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  1. It's a Trifecta - McCain Campaign adds a new Strategist, surveying NC: George W. Bush, political - Elections
  2. The speech McCain should make: voters, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  3. I wish my Congresswoman would make the same remarks that Bachmann: democratic, Republicans - Elections
  4. Mr. Obama's Neighborhood: Hispanic, politicians, economic, income - Elections
  5. If Obama wins.....interesting reading for sure.: Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  6. President hair plug: Obama, date - Elections
  7. Several Republicans call for end to McCain's robo-calls: Harry Reid, Congress, campaign - Elections
  8. McCain campaign to moderate Senators: Franken, Republicans, liberal, conservative - Elections
  9. Obama's secret plan to destroy the Republican party: Congress, Republicans, dollar - Elections
  10. McCain's 10,000 Maniacs: Daily Show Vid: leader, elect - Elections
  11. Does Collin Powell support terrorism?: vote, Iraq, interviews, - Elections
  12. Obama; Voter Fraud House in Ohio filled with ....: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  13. How long until the right wing crank up the swiftboat against Powell?: Limbaugh, vote - Elections
  14. Obama draws crowd of over 75,000 in Kansas City, MO: McCain, state - Elections
  15. Rasmussen - Obama’s has ranged from 50% to 52% for twenty-four straight days!: Colin Powell, vote - Elections
  16. Fraud We Can Believe In!: voters, salaries, campaign, legal - Elections
  17. Rep. Michele Bachmann thinks she's attractive: Republican, liberals, conservative, Obama - Elections
  18. Bill Clinton in Missouri Monday for Obama: campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  19. Twelve Year Old Girl Called A Racist Because She Wore A McCain/Palin T-Shirt: accuse, Barack Obama - Elections
  20. Colin Powell Says He Will Vote for Barack Obama: Iraq, McCain, news - Elections
  21. Who's your favorite Joe in this election?: vote, - Elections
  22. Joe Biden Can't Count: McCain - Elections
  23. Is Fayetteville, NC where real Americans live: voters, patriot, candidacy - Elections
  24. Biden vs Mc Cain: Today: vote, Congress, Iraq, campaign - Elections
  25. Joe Biden speech live on C-Span: Iraq, Obama, election, elect - Elections
  26. McCain's grasping at straws, laughable or: John Kerry, Colin Powell, vote, campaign - Elections
  27. Political labels being used during the election: liberal, conservative - Elections
  28. Demorats think government fix everything?: Democrats, Republicans, tax, most - Elections
  29. Bangor Daily News and The Times Record of Brunswick (Maine) endorse Obama...: vote, campaign - Elections
  30. Libertarians Unite!!!!!: Ron Paul, vote, Congress, democrat - Elections
  31. McCain Supporters: After the Nov 5th Election: vote, liberal, president - Elections
  32. Two weeks left. who thinks we will hear this: voters, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  33. McCain pulls within five on RCP: votes, democratic, polls, Obama - Elections
  34. Ayers' prosecuter weighs in on Obama connection to terrorism: enemy, patriot - Elections
  35. Say adios to Open-Border Neocon Lindsay Graham: Ron Paul, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  36. Is this why McCain's class standing was so low?: campaign, Obama, school - Elections
  37. A few shots from the McCain Rally today at the Cabarrus Arena: Congress, Republican - Elections
  38. Will real Americans report to their local police stations to get their tatoo!: interview - Elections
  39. Why I am Supporting Obama, and Voting for McCain VIDEO............: Congress, Republicans - Elections
  40. McCain Supporter Assaults Reporter in North Carolina: interview, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  41. Republican Representative Channeling McCarthy: vote, Congress, security, - Elections
  42. more long lines on early voting days in North Carolina: polls, suspect - Elections
  43. Smoking Gun of Obama and ACORN?: vote, campaign, represent, president - Elections
  44. Two starkly different points of view: Putin, nuclear, president, Obama - Elections
  45. The Rage That's Not On Your Front Page: Cheney, vote, campaign - Elections
  46. New Obama Anthem: McCain, American, political - Elections
  47. Just Where Obama May Be Headed!: Israel, campaign, president, Whitehouse - Elections
  48. Have You Voted Take this poll AFTER you vote,: Congress, political - Elections
  49. McCain said he admired and respected Powell, said he was one of most men he had ever known.: campaign, - Elections
  50. Senator McCain-you have a call holding...: president - Elections
  51. Piling on McCain, the Kansas City Star: Democrats, Republican - Elections
  52. Dems or Reps Administrations: Who Takes Better Care of the Economy??: unemployment, Congress - Elections
  53. polls show McCain's attacks and the Palin pick are backfiring: president, Obama - Elections
  54. Interesting Take on Vote Fraud: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  55. Obama's Chauffer Media gave Joe Biden a BIG Pass...: democrat, Republican - Elections
  56. Racists for Obama: voting, news - Elections
  57. Obama has raised over $600,000,000 in the campaign all together: candidacy, Democrats, brainwash - Elections
  58. Gallup says Obama on move again.: voters, poll, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  59. Et Tu Republicans?: voters, party, news - Elections
  60. Obama President of United Way not US: liberal, McCain, leader - Elections
  61. On Candidates and Campaigns: interview, spokesman, president, Obama - Elections
  62. Palin Quits Race!!! She couldn't Beat them, she joining them!!!: McCain, American - Elections
  63. If McCain were President how would things be different from the current administration?: health care, Iraq - Elections
  64. Palin on SNL; Ratings Blowout - best in 14 years: vice president, Hillary Clinton, McCain - Elections
  65. Corporal Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan: A Fallen US Solider: Colin Powell, 9/11, Iraq - Elections
  66. If you want prosperity vote Mccain: Harry Reid, Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  67. Chris Matthews has a Hard Ball today: Rush Limbaugh, voting, interview - Elections
  68. Obama will save the economy!: vote, liberals, regular, Barack Obama - Elections
  69. There Are Two Irreconcilable Americas: Americans, parties, economic - Elections
  70. McCain Toledo speech: campaign, gasoline, Obama, political - Elections
  71. McCain says Obam's fund raising will be a huge scandal: interview, campaign - Elections
  72. This Presidential Campaign will get someone hurt..: 9/11, votes, Congress - Elections
  73. Have You Voted A poll for AFTER you vote,: Obama, McCain - Elections
  74. Witch doctors killing Albinos in Africa - palling with the wrong types?: interview, thoughts - Elections
  75. Oil Companies worried Obama will win: gas prices dropping over 50 cents in North Carolina: gallon, Congress - Elections
  76. Undecided Voter: voters, security, candidacy, democratic - Elections
  77. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUCEMENT! Stop Confusing QUALIFIED with Experience!: vote, Iran, interviews - Elections
  78. Obama compared to mass murderer Charles Manson at Palin/Coleman rally in MN: Al Franken, Putin - Elections
  79. man hangs racist Obama ghost: vote, Republicans, Reed, McCain - Elections
  80. Does Barack Obama Have Friends Who AREN'T Communists?: vote, Republicans, Attorney - Elections
  81. Discrimination against sarah palin: Congress, Israeli, security, ethical - Elections
  82. McCain charging for rally tickets?: legal, Obama, Americans - Elections
  83. tires slashed at Obama rally in Fayetteville, NC: vote, thoughts, crime - Elections
  84. Obama's tax cut is 95% B.S.: voters, wage, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  85. Another lawsuit filed against Obama for birth certificate - this time in Utah: vote, legal - Elections
  86. There was of young people in line when I voted yesterday: voters, generation - Elections
  87. Heres a peek at what the dems are planning...: Congress, Iraq, security - Elections
  88. Obama Ads hitting McCain for being against Buy American legislation: unemployment, vote - Elections
  89. We are getting widespread reports that the McCain campaign is sending out fake absentee voting applications to Democrats: voters, legal - Elections
  90. Be Very Careful and Alert When You Vote: voters, democrat, Republican - Elections
  91. The next President is inheriting a swamp: Cheney, vote, Congress - Elections
  92. American Voters: You and ONLY YOU are the real nail in the coffin.: Colin Powell, illegal - Elections
  93. Obama, take of Joe the fake Plumber's money and 'spread' it to me. I am well under $250k in my lifetime.: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  94. Spread the wealth around ??: health care, Congress, Iraq, salary - Elections
  95. Surprise!!!!!: Colin Powell, vote, president, Obama - Elections
  96. How could you support obama?: Colin Powell, votes, Iraq, Mexicans - Elections
  97. Science Policy: interviews, Obama, education, McCain - Elections
  98. Conservatives have a go at the Race Card: Rush Limbaugh, Condi Rice, Colin Powell - Elections
  99. Challenge to Republicans: Colin Powell, Ron Paul, unemployment, Dick Cheney - Elections
  100. NYT: Big story and questions about candidates and their health: interviews, campaign - Elections
  101. GOP voter registration fraud case leads to arrest: voters, legal, Republicans - Elections
  102. Obama did what ???: interviews, campaign, Republicans, vice president - Elections
  103. Brian Williams/NBC to Interview McCain/Palin: interviews, campaign, president - Elections
  104. Palin vs Biden; Compare the crowds: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  105. Obama's Lead slips to 3 points: votes, polls, president - Elections
  106. Obama's not exactly List: NAFTA, health care, voters, Iran - Elections
  107. Are McCain and Obama on City Data?: supporters, date - Elections
  108. Colin Powell Endorses Obama ... Doesn't think Palin is Ready: voters, Iraq, poll - Elections
  109. Reaction To Powell's Obama Endorsement: Nail In The Coffin For McCain: Colin Powell, vote - Elections
  110. Family Guy - McCain-Palin Button: Obama, election, elect, kids - Elections
  111. Palin Just keeps on lying. . . .: Clinton, Obama, McCain, American - Elections
  112. I've been undecided up until now but I'm leaning towards....: Colin Powell, vote - Elections
  113. Who do you think is more likely to continue the occupation of Iraq, at a cost of 12 billion/mo, McCain or Obama?: voting, Iran - Elections
  114. Rasmussen Survey - Only ONE endorsement – Colin Powell’s – would have a significant net positive impact on Voters: John Kerry, Congress - Elections
  115. Why does the McCain have a problem with this?: vote, campaign, - Elections
  116. Palin a Serious Liability for McCain: voters, political - Elections
  117. The #1 reason to vote for John McCain: racist, Barack Hussein Obama - Elections
  118. Why was WILLIAM AYERS Labeled A TERRORIST ?: vote, Iraq, illegal - Elections
  119. Obama and Clinton campaign together Monday in Florida: voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  120. Obama campaign overestimating crowds: speech, claims, news - Elections
  121. Who is Voting 3rd Party?: voters, Republicans, president, Obama - Elections
  122. Dem Challenger Raises 500K In 24Hrs After Bachman Slurs Liberals: Congress, interview - Elections
  123. How many people who claim to support McCain, will actually vote for Obama when they're alone in the booth?: voters, Republicans - Elections
  124. Voters say they were duped into registering as Republicans: party affiliation, interview, spokesman - Elections
  125. Michelle Obama tapes - tommorow?: campaign, conservative, McCain, African - Elections
  126. National Anthem canceled at Obama event: campaign, anti-American, speech, Bush - Elections
  127. Indiana voter fraud - this is appalling: votes, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  128. Obama Rally In Kansas City (with Pics): president, fence - Elections
  129. this election is PITIFUL: Ron Paul, votes, salaries, - Elections
  130. If you could ask candidate one .....: unemployed, health care, interview - Elections
  131. I won't take of your questions...: news, most - Elections
  132. Witchhunt sheesh...: voting, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  133. What if the world could vote.. who would they vote for?: poll - Elections
  134. After the Election: health care, security, terror - Elections
  135. What is Obama doing in this photo??????????????????: political - Elections
  136. McCain advisor say Northern Virginia is not the real Virginia: voters, campaign - Elections
  137. Read My Lipstick!!!!: president, Bill Clinton, Obama, McCain - Elections
  138. Are you Comfortable with the Temperament and Judgment of Governor Palin?: vote, enemies - Elections
  139. McCain Lies: Cheats on 1st Wife while Living With Her: vote, ethics - Elections
  140. Obama = lies, lies and more lies: voting, security, liberal - Elections
  141. Palin left out of Iraq intelligence briefing: Condoleezza Rice, democratic, represent - Elections
  142. 100,000 and 100,000,000 For Obama: vote, democratic, Reed, revolution - Elections
  143. The Lost Palin Files: nationalist, educational, American - Elections
  144. Steve Forbes Critiques Barack Obama's Tax Plan: conservative, Reed, McCain - Elections
  145. McCain/Palin supporters how do you feel about the long list of conservatives/republicans endorsing Obama?: vote, Congress - Elections
  146. Will You Be Voting EARLY?: vote, poll, president, Obama - Elections
  147. Will Obama Let You Pay For Slavery?: unemployed, Congress, wage - Elections
  148. If Obama Loses, Don't Assume Racism: vote, president, black president, McCain - Elections
  149. A McCain canvasser came knocking today!: party affiliation, vote, Reagan - Elections
  150. McCain closing the gap!: security, campaign, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  151. This election reminds me of the Civil Unions fight in Vermont: voters, campaign - Elections
  152. Most Palin Fans are Guys: vote, conservative, Obama - Elections
  153. Spending all this money for a race this close???: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  154. From one brother to another - Elections
  155. New Obama Ad: McCain the Blinker: campaign, Reed, Bush - Elections
  156. Powell Says Palin not Ready to be President: campaign, vice president, Obama - Elections
  157. Barack Obama is not worthy to shine the shoes of John McCain,: campaign, Republicans - Elections
  158. Have you voted early?: campaign, polls, Obama, McCain - Elections
  159. republican General Colin Powell endorses and plans to vote for Obama: democrat - Elections
  160. Does it worry that liberal Democrats might be in charge of the White House and Congress?: vote, salaries - Elections
  161. The Real Barack Obama: voting, conservative, poll - Elections
  162. SNEER, SMEAR & FEAR, Latest installment: campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  163. John McCain defends his robo calls on Fox News: voters, campaign, poll - Elections
  164. Obama thug; s your typical Obama supporter: representation, president, McCain - Elections
  165. Colin Powell is a Muslim!!!!!: Cheney, vote, liberal, Obama - Elections
  166. Powell Says Muslims Can Be US President: Colin Powell, Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  167. Gallup: Obama widens lead!: Colin Powell, vote, campaign, democratic - Elections
  168. Sarah Palin's 6-year old daughter giving someone the middle finger: voting, death - Elections
  169. $150 million raised by Obama last month: campaign, Republican, Barack Obama, dollars - Elections
  170. By Endorsing Obama, Colin Powell is Palling with Terrorists: campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  171. See If You Agree With Bill Ayers, Barack Obama's Terrorist Friend: Iraq, interview - Elections
  172. A Closer Looks at the Socialist Claim: vote, security, democrat - Elections
  173. Crazy McCain Rally Lady!: vote, campaign, representation, president - Elections
  174. If Obama is a terrorist then what would that make Biden?: Rush Limbaugh, liberal - Elections
  175. Sarah Palin on SNL [VIDEO]: vote, liberals, conservative - Elections
  176. A New Low: McCain Ad Obama To 9/11 Hijacker: Cheney, campaign, ethics - Elections
  177. When will the OBAMA fever end?: Iraq, campaign, nuclear, president - Elections
  178. McCain moving up fast in latest polls!: voting, Iraq, - Elections
  179. Salt Lake UTAH (?!) Tribune endorses OBAMA!: Limbaugh, voters, candidacy, ethical - Elections
  180. Another reason Obama's campaign is: vote, McCain, supporters, senator - Elections
  181. McCain's emails vs Obama's emails: global warming, campaign, myth, supporters - Elections
  182. Why the GOP Can't Recruit Black Folks in CA: democratic, Republican, regular - Elections
  183. Obama using 30 yr. old playbook: security, campaign, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  184. Powell endorses Obama, chides McCain campaign tone: Colin Powell, democrat, Republican - Elections
  185. McCain; Thug supporter attacks Obama volunteer: interview, campaign, democratic, president - Elections
  186. That National Anthem Canceled that was Cancelled by Obama - Elections
  187. An idea on Canidates tax plans: Obama, McCain, pay, taxes - Elections
  188. Freddie Mac Arranged Stealth Campaign With GOP: Republicans, McCain, million - Elections
  189. Obama eyeing Republicans and Democrats for his Cabinet: Colin Powell, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  190. the electioin is over: you all been asleep the gangs having fun but......: Cheney, Bush - Elections
  191. The Truth About McCain and Obama's Tax Plans: pay, news, date - Elections
  192. Ok, I've Got Something Positive To Say About Sarah Palin; She's Got Rhythm.: Obama, money - Elections
  193. Liberal blog sites people are freaking out: poll, wealth - Elections
  194. Does everyone have a poll? - Elections
  195. Iowa a blue state: votes, states - Elections
  196. Another poll that's not running McCain's way: democrat, Republicans, Obama - Elections
  197. Is this the Republican view?: Republicans - Elections
  198. Gidget Goebbels coming to Colorado: Obama, compare, work - Elections
  199. McCain will bury the middle class, Bush has dug the grave. - Elections
  200. Hugh Hewitt: Colin Powell, vote, Republican, conservative - Elections