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  1. Staten Island Shocker: Despite Indictments, Michael Grimm (R-NY) Leads Liberal Democrat Challenger by Four Points: house seat, vote - Elections
  2. And Now For A Lighter Election: campaign, president, political - Elections
  3. Texas Governor Debate- Sept 19, 2014: Ron Paul, vote, interview, - Elections
  4. Machines Flip GOP Votes to Democrats in Maryland: voters, Republican, elections
  5. Senate Race In Deep Blue Michigan Back to Toss-Up: Peters (D)41% Land (R)39%: vote, Reagan - Elections
  6. Mock Election-2016 Presidential Election-Hillary Clinton vs. John Thune: vote, Sanders, state - Elections
  7. As I am flooded with RNC donation requests...........: house of votes, Congress - Elections
  8. joni ernst surges into lead in Iowa US Senate race.: voters, Congress - Elections
  9. Pelosi takes the house & Reid takes the senate, within months the economy takes a nose dive.: Congress, - Elections
  10. New Quinnipiac Poll: Joni Ernst (R) Leads Bruce Braley (D) By 6 Points in Iowa: voters, campaign - Elections
  11. Vote for Me...I'm NOT Barrack Obama: Democrats, liberals, conservative - Elections
  12. Prediction History: president, Obama, Kerry - Elections
  13. Michigan's Terri Lynn Hand the invisible candidate: voters, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  14. Cuomo,Brown win primaries: vote, campaign, ethics, Republican - Elections
  15. alan mulally 2016?: president, party, government, radio - Elections
  16. Another Udall (D-NM) May Be in Trouble; Weh (R) Cuts Lead to 7 points: voters, democratic - Elections
  17. Back to Reality for Democrats as House Chances Fade: Republicans, liberals, extremist - Elections
  18. Current senate odds: Al Franken, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  19. NBC: GOP winning Iowa, Colorado & Arkansas Senate races.: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  20. Elected Official Ranking: vote, patriot, religion, constitutional - Elections
  21. GOP hopeless update: Texas gov candidate leads dem woman candidate with women: voters, generation - Elections
  22. Shock Endorsement: Denver Post endorses Cory Gardner (R) for US Senate over Mark Udall: Harry Reid, voters - Elections
  23. Kamau Bakari teams with Cliven Bundy: voters - Elections
  24. Anti-EPA GOP 2016 RNC planned to be held on Lake Erie!: campaign, - Elections
  25. Democrats In Independent's Clothing: party affiliation, voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  26. Gaffe-tastic Democrat Clown Show Continues: Pryor (D-AR) Thinks Middle Class Means $150K to $200K: voters, wage - Elections
  27. Brown (R) Now Leads Shaheen (D) in New Hampshire Senate Race 48-47: vote, Democrats - Elections
  28. White House Press Corps Laughs at Alison Grimes expense during WH briefing.: vote, - Elections
  29. The Presidency of Chris Christie: president, Obama, economy, governor - Elections
  30. Claire McCaskill for governor of Missouri in 2016?: political, election, elect - Elections
  31. Early Ballot Requests and Returns Look Great for Joni Ernst (R) in Iowa: votes, Democrats - Elections
  32. House Democrats Shift from Offense to Defense: vote, Congress, campaign - Elections
  33. The White House Doesn't Know For Whom They're Campaigning: Mexicans, - Elections
  34. 28 words that Dems wish Obama didn't say today: Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  35. Congressional Dems Will Pay for Obama's Low Confidence on Economy Numbers: vote, interview - Elections
  36. Whiplash elections?: voters, Congress, Democrats, Republicans
  37. When Obama Begins to Speak at a Rally, Something That Was Unthinkable 5 Years Ago Happens: Democrats, Blacks - Elections
  38. Garcia Surges Ahead in NH-2 Against Old White Dem Woman: vote, Congress - Elections
  39. Democrats Distribute Lynch Obama Fliers in NC: vote, campaign, impeachment - Elections
  40. Sen. Udall [D-CO] Apologizes for Gaffe About Beheaded Journalists: Iraq, middle east, Democrats - Elections
  41. Snyder in Michigan deserves to win: vote, democrat, Republican, liberal - Elections
  42. What will Obama say next??!?: vote, Reed, speech, military - Elections
  43. Black Chicago activists: It's because of you, Mr. President.: voting, Republican - Elections
  44. Husband of Delaware Democrat and State Senator Caught on Video Taking Down Republican Signage: vote, campaign - Elections
  45. For people who like to watch the pollsters as much as watching the candidates: voters, interview - Elections
  46. Pennsylvania Race -- Dem with 25 point lead: vote, campaign, legal - Elections
  47. Releasing results before all are in...: voters, polls, president, ratings - Elections
  48. Republican Charlie Baker Now Leads in Massachusetts Governor's Race: democratic, poll - Elections
  49. Former Trek President and CEO Confirms Mary Burke (D-WI) Was Fired Because She Couldn't Handle the Position: voters, Democrats - Elections
  50. The Chicago Way: Democrat Caught Trying to Buy Votes in Chicago: liberals, American - Elections
  51. Tom Corbett Photoshop: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  52. White House's Senate Strategy: Keep Obama Away: campaign, Democrats, CNN - Elections
  53. Orman and King 3rd and 4th most power people in government come January...: vote, Congress - Elections
  54. O'Reilly: Black Americans Should Rebel Against 'Abhorrent' Racial Politics: vote, politicians, news - Elections
  55. 18--25 year old voting block: vote, campaign, legal, marijuana - Elections
  56. Historic Number of State Legislatures Poised to Shift to Republicans: Democrats, liberal - Elections
  57. Petitioning is not the same thing as Electioneering: voting, poll, school - Elections
  58. GOP Threatens to Purge Millions of Legal Democrat Voters: Congress, illegal, Americans - Elections
  59. Do you feel that your vote makes a difference, that it's important?: voters - Elections
  60. FLASHBACK: The End of the USA as We Know It Happened When Walker Won the Recall Election: Republican, liberal - Elections
  61. Obama May Throw Democrats Under the Bus: Republicans, party, election - Elections
  62. Note to Dems: No need to cheat in a solid blue state: voters, campaign - Elections
  63. Make Your Vote Count November 4th: votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  64. Voter Fraud is a Statistical Non-Problem. Right.: Congress, thoughts, illegal - Elections
  65. WOW they are getting desperate----why steal signs: vote, campaign, democrat - Elections
  66. Michelle Malkin Blasts Colorado Law as 'Voter Fraud Frankenstein': John Kerry, Palestinians, Democrats - Elections
  67. Austin: The only conservative candidate for Mayor, is Black.: interview, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  68. marilinda garcia: vote, Congress, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  69. Political intimidation?: voters, Congress, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  70. Latinos, angry with Obama, may sit out midterm vote, hurting Democrats: Rush Limbaugh, votes - Elections
  71. Will Republicans Waste Their Chance...: Harry Reid, voters, Congress, security - Elections
  72. MA-6: Tisei (R) Leads Moulton (D) in Deep Blue Massachusetts 43-40: vote, Democrats - Elections
  73. 2016 who is not a Phony or Retread?: Condi Rice, Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  74. What if I don't like of the candidates?: vote, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  75. This is High Bar for the GOP, but I fully agree: votes, Congress - Elections
  76. Ben Carson and on His Team: voters, Congress, interview - Elections
  77. Charlie Crist: I don't have to follow rules!: Republicans, liberals - Elections
  78. Election projection: Senate +7 GOP Pick UP/House +8 Pick up: house seat, vote, Congress - Elections
  79. Could the Massachusetts Republican Party die this November?: voters, patriots - Elections
  80. Waste of Money-Political TV ads and Mailings: Republicans, conservative, party - Elections
  81. As We Approach the November 4th Election ...: unemployment, voters, gallon - Elections
  82. Gregg Abbott is peddling his Mexican American mother in law for votes: illegal - Elections
  83. Which Dem Decided To Make Women's Issues The Number 1 Party Issue This Election Year?: Harry Reid, voters - Elections
  84. President Obama Just Delivered Another TV Ad For The 2014 GOP Candidates: voters, Congress - Elections
  85. How does my vote count?: voters, Congress, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  86. Message to Democrats everywhere: VOTE: voters, Congress, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  87. If all Americans voted?: voters, wage, enemy, - Elections
  88. NH Senate: Shaheen (D) Booed and Jeered for Interrupting Closing Statement of Scott Brown (R): votes, candidacy - Elections
  89. Would you vote for Jeb Bush: voters, Republicans, conservative, poll - Elections
  90. Colorado Senator Udall (DEM): ...we judge people by the content of their color.: democrat, Republican - Elections
  91. Harvard poll shows millenials moving towards GOP...: employment, voters, Congress - Elections
  92. The Impact Of The Latino Vote: voters, Mexicans, illegal aliens, democrat - Elections
  93. Why do we keep electing career politicians?: vote, Congress - Elections
  94. Sarah Palin Endorses Independent/Democratic Ticket for Governor: vote, Republicans - Elections
  95. Will Dems charge fraud?: John Kerry, vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  96. Colorado Hispanic Population will determine election: voters, interviews, illegal aliens, Democrats - Elections
  97. Scott Walker to Chris Christie: Thanks for nothing: voters, campaign, - Elections
  98. U.S. Citizens Only - Will You Vote November 4th?: legal, elections
  99. Nate Silver's Polling bias..: votes, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  100. Noooooooooooooooo!: vote, democrat, Republican - Elections
  101. A Rare Sight: GOP Poised for Gains in New England: house seat, vote - Elections
  102. VIDEO: 82-Year Old Black Grandmother is DONE with the Democrat Party; She Goes OFF About Why!: vote, Democrats - Elections
  103. Obama 3rd Term?: voters, Republicans, president, dictators - Elections
  104. Democrats Have an Early Vote Problem: Harry Reid, employment, votes, campaign - Elections
  105. Most people have voter ID: Rush Limbaugh, voters, legal, polls - Elections
  106. Do You Plan To Watch The Election Results On Election Day?: vote, - Elections
  107. Mitt Romney the NextPresident of the Unted Statesof America.: votes, millionaire, illegal - Elections
  108. Who Physically Early Voted and What Was Your Experience at the Polling Place?: unemployed, voters - Elections
  109. Election Predictions: votes, Democrats, Republican, liberal - Elections
  110. In Democratic Election Ads in South, a Focus on Racial Scars: votes, - Elections
  111. New York Times: odds that GOP takes Senate surging.: Harry Reid, votes - Elections
  112. Democrats, The White/Male Vote and Mid-terms: Al Gore, house seat, voters - Elections
  113. The Black Vote & Small Government: unemployment, party affiliation, voters, Congress - Elections
  114. Marijuana legalization activists ditch Kamala Harris for pro-cannabis Republican: health care, illegal, Republicans - Elections
  115. Did Rove? Fix an election and try to fix the last Pres. election?: voters, - Elections
  116. How about Susana Martinez in 2016?: voters, campaign, illegal, democrat - Elections
  117. Jim Webb as the anti-Hillary?: vote, campaign, thoughts, Democrats - Elections
  118. Polling Avalanche: GOP Leads in *Eight* Races For Democrat-Held Senate Seats: Harry Reid, vote - Elections
  119. Clinton: I'll Decide on 2016 After the First of the Year': illegal, liberals - Elections
  120. Kansas Senate race just got very interesting: Cheney, voters, - Elections
  121. Republican Sec Of State in Kansas refuses to take democrat off ballot: voters, campaign - Elections
  122. Something about the CA Gov polls that makes me wonder: voters, - Elections
  123. Rothenberg: Expect a Republican Wave of *At Least* Seven [7] Senate Seats: voters, Congress - Elections
  124. If Clinton wins: Congress, illegal, president, extremist - Elections
  125. Do you think Jason Carter and Michelle Nunn will win their elections in Georgia?: voters,
  126. Roberts (R) Now Leads Orman (I*) in Kansas Senate Race 48-46: Harry Reid, voters - Elections
  127. House elections 2014: house seat, voters, Iraq, Democrats
  128. Both US house candidates in WA 4th district will be Republicans on Nov 4,2014: house of Pete Stark - Elections
  129. Hillary will announce tomorrow (Sunday) - she's running for President.: campaign, conspiracy - Elections
  130. The 2014 Ohio Governor Race and Implications for 2016: house of vote, Congress - Elections
  131. Nate Silver's Senate Prediction: voters, Democrats, Republicans, racism - Elections
  132. Nancy Pelosi: Civilization ‘In Jeopardy’ If GOP Takes Senate: votes, Republicans - Elections
  133. Mia Love has healthy lead, poised to become first black female congress person from great state of Utah.: house of votes - Elections
  134. Bernie Sanders for President: Ron Paul, vote, death, Reed - Elections
  135. I don't care who wins in 2016: vote, security, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  136. What's Really Going On In Iowa?: voters, legal, Republican, conservative - Elections
  137. Why didn't John McCain pick Tim Pawlenty as veep in 2008?: vote, campaign - Elections
  138. Can Alison Lundergan Grimes defeat Kentucky Sen. and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell?: voters, Democrats - Elections
  139. Red State Democrats Running from Their Gun Control Votes: global warming, Al Franken, campaign - Elections
  140. New Rasmussen Poll shows Dem Wendy Davis trailing by only single digits: legal, Democrats - Elections
  141. GOP May Pick Up a Dozen House Seats in Midterms: Harry Reid, house of - Elections
  142. Illinois governor Quinn trails opponent Bruce Rauner: unemployment, vote, salary - Elections
  143. Would YOU vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016?: Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  144. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon (D) for president 2016?: Democrats, vice president, Brown - Elections
  145. Louisiana Senator hasnt lived in Louisiana since 1997: vote, Congress, interview - Elections
  146. Pennsylvania's Democrats Likely to unseat Gov. Corbett: voters, campaign, legal - Elections
  147. Former Iowa Senator guilty for accepting bribe from Ron Paul to dump Michele Bachman: campaign, - Elections
  148. Our economy and elections: health care, voters, enemies, legal
  149. Add New Hampshire as Another GOP Pickup: Brown (R) and Shaheen (D) in Dead Heat: house seat, vote - Elections
  150. Meet the Democrat Party's Senate Nominee in Montana: Democrats, Obama, Bush - Elections
  151. Oregon: democratic, Republicans, liberal, polls - Elections
  152. 2016 Presidential Issue: Law & Order?: vote, campaign, Democrats, drugs - Elections
  153. WI governor, Scott Walker, has nothing to run on!: Democrats, polls, Brown - Elections
  154. New Poll: Incumbent Governor Hickenlooper (D-CO) Behind Ten (10) Points to Bob Beauprez (R-CO): voters, campaign - Elections
  155. Who should represent the Republican ticket for the 2016 Presidential election: Huckabee, vote - Elections
  156. Voter ID Laws: A Solution in Search of a Problem.: votes, security - Elections
  157. Another Sign the Dem Reign of Terror is Ending - CA-52 Race: vote, Congress - Elections
  158. Coakley race in MA: votes, Congress, campaign, democratic - Elections
  159. Warren Buffet: “Hillary is going to win”: vote, millionaire, - Elections
  160. Do you think Hillary Clinton run for President and why?: vote, thoughts - Elections
  161. Virginia Congressional Map Struck Down by Courts- will be in effect for this year's midterms: voters, Democrats - Elections
  162. Mitt Romney to headline rally for Mia Love.: vote, campaign, Reagan - Elections
  163. Turnout fears mount for Dems: vote, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  164. Denver Post (D) Endorses Cory Gardner (R) For Senate (!!!!!): voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  165. Democrats Pull Funding from Kentucky Senate Race: Harry Reid, vote, Congress - Elections
  166. U.S. Senate May Go Red After Mid-Terms: vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  167. The Difference Between Neel Kashkari and Piyush Jindal/Nimrata Randhawa Haley: multiculturalism, generation - Elections
  168. Democrat Activists Claim Responsibility for KKK Ads in Mississippi Senate Race: voters, campaign - Elections
  169. Tillis (R) Now Leads Hagan (D) in North Carolina Senate Race 46-45: voters, - Elections
  170. most analysts now predicting 'wave' election for GOP in 2014.: Congress, wage, patriot - Elections
  171. Congressional elections are meaningless: vote, Democrats, Republican, representation
  172. Rick Scott Florida: unemployment, party affiliation, vote, Congress - Elections
  173. How many of you are going to actually vote?: votes, campaign, legal - Elections
  174. 2016 Virginia, the new Democrat Presidential Firewall..: voters, Congress, campaign, - Elections
  175. Conservative white males and Ben Carson: vote, Republican, liberals, bias - Elections
  176. Dem Candidate Accuses Nikki Haley of Murder: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  177. Wendy Davis' Texas gubernatorial campaign one of the worst of 2014: wage, ethics - Elections
  178. Time to Expose Mary Burke for the Candidate She Is: votes, wage - Elections
  179. Mock Election - 2016 Presidental Election: Rand Paul vs Hillary Clinton: vote, Congress - Elections
  180. New SUSA Poll: Scott (R-FL) Opens Up Five [5] Point Lead on Chameleon Crist [D-FL]: voters, parade - Elections
  181. Are you seeing a lot of political ads on your local TV station?: health care, Congress - Elections
  182. Two New Polls Show Gardner (R) Leading Udall (D) in Colorado Senate Race: voters, Democrats - Elections
  183. Republican Has 10 Point Lead in Maine's 2nd District, Which Hasn't Elected a Republican in 20 Years: votes, Congress - Elections
  184. Texas Governor Election Poll: vote, Democrats, polls, abortion - Elections
  185. Last 2014 Tea Party Insurgent defeated: vote, Republicans, conservative, Hispanics - Elections
  186. Economy today: unemployment, gas prices, wage, Democrats - Elections
  187. Pedro Celis (R, WA): I have lived the American dream.: vote, Congress - Elections
  188. Upcoming Republican Landslide this November?: vote, Congress, Iraq, middle east - Elections
  189. Democrats to Obama: Shut Up: Congress, interviews, Republicans - Elections
  190. Bernie Sanders ridiculous hollow threat to run.: wages, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  191. What has Hilary done for:: Democrats, Republicans, president - Elections
  192. How many are paying to the latest polls?: voters, interviews, Democrats - Elections
  193. Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie loses primary after Obama endorsement: voting, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  194. President Tim Kaine in 2016?: Democrats, Hillary Clinton, senator, presidency - Elections
  195. Republicrats will win big, but nothing will change.: president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  196. New Town, New Candidates: vote, Congress, legal, Democrats - Elections
  197. More issues emege for GOP South Dakota Senate candidate Mike Rounds about his tenure as GOV: Democrats, liberal - Elections
  198. American Voters Guide 2014 (Video 1) - Elections
  199. NBS/WSJ: GOP Edge Expands to Double Digits Days Before Midterm (52% want GOP Congress vs. 41% Dems): voters, campaign - Elections
  200. More Voter Fraud or Jury Fraud: Maryland: voters, illegal, crimes - Elections