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  1. Who will Rev. Al Sharpton endorse Hillary or Obama?: democratic, activist - Elections
  2. Good one Obama!: vote, Iraq, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  3. News, Ron Paul's $400 Million Earmarks.: votes, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  4. Is the McCain presidential ambitions going down-hill?: vote, Iraq, Reagan - Elections
  5. News, Republican Presidential Debate Hits on Iraq, Abortion, Gun Rights.: Tom Tancredo, Huckabee - Elections
  6. How ridiculous is Obama for trying to pull a stunt like this?!?: 9/11, votes - Elections
  7. Bad News For Obama: Ron Paul, vote, illegal, democrat - Elections
  8. Obama has foot-in-mouth disease: Ron Paul, campaign, Democrats, nuclear - Elections
  9. News, Rudy Giuliani in a dress: Will voters care?: Congress, Democrats - Elections
  10. News, Giuliani Accused of Pandering on Confederate Flag.: votes, campaign, democrat - Elections
  11. News, Obama's Wife Decries Blackness: vote, campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  12. Go Vote for Tancredo at Laura Ingraham's Site: Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, Clarence Thomas - Elections
  13. Presidential Candidates lost touch?: Ron Paul, health care, vote - Elections
  14. Breaking News: GOP hopeful Tommy Thompson abandons presidential bid: voters, conservative, crime - Elections
  15. What Presidential Candidate has the best Public Speaking Skills: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote - Elections
  16. Hey Dem candidates. Enough of O'Reilly, Fox: Putin, Iran, Taliban - Elections
  17. Romney wins big in Iowa GOP straw poll: Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, votes - Elections
  18. Hillary Clinton's cozy relationship with Indian outsourcing firm: NAFTA, unemployed, - Elections
  19. 2008 Rudy Giuliani campaign ad...: vote, Republican, conservative, represent - Elections
  20. Candidates@Google: Ron Paul: Congress, democrat, Republican, liberal - Elections
  21. Clinton/Edwards feel they own the rights of who gets to debate: Ron Paul, Cheney - Elections
  22. What would Barack Obama Drive?: Mexican, illegal, liberal, conservative - Elections
  23. Thompson set to announce ???: Ron Paul, Franken, Fast food, voting - Elections
  24. An interview with Fred Thompson: president, date - Elections
  25. News, Fred Thompson Aided Nixon on Watergate.: Democrats, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  26. Romney's National Lampoon Vacation: abuse, family, news - Elections
  27. News, Edwards wants probe of high gas prices.: generation, campaign, democratic - Elections
  28. Ron Paul is the US Military's #1 Choice: Huckabee, vote, Congress - Elections
  29. Giuliani Apologizes to 'Poor Farmers': millionaire, campaign, president, Rudy Giuliani - Elections
  30. News, Charles Barkley: Sharpton is a 'race-baiter;' Obama & Edwards are his good friends.: interview, president - Elections
  31. If Fred Thompson Runs For President...: voting, candidacy, Reagan - Elections
  32. President Fredo's Monica problem: vote, Iraq, Baghdad, Bush - Elections
  33. Is John Edwards THE most hypocritical candidate for 2008?: John Kerry, vote, campaign - Elections
  34. Compelete summary of candidates views. (chart): Ron Paul, vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  35. News, Female President Next for Fox's '24': democratic, Clinton, terrorism - Elections
  36. How could really have a clear choice for President now?: Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo - Elections
  37. No one answered the questions at the Democratic Presidential Debate: voting, candidacy - Elections
  38. Sick of the Presidential Candidates: vote, campaign, Reagan, polls - Elections
  39. News, Obama: Enough with the Debates!: voters, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  40. Your Opinion: Changing The Way The Primaries Work: votes, Democrats - Elections
  41. News, Students to McCain: Too old to be prez?: voters, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  42. Rudy and Hillary top Wikipedia edit list: campaign, Republican - Elections
  43. Voter turn out in 2008: Congress, candidacy, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  44. What do we know about the candidates' proposed foreign policy?: Colin Powell, Ron Paul - Elections
  45. Is Mike Huckabee your man for 2008??: vote, campaign, illegal, democrat - Elections
  46. News, Billionaire Warren Buffet Hosts Fundraiser for Barack Obama.: vote, democratic - Elections
  47. election day - prediction time!: vote, democrat, Republican, conservative - Elections
  48. Straight-talking McCain vows to fix world's view of the 'ugly American': Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  49. Let me hear it: Democrats and Liberals on Ron Paul..: Mexican, Republican - Elections
  50. Hip Hip O Hillary!!: vote, president, Hillary Clinton, Obama - Elections
  51. Hilary to the rescue? When? (Re-directed from NYS Forum)***: vote, democratic, president - Elections
  52. News, Hillary jokes Bill looked into No. 2 job.: votes, accuse - Elections
  53. Do U.S. Presidential Candidates Not Visit Israel to Seek Approval?: Ron Paul, middle east - Elections
  54. I think Obama gets the nomination: vote, Congress, security, - Elections
  55. Who picks the President: Big Media, Big Business, The Party Leaders, or the Folks: votes, campaign - Elections
  56. Who do you support in 2008?: Al Gore, Colin Powell, Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  57. CNN Democrat Debate Ratings: votes, illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  58. Why vote for of clowns for President?: voters, American, lobbyists - Elections
  59. Who Would You Vote For......... From the Other Side?: illegal, poll, president - Elections
  60. If You Were Running For President...: vote, Iraq, patriot, campaign - Elections
  61. So What About Democrat Debate On CNN?: Ron Paul, voters, interview - Elections
  62. If You Were Barack Obama...: vote, democrat, vice president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  63. News, Clinton to Bush: 'Why Don't You Leave Office Early': John Kerry, health care - Elections
  64. Vote: who won the GOP debate tonight on FOX News??: Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  65. If *not* Hillary - why not?: health care, vote, Iraq, salary - Elections
  66. Thompson in so now what?: Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul, vote, Taliban - Elections
  67. New York firefighters condemn Giuliani over 9/11 leadership: vote, campaign, - Elections
  68. The Machine Turns on Ron Paul: Huckabee, voting, Congress, Iran - Elections
  69. ALL 435 Members of US House up for re-election in 2008!: health care, vote - Elections
  70. Are you just going to vote party in 2008?: Ron Paul, Iraq, illegal - Elections
  71. Hillary Clinton isn't that bad: health care, vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  72. Juan McCain's continue to be decimated! ^_^: John Kerry, vote, campaign - Elections
  73. Is Mitt Romney a chickenhawk?: Ron Paul, vote, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  74. Try to figure out, which house belongs to which politician and celebrity: George Bush, Jr., Al Gore, John Edwards, John: global warming, generations - Elections
  75. Vote for your ego or your country?: Rush Limbaugh, health care, votes - Elections
  76. John Edwards' Plan Would Make Regular Checkups Mandatory: Limbaugh, health care system, vote - Elections
  77. Surrender Should NOT be an Option by Ron Paul: NAFTA, 9/11 - Elections
  78. Annoying Hillary: campaign, Republican, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  79. Woman President?: leader, government, support, work - Elections
  80. News, Agreements like NAFTA have cost jobs and devastated towns, Edwards says.: Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  81. Do we really need another Clinton in office?: vote, Iraq, - Elections
  82. Straw poll: Ron Paul, votes, Iraq, security - Elections
  83. Tell me more about Senator Tom Tancredo.: vote, enemies, illegal aliens - Elections
  84. Ted Nugent expresses his thoughts on Hilary, al.: Iraq, Republicans - Elections
  85. Rudys daughter voting for OBAMA: Ron Paul, vote, Republicans - Elections
  86. John Edwards needs to be voted #1 hypocrite running in 2008!: Rush Limbaugh, votes, millionaire - Elections
  87. 2008 Political Predictions As I See It: Ron Paul, voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  88. News, Ticker: Clinton to Bush on draft: Say it isn't so.: Cheney, Iraq - Elections
  89. News, Giuliani: 'Leave my family alone': 9/11, voters, campaign, democrat - Elections
  90. If Giuliani's Running Mate Was...: John Kerry, Ron Paul, vote, democrat - Elections
  91. Obama - the gift that keeps on giving!! ^_^: 9/11, vote, Iran - Elections
  92. Mrs. Obama: candidacy, president, Clinton - Elections
  93. Fred Thompson: John Kerry, Al Gore, Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo - Elections
  94. Vote Ron (new Abc Poll)!!!: Ron Paul, house of votes, Congress - Elections
  95. Tancredo Wants to Bomb Mecca and Medina: Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, Cheney - Elections
  96. Ron Paul for President: votes, Congress, Iraq, patriot - Elections
  97. I'm votin for Ron Paul anyne like this guy: 9/11, vote - Elections
  98. Poll: Is Barack Obama Too Young To Be President?: Dick Cheney, votes, Iraq - Elections
  99. News, Edwards: Americans should give up their SUVs.: vote, enemy, democratic - Elections
  100. DailyKos: What is we changed The Pope for Obama .: middle east, - Elections
  101. Back to the drawing board. NOW who do I vote for?: Ron Paul, campaign - Elections
  102. If Senator John Kerry Ran As A Democrat Presidential Candidate...: John Kerry, Congress - Elections
  103. noone to vote for!: Ron Paul, voters, Congress, illegal - Elections
  104. Why Aren't More Candidates Dropping Out?: Huckabee, votes, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  105. News, Gingrich predicts Clinton-Obama ticket.: voters, campaign, Reagan, illegal - Elections
  106. Obama exposing himself as a naive moron AGAIN!: 9/11, Congress, Iran - Elections
  107. Obama is losing ground to Hillary.: Ron Paul, Hugo Chavez, vote, Iran - Elections
  108. Big Source of Clinton's Cash: salary, campaign, legal - Elections
  109. Obama shows how far left and naive he is.: vote, Iran - Elections
  110. GOP Voters: is on Fred Thompson: security, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  111. Was Clinton a near-perfect president: NAFTA, health care, 9/11, vote - Elections
  112. News, Edwards: World poverty must end, rich must pay.: Limbaugh, global warming, health care - Elections
  113. Mixing it Up; Unauthroized Obama video on Internet: Limbaugh, campaign, democratic - Elections
  114. 3's Company: Bloomberg for President!: enemies, crime, Hillary Clinton, Reed - Elections
  115. Republican Candidates: Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, Huckabee, voters - Elections
  116. Fred Thompson For President: vote, wage, security, campaign - Elections
  117. Why do people have such a hatred for Hillary Clinton?: vote, Iraq - Elections
  118. Obama Pays $375 for Outstanding Parking Tickets: voting, Democrats, Republicans, drug - Elections
  119. Barack Hussein Obama VS The Reverand Al: middle east, campaign, democrat - Elections
  120. Ron Paul For President 2008: vote, Congress, Republicans, American - Elections
  121. Clinton/Obama vs. Gingrich/Tancredo: vote, Mexican, Republican - Elections
  122. Iowa Speech By Tom Tancredo That Will Blow You Away: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  123. Why I'm now Voting for Hillary Clinton: vote, legal, Democrats - Elections
  124. What makes Rudy so special?: 9/11, vote, legal, democrat - Elections
  125. Cheney to be Ousted; Replaced by Fred Thompson??: voters, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  126. So who do you think will be our next President?: 9/11, vote - Elections
  127. LOVE THY NEIGHBOR, Mrs John Edwards: votes, thoughts, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  128. What did Clinton do for America?: unemployment, health care, 9/11, voting - Elections
  129. What Exactly Are We Looking For In A President: Limbaugh, Tom Tancredo, ethical - Elections
  130. Why will people in the south not vote for Giuliani?: liberal, Clinton - Elections
  131. Are social conservatives going to stay home in 2008?: vote, Reagan - Elections
  132. Do you think Barack Obama has what it takes?: campaign, ethical, Democrats - Elections
  133. Clinton? yes, no and why: global warming, vote, thoughts, conservative - Elections
  134. Who has made the bid to run in 2008?: vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  135. The Real Bill Richardson: voters, interview, security, Mexican - Elections
  136. American Prejudice! a Mormon can't be President!? really?...: Harry Reid, 9/11, vote - Elections
  137. Would America elect a black president?: Colin Powell, vote, generations, security - Elections
  138. United States Presidential Election of 2008: vote, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  139. Is McCain to old to Win: vote, Iraq, security, - Elections
  140. New Gop: Ron Paul, Huckabee, Reagan, illegal - Elections
  141. Electoral College.. time for a change?: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  142. Joe Biden a stand up guy: vote, campaign, conservative - Elections
  143. Rudy Giuliani files for candidacy: Colin Powell, vote, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  144. Give the woman a break llary Clinton: health care, vote, Iraq - Elections
  145. Bush vs Hillary - For Better or Worse?: generations, security, Mexican - Elections
  146. Who do you think will be the 2008 nominees for president?: John Kerry, health care - Elections
  147. Hillary Clinton ethical problems.........: health care, vote, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  148. News, Clinton Objects to Confederate Flag.: vote, democratic, liberals - Elections
  149. George Bush v. Hillary Clinton: health care, vote, president, military - Elections
  150. Barack Hussein Obama-Muslim for President: Rush Limbaugh, Tom Tancredo, vote, Congress - Elections
  151. Vote for President: Tom Tancredo, Republican, conservative, Clinton - Elections
  152. No interest/feedback on democratic debate?: vote, Israel, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  153. The new President 2008?: Ron Paul, vote, Republican, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  154. Poll: Who Do You Think Will Win The Race For President?: Al Gore, Ron Paul - Elections
  155. Get rid of the electoral vote!: votes, Republicans, represent, president - Elections
  156. Obama warns of 'quiet riot' blacks: voters, Iraq, Bu$h - Elections
  157. Republican Debate: Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, 9/11, voters - Elections
  158. Hillary wants to be President but she cannot write tomorrow: voting, Iraq - Elections
  159. News, Obama would tax wealthy to pay for universal health care.: health care system, vote - Elections
  160. What party do you think will win the 2008 elections?: Harry Reid, Ron Paul, party affiliation
  161. Can Hillary Be Trusted To Be President: Congress, campaign, - Elections
  162. Poll: Would You Vote For Romney?: gasoline, fence, Bush, election - Elections
  163. The Ron Paul Phenom: interstate, votes, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  164. Fred Thompson vs. Mitt Romney - GOP voters ONLY: John Kerry, Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  165. Have you picked your Pres Candidate: Ron Paul, health care, vote - Elections
  166. Ron Paul for '08!: Tom Tancredo, Huckabee, interstate, 9/11 - Elections
  167. vote who?: generations, security, illegal, liberals - Elections
  168. Ha ha... McCain says he won't quit GOP Presidential bid.: voters, campaign - Elections
  169. Chris Wallace Clinton interview...: Cheney, vice president, Bill Clinton - Elections
  170. Campaign songs: Hillary Clinton, Obama, John Edwards, American - Elections
  171. My concerns with Rudy Giuliani: voting, Iran, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  172. my ranking of 08 candidates: Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, Huckabee, Iran - Elections
  173. Hillary Clinton Booed Again.: Rush Limbaugh, vote, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  174. If Presidential elections were today, who gets your vote?: Huckabee, Michael Bloomberg, votes
  175. Bill O'Reilly For President: Democrats, Republicans, liberals, biased - Elections
  176. Would Obama bring in to many African Americans in top Government positions?: voters, Congress - Elections
  177. So is Obama a Magic Negro ?: votes, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  178. Ron Paul warns of blowback in SC GOP debate: 9/11, vote - Elections
  179. Hillary Clinton - Who Is She Really?: vote, Palestinians, enemy - Elections
  180. News, Would you vote for Giuliani if he's Pro-Choice?: 9/11, Congress - Elections
  181. Electing a President Through Our Electoral College System: votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  182. McCain says GOP is Corrupt.: vote, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  183. Obama Wouldnt Know The Difference Between An Rpg And A Bong: vote, Congress - Elections
  184. Fred Thompson v. Rudy: 9/11, vote, Congress, interview - Elections
  185. American President's- Bush Senior, Clinton, Clinton, Bush Jr, Bush, Jr, Clinton (Hillary)??: voting, candidacy - Elections
  186. Mrs Bill Clinton & Walmart: security, campaign, liberals, conservative - Elections
  187. Romney closing the gap against Rudy and McCain.: voters, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  188. News, GOP presidential candidate defends Imus, slams Jackson and Sharpton.: Huckabee, interview - Elections
  189. Another About Romney Made A Mccain Volunteer.: campaign, worker - Elections
  190. News, The most powerful woman in show business is about to do Barack Obama a big favor.: candidacy, campaign - Elections
  191. What campaign ads should look like: interstate, vote, conspiracy, Bill Clinton - Elections
  192. News, Obama faces doubts S.C. blacks.: democratic, president, Clinton - Elections
  193. Minuteman founder skeptical about Fred Thompson on border issue.: president, senator, news - Elections
  194. Democrat Presidential Candidates Gang Up On John Edwards: John Kerry, Al Gore, Obama - Elections
  195. News, YouTube Sets Aside 'Channel' for Presidential Candidates.: vote, education, politicians - Elections
  196. Friends of Fred Thompson Website. - Elections
  197. YouTube Video on Hillary Clinton: campaign - Elections
  198. Hillary Clintons New Campaign Video(Brand New!) - Elections
  199. Comedy, 2008: Hillary for President?!! - Elections
  200. Dancing Hillary - Elections