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  1. Alaskans: Palin is lying about the Bridge to Nowhere: Congress, liberal, McCain - Elections
  2. The Hunt For Sarah October: Democrats, poll, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  3. Is John McCain's convention bump fading?: vote, interview, polls, president - Elections
  4. Barbra Streisand and Obama: vote, campaign, liberal, Clinton - Elections
  5. More Politician lies and deceit: Congress, campaign, president, Obama - Elections
  6. How long until obama dump's biden?: party, supporters - Elections
  7. Obama is such a YOUNG MAN: president, McCain, women, news - Elections
  8. John McCain Shamelessly Steals Obama's Change Slogan: votes, Congress, speech - Elections
  9. The Dem. are sliming Palin, are the facts!: bias, president, Obama - Elections
  10. Obama's speeches sounding tired lately: Republican, Barack Obama, Kerry, McCain - Elections
  11. Florida; vote? Prove who you are.: voters, controversial, Brown - Elections
  12. You Tube: McCain/No more Fence?: illegal, border, illegals - Elections
  13. Would it really be advantageous for a party to win this presidential cycle?: 9/11, Congress - Elections
  14. Omama Refines His Position on Education towards GOP: democrat, Republican - Elections
  15. I can only live with McCain being president if there are veto proof majorities.: votes, - Elections
  16. Gallup; On Economy, McCain makes great gains: democratic, Barack Obama, Americans - Elections
  17. My 2008 electoral predictions (map): Congress, conservative, Obama, McCain - Elections
  18. Obama; The Factor clip about his associations: vote, interview, - Elections
  19. Yes, Palin Did Stop That Bridge and OBAMA's Earmark Record: Harry Reid, vote - Elections
  20. NBC/WSJ Poll: Obama 46 - McCain 45: campaign, polls, president, Kerry - Elections
  21. Not elected VP and bribing people: campaign, Republican, military - Elections
  22. Obama for cutting spending? Then why does he get lifetime rating if 18%, McCain 88%: vote, Congress - Elections
  23. Palin Was For the Bridge, Before She Was Against It: campaign, democrat - Elections
  24. What Conan would think of Sarah Palin.... - Elections
  25. Alaskonomics: conservative, represent, McCain, American - Elections
  26. Obama on The Factor tonight; Wright, Ayers the subjects: Reed, news - Elections
  27. UK Prime Minister Praises Obama: vote, democratic, president, Brown - Elections
  28. Local Alaska TV Sets Palin Record Straight: Obama, politician - Elections
  29. McCain's problem with women: Democrats, president, elect - Elections
  30. Rush-Rove Veep Two Step!: Rush Limbaugh, Republican, Obama, governor - Elections
  31. Roland Martin - Race, Age and Gender....during election time: vote, generation - Elections
  32. Veterans for Obama: Barack Obama, McCain, support, 2011 - Elections
  33. Is the McCain POW/Sexist Card Foolproof?: interview, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  34. Fact Check: McCain lobbyist connections CONFIRMED: vote, Congress, campaign, ethics - Elections
  35. Rasmussen: Obama Retakes Lead: poll, McCain, election, elect - Elections
  36. A theocrat is a theocrat: salaries, Republican, McCain, American - Elections
  37. DON'T BE FOOLED BY McCAIN-PALIN ILLUSIONS, they are meant to distract the American people from the real issues!: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  38. Africa: Obama Win Would Make a Difference to Africa, Says Meeting: voters, Congress - Elections
  39. Paglia on Palin; A real-life feminist: voting, ethical, Democrats - Elections
  40. Gallup: Bush led by 14 points September 04: democratic, polls, biased, president - Elections
  41. Why do we defend them?: Ron Paul, vote, campaign, - Elections
  42. The “P” in “POW” Does Not Stand for “President”: unemployment, gas prices - Elections
  43. Video: During Debate Palin Backs ‘Bridge To Nowhere’: vote, campaign, Republican - Elections
  44. 10 questions - Looking back, did the Dems make good choices in 2008?: voters, Congress - Elections
  45. Palin action doll!: radio, news, website - Elections
  46. Obama Stopped Funds to Katrina Victims: votes, Congress, ethical, - Elections
  47. The Celebrity Campaign: candidacy, president, Reed, McCain - Elections
  48. Hispanic racist in Texas>Obama: Colin Powell, vote, interview, racism - Elections
  49. Obama; Ayers is now a cartoonist in addition to a domestic terrorist: political, bombs - Elections
  50. Nice guys finish last afterall!: vote, democrat, Clinton - Elections
  51. Interesting from Newsweek on campaign financing: votes, democratic, Republican - Elections
  52. Palin Facts & Myths: elections, elect
  53. Factcheck: McCain-Palin Distorts Our Finding: campaign, Barack Obama, claim, news - Elections
  54. The True Obama Story and the FIRST Pig Reference: patriot, McCain - Elections
  55. Aerial hunting, anti- womens rights and whatever ..: global warming, liberal, statistics - Elections
  56. Palin bills state for nights at home, kids’ travel: salary, president, Obama - Elections
  57. Obama’s Magic Extinguished By Palin: vote, campaign, democratic, polls - Elections
  58. If Barack Obama's unwed teenage daughter were pregnant - what would this election look like?: Republicans, state - Elections
  59. 2 things that could help Obama win: health care, vote, campaign, - Elections
  60. Poll: Experience versus New Ideas, both tickets have them, what do you prefer?: vote, Republican - Elections
  61. Vote Republican!: democrat, party - Elections
  62. The Personality Platform: Congress, security, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  63. Bush admits to Pulitzer prize winner Bob Woodward Iraq a failure ...: Harry Reid, interview - Elections
  64. Palin's destructive environmental policy: global warming, George Bush, states, united - Elections
  65. Task from God =Jihad?: liberal, radical, Obama, support - Elections
  66. Will John McCain's Lipstick hurt him?: Rush Limbaugh, campaign, Clinton - Elections
  67. Palin’s Book Banning Inquiry Confirmed: voters, campaign, Republican, accuse - Elections
  68. Obama: Presidential In Every Sense Of The Word: Ron Paul, voters, interviews - Elections
  69. You Tube: Obama admits he's UNQUALIFIED to run in '08: vote, - Elections
  70. Obama sounds bitter!!: campaign, education system, McCain, speech - Elections
  71. What John McCain thinks of Americans: patriot, illegal, illegal immigrants - Elections
  72. Obama will win for sure.. is the electoral math: health care, votes - Elections
  73. McCain Launches Truth Squad: Congress, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  74. Who is more bitter? Barack or Michelle?: vote, generations, thoughts - Elections
  75. CD election poll results: votes, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  76. Article for women to read on Sarah Palin's views: vote, Republican, represent - Elections
  77. isn't it obvious that McCain Picked, Palin for stragedy?: voters, Republican, polls - Elections
  78. Who were the corrupt Republican politicians did Palin actually take down?: ethics, party - Elections
  79. If Obama could pick a VP one more time?: Clinton, Edwards, race - Elections
  80. Sarah Palin admits she was corrupt: Obama, McCain, politicians, leader - Elections
  81. Carol Fowler has lost her mind: interview, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  82. Why aren't the Dems smiling?: votes, Democrats, president - Elections
  83. GOP crocodile tears and hypocrisy: vote, Republican, president, death - Elections
  84. Biden Admits Clinton Would Have Made Better VP!: campaign, democratic, vice president - Elections
  85. Women who Relate to Palin: John Kerry, Al Gore, unemployment - Elections
  86. McCain earmarks examined: vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  87. Time For OBAMA To Cut Loose The 527s: vote, campaign, democrat - Elections
  88. Obama getting women excited: vote, Republicans, polls, president - Elections
  89. Admit it really like Palin: vote, Obama - Elections
  90. Bob Barr offers VP position to Paul: Ron Paul, voters, Congress - Elections
  91. New battleground polls: vote, Republican, conservative - Elections
  92. Hillary Vs Palin Debate: vote, Clinton, Obama, McCain - Elections
  93. Liberals are hurting themselves: vote, enemy, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  94. Republicans - Look what you passed up!!: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote - Elections
  95. Who can work with congerss better McCain or Obama?: global warming, Congress, campaign - Elections
  96. McCain supporters, can you tell me how we can expect kind of real change from an old school politician?: voters, Congress - Elections
  97. Mccain copying obama's message of change: vote, Iraq, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  98. What is this Palin hype: vote, Iraq, campaign, conservative - Elections
  99. Biden taps Granholm as Palin stand-in for debate: Harry Reid, health care, voters - Elections
  100. Obama plagerized piggy speech from WaPo cartoon: Tom Tancredo, Dick Cheney, - Elections
  101. Barack Hussein Obama II Trashed Hillary and Now, He Is Trying To Trash Another Woman: vote, campaign - Elections
  102. Why ain't Barack Hussein Obama II white, family members helping him campaign? Answers...: John Kerry, Al Gore - Elections
  103. The Arab world is frightened of Palin: middle east, liberals - Elections
  104. Violence at RNC convention: vote, democratic, Republican, Obama - Elections
  105. Biden; Exhorts man in wheelchair to stand: represent, school, state - Elections
  106. to lose your vote if you lose your home...: unemployed, voters - Elections
  107. Cory Booker stands up for community organizers: vote, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  108. McCain Ad; Obama sends his dirt-diggers to Alaska: voters, Americans, Bush - Elections
  109. wait, your request is processed... Matt Damon On Palin: Like A Really Bad Disney Movie... Totally Absurd: voting, campaign - Elections
  110. Letter of a Soldier written after obama visited Iraq: vote, Afghanistan, soldiers - Elections
  111. Palin learning foreign policy from flash Cards: Congress, interviews, security - Elections
  112. Obama says: enough is enough: vote, campaign, - Elections
  113. McCain Hired Man Who Slandered both McCain and Daughter Bridget in 2000: enemies, campaign - Elections
  114. Charley Rangel, another liberal with ethics wrongdoing: health care, gas prices, vote - Elections
  115. Women flocking to McCain in droves: Republican, liberal, conservative, represent - Elections
  116. Obama insaniacs Vandalize Palin's Wiki page: Ron Paul, president, Barack Obama, rating - Elections
  117. Obama; Kiss the South Goodbye: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  119. Is the Obama Change , really a change back to 1970's Jimmy Carter LIBERALISM??: Fast food, vote - Elections
  120. First National Reference to Sarah Palin as White Trash: campaign, - Elections
  121. Obama to Palin: 'Don't Mock the Constitution': vote, Congress, Iran - Elections
  122. Obama's infamous pastor and Spiritual Mentor, Jeremiah Wright Now Caught up in Affair Scandal: cocaine - Elections
  123. Biden Attacking Palin and Special Needs?: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  124. I hate to be so petty, but did catch that interview with McCain's daughter?: drugs - Elections
  125. What is Palin's View on Immigration?: voting, interview, patriot, Mexican - Elections
  126. Obama: 'Lipstick on a pig': death, brainwash, women, most - Elections
  127. World poll: Obama desired as next U.S. President: vote, highway, Reed - Elections
  128. What is Obama's stance on Illegals?: illegal aliens, drugs, McCain, states - Elections
  129. What about Biden?: voters, Iraq, interview, campaign - Elections
  130. Palin Troopergate; Tainted by Obama camp: campaign, Democrats, Attorney, vice president - Elections
  131. Obama's infamous pastor and Spiritual Mentor, Jeremiah Wright is still not a candidate for President: campaign, thoughts - Elections
  132. Sarah Palin's College Education: campaign, legal, Attorney, polls - Elections
  133. Sarah Palin is to give her first interview Thursday to Charles Gibson. What questions would you ask her?: global warming, voters - Elections
  134. Is America ready for one of us -- not one of them?: voting, Iraq - Elections
  135. Does Obama's face look older?: interviews, campaign, president, Clinton - Elections
  136. Who Would Get Your Vote?: Democrats, Republicans, liberal, president - Elections
  137. You have lost all credibility: Barack Hussein Obama, Bush, school, children - Elections
  138. Palin Helping McCain with Women Voters: Iraq, Obama, independent - Elections
  139. Can we have a president smarter than me?: vote, Iraq, Bill Clinton - Elections
  140. Would Sarah Palin Have Been Better Off If She Weren't for Abstinence ONLY Education?: conservative, poll - Elections
  141. Independents now prefer McCain over Obama, 52% to 37%: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  142. Palin states Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are taxpayer funded: president, Brown - Elections
  143. Obama running out of money: campaign, Barack Obama, Reed, McCain - Elections
  144. Newsweek Factcheck; Sliming Palin: campaign, liberal, bias - Elections
  145. Palin's Political Decisions: vote, democratic, Republican - Elections
  146. Forget About The 3am Phone Call, s Obama's 3pm Phone Call: nuclear, Barack Hussein Obama - Elections
  147. Hillary backers come to defense of Palin: vote, campaign, ethical - Elections
  148. The longer the campaign goes on, the more Right Obama leads: votes, Democrats - Elections
  149. Trivia: Cost of Cindy's RNC attire: millionaire, John Edwards, McCain - Elections
  150. OBAMA........ How much should African Americans get paid for reparations?: generations, campaign - Elections
  151. For who go by national polls: John Kerry, Al Gore, Cheney - Elections
  152. How low can Obama go?: Republicans, vice president, McCain, speech - Elections
  153. Palin interview with Charlie Gibson: Republican, McCain, world, news - Elections
  154. Hypothetically: 7 years ago.: September 11, Afghanistan, vice president, Obama - Elections
  155. Be Very Afraid Ladies: vote, interview, illegal - Elections
  156. But seriously... What kind of woman runs for VP with an infant?: vote, - Elections
  157. Presidential Election Poll: votes, suspected, Obama, McCain - Elections
  158. Racism vs. Sexism. Are Dem's exibiting a double standard: Cheney, vote, campaign - Elections
  159. Palin is getting under the Dem's skin!!! McCain is who u should be focusing on...: vote, Iraq - Elections
  160. Obama: take a look at the man NOW and see his despair.: votes, Congress - Elections
  161. Palin afraid to be interviewed, get real...if you win you will need to have answers...: Putin, interviews - Elections
  162. So what's wrong with overturning Roe v. Wade?: illegal, Americans, abortions - Elections
  163. Obama campaign sent THIRTY (30) lawyers and investigators to Alaska to try to dig dirt for their SMEAR CAMPAIGN !!!: Democrats, liberal - Elections
  164. If the Palin affair rumor is not true, then why is McCain threatening legal action?!: interviews, accuse - Elections
  165. Who will be Palin's next target after gay people -- the jews?: CNN, extremist - Elections
  166. Hockey Mom? I don't get it.: illegal, president, extremist - Elections
  167. Barack Hussein Obama Who is Barry Soetoro??: 9/11, vote, campaign - Elections
  168. Repubs prove they are out of touch, racist and misogynistic......: Limbaugh, vote - Elections
  169. national polls questioned (polls skewed in McCain's favor?): voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  170. Do we really want lunatics running thing's again!: unemployment, vote, Congress - Elections
  171. So WHERE is Sarah Palin?: Iraq, interview, vice president, Obama - Elections
  172. Getting bored with Palin: voters, Democrats, Republican, Obama - Elections
  173. Palin Derangement Syndrome: vote, democratic, liberal - Elections
  174. McCain May Have Won: health care, voters, campaign, - Elections
  175. Most Misleading and Slanderous McCain Ad: voters, campaign, democrat - Elections
  176. Will the black vote deliver Florida to Obama in November?: voters, Democrats - Elections
  177. Alaska, remarkable for rape: voting, extremist, crime, cost - Elections
  178. Palins Expenses as Governor DEBUNKED AGAIN: Putin, legal, drug, liberal - Elections
  179. Will you support our next president regardless of who wins?: Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  180. Sarah Palin's Alaskonomics: health care, vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  181. McCain camp angry over Obama's 'lipstick': campaign, racist, Reed - Elections
  182. Bill and Hillary have to be secretly loving this: voters, campaign, - Elections
  183. McCain is such an OLD MAN: Republicans, president, Obama, party - Elections
  184. Elections 2008: Online-Survey on the Psychology of Voting Behavior: president
  185. McCain must support Palin's faith: voters, Iraq, interview, conservative - Elections
  186. News Video, McCain’s Daughter Defends Dad’s Rebellious Stripper-Dating Early Days.: president, school - Elections
  187. Newsweek: Latest 'Troopergate' Details: campaign - Elections
  188. Palin's church is not against Gay people...another lie from Dem.!!!: interview, campaign - Elections
  189. The Real Deal on The McCain/Palin Campaign: Cheney, Bush - Elections
  190. New Alaskan Poll: 60% Think Palin A ‘Flipflopper’: news - Elections
  191. Biden teaching Obama quickly....: vice president, Barack Obama, education, McCain - Elections
  192. So now making a serious policy point is sleazy?: president, race - Elections
  193. Stand up for Chuck!!! Go Biden: state, senator - Elections
  194. Lies the Democrats Tell: myth, elections, elect
  195. Jane Swift Boat leads Palin's Truth Guard: voters, rating, election - Elections
  196. The 2 Party System and the 2008 Elections: Ron Paul, voters, Iran, Iraq
  197. GOP crocodile tears and hypocrisy: Republican, president, American, party - Elections
  198. Palins Pastor, her church, position on gays, abortion, ..She is different?????: CNN, support - Elections
  199. We can all stop worrying now. the candidates don't want Repubs in office: vote, Republicans - Elections
  200. Biden Jumping on Pig Theme: Congress, campaign, democratic, conspiracy - Elections