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  1. Elections are meaningless, since 1933: Putin, vote, Congress, democratic
  2. John Kitzhaber wins third term as Oregon governor: Reagan, president - Elections
  3. Governor Medicare Fraud Scott: health care, vote, democrat - Elections
  4. Will There Really Be Change Now--An Editorial: Harry Reid, vote, Congress - Elections
  5. Class Act, Lieutenant-Colonel, Congressman-Elect, Allen West: patriot, conservative, president, Obama - Elections
  6. Election Ad I would like to see: vote, politicians, party - Elections
  7. New York Elections: voters, represent, government
  8. Democrat Malloy wins Connecticut governor's race; Republican Foley concedes: voting, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  9. Maine: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  10. This is the thing that will kill democrats: house seat, of - Elections
  11. Countdown to armageddon ends tonight!: Republicans - Elections
  12. How many House seats will Republicans gain tonight?: voting, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  13. Democrat trying to violently stifle free speech: vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  14. I spent time at the polls this morning: unemployed, voters, Congress - Elections
  15. Warning warning! Danger, Will Robinson!: American, party, 2010, news - Elections
  16. Will Lisa Murkowski End Up Winning?: votes, Republicans, independent, ideology - Elections
  17. New Mexico elects its first woman Gov. and a Republican.: Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  18. Nutty Angle Gets Beat: Harry Reid, unemployment, votes, security - Elections
  19. Barbour to Bloomberg: Don't Run: voters, Republican, conservative, president - Elections
  20. California Democrat McNerney retains House seat: Congress, democratic, Republican, independent - Elections
  21. Napolitano or Giffords to run for AZ Senate seat?: Congress, democrat, represent - Elections
  22. Rep. Jane Harman D-Calif Resigns.: Congress, Democrats, Liberalism, conservative - Elections
  23. Jon Huntsman Jr: Is Looking At This GOP Candidate?: voters, - Elections
  24. NY-26, Special Election, Tea Party to pursue 3rd Party candidate: campaign, Republicans - Elections
  25. How should GOP candidates handle ethanol subsidies while campaigning in Iowa?: politicians, federal - Elections
  26. I think I may vote for Republican Mayor Mike Gin for departing Congresswoman Jane Harman's seat: votes, enemy - Elections
  27. Palin just gave up the chinese to Obama: Israel, education, political - Elections
  28. Buddy Roemer (R) Running for President 2012: Republicans, party, governor, elect - Elections
  29. The first Campaign Commercial of 2012 - Tim Pawlenty for President?: Ron Paul, Huckabee - Elections
  30. Not looking good for the GOP in 2012 if this is the case: polls, Obama - Elections
  31. Texas Republicans want a 'Christian Conservative' to Replace a Jew: house of Palestinian - Elections
  32. Democrat Mark Dayton wins governor's race in Minnesota; Republican Tom Emmer concedes: vote, legal - Elections
  33. Democratic Rep. Jim Costa holds on to California seat: Congress, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  34. Idea for a new election system: party affiliation, voters, liberal, conservative - Elections
  35. Tea party plans primary challenge to Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.): Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  36. Joe Lieberman will Retire: health care, Republicans, insurance - Elections
  37. Sen Kent Conrad (ND-D) to Retire: employment, vote, democratic, Republicans - Elections
  38. McCltachy-Marist poll Obama up by 12 over Huckabee, 13 over Romney, 26 over Palin: campaign, - Elections
  39. My thoughts: vote, Democrats, Republicans, liberals - Elections
  40. More Reasons I Don't Support Palin for Public Office--An Editorial: votes, Congress - Elections
  41. RCP status for CT, CA, AK, and NH: elections, elect
  42. Standing on principle: would you throw away your vote?: Michael Bloomberg, thoughts - Elections
  43. Election Day is: vote, campaign, Reagan, Democrats - Elections
  44. Vote-fraud folklore serves its purpose: Franken, voters, illegal, Democrats - Elections
  45. Divided we make money: Why the stock market wants a Republican victory: voting, Democrats - Elections
  46. Final Gallup Poll sees historic GOP wave into 'uncharted territory' of a 60-seat gain or beyond: house seat, of - Elections
  47. Restraining order, placed on Progressives: votes, Democrats, poll - Elections
  48. Two Ways to Report Voter Fraud tomorrow: world, work - Elections
  49. Joe Miller ahead in all the polls: vote, liberals, million - Elections
  50. Midterm elections 2010: Prepare for a new American revolution -- insight from the UK: Harry Reid, Dick Cheney
  51. Latest Poll Shows Joe Miller Ahead.: unemployment, vote, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  52. VOTE: America Rising: Reid, Pelosi - Elections
  53. Ben Smith @ Politico: Wait, is that...Morgan Freeman (doing a voice over for a Republican ad)?: voters, patriot - Elections
  54. Palin to Manchin: Stay in West Virginia: vote, campaign, president - Elections
  55. Ellison (D) Meltdown in MN - Video of Presser he Crashes: voting, democratic - Elections
  56. So it begins... the GOP 2012 race.. and I'm sick to my stomach.: Ron Paul, NAFTA - Elections
  57. Latest a Presidential Candidate Can Declare for 2012?: vote, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  58. The Obama Re-Election Effort Begins: unemployment, voting, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  59. Why did the Democrats lose the last election?: unemployment, voters, Congress - Elections
  60. Breaking: Rahm Emmanuel Back on the Ballot: vote, million, state - Elections
  61. How will you spend Election Night?: vote, security, polls, party - Elections
  62. Republicans for president in 2012: Ron Paul, Huckabee, vote, campaign - Elections
  63. Breaking: Rahm Emanuel Kicked-off Chicago Mayoral Ballot: legal, politicians - Elections
  64. CA Governor Brown elected via Cambiando California and SEIU: voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  65. Palin- she's running: interview, president, suspect, deaths - Elections
  66. 12 Reasons Obama Wins in 2012: voters, enemy, campaign, poll - Elections
  67. Herman Cain running for President: vote, Republican, poll, Obama - Elections
  68. Message to republicans! earn this !!: Rush Limbaugh, voting, generation - Elections
  69. Huckabee Might Not Run: campaign, Republicans, liberal, conservative - Elections
  70. New 2012 Presidential Campaign Poll: Obama Rising, Palin Falling: Huckabee, vote, Democrats - Elections
  71. 75,000 Page Tax Code.: vote, Congress, Democrats, cocaine - Elections
  72. The US is ready for a gay president: conservative, death, Obama - Elections
  73. Rahm Emmanuel's residency status hearing to be Monday: liberal, president, Obama - Elections
  74. Religion and Candidacy: Huckabee, vote, Congress, enemy - Elections
  75. Bloomberg rules out 2012 presidential bid: Rush Limbaugh, unemployment, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  76. Paul/Christie vs Obama/Biden [2012 prez]: Ron Paul, patriot, campaign, Republican - Elections
  77. Kucinich Might Be Redistricted Out of a Job: health care, Congress, - Elections
  78. Donald Trump for president: vote, interview, Obama, compare - Elections
  79. Obama a cinch winner if he can get nominated in the primaries: health care, voters - Elections
  80. 2010 GOP Nomination - Mitt Romney resigns from Marriott: Harry Reid, Huckabee, health care - Elections
  81. Can't wait!!: Congress, legal, Democrats, Reed - Elections
  82. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) considers run for President: vote, Republican, spokesman - Elections
  83. Looks Like The Republicans Have Their Ace Card Against Obama For 2012: Huckabee, vote - Elections
  84. Mitch Daniels: votes, Democrats, Republicans, conservative - Elections
  85. Texas Sen Kay Bailey Hutchison will not seek re-election in 2012!: vote, campaign - Elections
  86. Rahm Emanuel:Too Big to Fail: Congress, conservative, represent, political - Elections
  87. My prediction for 2012 POTUS: John Kerry, Ron Paul, votes, legal - Elections
  88. Bachmann increasingly serious about presidential bid: vote, candidacy, campaign, Republican - Elections
  89. will obama win re-election?: ethical, Republicans, party, economy - Elections
  90. what do you think about ron paul or herman cain winning the republican nomination?: Huckabee, vote - Elections
  91. Cook: 2012/2014 Looking Really Bad for Senate Democrats: health care, votes, campaign - Elections
  92. GOP Primary Voters only: Republican, polls, Obama, elections
  93. Mitt Romney's Southern Problem: Ron Paul, Huckabee, health care, voters - Elections
  94. Republicans, how can you win on your platform?: health care, voters, campaign - Elections
  95. 2012 Presidential Election Bumper Stickers: unemployed, Democrats, Republican, Obama - Elections
  96. Should we have primaries anymore?: votes, illegal, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  97. Rudy Running Again?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, campaign, conservative - Elections
  98. Pawlenty in for 2012: Republican, president, Obama - Elections
  99. Is there you wouldn't vote for over Obama?: John Kerry, democrat, Republican - Elections
  100. It's hard to imagine Obama Losing in 2012: Ron Paul, vote, enemy - Elections
  101. Liberal Media Destroys O'Donnell But What About This Clown?: unemployed, candidacy, campaign - Elections
  102. Thoughts on Obama: vote, campaign, liberals, conservative - Elections
  103. Rahm Emanuel elected Chicago mayor: enemies, president, politicians, elections
  104. Thune Makes it Official: Huckabee, Republicans, president - Elections
  105. Sen. Webb (D-VA) One and Done: health care, vote, interview, Democrats - Elections
  106. Republitarians and others, what are your thoughts on Gary Johnson: Ron Paul, voters - Elections
  107. Senator John Kyl R-Arizona to retire, won't seek re-election: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  108. The Iowa Caucuses are just one year away!: vote, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  109. The Unlikely Write-In Victory of Sen. Murkowski: voters, campaign, Republican - Elections
  110. The GOP's Flawed Candidates for 2012: candidacy, illegal, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  111. 12 reasons that Obama loses in 2012: liberals, president, speech, Bush - Elections
  112. Huckabee missing: Republican, elect, states, 2012 - Elections
  113. Donald Trump for President.: Ron Paul, voters, generation, campaign - Elections
  114. Obama for 2012?: Ron Paul, Huckabee, unemployed, voters - Elections
  115. Gay Conservative Group Launches Ad Ripping Boxer, Pelosi, and...Barney Frank: Congress, campaign - Elections
  116. It is time to support Congressman Ron Paul again.....: vote, Iraq, patriot - Elections
  117. What if Obama dropped Biden for Giffords in 2012?: Attorney, political, election - Elections
  118. Gallop: Obama tied with generic Republican for Presidential Race: voters, campaign - Elections
  119. Ariz. Sheriff Joe Arpaio senate run: vote, campaign, illegal - Elections
  120. I don't think I am going to vote: votes, democrat, Republican - Elections
  121. The Demoratic offensive begins: vote, campaign, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  122. Judge rules against Joe Miller in Alaska Senate race: votes, legal, Republican - Elections
  123. For of you who voted Republican.: health care, 9/11, Congress - Elections
  124. What was that lound bang I heard last night?: vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  125. Should voting straight party be eliminated?: party affiliation, vote, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  126. So.... where's all that enthusiasm on Wall Street for the Republican Win?: Republicans, Obama - Elections
  127. Divided We Fail: unemployed, interview, patriot, Republicans - Elections
  128. Nevada Senate election: unemployment, votes, Democrats, Reed - Elections
  129. Did Christine O'donnell's long hair impact her credibility?: Republican, Clinton - Elections
  130. Wow, that didn't take long!: unemployment, voters, Congress, campaign - Elections
  131. GOP Wave Engulfs State Legislatures: house of vote, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  132. I want a recall election of our new FL governor: unemployed, health care - Elections
  133. Obama/Romney/Sanders: health care, voters, middle east, Israel - Elections
  134. Robocall tells Los Angeles Latinos to Vote a Day After the Election: voters, illegal - Elections
  135. GOP 'run over by a truck' in California: unemployment, voters, campaign - Elections
  136. Let's do it again. Vote republican: votes, Congress, generations, democrat - Elections
  137. Can you have a decent discussion with a Dem. after the GOP won?: Harry Reid, health care - Elections
  138. Democrats deserve to lose but do the republicans deserve to win: unemployment, Congress - Elections
  139. (R)asmussen WAS biased..: Congress, campaign, Democrats - Elections
  140. My dog could have won on the GOP Platform last night: votes, Democrats - Elections
  141. Delaware Turnout HIGH today!: vote, Republican, poll, party - Elections
  142. The WAVE Is CRASHING On Shore Right Now!!!: Rush Limbaugh, vote, Congress - Elections
  143. ***2010 Mid Terms Election Night Results***: Harry Reid, Congress, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  144. Want you to die ... Grayson: Congress, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  145. Who Are The 5 Candidates You Will Be Rooting For The Most, Tonight?: Tom Tancredo, house seat - Elections
  146. Can't wait for the results tonight: voting, Congress, Republican - Elections
  147. Reid's last stand: Harry Reid, votes, campaign, Republican - Elections
  148. Republican Win's: unemployment, Congress, Democrats, Pelosi - Elections
  149. Michele Bachmann To MSNBC's Chris Matthews: That Thrill Isn't Tingly Anymore!: Congress, democrat - Elections
  150. Did Obama listen on Election night?: voters, Democrats, radical, American - Elections
  151. States that vote in Tea Party candidates should be cut off from federal perks: voters, campaign - Elections
  152. Nancy Pelosi, The Astroturf Have Spoken: voting, Congress, Democrats, president - Elections
  153. GOP falls short; Senate belongs to Dems: health care, Congress, Democrats - Elections
  154. The California Firewall = GOP Loses: legal, Democrats - Elections
  155. Racist SC just elected an female Indian American governor and black conservative congressman: Republicans, Hispanic - Elections
  156. Republicans who want to cut Defense spending: Ron Paul, Iran, Iraq - Elections
  157. Democrat Pat Quinn wins IL Governor's race; Republican won't concede: votes, democratic - Elections
  158. Republicans stall important legislation, did you know?: health care, 9/11, votes - Elections
  159. 12 Reasons to Vote Democrat Tuesday.: health care, voters, gallon, security - Elections
  160. John Bolton to consider GOP Presidential run: security, Democrats - Elections
  161. Republicans Win Another Seat!: Democrats, Liberalism, conservative, Obama - Elections
  162. California's GOP is Sinking Fast: voters, generation, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  163. Senator John Ensign: I'm Running Again in 2012: campaign, ethical, illegal - Elections
  164. The Youth vote shows the future of the GOP in trouble: voters, illegal - Elections
  165. Something Different For Republican 2012 Primaries: Ron Paul, voters, democrat, Republicans - Elections
  166. Don't we love Seattle: votes, democratic, liberal, Murray - Elections
  167. And So The Fear Mongering Begins: vote, security, Republicans, liberal - Elections
  168. My revised Palin/Obama electoral map...: Republican, liberal, conservative, poll - Elections
  169. To all who are poor or middle class.....: John Kerry, health care system, voters - Elections
  170. 2012-Palin/Blomberg/Obama: vote, Republican, president, party - Elections
  171. In 2012 You Know This Will Happen: Rush Limbaugh, voters, Democrats, Republicans - Elections
  172. Weathy Manhattanites and Voter Fraud?: voters, Congress, Republican, activist - Elections
  173. Republicans urge Palin NOT to run: vote, democrat, liberal - Elections
  174. Donald Trump may run for president: unemployment, vote, candidacy, - Elections
  175. Do You See 2012 Stealth Candidates for President?: Republican, conservative, Obama - Elections
  176. New Governor in Oklahoma: vote, campaign, liberal - Elections
  177. Nancy Pelosi Wants To Be The New Minority Leader.: vote, Congress, legal - Elections
  178. After Election Day, do you think Obama will stay Left as Democrats shift more to the center: vote, Congress - Elections
  179. How The West Wasnt Won: unemployment, party affiliation, vote, campaign - Elections
  180. Don't you people realize elections are rigged?: votes, Congress, democrat
  181. Voter Turnout; Just Bragging: house seat, voters, campaign, - Elections
  182. Arizona's traitor Raul Grijalva wins back his Congressional seat: voters, enemies - Elections
  183. Sarah Palin says she could beat President Obama in 2012: health care, vote, interview - Elections
  184. Elections have Consequences!!: vote, campaign, Republican
  185. Obama stops overseas military votes = 2,800,000 votes: Congress, Republican, solution, Bush - Elections
  186. Conservative Marco Rubio Won 55 Percent of Latino Vote in Florida Senate Race, Says Exit Poll: Mexican, Republicans - Elections
  187. Senate Retirements: Who Will Announce and What Will It Mean In 2012: campaign, Democrats - Elections
  188. Before you vote, check out the attached Washington Post..: political, election, elect - Elections
  189. 2010: a campaign year driven by conflicted emotions...: unemployment, voters, Democrats - Elections
  190. Effects of the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling on elections, now and in the future: Obama, Feingold
  191. did a realistic sim of the republic nomination in 2012 with president forever: Huckabee - Elections
  192. Republicans Could Make A Move To Clean Up Voter Fraud: Dead Voters: death, cost - Elections
  193. American Hero - Elections
  194. Live Feed, watch this! It is hilarious!: news - Elections
  195. Campaign season coming to close - Elections
  196. 2012 Ad Blitz for Obama Planned: news - Elections
  197. Why We Need to Elect Who Will Protect Our Border...: vote, Mexicans - Elections
  198. What do over 330,000 Democrats have in common?: voters, party, election - Elections
  199. Michelle Obama: There is so much at stake.: election, elect - Elections
  200. Nate Silver's Hour by Hour, District by District Election Guide: poll, state - Elections