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  1. Which stars are serious about leaving US if Donald Trump wins presidency?: Rosie O'Donnell, Bush - Elections
  2. So, It Turns Out, Terrorism Does Run In The Family - Trump Was Right: interview, Israel - Elections
  3. Noam Chomsky on Sanders: he's not a radical or extremist: campaign, - Elections
  4. Cruz to trounce Trump in Virginia delegate election: vote, dollars, million - Elections
  5. 89% of GOP voters say trump is likely nominee: campaign, polls, Clinton - Elections
  6. Could we have a three or four-way general election? (No flame wars, ): votes, Republicans - Elections
  7. In regards to Trump, I feel like Danny Divito in Hoffa: wage, patriot - Elections
  8. The Political Things That Are on My Mind: TV - Elections
  9. Just how wrong can a poll be?: Congress, Republicans, polls - Elections
  10. GOP Establishment Warming to Trump: conservative, Washington - Elections
  11. Diamond & Silk Teach Basic Mathematics to Ted Cruz and John Kasich: votes, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  12. Ted cruz prays for guidance: votes, cost, religion - Elections
  13. Trump Likely to Break GOP Record: votes, democratic, Republican, president - Elections
  14. Bernie Math = Mathematically that He will Win the Nomination: Clinton - Elections
  15. GOP candidate's odds verses Hillary: polls, president, election, elect - Elections
  16. Why isn't the MSM and/or the public asking Trump or Sec. Clinton about whom they would nominate to the Supreme Court?: vote, Congress - Elections
  17. Looks like Trump DID staty at the Holiday Inn Express: speech, election - Elections
  18. But, but, Trump doesn't have a chance...: voters, interview, Republicans - Elections
  19. Daily Show Trump Video: Bush, election, elect, women - Elections
  20. The Real Cost of War- Bernie Sanders: democratic, president, speech - Elections
  21. Trump Is on the Cusp of Putting Away the GOP Race: vote, Republican - Elections
  22. cruz is crumbling: voters, conservative, election, elect - Elections
  23. Paid protesters and domestic terrorists at Trump rallys (CA): supporters, assault - Elections
  24. What type of legislation do you expect to be passed under....: unemployment, voters - Elections
  25. ***General Election Polls between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton***: democrat, liberal, president - Elections
  26. Live: Trump Holds Another Massive Rally in South Bend, IN: vote, campaign - Elections
  27. Carly falls Like Cruz polls - Elections
  28. Was the NY daily news gotcha act on Bernie a turning point in Dem Primary!: unemployment, votes - Elections
  29. WoW!!! - NeoCons & Pundits Wave White Flag - Admit Trump Will Be Nominee: democrat, president - Elections
  30. May 1, NYT: Cruz’s Support Softens the Delegates He Courted: Republicans, poll - Elections
  31. If this years gop race were just Cruz and Trump from beginning: voters, Republicans - Elections
  32. work as an election clerk before?: voters, polls, elections
  33. CA Senate Race Maverick Candidate Ron Unz mixing left and right: Iraq, interviews - Elections
  34. /r/The_Donald vs /r/hillaryclinton/: unemployed, vote, security, representation - Elections
  35. Indianapolis Star Endorses Kasich Though He Pulled Out of the State: votes, Clinton - Elections
  36. Comparisons of 2016 Presidential Candidates: votes, thoughts, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  37. Bernie Sanders only raised 26 million in April, steep drop from 44 million in March: campaign, democrat - Elections
  38. Ted Cruz mathematically has no chance of winning GOP nomination after Tuesday primary losses (NYDAILYNEWS): campaign, Republican - Elections
  39. The Senate Might Flip Five Times In A Row: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  40. Before starts spreading false rumors about Bernie facebook pages: supporters, most - Elections
  41. Imagine the MSM Feeding Frenzy Against Trump If He Lost 6 Primaries in a Row: thoughts, biased - Elections
  42. about primary voting, is your ballot decided by your voting history?: vote, democratic - Elections
  43. Union bosses concerned about rank and file supporting Trump...: voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  44. YUGE! - Billionaire Cruz Backers Looking to Abandon the Canadian for 3rd Party Candidate: voting, Iraq - Elections
  45. If Sanders run independent ..: democratic, president, Clinton, parties - Elections
  46. Delegate count GOP Runners: vote, supporter, date - Elections
  47. 2016 Election who to vote for: illegal, Sanders, marijuana, border - Elections
  48. Will the Republicans move back to the center in 2020 should they lose this election?: vote, interview - Elections
  49. trump going after bernie supporters: global warming, voters, security, campaign - Elections
  50. Trump has problems in Missouri: vote, Democrats, Bush, election - Elections
  51. Democrats, there is something I see happening in a Trump Vs. Clinton General. Does this worry you? Why or why not?: voters, Congress - Elections
  52. Electoral College projection 347-Clinton / 191-Trump: votes, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  53. Many Republicans uninterested in being Trump’s VP: report: voters, security, liberal - Elections
  54. Query for Trump-haters: voters, wages, illegal - Elections
  55. The alternative to our two party problem.: vote, Congress, - Elections
  56. Chris Wallace tells Trump he can't win: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  57. Trump's Massive Rally in Terre Haute: vote, illegal, Americans, governor - Elections
  58. Is Paul Ryan near guarenteed to be the Republican nominee in 2020?: voters, Congress - Elections
  59. Trump vs Hillary Scorecard: vote, Iraq, middle east, security - Elections
  60. Poll: 19% of Republicans would vote Hillary if Trump is the nominee: voters, campaign - Elections
  61. The unstopable Trump will drive a stake through the heart of delagate wrangler Cruz on Tuesday: votes, campaign - Elections
  62. Who will win in each state today?: votes, democrat, conservative - Elections
  63. Campaign Finance: vote, millionaire, president, March - Elections
  64. Appearances: Trump's figure-four headlock on Indiana: Republican, polls, president, crime - Elections
  65. Uh Oh! Bernie & Jane Are Definitely Hiding Something!: vote, salary, campaign - Elections
  66. Sanders to reassess campaign tonight. Trump says run Indy.: votes, - Elections
  67. Oops! No One Told Ted Cruz That Delegates Pick the VP at a Contested Convention: votes, campaign - Elections
  68. Ted Cruz Lies 10 times in under 5 minutes: vote, campaign, death - Elections
  69. When Hillary loses the primary: voters, democratic, million, lottery - Elections
  70. Hillary would crush Trump in swing states: democratic, liberal, polls - Elections
  71. Ted Cruz Supporters are Harrassing Governor of Indiana Because He Won't Endorse Cruz: vote, campaign - Elections
  72. Racist Hillary...where's the outrage?: campaign, racism, Clinton - Elections
  73. ***April 26 Primary Results***: voters, campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  74. Describe Hillary supporters that you know or met personally: vote, Republican, Clinton - Elections
  75. Trump Urged to Drop 'America First' Slogan Due to anti-Semitic: patriot, Israel - Elections
  76. Why is Kasich still in?: votes, interviews, campaign, polls - Elections
  77. Gallup: Cruz net favorables amongst Republicans = -2 Trump = +20: Huckabee, voters, campaign - Elections
  78. Clinton received 270,000 FEWER votes compared to 2008: voters, Reagan, Democrats, polls - Elections
  79. Who have you all voted for so far?: Harry Reid, voters, campaign - Elections
  80. Nikki Johnson-Huston: Trump’s Message “Resonates” With Black Voters: Reagan, illegal - Elections
  81. Former GOV Pete Wilson endorses Cruz: illegal aliens, Republicans, immigration, insurance - Elections
  82. Why are people falling for The Donald's cult of personality?: vote, middle east - Elections
  83. Trump delegates lose in Arizona - including Jan Brewer.: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  84. What changes should we propose in both Dem and GOP primaries ??: voters, Congress - Elections
  85. Florida Poll: Republican Brand Damage Bolsters Clinton: voters, campaign, - Elections
  86. Ted Cruz Throws 16 Year Old out of Rally because he is Transgender: campaign, biased - Elections
  87. Bernie Sanders Intends to Force A Contested Democrat Convention: voters, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  88. Do you think that Cruz is all but finished?: patriot, speech, March - Elections
  89. If it were the headline would read *** admits to child abuse: voters, - Elections
  90. Trump: The liberal funding Democrat: voters, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  91. Cruz Just Schools Trump Supporters: Mexican, conservative, christmas, leader - Elections
  92. Yoko Ono: “I had an affair with Hillary Clinton in the ’70s”: voting, election - Elections
  93. Cruz Desperation - Vets Carly Fiorina for VP So he can Win Indiana: campaign, democrat - Elections
  94. Beck calls for another fast: conservative, polls, president, crime - Elections
  95. Adam Carolla Explains Trump's Rise Perfectly: vote, premium, Reed, Americans - Elections
  96. Trump: The US should take $1.5 trillion in Iraqi oil. Do you agree?: votes, Iran - Elections
  97. Bernie accuses Hillary of money laundering and looting donations.: millionaire, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  98. Key: Trump has 2 million more votes than Romney in '12....: enemies - Elections
  99. Carly goes down hard, Cruz continues shaking hands: president, state, news - Elections
  100. This is how easily Hillary will win in Nov: voters, Congress, democratic - Elections
  101. Cruz calls Donald Trump politically correct and just like Hillary: president - Elections
  102. NJ primary GOP: vote - Elections
  103. Clinton's Delegate Lead: voters, campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  104. HRC cannot get to the 2383 pledged threshold. That's why Sanders voters shouldn't lose sight of the objective.: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  105. Ted Cruz’s Father — Caught With JFK Assassin: FBI, Kennedy, education - Elections
  106. Chuck Todd Tells Ted Cruz the Voters are Rejecting Him: interview, Republican - Elections
  107. Sanders: It’s Clinton’s job to ask my backers to support her: voters, campaign - Elections
  108. BAM! - How Donald Trump will Beat Hillary Clinton: votes, generation, illegal - Elections
  109. Trump protesters, Mexican flag-wavers could bring unintended consequences for GOP race: vote, - Elections
  110. Now she's using off the res :: vote, Iraq, interview - Elections
  111. Sanders floats Warren as running-mate: Cheney, legal, democratic, president - Elections
  112. White Trump supporters attack mixed race family Old Navy ad: conservative, racist - Elections
  113. Ted Cruz's Stolen Delegates May not Stick With Him: vote, campaign, leader - Elections
  114. Trump: China 'raping' America: voting, interview, speech, economy - Elections
  115. Hillary voters greet Trump supporters...: patriots, campaign, illegal, president - Elections
  116. Trump can't win update: Edges past Hillary in poll...: candidacy, Democrats - Elections
  117. Is John Kasich Running For President for the Free Food?: unemployed, interview - Elections
  118. Done!: vote, poll, president, suspect - Elections
  119. Breaking! - Colorado Caucus Might Have to be Reheld: vote, Republican, president - Elections
  120. Jaw Dropping Crowd at Mohawk Stadium attends Trump Rally: vote, democratic, conservative - Elections
  121. Trump Voters - Party Involvement: Republican, poll, suspected, school - Elections
  122. Trump's foreign policy speech: unemployment, Iran, Iraq, wages - Elections
  123. Trump endorses Hillary Clinton: enemies, biased, represent, president - Elections
  124. Who shouldn't be considered by Trump for VP: vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  125. Harvard poll : Hillary crushes Trump millennials!!!!: vote, Democrats, liberals - Elections
  126. If Trump wins the presidency, the republicans will be so upset they just elected a democrat!: voters, Reagan - Elections
  127. Is Trump now the overwhelming favorite to win Pennsylvania?: John Kerry, Huckabee, voters - Elections
  128. If the Polls are inaccurate.....: vote, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  129. Demographics favor Republicans in the election: voters, Democrats, Obama, Hispanics - Elections
  130. Ted is Lucifer in the Flesh and the Most Miserable SOB - Observations from the other Orange Fellow: Congress, democrat - Elections
  131. Dems..If Clinton and Trump are the nominees,would you vote Trump over Clinton?: votes, campaign - Elections
  132. Bobby Knight - I Don't Give A Damn About the Republicans, I'm For Trump!: votes, Democrats - Elections
  133. So what do you get if you click on voters, party - Elections
  134. Predict how demographics will vote: votes, illegal, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  135. BOOM! Trump: The Only Thing Hillary Has Going is the Woman Card – And Women Don’t Like Her: voters, Democrats - Elections
  136. Taller and stronger fence proposed...but whose fence? Trump responds.: security, legal - Elections
  137. Rubio might support Trump??: vote, security, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  138. Was Cruz born in Canada so he could dodge the draft?: conspiracy - Elections
  139. Coulter on Kasich: voters, Reagan, polls, controversial - Elections
  140. Gingrich Gets It!: impeachment, conservative, bias, represent - Elections
  141. I hate HRC...not sure why ....: votes, democrat, president, Clinton - Elections
  142. Donald Trump's foreign policy speech: Iran, arsenal, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  143. Ted Cruz is crumbling before our very eyes: voters, campaign, - Elections
  144. So when do we expect to see Trump make inroads in his poll numbers against Clinton?: voters, Reagan - Elections
  145. Live: Trump Delivers Foreign Policy Speech 4/27/16: voters, president, Simpson, election - Elections
  146. Pssst, keep it quiet from you Dem friends but mass numbers of former Dems to vote TRUMP.: voters, democratic - Elections
  147. Exclusive: Half of Americans think presidential nominating system 'rigged' - poll: voters, campaign - Elections
  148. There will be a shift of Bernie supporters to Trump (if Clinton gets the nomination): vote, campaign - Elections
  149. Jill Stein - the third party candidate against perpetual warmongering in the Middle East and anti-worker trade deals: health care, votes - Elections
  150. Trump passes Romney’s popular vote total, likely to break GOP record: votes, Republican - Elections
  151. Donald Trump supporters, 2 children, pepper sprayed at rally outside Anaheim City Hall: votes, - Elections
  152. Sanders announces lay-offs:: employment, campaign, insurance, billion - Elections
  153. WOW! - The Trump Train Rolls into Indiana. Massive #'s showing up to see him at two events tonight in Indianapolis.: votes, campaign - Elections
  154. Trump would re-arrange the electoral map alright: voters, generation, Democrats - Elections
  155. Breaking Alert *** Ted Cruz to make major announcement at 4:00 Pm Eastern Time: votes, conservative - Elections
  156. Cruz would be better off picking PRINCE for his VP, than Fiorina: 9/11, campaign - Elections
  157. Tulsi Gabbard for Trump VP?: Dick Cheney, democrat, president, Bush - Elections
  158. Trumps Lies Ted Cruz: campaign, democrat, Republican, cocaine - Elections
  159. The Evil Dictator Benevolent Despot Political Party: vote, salaries, campaign - Elections
  160. After April 26th, it's over. Trump wins. Or does he?: candidacy, Republican - Elections
  161. From bikers to truckers, pro-Trump groups plan forceful presence in Cleveland: security, death - Elections
  162. Republicans: How many of you plan on voting for Hillary because the of Trump being elected in Nov scares you?: vote, Iraq - Elections
  163. Sanders Supporters It's Ok To Vote For Trump...: voters, Mexicans, - Elections
  164. Donald Trump plans to govern by Executive Order: voters, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  165. OH DEAR - Cruz Rally Attendance Mocked By Locals in Indiana: campaign, - Elections
  166. Loony supporters of fringe hopeful Sanders need to unify behind Hillary. You're with her.: voters, candidacy - Elections
  167. Trump is proof of the 'political establishment': generation, campaign, - Elections
  168. Haters Decrying Hate Are Hating Trump In LA: Mexican, democratic, Republican - Elections
  169. I Cruz was supposed to be Trust TED?: speech, party, state - Elections
  170. Satanists are not happy that Ted Cruz compared to Lucifer: politicians, election - Elections
  171. I'm tired of Cruz: state, support, Texas, Bible - Elections
  172. Anthony Weiner for Clinton VP: vote, campaign, Republicans, Rudy Giuliani - Elections
  173. 67-70% of the US hates Trump: voters, polls, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  174. Ted Cruz lays groundwork for last stand in California: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  175. Does Cruz have a deal in place for the GOP nomination?: voters, generations - Elections
  176. The Reagan Movie: Republicans, American, compare - Elections
  177. Democrats/Independents and Sanders: house seat, vote, Congress, generation - Elections
  178. Wait! Trump is in first place in Oregon?: votes, Republicans, poll - Elections
  179. Am I alone in thinking that Indiana is moving toward Trump?: polls, speech - Elections
  180. George Takei urges Sanders supporters to #VoteBlueNoMatterWho: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  181. Lyin' Ted strikes again!: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  182. Jed Bush calls for Contested Convention: interview, dollar, million, politicians - Elections
  183. Bernie Sanders effectively concedes the nomination: health care system, voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  184. Trump in California tonight: votes, illegal, Republican, CNN - Elections
  185. Tim Robbins trolls Hillary supporters on Twitter: voters, accuse - Elections
  186. Melania Trump trashes GQ after magazine's deep dive of family past: votes, interview - Elections
  187. Indiana Governor Pence to make Major Announcement at Noon Today: vote, Reagan - Elections
  188. Democratic Strategist: Trump Will Beat Hillary Like ‘A Baby Seal’: voters, Congress - Elections
  189. Clinton Cash - The Movie, Can't Wait!: salary, millionaire, campaign - Elections
  190. Roger Stone shows Sanders supporters how to ask Phila. convention delegates to sign and honor pledges to the electorate. - Elections
  191. Time for Cruz to take the cyanide capsules he carries with him: voters, campaign - Elections
  192. Sanders supporter Merkley says he should drop out if still behind after CA: interview, Clinton - Elections
  193. The Hillary Speech Issue No One Is Talking About (Forbes Article): Attorney, Clinton - Elections
  194. Fiorino announces Cruz as the news President and she goes down...literally! - Elections
  195. Trump recites lyrics from 1968's The Snake, by Al Wilson: - Elections
  196. Carly's math: votes, million - Elections
  197. The apathetic Sanders left wants to text it in, and won't show up and plant feet on the ground in Philly in late July. - Elections
  198. Trump Locks Down Delaware Delegates: school, state, news - Elections
  199. 2016 Election: salary, illegal, president, Obama - Elections
  200. :eek: A peek at Trumps foreign policies?: Putin, middle east, campaign - Elections