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  1. Tired of acceding to an undergrad's idea of what a president is?: vote, generation - Elections
  2. 1912 Election and 2016 election: Reagan, Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  3. Biden to Run: interview, CNN, president, Reed - Elections
  4. Hillary Clinton’s - Glass-Steagall: votes, Congress, represent, president - Elections
  5. Donald's rally in Jacksonville. - Elections
  6. Is Biden's Long Delay in Announcing the Genius Campaign Strategy of 2016 Election?: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  7. If De Blasio gets in the presidential race and runs.....: democratic, Republicans - Elections
  8. Trump's Republican critics pushing for GOP-backed takedown - SEE, It's Establishment GOP bosses who are Trump's Enemy.: Putin, voters - Elections
  9. ABC Washington Post Poll: Oct 21 2015: Huckabee, Republicans, polls - Elections
  10. Poll: What's your comfort quotient the candidates?: votes, interview, bias - Elections
  11. Trump Is Killing In Nevada - Why? CNN/ORC Nevada and SC Poll 10/14/2015: voters, campaign - Elections
  12. Clintons Head of DNC Now - Dead Party Walking? or DNC Renaissance?: voters, Congress - Elections
  13. Democrats: Who are the best/worst matchups on the GOP side?: Huckabee, votes - Elections
  14. In case you wonder where Trump got his act from: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  15. Bernie Sanders on Jimmy Kimmel...: voting, interview, bias, president - Elections
  16. Hillary in statistic-tie with Bernie Sanders: democratic, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  17. Liberals are figuring it out. CNN and the MSM LIE: campaign, conservative - Elections
  18. If GOP Candidates Who Were In First Tier In Previous Debates...: candidacy, - Elections
  19. Interesting Massachusetts Poll: Oct 20 2015: voters, patriots, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  20. The Unknown Republican Candiate: Israel, drugs, poll - Elections
  21. Fire Fighters Union Does Not Want King Hillary. They want Biden: vote, Republican - Elections
  22. Biff Tannen Based on Donald Trump?: political, states, claim, united - Elections
  23. 8000 See Trump in NC but Party Elites Still Aim To Take Him Down: voters, Congress - Elections
  24. GOP Group Going After Trump, Surprised?: Bush, support, work - Elections
  25. How many times...: vote, democratic, Clinton, Sanders - Elections
  26. Biden, Republicans are NOT the enemy and saw Mitt Romney say that: Clinton, Obama - Elections
  27. Illegal Immigration = Abolish Medicare and Medicaid?: wages, candidacy, illegal aliens, immigrants - Elections
  28. Morning Consult National Poll: October 20, 2015: Huckabee, CNN, Bush, dollars - Elections
  29. CNN/ORC National Poll: October 20, 2015: Huckabee, Republicans, polls, Bush - Elections
  30. Another New Hampshire Poll Gravis: vote, Democrats, Republicans, CNN - Elections
  31. Chafee Surges in Polls: votes, supporter - Elections
  32. Bill endorses Donald!!!: campaign, supporter - Elections
  33. Virginia Poll October 12, 2015: Huckabee, voters, democrat, Republican - Elections
  34. Do You Still Think The Debates Are Conducted Fairly?: voters, democratic, Republican - Elections
  35. delete: democratic, president, race - Elections
  36. Clinton and the Situation With The VA: health care system, votes, Congress - Elections
  37. Bizarre Revisionism: Hillary Claims Libya Shows Consequences of US Military Withdrawals: state, news - Elections
  38. Monmouth University National Poll: Oct 20 2015: Huckabee, Congress, Attorney, polls - Elections
  39. Which If Current Presidential Candidate...: Congress, abuse, state, work - Elections
  40. Oh... So Dr. Carson ISN'T for the abolition of Medicare? Repubs can't make up their minds...: administration, family - Elections
  41. Connecticut Poll Released Oct 13 2015: voters, interview, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  42. If the GOP nominates a good ol boy: Huckabee, voters, Democrats - Elections
  43. Carson's takes lead in Iowa. How Bad is this for Donald Trump? Carson 28% Trump 20%: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  44. Latest poll: Trump loses his lead in Iowa: vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  45. Correct the Record (David Brooks' Media Matters) Benghazi Hearings War Room: vote, Congress - Elections
  46. Why do Democrats still blindly support Hillary Clinton?: Ron Paul, voters, Iraq - Elections
  47. FBI probe of Clinton email focused on ‘gross negligence’ provision: 9/11, Republican - Elections
  48. Republican Congressman Says King Hillary Could Be Impeached The First Day She Takes Office: impeachment, Democrats - Elections
  49. Hillary Sends Copy Of Her Book To Ben Carson: campaign, Hillary Clinton, election - Elections
  50. VP Biden Will Not Run For President: Democrats, Clinton, Obama - Elections
  51. Should Hillary Clinton pick Bill Clinton as her Running Mate?: poll, president - Elections
  52. The Bill Clinton Ad For Donald Trump: millionaire, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  53. If Prisoners, Parolee's Could Vote, Whom Might They Vote For?: illegal aliens, Republicans - Elections
  54. Are there successful people who support Bernie Sanders?: health care, illegal, borders - Elections
  55. Washington Post: It's time to concede Donald Trump is likely to Win the Republican Nomination: voters, campaign - Elections
  56. What do you think of Donald Trump's Tax plan?: vote, Republicans - Elections
  57. Carl Icahn worth $21.6 billion invests $150 million in Trump campaign: voting, Congress, candidacy - Elections
  58. Biden, we need to be bipartisan and not like enemy's ...while standing next to POTUS!: Republicans, president - Elections
  59. Will Bernie Sanders Run as an Independent for President in 2016?: vote, Congress - Elections
  60. DOJ Officials Fear Foreign Telecoms Hacked Clinton Emails, Server: Huckabee, vote, Reed - Elections
  61. Hillary Will Win The Presidency In 2016: vote, campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  62. Ben Carson: Abolish Medicare and Replace with Savings Accounts: health care, security, - Elections
  63. New Hampshire: Bloomberg St Anselm D and R Poll: Oct 21 2015: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  64. If it's Trump vs Clinton, not voting or voting third party?: voters, Democrats - Elections
  65. James Wood on Sanders, LOL!: wages, Americans, leader, money - Elections
  66. Why is the Left Not Bothered By Hillary's Email Server?: patriot, security - Elections
  67. AP-GfK Poll: Republicans view Donald Trump as most electable: voters, patriot, campaign - Elections
  68. That was quick. Carson’s 9 point lead wiped out in Iowa: interview, campaign - Elections
  69. Ben Carson is committing political suicide.: health care, interview, elect - Elections
  70. Is Bernie Sanders really that stupid? Or just thinks his supporters are stupid?: unemployment, salary - Elections
  71. We Don't Need No Stinkin' Constitution - Carson: Congress, interview, liberal - Elections
  72. Bernie Sander is Jewish; may not be elected because of his non-Christian faith: vote, Israel - Elections
  73. Is Hillary eligible to become president after being a first lady ?: legal - Elections
  74. How exactly did Hillary look presidential during the Benghazi hearing?: Congress, campaign - Elections
  75. The Crowd That Turned out For Trump In Jacksonville, Florida: voting, democrat - Elections
  76. Ditch That Democrat Plantation! says African Americans for Trump: voters, generations - Elections
  77. Chris Christie threw a fit.: millionaire, campaign, Republican, president - Elections
  78. Rubio's weak character: Huckabee, votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  79. The media is silent on Carly Fiorina; Do they view her as the real threat to Hillary?: campaign, poll - Elections
  80. Someone TESTED and NOT ready to lead in a dangerous world: vote, Iraq - Elections
  81. Behind the scenes with Trump?: Republicans, American, politician, jobs - Elections
  82. Bloomberg Is Predicting A Hillary Win In The General Election: vote, campaign - Elections
  83. Are Trump's constant antics/insults what we want as US President?: voting, Mexicans - Elections
  84. Hillary celebrates birthday - 68 years!: Reagan, Clinton, Bush, compare - Elections
  85. Is Bernie Sanders More Like Eisenhower or Reagan?: Huckabee, Hugo Chavez, vote - Elections
  86. Trump pressures Ford to move Mexican plant to Ohio: conservative, CNN - Elections
  87. Bernie Sanders - Our first non-religious president?: vote, wage, - Elections
  88. Does Bernie have a tax plan??: Congress, Reagan, Republicans, regular - Elections
  89. Clinton Campaign Coffers Flooded With Cash After Benghazi Hearing: Republicans, president - Elections
  90. Bush Is Restructuring His Staff: 9/11, voting, salaries - Elections
  91. CARLY FIORINA CRASHING? CNN POLL SHOWS 11 POINT DROP - This puzzles me very much?!! Who can explain Why Fiorina is down?: illegal, Republican - Elections
  92. Where will the Jesus vote go?: Huckabee, voters, democratic - Elections
  93. Hillary Clinton - The Luckiest Presidential Candidate: campaign, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  94. When Will Bernie Sanders Withdraw from the Race?: campaign, Democrats, president - Elections
  95. Sorry Trumpsters: Carson Surges Past Trump in Latest Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll: Huckabee, voters - Elections
  96. Nuts To You, Democrats!: votes, enemy, Republicans, poll - Elections
  97. Trump, the Ultimate Panderer: enemy, liberal, merry christmas - Elections
  98. s My Concern With Ben Carson....: campaign, Republicans, liberal, president - Elections
  99. Make No Mistake Of It If Hillary Falters...: John Kerry, Congress, campaign - Elections
  100. Watch Out For Rubio, Clinton and Ryan on Illegal Immigration: NAFTA, unemployment - Elections
  101. Do You Know Where CNBC Is On Your TV Channels?: Huckabee, democratic - Elections
  102. NYT tells fringe loony Sanders's idealist followers that HRC is emerging as the Democratic leader.: votes, parade - Elections
  103. 20 Reasons Why It Should Be Trump: Republican, premium, Obama - Elections
  104. Bernie fans... Education is NOT “free” in Denmark!: wages, Clinton - Elections
  105. Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush shine at Koch brothers event: voters, campaign - Elections
  106. Your reaction if Bernie Sanders wins the presidency: democratic, liberal, president - Elections
  107. Which GOP Candidate do the Dems Want to Run Against Hillary ?: vote, campaign - Elections
  108. Donald's rally in Florida.: Iraq, middle east, illegal, liberals - Elections
  109. Ben Carson to run on abolishing Medicare and Medicaid: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  110. Stay home or vote for the lesser of two evils: voters, Democrats - Elections
  111. can't believe I'm saying this, but I O'Malley had a good debate: illegal, liberals - Elections
  112. Is Webb the only Dem Candidate with a brain?: vote, democratic, Republican - Elections
  113. Woman vice president's?: wage, thoughts, democrat, Clinton - Elections
  114. Overnight Ratings Are In For Democrat Debate: democratic, Republicans, CNN - Elections
  115. All lives matter but not to the Democrats on stage!: votes, Sanders - Elections
  116. Hillary whines about Republicans a lot.: voters, Congress, enemy, security - Elections
  117. Bernie's earnest new hippies and collegiates with their Swan Song Ts say don't trust over thirty.: vote, Congress - Elections
  118. Fox News National Poll: October 13 2015: Huckabee, party affiliation, voters, democrat - Elections
  119. Mitch McConnell seeks cuts to Social Security and Medicare to raise debt ceiling: party affiliation, vote - Elections
  120. Who Does BIG MONEY Want in The White House in 2016?: Cheney, voters - Elections
  121. Trump pulls away from the pack!: Huckabee, voters, campaign, democrat - Elections
  122. Trump's Favorability Rating Similar To Romney's At This Time: vote, Mexicans, campaign - Elections
  123. BLM protestors (or whatever) try to disrupt Trump rally of 1000s. Have to be saved by police.: illegal, activist - Elections
  124. Models Predicting a GOP Win in 2016: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  125. Bernie Sanders praised Fidel Castro in 1985: health care, Hugo Chavez, Putin, interview - Elections
  126. Trump's Family draws Raves/Accolades from TV News Morning Show: campaign, - Elections
  127. Why Retirees Need To Vote For Bernie: gas prices, wage, security - Elections
  128. Hillary Clinton’s Corporate Ties: voting, Congress, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  129. Carson Put His Campaign On Hold For Two Weeks: voters, McCain, financial - Elections
  130. For the few Sensible and Pragmatic Republicans: Are you embarrassed that Trump and Carson are the Front Runners?: voters, interview - Elections
  131. All the viable presedential candidates are imbeciles. Who will damage the country the least?: Dick Cheney, vote - Elections
  132. Biden lost my vote for sitting this debate out...: voters, Democrats, CNN - Elections
  133. What The RNC Is Really Up To or How They've Planned To Get Bush Elected: voters, Reagan - Elections
  134. Ben Carson Being Attacked From The Left: votes, Republicans, poll - Elections
  135. Will CNN Treat the Democrats the Same Way They Treated GOP?: vote, campaign - Elections
  136. King Hillary Holds Massive Anti-Trump Rally in Las Vegas: vote, wages, campaign - Elections
  137. Trump at the so called “No Labels” forum: voters, campaign, liberals - Elections
  138. Ben Carson does it again: vote, Congress, patriot, polls - Elections
  139. 158 families have provided half the money for 2016 elections so far...: voters, campaign
  140. If Trump had different views on immigration....: employment, health care system, vote - Elections
  141. Aerosmith's Steven Tyler Doesn't Want Trump Using His Songs: campaign, Reagan, illegal - Elections
  142. How is Hillary qualified to be President?: campaign, ethical, Democrats - Elections
  143. Busted ! CNN Uses Jeb Bush Staffer Planted In Audience To Frame Donald Trump Narrative/Hit Job….: campaign, - Elections
  144. Hillary Clinton Is a Monster, Says Secret Service Agents: vote, campaign, - Elections
  145. Ca. Gov.Brown registers illegals aliens to vote: voters, campaign, illegal aliens - Elections
  146. Sanders: Free Colleges for ALL (Seriously!!!??): education, Bush, cost, school - Elections
  147. switching my support from Bernie to Hillary: voting, middle east, campaign - Elections
  148. Trump To Host SNL On November 7: president, election, elect, state - Elections
  149. Democratic Debate First Debate: voters, campaign, president, Clinton - Elections
  150. O'Malley, Webb, Chafee of them viable?: voters, illegal aliens, Democrats, conservative - Elections
  151. Who Will Get the Biggest Bump from the First Democratic Debate?: vote, campaign - Elections
  152. Fireworks at Tonight's CNN's version of 'As the World Burns' Soap Opera...If Only a Dem Candidate has the Guts: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  153. Trump and Carson threaten debate boycott: campaign, Republican, represent - Elections
  154. GOP Candidates Not Happy With CNBC Debate Plans: Huckabee, vote - Elections
  155. Trump - Just another Democrat: Ron Paul, voters, illegal - Elections
  156. Why Do Say It's Too Late For Biden When Bill Clinton Waited until October to Announce?: campaign, president - Elections
  157. Bye, bye Hillary: vote, Reagan, democrat, president - Elections
  158. Shocker!! - Trump Union Blue Collar Support highest since FDR in 1930s: voters, Mexican - Elections
  159. Clinton's lead grows!: votes, Democrats, polls - Elections
  160. Obama - Using Biden to Block the Clintons from Regaining the White House: campaign, Reagan - Elections
  161. Could it possibly come down to Trump Vs Sanders?: salary, millionaire, - Elections
  162. Huffington Post Says Bernie will Beat King Hillary in South Carolina - Doom for Campaign: vote, democrat - Elections
  163. Biden Throws His Hat in the Ring: Congress, democratic, Republican - Elections
  164. Frightening way the rich are overwhelming the election: votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  165. NBC/WSJ Poll: Oct 19, 2015: Huckabee, 9/11, voters, Republican - Elections
  166. Ideologically, Jim Webb would make the best president: vote, Democrats, liberal - Elections
  167. Bush would vote for Trump: Republican, president, Clinton, Sanders - Elections
  168. RINOs freaking out over Trump: Limbaugh, vote, campaign, - Elections
  169. Donald Trump: Our Drunk Uncle: voters, polls, president - Elections
  170. Sanders seeing large numbers at rallies: vote, Iraq, campaign, illegal - Elections
  171. Which Presidential Candidates Have You Seen Live?: Dick Cheney, parade, Reagan - Elections
  172. Sanders beats Trump by 9 points after debate: voters, Republican, poll - Elections
  173. Jim Webb Independent Run for Presidency: voters, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  174. Trump, the calling AD....: voters, interview, campaign, American - Elections
  175. Clinton Would Consider Julian Castro as Prospective VP Pick: voters, campaign, - Elections
  176. Watch Jeb Bush Squirm! Priceless!: 9/11, Iraq, Republicans - Elections
  177. Sensible Conservatives, which Democrat would you vote for? Sensible Liberals, which Republican would you vote for?: Huckabee, thoughts - Elections
  178. Christie campaign on the ropes: Predictable: Huckabee, voters, security, Attorney - Elections
  179. Trump, Carson get Secret Service protection: interviews, security, lobby, Hispanics - Elections
  180. Psychologists analyze Trump supporters: votes, Congress, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  181. The Donald gets things done. cnbc bows: voters, polls, president - Elections
  182. What If Scenario...: vote, Democrats, Republican, vice president - Elections
  183. Sanders turns down Pharma CEO donation: campaign, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  184. Magan Kelly For President.......really?: salaries, CNN, American, political - Elections
  185. Republicans that aren't overly Religiousy: Huckabee, voters, democrat - Elections
  186. Another Trump prophecy comes true: voters, Republicans, represent - Elections
  187. SNL's Version of The Dem Debate: Democrats, Republicans, president, Clinton - Elections
  188. POLL Clinton mandatory gun buy-backs (gun confiscation): voting, Congress, campaign - Elections
  189. Obama skipped DNC debate..watched baseball instead!!!: security, Democrats, president - Elections
  190. TV Pundits Eating Crow on Donald Trump: voters, interview, democratic - Elections
  191. Trump makes Jeb defend George. Again.: 9/11, Iraq, interview, campaign - Elections
  192. Is Sanders A Serious Candidate: voters, interview, legal, democratic - Elections
  193. Surprise! King Hillary Lost Debate to Bernie Sanders: campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  194. What Sanders Said vs What Republicans Heard...: democrat, McCain, American - Elections
  195. Economic Comparison: Obama vs Bush.: unemployment, vote, Congress, patriot - Elections
  196. Bush and Hillary - On Bush & Hillary Watch: democrat - Elections
  197. Chinese Animators Sum UP DNC Debate - Elections
  198. Can Workers' World win the hearts of America in 2016?: capital - Elections
  199. NBC Is Airing A Live Trump NH Town Hall Meeting 10/26: Republicans, state - Elections
  200. Hillary Accuses Bernie Sanders of Sexism: vote, Congress, crime, Hillary Clinton - Elections