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  1. Joint statement from Florida's Gov's Crist and Michigan's Granholm: voters, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  2. Obama has won more blue states: vote, Reagan, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  3. a Rockefeller endorses Obama: political, support, Senate, news - Elections
  4. Obama - I remember May Day: Mexican, illegal, March - Elections
  5. If Hillary Wins...: NAFTA, health care, voters, Congress - Elections
  6. John McCain in reverse.: security, conservative, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  7. A Mexican Take on the Primary Race: president, Hillary Clinton, Obama - Elections
  8. The Math - email from Obama Campaign: vote, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  9. Could the 2008 winner actually be the looser?: Congress, Democrats, president - Elections
  10. republicans on the democratic nominee: voters, Democrats, liberal, polls - Elections
  11. First Lady: vote, democratic, McCain, political - Elections
  12. Bill Clinton's ad for Obama: vote, campaign - Elections
  13. Obama related to Cheney: Dick Cheney, generations, president, Americans - Elections
  14. Clinton Begins Big Push Before Primaries: campaign, democrat, president, solutions - Elections
  15. Congratulations Ron Paul!: vote, Congress, Republicans, president - Elections
  16. The Good News about the Democratic fight continuing: voting, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  17. ABCNews Exit Poll: Change Tops Experience ..Again!: voters, democratic - Elections
  18. I like Mrs. Huckabee!: campaign, Obama, supporters - Elections
  19. Obama takes Vermont!: voters, Sanders, brainwash, state - Elections
  20. Trouble Brewing in Texas: campaign, legal, democratic, Clinton - Elections
  21. Clinton Wins RI: Obama, state, Texas - Elections
  22. Obama Wins Vermont: Liberalism, education, states - Elections
  23. News, Buffett says Clinton, Obama could run a business.: democratic, Attorney, represent - Elections
  24. Mike Gravel should drop out.: Ron Paul, health care, voters, - Elections
  25. John Edwards: voters, polls, Obama, Bill Richardson - Elections
  26. The International Press, And The Presidential Contest.: democratic, Clinton, Barack Obama - Elections
  27. Hillary's victories illusory: voters, Republicans, liberal, conservative - Elections
  28. What happens to all of Obama's Union endorsements: vote, American, elections
  29. Will Obama's super delegates leave him?: vote, campaign, president, death - Elections
  30. Kucinich wins his Congressional District!: president, elect, date - Elections
  31. Barack Obama's Book, Audacity of Hope: vote, thoughts, president, ideology - Elections
  32. How Faithful Will Hillary Be?: president, Hillary Clinton, Americans, religion - Elections
  33. Doesn't this seem wrong?: votes, democrat, represent, party - Elections
  34. Hillary changes personalities again - Will she vote for McCain?: health care, Congress - Elections
  35. Clinton lead in Ohio almost gone: campaign, democratic, polls, president - Elections
  36. Predicting the next President is Easy: Ron Paul, Huckabee, voters, democratic - Elections
  37. Why Hillary's Big State theory is Bupkis: polls, president, Clinton - Elections
  38. Did math: TX Caucuses and overall results prediction: campaign, legal - Elections
  39. Obama and Change: voters, Iraq, campaign, poll - Elections
  40. News, Nader Picks Matt Gonzalez As Veep.: vote, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  41. News, Frazier vs. Ali in Cleveland. The bout between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama ends in a draw.: democratic, Boxer - Elections
  42. Hillary Clinton has very little foreign policy experience: represent, president, Obama - Elections
  43. Illinoisians and Obama: bias, president, Hillary Clinton, McCain - Elections
  44. Questions About November Ballot: vote, Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  45. Michigan and Florida election laws: votes, democratic, Republican, Obama - Elections
  46. McCain's True Face: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republican - Elections
  47. Obama's fundraising gives Democrats a big edge in November: Ron Paul, voters, campaign - Elections
  48. Time for Perspective: voters, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  49. surprises today?: vote, Republicans, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  50. Did go to their precinct caucus last night in San Antonio?: voters, Congress - Elections
  51. Ron Paul ends presidential bid: house seat, votes, Congress, campaign - Elections
  52. Hillary wins Texas primary; Time to concede: votes, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  53. Will Hillary run as an Independent?: campaign, democratic, Attorney, president - Elections
  54. If Obama can't beat Clinton in the big states: votes, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  55. Democrats: Can we get conciliation?: vote, Congress, Iran, enemies - Elections
  56. McCain Will FALL To Democrat!: voters, Iraq, thoughts, democratic - Elections
  57. Hillary hints at joint ticket: Cheney, votes, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  58. Obama- Beginning of the End?: NAFTA, party affiliation, voters, liberal - Elections
  59. Obama prevails: vote, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  60. Hilary takes Texas.: Rush Limbaugh, vote, CNN - Elections
  61. This is horrible. I am so torn between Obama and Hillary :-((: house of vote - Elections
  62. Hillary passes Obama in TX!: votes, campaign, Republican, poll - Elections
  63. Hillary Wins Ohio: Republican, Hillary Clinton, Obama, McCain - Elections
  64. Is it just me or does John McCain sound like a funeral director?: votes, campaign - Elections
  65. Did I miss this? What happpened to Nadar?: voters, interview, Democrats - Elections
  66. Obama needs to be a gentleman and withdraw: voters, campaign, - Elections
  67. Advisor disses Ohio -- the WHOLE quote: voters, campaign, president - Elections
  68. Rise of the McCain-ocrats: Limbaugh, health care, votes, gallon - Elections
  69. Obama Supporters: What will you do if super delegates select Hillary?: party affiliation, vote - Elections
  70. Clinton's Big State Myth: Why Barack Obama Remains the Most Electable Democrat This Fall: John Kerry, voters - Elections
  71. Who would you hire?????: John Kerry, Al Gore, voters, Congress - Elections
  72. delegate breakdown in Texas: votes, campaign, Republicans, CNN - Elections
  73. McCain to choose Condi Rice as running mate.: vote, middle east, - Elections
  74. Reality Check: It's Nearly Impossible for Hillary to get Nomination: Ron Paul, votes - Elections
  75. Hillary's Math Problem: Huckabee, voters, democratic - Elections
  76. McCain/Rice vs. Clinton/Obama: Condi Rice, voters, Republican, Whitehouse - Elections
  77. McCain VP Thoughts: Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Ron Paul, NAFTA - Elections
  78. Obama prepares to go negative: voters, campaign, impeachment - Elections
  79. News, Rolling Stone Endorses Obama.: vote, democratic, president, Barack Obama - Elections
  80. Female or black president. Which would be more historic?: vote, Obama, African American - Elections
  81. Questions Sen. Obama Should Answer About Tony Rezko: campaign, legal - Elections
  82. At this point, Does Really Care Who Wins This Election?: Congress, Iraq - Elections
  83. love this guy!: employment, Cheney, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  84. Obama wins more Texas delegates: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, campaign - Elections
  85. Obama's history of getting rid of opponents: voters, campaign, democratic - Elections
  86. Time for DNC to force Hillary out: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  87. Clinton's NAFTA hypocricy: Rush Limbaugh, voters, interview, campaign - Elections
  88. How far out will the Democratic primary go?: solution, party, election - Elections
  89. DNC Authorizes a Do-over in Florida and Michigan: votes, regular - Elections
  90. Michigan-Florida and the Candidates: NAFTA, party affiliation, voters, campaign - Elections
  91. Keep it Classy Samantha Power .... Hillary is a MONSTER!: interview, campaign, drugs - Elections
  92. Obama supporters need to stop asking Hillary to step down: votes, campaign - Elections
  93. Congratulations to John McCain Supporters on Hillary's Victory!: Rush Limbaugh, Harry Reid, Ron Paul - Elections
  94. Do-it-yourself Democrat delegate calculator: votes, Congress, legal, impeachment - Elections
  95. Student vote: Obama, rating, supporters, kids - Elections
  96. Dems: If your candidate loses, will you vote for the other?: voters, Democrats - Elections
  97. Obama will win most of the remaining primary states: votes, campaign, polls - Elections
  98. Why won't Hillary release her tax returns?: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  99. Is Hillary setting herself up to be VP - with McCain?: Condi Rice, vote - Elections
  100. Does Bush endorsement help or hurt mccain?: voting, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  101. Clinton / Obama - Public Service Record!: unemployment, 9/11, votes, Congress - Elections
  102. Bloomberg/Obama Ticket: campaign, democrat, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  103. Obama Tries to Throw Mud; Gets Dirty: campaign, democratic - Elections
  104. Ohio: votes, CNN, polls, Clinton - Elections
  105. Obama Nafta Double Talk: vote, Iraq, wage - Elections
  106. March 4th Primaries.. predictions?: Huckabee, voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  107. Oh no he didn't!!!: NAFTA, unemployment, vote, Mexican - Elections
  108. Obama's [Empty] Message of Hope: vote, salary, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  109. Take a Look at this!!!: Ron Paul, voters, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  110. Obama to put Republicans in his Cabinet: voters, Democrats, president - Elections
  111. News, Obama Defends His Christian Religion.: campaign, democratic, president, nationalist - Elections
  112. Why is he so unpatriotic???: conservative, president, Obama, Reed - Elections
  113. Old enough to have voted in a non-Clinton/Bush election?: president, Obama - Elections
  114. Catholics for Obama: Ron Paul, vote, candidacy, death - Elections
  115. Obama & Gays: vote, Iraq, campaign, democratic - Elections
  116. Should McCain Denounce a Bigoted Supporter?: Iran, Iraq, Israel, democratic - Elections
  117. Has the Press been fair?: Huckabee, campaign, CNN, Obama - Elections
  118. Hillary orders draft!: Obama, guns, kids - Elections
  119. Obama Caught Lying Again: NAFTA, vote, campaign, Republicans - Elections
  120. Would Obama finish his Term (if elected)?: president, racist, McCain - Elections
  121. She's giving them more ammunition!: salaries, legal, drug, racist - Elections
  122. Why Is Hillary More Trustworthy At 3:AM: Dick Cheney, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  123. Obama and the message: Huckabee, health care, vote, thoughts - Elections
  124. John McCain must be stopped.: party affiliation, voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  125. Let us not forget that Obama is a member of the CFR: illegal, Democrats - Elections
  126. Jack Nicholson ad: voting, Iraq, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  127. Bush's Parting Gift to America: health care, Iraq, Republicans, president - Elections
  128. Hey, what exactly makes a person a liberal?: vote, middle east, - Elections
  129. Obama Camp Injected Race In Campaign: Colin Powell, salaries, liberal - Elections
  130. Reporter asks when Hillary's been tested. Answer: SILENCE.: Iraq, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  131. According to Media Reports: Obama May Have Been Born in a Manger: campaign, democrat - Elections
  132. News: Barack Obama and Me: voters, Congress, campaign, thoughts - Elections
  133. New Clinton ad: campaign, Democrats, Republicans, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  134. John McCain: Huckabee, vote, Congress, Iraq - Elections
  135. Hillary Clinton Live on SNL at 11:20 PM EST: voters, campaign, democrat - Elections
  136. Candidates and mass transit: interstates, vote, generations, Republicans - Elections
  137. McCain will be back the DRAFT: September 11, vote, Congress, Iran - Elections
  138. Obama Tangles with the Press: NAFTA, campaign, liberals, Clinton - Elections
  139. Will Clinton be the next Huckabee?: voters, campaign, democratic, Republican - Elections
  140. My favorite quote of the week: Ron Paul, vote, legal, controversial - Elections
  141. If Obama and Hillary had sex.: date - Elections
  142. New Obama ad. Because it's better.: Congress, Iraq, campaign, president - Elections
  143. impossible for Hillary to take the pledged delagate lead?: voters, campaign, illegal - Elections
  144. What party are you with and who are you voting for?: Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  145. News, Limbaugh Urges Republicans to Vote for Hillary.: Rush Limbaugh, Huckabee, votes - Elections
  146. Is America Ready for an Asian President?: house of voters, Congress - Elections
  147. Rush's plan angers Republicans: Rush Limbaugh, Huckabee, voters, Democrats - Elections
  148. Obama takes Texas and Ohio! Hillary concedes.: Ron Paul, vote, Clinton - Elections
  149. Obama Supporters show aggression, break rules in Ohio: Ron Paul, voters, campaign - Elections
  150. Charles Gibson just blatently lied!!!: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, campaign - Elections
  151. What country did Obama live in?: voting, Iraq, president - Elections
  152. Obamanomics: Obama & His Wonks: middle east, Reaganomics, Liberalism, Bill Clinton - Elections
  153. Gosh, I Hate Sheep: votes, Iraq, Republican, liberals - Elections
  154. News, McCain's Sissy Middle Name Far Worse Than Obama's.: Iran, democratic - Elections
  155. Dem Voters Being Turned Away in Ohio: democratic, Republicans - Elections
  156. Do people like doing taxes and like the IRS?: Huckabee, health care, votes - Elections
  157. for Hillary Supporters: votes, Congress, Iraq, Democrats - Elections
  158. Predictions for Today?: Clinton, Obama, states, Texas - Elections
  159. Obama's likability polls higher than Hillary and McCain, combined!: vote, Congress - Elections
  160. McCain Doesn't Know His Own SS Plan: health care, Congress, interview - Elections
  161. NAFTA and the presidential candidates: voters, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  162. When should Clinton concede?: vote, candidacy, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  163. Can't Obama Do a Swearing-in For Each Religion?: Cheney, liberals, vice president - Elections
  164. who will make your life better-Democrat or Republican president: Ron Paul, health care system, gas prices - Elections
  165. Black Backers For Clinton Face Threats: John Kerry, voters, Congress - Elections
  166. Hillary Has the support of 30 Retired Generals: Ron Paul, vote, campaign - Elections
  167. latest Zogby poll shows Obama slightly ahead in Texas and Ohio: voters, campaign - Elections
  168. Democrats be Aware - Republicans want Hillary!: Rush Limbaugh, Ron Paul, vote - Elections
  169. Awwwww ... Obama can't take it: liberal, Barack Obama, McCain - Elections
  170. Clinton Campaign Threatens to Sue Texas Democratic Party: Al Gore, Cheney, vote - Elections
  171. Do you think America is ready for a Hispanic presidant?: vote, Congress - Elections
  172. Hillary endorses McCain over Obama: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  173. I've Got High Hopes !: 9/11, vote, Iraq, patriot - Elections
  174. same meat, different gravy: vote, president, American, elect - Elections
  175. News, McCain retools immigration stance.: voters, campaign, conservative, Hispanic - Elections
  176. Obama supporters are cult like according to date, website - Elections
  177. Candidates ... What About Education?: education system, bomb - Elections
  178. Do the Clintons have quid pro quo connected to Library money?: president, Obama - Elections
  179. This Just In: I'm Running for Office: candidacy, Republican, state - Elections
  180. Delegates? - Elections
  181. Diebold Leaks 2008 Election Results...: news - Elections
  182. Hillary's 3am phone call ad!!: Obama - Elections
  183. Hillary Asks, no Begs for Bad Press: campaign, Hillary Clinton, Texas - Elections
  184. Obama's loose lips on Foreign Policy: middle east, president, death, military - Elections
  185. Fantastic!: Republican, president, Obama, McCain - Elections
  186. Hillary Red State counties and Obama is winning blue state counties: Clinton, Texas - Elections
  187. Hillary wins Rhode Island - Elections
  188. Brattleboro & Marlboro, VT Votes to Indict Bush, Cheney: Attorney, vice president, crimes - Elections
  189. First Results In: Obama takes Vermont: vote, news - Elections
  190. An anthropologist's son vs. Chinese envoy??: Clinton, Obama, economy, presidency - Elections
  191. Democratic nomination process: historical precedences and image: voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  192. Is Your Name on the Voting List?: vote, president, election - Elections
  193. Republican McCain trails Clinton and Obama: poll: Democrats, president, Hillary Clinton - Elections
  194. Clinton on The Daily Show - Monday, March 3rd: political - Elections
  195. News Video, Black Clinton Supporter: ‘Obama Campaign Is Trying to Put That Noose on Her Neck’: NAFTA, senator - Elections
  196. Huckabee Bows Out: CNN - Elections
  197. Super delegate talk: democratic, Clinton, Obama, political - Elections
  198. What is the core of the party?: vote, campaign, Obama - Elections
  199. Obama's changing judgment - Elections
  200. News, McCain Tags Dems on Trade Treaty: NAFTA, democratic, Republican - Elections