the Fab Four: believe, scientific, Christ, doctrine - Atheism and Agnosticism
  113. approached while hiking to discuss Christianity: believe, Buddhism, Jesus, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  114. Genuinely good religious people: believe, Buddhist, Christ, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  115. Encouraging News: believe, Christ, minority, choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  116. Is it taboo to be openly atheist in USA? Pardon my ignorance.... for real 😳: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  117. Atheists, do you actually like Christmas music?: meaning, God, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  118. Who's more brainwashed. Catholics or Evangelicals?: believe, scientific, baptism, funerals - Atheism and Agnosticism
  119. I played dumb today...: believe, Jesus, Mormons, preaching - Atheism and Agnosticism
  120. Reasons people believe or say they do. Can we list them?: born, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  121. Why religion is dangerous: believe, Buddhist, Christ, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  122. Jared Diamond -- atheist?: Christ, agnostic, Earth, religion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  123. Atheism Makes No Sense: meaning, believe, Jehovah - Atheism and Agnosticism
  124. Were you ever a believer? Do you know what it's like to believe?: priest, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  125. The opposite of superstitious: believe, scientific, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  126. Why Are Americans Still Uncomfortable with Atheism?: believe, scientific, scrutiny - Atheism and Agnosticism
  127. Mothers and religion: believe, born, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  128. why no, zero, jokes in Religious writings?: believe, priest, punishment - Atheism and Agnosticism
  129. Self-preservation: believe, born, Jesus, doctrine - Atheism and Agnosticism
  130. Religion: An antidote to despair?: meaning, believe, Jesus, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  131. The Bible in Library of Congress book code: America, atheist, Quran - Atheism and Agnosticism
  132. The bible versus Facebook: believe, Creator, delusion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  133. agnostic raising a catholic kid,,: believe, born, Buddhism, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  134. Atheist, but don't like to identify as one.: believe, Christ, recall - Atheism and Agnosticism
  135. An Interesting Statement From a Pastor: believe, Jehovah's Witness, Jesus Christ, atheists - Atheism and Agnosticism
  136. Are most educated people religious?: believe, scientific, America, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  137. What makes the Bible and belief in God untrue for you?: believe, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  138. Abuse of the intelligent (atheists in general): believe, soul - Atheism and Agnosticism
  139. What is so wrong with holiday traditions? (video): born, Jesus, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  140. Atheism and death: believe, afterlife, scientific, Buddhist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  141. Why people hate atheists: believe, Christ, prayers, followers - Atheism and Agnosticism
  142. James Lindsay's book 'Everybody Is Wrong About God': believe, born, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  143. New Swear Words: meaning, believe, paradise, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  144. Morality non-believers: meaning, Buddha, Jesus, blood - Atheism and Agnosticism
  145. Does Atheism have evidence: meaning, believe, born, Creator - Atheism and Agnosticism
  146. Do You Envy Hard Core Christians?: believe, afterlife, virtual, Harry Potter - Atheism and Agnosticism
  147. Why Jesus did not get married?: priests, recall, Mary, marriage - Atheism and Agnosticism
  148. Spiritual development within the context of a-theism: believe, scientific, soul - Atheism and Agnosticism
  149. Concrete things atheists can/should do to keep religion out of daily American life: believe, debate - Atheism and Agnosticism
  150. Atheist Rulebook (first draft): believe, verse, philosophical, evidence - Atheism and Agnosticism
  151. If you know there is no do you 'know'?: believe, Creator - Atheism and Agnosticism
  152. Root causes for atheism?: believe, born, baptize, contradiction - Atheism and Agnosticism
  153. Christians are fundamentally no different than muslims ( brainwashing, delusion,: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  154. Quebec enacts legislation to prohibit government employees from wearing religious items at work.: believe, rejecting - Atheism and Agnosticism
  155. Why is America Becoming Less Christian?: believe, choices, atheist, agnostic - Atheism and Agnosticism
  156. Free thinkers should savor this moment because it won't last: meaning, believe - Atheism and Agnosticism
  157. Atheism and Despair: believe, debate, Jesus, choices - Atheism and Agnosticism
  158. Pastafarian strainer hat: Christ, verse, religion, Muslim - Atheism and Agnosticism
  159. Where or how is the best place to meet fellow agnostics in a small community?: believe, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  160. That thing uot; which is not god: meaning, believe, scientific - Atheism and Agnosticism
  161. Deathbed conversions: meaning, believe, doom, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  162. Religion's proper role in the United States: believe, Creator, Buddhist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  163. Good News Club Coming To Child's Public School: believe, Christ, America - Atheism and Agnosticism
  164. Atheism & courtesy/manners: virtual, Mormon, experience, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  165. Ethics without religion: believe, doctrine, myth, moral - Atheism and Agnosticism
  166. Thanks for the prayers...Not!: believe, sin, faith - Atheism and Agnosticism
  167. Where did it all come from?: believe, Creator, evolution, God - Atheism and Agnosticism
  168. The anger of believers: delusion, contradiction, Christ, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  169. Atheist vs agnostic viewpoint: believe, Creator, debate, minority - Atheism and Agnosticism
  170. Millennials and Gen Z - atheism really taking hold of the future: believe, choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  171. Are atheists more rational than people of faith?: believe, scientific, delusion - Atheism and Agnosticism
  172. Atheism to Theism: believe, scientific, delusion, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  173. Differences between atheists and believers: priest, scientific, contradiction, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  174. Why do believers think God has a plan for everybody?: atheist, prayer - Atheism and Agnosticism
  175. Being Atheist: the Price: Buddhist, Christ, America, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  176. Everything does NOT happen for a reason!: believe, paradise, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  177. Pragmatic Atheism: believe, Creator, baptism, Mormon - Atheism and Agnosticism
  178. The New Atheism - Critique: meaning, believe, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  179. Believing in a god doesn't make sense: scientific, Christ, choice - Atheism and Agnosticism
  180. Breaking away from religion spinoff: believe, punishment, debate, Jesus - Atheism and Agnosticism
  181. What explains why people are more religious than others?: believe, born - Atheism and Agnosticism
  182. Dealing with atheism: with children & professionally: born, Buddhist, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  183. Does have parents who are/were atheists?: believe, priests, funeral - Atheism and Agnosticism
  184. of you who broke away from a relgion, how did you do it?: believe, priests - Atheism and Agnosticism
  185. Why Are People Atheists?: believe, born, priests, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  186. Jim Jeffries on Religion: believe, atheist, God, philosophical - Atheism and Agnosticism
  187. Meaning of life (atheist perspective): salvation, Christ, suicide - Atheism and Agnosticism
  188. Mysticism: believe, delusion, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  189. Traces of Nonsense: believe, Creator, virtual, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  190. Believe in God makes perfect sense but God is a bad.: meaning, Creator - Atheism and Agnosticism
  191. the false comfort that religion offers: meaning, believe, afterlife, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  192. Keeping atheism to yourself: believe, Buddhist, Christ, Mormonism - Atheism and Agnosticism
  193. How long did it take you to become an atheist?: believe, priests - Atheism and Agnosticism
  194. (serious) on why Christianity bothers you.: believe, experience, atheist - Atheism and Agnosticism
  195. The issue of evil: meaning, believe, born, - Atheism and Agnosticism
  196. If God Is So Good: believe, born, contradiction - Atheism and Agnosticism
  197. Atheist and non-Atheist both are stupid and on same page: meaning, believe - Atheism and Agnosticism
  198. Would you never have been born, if it was your choice?: believe, experience - Atheism and Agnosticism
  199. Religion annoyance rankings: believe, Buddhist, Jehovah, Christ - Atheism and Agnosticism
  200. Naïveté about atheists: believe, Buddha, atheist, attend - Atheism and Agnosticism