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  1. If We Having BIBLE TALK Let's Have BIBLE TALK ONLY ?: dinosaur, testimony - Christianity
  2. Tower of Babel story takes place in the days of Arphaxad: hell, believe - Christianity
  3. First Philistine cemetery found in Israel.: Biblical, Earth, people - Christianity
  4. Ken Ham and his Ark: spiritual, religion - Christianity
  5. WISDOM OF MAN PEOPLE Never Understand A Child Of God ?: Gospel, church - Christianity
  6. Noah's Ark: If it were real, could a drone find it?: Bible, Israel - Christianity
  7. CHRISTIANITY Never About My Beliefs Vs. Your Beliefs ?: dinosaur, hell, church
  8. Are We HELPING Each Other Live Out Amos 3:3 ?: Bible, Israel, worship - Christianity
  9. Live prayer event for peace tomorrow---: hell, believe, prayers, POV - Christianity
  10. NEW IN CHRIST Gave Up The Wisdom Of Man For The Wisdom Of God ?: dinosaur, woman - Christianity
  11. The mathematical nature of physical reality: hell, beliefs, Holy Spirit, Jesus - Christianity
  12. Fundamentalism and Racism: Darwin, preacher, sunday, fundamentalist - Christianity
  13. No John 8:31 People Are Bible Haters ?: Micah, dinosaur, church, Revelation - Christianity
  14. CHURCH IS NOT CHURCH Until We Live Out Amos 3:3 ?: dinosaur, women, Revelation - Christianity
  15. Ann Graham Lots Appears On Jim Bakker: hell, church, lukewarm - Christianity
  16. Has Satan Put Blinders on Organized Christian Faith?: churches, lukewarm, Jesus - Christianity
  17. Calling A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD What It Is Enough ?: dinosaur, doctrine, church - Christianity
  18. Why would a loving God let someone be in torment for eternity....THE ANSWER.: hell, allegory - Christianity
  19. CHURCH The Bible Way If We Christians ?: pray, Christ, Matthew - Christianity
  20. BIBLE HATERS Have Love Only Religion NOT Christianity ?: dinosaur, church, Revelation
  21. Change the World Toroow, IT S so easy. MY AGENDA IS DA 'VINCI: believe, Bible - Christianity
  22. The love of God vs the love of man?: women, disciples, Jesus - Christianity
  23. The hidden message of God and His Son.: women, believe, scripture - Christianity
  24. A serious wake-up call - part 2: Gospel, doctrine, church, preach - Christianity
  25. Adam = domesticated: evolution, Bible, heaven, religion - Christianity
  26. Christian intentional communities?: theist, Baptist, Commandment, Christians - Christianity
  27. Truth About The Romans 3:21 & John 15:12 Experts Today ?: dinosaur, church, Revelation - Christianity
  28. Logos = El-Chaz = all-seeing = Cyclops: Revelation, experience, God, Earth - Christianity
  29. CAN'T LIVE OUT JOHN 17:21 With John 15:12 ONLY ?: dinosaur, doctrine, Revelation - Christianity
  30. The Imitation Of Christ: Gospel, punishment, Jesus Christ, Bible - Christianity
  31. WHEN Christianity Is Philosophy And Not Christianity ?: dinosaur, church, Revelation
  32. WHEN PSALMS 133:1 Is Really Lived Out ?: hell, woman, churches, preacher - Christianity
  33. WHEN THE PSALMS 133:1 EXPERIENCE Is Exciting ?: the passion, dinosaur, lukewarm, zealous - Christianity
  34. Elohym = young of God: Jesus, Israel, vain, Commandment - Christianity
  35. What is the Chapel’s Summer Fashion Mass: dress code, women, church - Christianity
  36. Cain and Abel were both keepers: Bible, Adam, religion - Christianity
  37. New wine festival and the Crucifixion: Gospel, women, priest, Jesus - Christianity
  38. All the prophets ?: Micah, Torah, Tanakh, messages - Christianity
  39. HOW DOES A CHRISTIAN Live Out Psalms 133:1 Today ?: dinosaur, church, Revelation - Christianity
  40. Peter's Hope: Gospel, hell, church, Revelation - Christianity
  41. UNITY Of God's People Has No Short Cuts In God ?: hell, church - Christianity
  42. 153 fish: Gospel, disciples, Jesus, Bible - Christianity
  43. From the Bible: The works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21): Jesus, Kingdom - Christianity
  44. NO INTELLECTUAL TEST Just A Bible Believer Test To Live Out Amos 3:3 ?: Gospel, dinosaur - Christianity
  45. Looking for water at lake or stream baptize in DFW Texas. Or. Texas assp: Gospel, hell - Christianity
  46. Age Groups and Church Service Styles: churches, prayer, Jesus, worship - Christianity
  47. A GIANT ENEMY In Christianity Called PHILOSOPHY ?: dinosaur, hell, testimonies
  48. EX Jehovah Witnesses and Faders, A ..: conventions - Christianity
  49. The FACTS Are The FACTS ?: dinosaur, church, Revelation, believers - Christianity
  50. 6th hour after what?: Gospel, woman, Jesus, Jacob - Christianity
  51. Christianity Is BOTH Simple And Deep Too ?: dinosaur, women, church
  52. Who is worthy to open the book,: God, heaven, Earth - Christianity
  53. My Christian friend.: women, churches, preacher, beliefs - Christianity
  54. Can't Mock 2 Timothy 3:16 With Romans 10:9 ?: Revelation, believe, scripture, Jesus - Christianity
  55. WHEN Conversation In God Is Getting Anywhere ?: dinosaur, doctrine, Revelation - Christianity
  56. Natural Disasters, Market Crash, Killings A Blind Eye By The Church?: preacher, believers - Christianity
  57. Christianity REAL ENOUGH ?: tradition, dinosaur, Revelation, sinners
  58. Gospel harmony based on John: religion - Christianity
  59. If Your Quiet With 10% Of The Bible YOUR LUKEWARM ?: church, Revelation, believe - Christianity
  60. Blessed items: believe, faith, spiritual, Baptist - Christianity
  61. Steve Ray pilgramage---come along with him: church, believer, pray, spiritual - Christianity
  62. Prayer for Fathers: faith, spiritual, God, Earth - Christianity
  63. If You’re LGBTQ, Here’s What One Pastor Really Hopes You Know: hell, abomination - Christianity
  64. Is Hatred THE BIGGEST ENEMY With Christianity ?: hell, church, Revelation
  65. What is the Messianic Age Meant to Look Like?...: Torah, Tanakh, Messiah - Christianity
  66. Albert Finch: hell, church, exodus, Moses - Christianity
  67. Rightly Dividing Scripture - the Reason Christianity is Scrambled: crucify, tradition, Gospels
  68. I'm having a hard time understanding what prophecy & tounges means in I Corinthians 14: messages, doctrine - Christianity
  69. Denominations that practice and enforce Biblical living: Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, hell - Christianity
  70. God's Mission Statement: Micah, woman, lukewarm, prayer - Christianity
  71. This is interesting...Religion of the Hebrews conection to the religion of the Sumerians...: paradise, myth - Christianity
  72. Is He who judges righteously the Son of man ?: church, believe, sinners - Christianity
  73. ONLY BRAG About John 8:31 If All The Bible Is Your Cup Of Tea ?: dinosaur, doctrine - Christianity
  74. :::Can You Answer This? Why In Consistent Church Attendance Well Of?: messages, churches - Christianity
  75. Who is worthy of love?: church, scripture, prayers, Christ - Christianity
  76. 8 Little-Known Facts About St. Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus: church, Messiah - Christianity
  77. How to deal with extremely religious and judgemental family members?: Jehovah's Witnesses, hell - Christianity
  78. Christian Belief: What is your basis?: hell, Revelation, preacher, believe - Christianity
  79. Christian leader faces crimes AGAINST HUMANITY CHARGES!: women, preaching, beliefs - Christianity
  80. Choosing to Believe?: traditions, church, beliefs, scripture - Christianity
  81. Does God Set People Up To Be Punished?: crucified, hell, punishment - Christianity
  82. What do you think of street preachers? (the bullhorn kind): Gospel, hell - Christianity
  83. Only bible fundamentalists need setting free from the bible: believers, scriptures, Moses - Christianity
  84. something happen to me: purification, Gospels, testimony, Revelation - Christianity
  85. Methodist & Episcopalian: Lutheran, hell, churches, preaching - Christianity
  86. The Birth Of Christ On Krishna Janmaashtami: traditions, incarnation, Buddhism - Christianity
  87. I love Jesus, but I don't want to believe in Heaven: messages, Jehovah - Christianity
  88. If we had the Book of Daniel to prophecy the Last Days....: Gospels, abomination - Christianity
  89. What does everyone think of eastern orthodoxy?: the passion, traditions, hell - Christianity
  90. Why is Lust a horrible sin? How is it harmful?: scripture, Jesus Christ - Christianity
  91. What is a good Bible version?: churches, scripture, verses, translation - Christianity
  92. The Great And Terrible Evil Of The Denomic Pokemon~ Is it evil?: traditions, coffin - Christianity
  93. preterist fellowships: believe, pray, Bible, worship - Christianity
  94. Things that are free that money cannot by: Jesus, sunday, eternal - Christianity
  95. Is there a difference between Protestants and Catholics?: traditions, Buddhism, hell - Christianity
  96. Is God only love?: punishment, Jesus Christ, Bible, worship - Christianity
  97. Nero, the burning of Rome, Christians, Romans 13 - A conspiracy theory, Thrillobyte, what say ye?: hell, myth - Christianity
  98. Transgender persons want rights far beyond what regular persons want: abomination, women - Christianity
  99. Comments on Tithe cases: Comments welcome: woman, churches, scripture, pray - Christianity
  100. What if Jews were correct, in that Jesus WAS NOT the Messiah, what be different now or would/should change?: Torah, woman - Christianity
  101. The EXODUS - Problems with the story: Pentateuch, hell, myth - Christianity
  102. Christians and Healing: Jehovah, churches, Revelation, believe - Christianity
  103. Getting thousands of wild animals into a wooden houseboat: dinosaur, woman, church - Christianity
  104. From now on and forever!!! God: Gospel, Jehovah, myth, beliefs - Christianity
  105. If Jesus Was Our Sin Offering Why Did Leviticus 4:32 Command a FEMALE Lamb Be Offered?: Messiah, Moses - Christianity
  106. Pastor or Reverend: Lutheran, churches, preacher, pray - Christianity
  107. NEVER MIND OPINIONS Where The Real Bible Believers ?: dinosaur, hell, doctrine - Christianity
  108. priest head cut off, what will it take for pope to learn you can not hug it out.: crucifixion, hell - Christianity
  109. When Did Adam & Eve Exist In History: myth, believe, evolution - Christianity
  110. Vision of 10 weeks now fully worked out: Bible, spiritual, bless - Christianity
  111. Could Jesus solve world hunger?: believers, Jesus Christ, God, Christian - Christianity
  112. Is GOD compaasionate towards Animals?: Gospel, preach, believe, sin - Christianity
  113. The Nature of The Messiah...: Torah, Tanakh, believe, priests - Christianity
  114. Metaphysical Implications of Modern Science: Eden, hell, woman, Darwin - Christianity
  115. How The Majority Of Christians Have Unknowingly Teamed Up With Constantine.: crucifixion, tradition - Christianity
  116. Independent Catholic churches?: believe, dogmas, pray, priest - Christianity
  117. Shemitah Jubilee Year Update: Messiah, pray, mystic, Jesus - Christianity
  118. ALL the Apostles Were Apostles to the Gentiles. Who Needed Paul?: Gospel, churches - Christianity
  119. What can help bring youth back to mainline churches?: Gospel, Lutheran, presbyterian - Christianity
  120. Christian demographics: I would describe myself as...: hell, believe, Christians - Christianity
  121. From the Bible: For the woman (1 Peter 3:3-4): women, believe, verse - Christianity
  122. Who did Jesus have faith in?...: Revelation, believe, Holy Spirit, verse - Christianity
  123. The Water: Revelation, Moses, sin, Jesus - Christianity
  124. Why no first-hand records of Jesus's words?: tradition, Gospels, church - Christianity
  125. Powerful New Movie The Innocents Confronts Ideologies of Evil That Threaten Human Life: myths, women - Christianity
  126. Jesus defines the light.: church, believe, praying, worship - Christianity
  127. The Good and the Bad (denominations): Lutheran, doctrine, churches, Antichrist - Christianity
  128. Noah' Ark, The Mystery: scripture, evolve, Jesus, Bible - Christianity
  129. Eternity *before* creation: hell, doctrine, believe, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  130. The Father and His love as Jesus explains.: believe, scripture, mystic - Christianity
  131. The eye of the needle: woman, Revelation, scripture, disciples - Christianity
  132. I Scalped Tickets To A Christian Music Concert: hell, believe, sinners - Christianity
  133. Christianity Is About FACTS Not Philosophical Control ?: dinosaur, hell, women
  134. Another wandering into and around a Christian Church: messages, presbyterian, myth - Christianity
  135. The Book Of Daniel has no correlation to the Book Of Revelation...: abomination, woman - Christianity
  136. PEOPLE HATERS have power-only-religion not the gospel of Jesus Christ: Eden, hell - Christianity
  137. How sin separates us from God: church, believe, scriptures, prayer - Christianity
  138. What I Hear . . .: traditions, Gospel, hell, Sodom - Christianity
  139. The simple message of Christ: Gospel, hell, testimony, beliefs - Christianity
  140. Tim Staples talks-----: doctrine, women, believe, scriptures - Christianity
  141. Christian group vandalizes ancient Mexican archaeological site: Jehovah, church, beliefs - Christianity
  142. The magical and mystical world of a child: hell, believe, Jesus - Christianity
  143. Can You Have A Relationship With God If Short Cut Unity Is Your Cup Of Tea ?: tradition, dinosaur - Christianity
  144. A solemn wake-up call: paradise, doctrine, church, believe - Christianity
  145. Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?: crucifixion, believe - Christianity
  146. Logical/Evidential Problem of Evil: sin, mystic, Jesus Christ, Bible - Christianity
  147. Pope Francis reprimanded by true Catholics.: tradition, doctrine, church - Christianity
  148. Sign of The Times? Pillar of Fire Christian K-8 To Close After 72 Years.: churches, believers - Christianity
  149. Messianic Worship: Torah, crucifixion, Gospels, Leviticus - Christianity
  150. If LOVE is not enough, your religion is detritus...: Gospel, scriptures, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  151. You are sentence for what you did before you arrived on this planet: hell, women - Christianity
  152. The Lie Of Homophobia Masking The Real Underlying Reactions: godless, believe, disciples - Christianity
  153. Prove that your favorite verse was inspired: hell, believe, scripture - Christianity
  154. Paul admitted to not understanding Old Testament: traditions, Gospel, Epistles - Christianity
  155. As a saved Christian, isn't God essentially saving YOU from HIM?: doctrine, believe - Christianity
  156. your favorite apostle: Gospel, disciple, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ - Christianity
  157. Really struggling with my faith: need advice: believers, prayer, Christ - Christianity
  158. What if there were no Bible?: tradition, testimony, believe, scriptures - Christianity
  159. The proper fear of God: Gospel, hell, Deuteronomy, believe - Christianity
  160. Cloning Jesus from the shroud of Turin!: creation, spiritual, God - Christianity
  161. Pray For Who Blame Christians For the Orlando Massacre: Jesus, blood - Christianity
  162. Livelystone passed: hell, believe, blessings, Lord - Christianity
  163. Orlando a Harbinger? evidence supports it.: traditions, punishment, doctrine - Christianity
  164. ...thy whole body is full of light...: women, believe, scripture - Christianity
  165. The parable of the good samaritan, revised: Gospel, woman, scripture - Christianity
  166. Why does God allow evil and suffering to happen?: church, believe, pray - Christianity
  167. Jesus did not say it!!: disciple, Commandment, God, Lord - Christianity
  168. pray for the people of Nice, France: believe, Israel, God - Christianity
  169. Do you believe in signs from God? (If yes, read): Gospel, woman - Christianity
  170. Are my fellow Christians voting for Trump/Pence??: believe, sinners, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  171. But Jesus knew what they were thinking and said...: Torah, Gospels - Christianity
  172. What does 1 Cor 5 mean to Christians ?: church, preach, believer - Christianity
  173. Were there two penguins on Noah's ark?: dinosaur, creation, Creator - Christianity
  174. Tithe or pay off debts: Gospel, hell, church, scripture - Christianity
  175. NO BIBLE LOVER Is A People Hater People Lovers Can Be Bible Haters ?: dinosaur, testimony - Christianity
  176. How does the church: churches, believe, evolution, prayers - Christianity
  177. Does Jesus have the ability to fly?: hell, heaven - Christianity
  178. Molecular Repair Mechanisms - Why?: hell, dogma, evolution, creation - Christianity
  179. Are United Methodists permitted to socially drink?: churches, abstinence, prayer - Christianity
  180. Paul's experience: Revelation, beliefs, prayer, Jesus - Christianity
  181. Jesus describes a child of God.: believe, scripture, Holy Spirit, prophets - Christianity
  182. Nobody Hiding From John 15:12 JUST AMOS 3:3 ?: dinosaur, Revelation, funeral, exodus - Christianity
  183. Past Pilgrimage Journal - Christianity
  184. George Whitefield - Blind Bartimaeus: believing, Jesus Christ, faith, repentance - Christianity
  185. What faith and grace experts miss ?: believe, Isaiah, Matthew, salvation - Christianity
  186. IF AMOS 3:3 THE BOOK Are We Looking For Each Other ?: dinosaur, church - Christianity
  187. 15th year of Tiberius would be 26 AD: celebrated, celebrate - Christianity
  188. John 17:21 Is Just As Serious AS WHAT IN THE BIBLE ?: Revelation, exodus - Christianity
  189. Christianity Doesn't Have 90% Unity With People Only ?: Matthew, God, Hebrew
  190. Critics Will Be Critics But AMOS 3:3 STILL THE BOOK ?: dinosaur, Revelation, believers - Christianity
  191. THE CHURCH IS WHERE Bible Christianity Is 100% Real To People ?: dinosaur, Revelation
  192. ASSUME You Fit In With 100% Bible Believers ?: exodus, Christ, Matthew - Christianity
  193. CONTINUE IN GOD More Then Romans 3:21 And John 15:12 ?: Revelation, believe, exodus - Christianity
  194. WHY Christianity Is Barely John 15:12 ?: dinosaur, testimonies, believer, sinners
  195. Marcus Grodi: The Early Church Fathers I Never Saw: presbyterian - Christianity
  196. CHURCH Starts When We Get Rid Of The Love Experts And Atonement Experts Only ?: dinosaur, Revelation - Christianity
  197. IF Christianity Is JOHN 15:12 Then Christianity Is AMOS 3:3 ?: dinosaur, Revelation, believers
  198. Philosophy SAYS Salvation Is Romans 10:9 And John 15:12 Only ?: believe, Christ, Bible - Christianity
  199. DENOMINATIONS Is A Label By 90% Bible Believers ?: dinosaur, women, church - Christianity
  200. the Jews sought him at the feast: Gospel, Jesus, religion - Christianity