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  1. Archeologists: Queen of Shebas' Gold Mine Found?: Solomon, Bible, Biblical - Christianity
  2. Was Jesus Neanderthal by 1 to 4 per cent?: women, believe, Moses - Christianity
  3. Who Can Deny God Is The Wisdom Champion Of All Time ?: Gospel, women - Christianity
  4. God takes care of Hs own...: women, faith, bless, Lord - Christianity
  5. Reverence vs Irreverence: hell, women, church, believe - Christianity
  6. Protestant Reformers on Contraception: procreation, Leviticus, Sodom, woman - Christianity
  7. Can We Prove All The Bible Is By God To Be A 100% Bible Believer ??: Gospel, doctrine - Christianity
  8. Can you Imagine: Gospel, church, believe, sin - Christianity
  9. Think about this.: Gospel, hell, punishment, churches - Christianity
  10. Is Alcohol and Gambling Immoral???: Latter Day Saints, Lutherans, testimony, churches - Christianity
  11. Sin-study--be sin free and make the devil pay for it!: punishment, preach - Christianity
  12. What are we really arguing about?: church, preach, beliefs, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  13. The Throne of Grace !!: Gospel, church, believe, prayer - Christianity
  14. How Does God Form The Body Of Christ People Together ??: doctrine, women - Christianity
  15. The term Dark Ages had nothing to do with Catholicism and is no longer used: doctrine, women - Christianity
  16. Green pastures: faith, world - Christianity
  17. Humble..: scriptures, perfect, gods - Christianity
  18. Doing our Duties: communion, grace, bless, forgive - Christianity
  19. prayer, the key to all problems: prayers, Jesus Christ, Bible, worship - Christianity
  20. Christian Lifestyles: beliefs, Jesus Christ, translation, faith - Christianity
  21. Brehon/Irish Catholic Church: doctrine, beliefs, history, confess - Christianity
  22. Does A Flawed Christian Trust In The Blood To Be Saved Only ??: Gospel, Revelation - Christianity
  23. Should children read the old testament?: hell, women, churches, believe - Christianity
  24. what am i to do: pray, sinned, Jesus, blood - Christianity
  25. Exoplanet GJ 1214b, Found By NASA's Hubble Telescope, May Be First Super-Earth 'Waterworld': messages, history - Christianity
  26. Pray For Us: believe, praying, marriage, God - Christianity
  27. Meditations on the Cross: crucified, believing, Jesus, translate - Christianity
  28. in the end?: Jehovah, believe, pray, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  29. Don't quote scripture...should I feel inferior or something?: myth, church, scriptures - Christianity
  30. The Harbinger Messanic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn: Revelation, believe, scripture, Israel - Christianity
  31. frutiful treee?: doctrine, church, preaching, scriptures - Christianity
  32. Law Before Grace & Law After Grace : Is It So ?: hell, doctrine - Christianity
  33. Acts 23:12-13: Jews, God - Christianity
  34. For Catholics in the forum (others welcomed): Gospel, believers, scriptures - Christianity
  35. Another Christian Jokes ..: church, preacher, believe, Moses - Christianity
  36. Not A Word To Be Heard: Revelation, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Matthew - Christianity
  37. Do Christians find ideas from other religions appealing?: reincarnation, church, beliefs - Christianity
  38. Proverbs 29 v 2: preach, believe, prayers, sin - Christianity
  39. Answer me this: Gospel, church, preach, scripture - Christianity
  40. Truth or: women, church, believe, Jesus - Christianity
  41. Gods forgiveness?: believe, praying, sin, marriage - Christianity
  42. Another Chance? Feeling The story of Hosea!: Torah, punishment, believe - Christianity
  43. Controversial topic for Christians/Catholics: pre-marital test drive: woman, church, believe - Christianity
  44. A greater Lamp than John the Baptist is: Revelation, believe, scriptures - Christianity
  45. Lambs-blood-passover-exodus: testimony, woman, church, Revelation - Christianity
  46. Trials and tribulations: believe, praying, Christ, God - Christianity
  47. Escaping Calamity - Divine Protection?: Messiah, believer, sinners, Jesus Christ - Christianity
  48. Fundamentalist invitations to Catholics/Denominational Christians: Leviticus, woman, churches - Christianity
  49. As Children..: Kingdom, faith, God, religion - Christianity
  50. Laying Down the Sword: Why We Can't Ignore the Bible's Violent Verses: paradise, crucifixion - Christianity
  51. judgement day?: Revelation, preach, Jesus, Isaiah - Christianity
  52. God Talks Only When Man Wrote All The Bible ??: Gospel, testimony, doctrine - Christianity
  53. Kosher Jesus? Was it really the Romans that wanted Jesus dead and not the Jews?: Messiah, believe - Christianity
  54. knowing god?: believe - Christianity
  55. Judgment Day for Believers: testimony, church, Revelation, believe - Christianity
  56. Wrong faith-justification theory promotes sins and wars.: Gospels, hell, church - Christianity
  57. gossip?.: woman, Moses, pray, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  58. Bishop Eddie Long crowned as King: Torah, Gospel, church, agnostic - Christianity
  59. The Bible Have A Lot Of Clear Facts On How To Be A Christian ??: Gospels, women - Christianity
  60. i love you.: woman, blessings, religion, people - Christianity
  61. The Star Of Bethlehem---: believe, Jesus, Israel, God - Christianity
  62. Major war coming in Middle East?: belief, scripture, priest, Bible - Christianity
  63. How Can Christians Be Certain Who Teaching On Christianity Correctly Enough ??: Gospel, testimony
  64. Universalists !!!: believe, Jesus, faith, experience - Christianity
  65. for Catholics about baptism: Mormon, LDS, church, belief - Christianity
  66. That pesky little word... all: doctrine, believe, scriptures - Christianity
  67. To have a Precise and Correct Knowledge of God: messages, doctrine, women - Christianity
  68. The least of your good deeds gets you into heaven: Gospel, hell - Christianity
  69. A: messages, doctrine, church, Revelation - Christianity
  70. Personal Revelation (Epiphany): doctrine, church, believe, scriptures - Christianity
  71. No pope or bishop of rome in second century: Gospel, Epistles, testimony - Christianity
  72. Mercy Me,: creation, trinity, God, Christian - Christianity
  73. Why do Protetants have a need to discredit Catholicism?: tradition, Lutherans - Christianity
  74. Materialism, wealth, and how to deal with temptations....: hell, church, agnostic - Christianity
  75. Why do evangelicals fear Romney because of his Mormon faith?: Gospel, Mormons - Christianity
  76. Roman Catholic/Greek Orthodox/Eastern Orthodox ties: doctrine, women, churches - Christianity
  77. Lent: How are you observing this season?: crucifixion, tradition, churches - Christianity
  78. Do you believe that we are predestined?: Revelation, mystic, Matthew - Christianity
  79. Jesus' & The Apostle's Doctrine VS Traditions of Men: women, churches, preaching - Christianity
  80. Is God angry at me for questioning him just now?: Eden, hell - Christianity
  81. AV 1611 KJV Holy Bible: Gospels, Epistles, messages, testimonies - Christianity
  82. What if I don't want to be saved?: believe, scriptures, Christ - Christianity
  83. **Supposed** contradictions in the Bible: women, church, Messiah, Darwin - Christianity
  84. Universal Reconciliation & Suicide: hell, myth, punishment, church - Christianity
  85. How much time do you spend reading The Bible each day?: Gospels, Epistles - Christianity
  86. Masoretic Text or Septuagint?: Torah, Tanakh, hell, punishment - Christianity
  87. In their own eyes: traditions, Messiah, believe, scriptures - Christianity
  88. The Trinity is who God is .... and that is the God who saves 2 Samuel 22:32: purification, doctrine - Christianity
  89. What is the appeal of Christianity in modern society?: paradise, Gospel, hell
  90. Loving Creator: hell, believe, Jesus, Bible - Christianity
  91. The Problem With Preaching Against Keeping The Law To Have Grace ?: Gospels, scrutiny - Christianity
  92. Which Christians do you admire and which ones really, really annoy you!: Lutherans, woman - Christianity
  93. Why did Luther try to remove James from the NT?: Gospel, testimony - Christianity
  94. Raptures & Resurrections: Revelation, preacher, believe, dogma - Christianity
  95. The God (OF)...: crucifixion, Gospel, myths, doctrine - Christianity
  96. Was the Old Testament written by stupid, primitive, ignorant savages???: Gospels, hell - Christianity
  97. Jesus Christ attested to the Authority and Inerrancy of the Old Testament: zacharias, women - Christianity
  98. Should congregations kick married members out for adultery?: women, churches, scripture - Christianity
  99. What disturbs me...: Gospels, Leviticus, testimony, doctrine - Christianity
  100. Is Hellfire A Bible Teaching?: paradise, Jehovah, punishment, Revelation - Christianity
  101. The Trustworthiness of the Bible: traditions, Gospels, doctrine, church - Christianity
  102. best toys (quiet) for toddlers to play with during church??: Bible, worship - Christianity
  103. Current Religious Leaders & Books: hell, church, preacher, believe - Christianity
  104. Has Jesus spoken as to the inerrancy of the Jewish Bible, and what are the areas of authority?: Tanakh, Gospel - Christianity
  105. The search for the truth: believe, Holy Spirit, Christ, Bible - Christianity
  106. opinions? Matthew 28:19--Acts 2:38: doctrine, Messiah, believe, scripture - Christianity
  107. 'Catholics are not Christians': traditions, doctrine, churches, Revelation - Christianity
  108. How soon is too soon for your lead a flock?: tradition, hell - Christianity
  109. Addition, Subtraction & Division: church, Revelation, scriptures, disciples - Christianity
  110. I WILL raise this Temple: paradise, hell, believers, mystic - Christianity
  111. Prayer Request!: believe, Jesus, God, bless - Christianity
  112. Is Faith in God a gift?: believe, verses, salvation, grace - Christianity
  113. I need Christian Advice and Help!: woman, church, Messiah - Christianity
  114. Universalism and the gospel: hell, punishment, believe, scriptures - Christianity
  115. Self Reflection - Top Ten List of Fears: Revelation, beliefs, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  116. We Must Reconsider the Idea That Aion-Aionios Means an Indefinite Period of Time: Gospel, punishment - Christianity
  117. Enemies: woman, scripture, prayer, sin - Christianity
  118. Do you believe in purgatory? Or similar concept?: purification, hell, punishment - Christianity
  119. Does Life Really Begin at Conception?: woman, believe, scriptures, abortion - Christianity
  120. Urgent Prayer Needed---: testimony, church, praying, mystic - Christianity
  121. Bizarre .. Must God punish sin?: crucifixion, punishment, Messiah, evolution - Christianity
  122. Believer in Jesus Christ!!! Know that you are Eternally Secure: Gospel, Epistles - Christianity
  123. Is God Wise Enough To Reveal All Bible Truth For Sure Despite The Numberous Bible Edits On The Bible ??: testimony, punishment - Christianity
  124. If the Bible is not the Word of God; But it Is!!!: Gomorrah, tradition - Christianity
  125. In your opinion, how important is the church?: crucified, traditions, Gospel - Christianity
  126. No one can be saved by trying to keep the Law: Gospel, woman - Christianity
  127. I'm a little disappointed...: Lutherans, doctrine, beliefs, dogma - Christianity
  128. This will offend but, it is sound truth for our times: abortion, prayer - Christianity
  129. All About Paul:: Gomorrah, celibacy, traditions, Epistles - Christianity
  130. 5 yr old nephew preaches head coverings for girls: women, churches, believe - Christianity
  131. If you forgive s sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.: Gospel, church - Christianity
  132. who's Name is the Name above all names?: lordship, zealous, believe - Christianity
  133. Do you think the first sentence in Numbers 31 is true?: HaShem, women - Christianity
  134. Saying goodbye to your Freedom of Religion: birth control, women, churches - Christianity
  135. Where is the fear?: church, believe, scripture, disciple - Christianity
  136. I have been saved (again)!: praying, Christ, Bible, Creator - Christianity
  137. Lay Catholics going to Evangelical Churges: Evangelical ministers converting to Catholicism: tradition, presbyterian - Christianity
  138. Japan's earthquake activity time-line from 2011 on you-tube ... amazing to watch: woman, Messiah - Christianity
  139. Christians, Atheists and Abortion: something that inconsistent: women, church, beliefs - Christianity
  140. I'm A Happy Camper Today!: Revelation, prayers, blood, God - Christianity
  141. Confused and Uncomfortable: hell, church, believe, pray - Christianity
  142. Jesus and wine.: celibacy, allegory, scriptures, priests - Christianity
  143. Changing your mind: God, Christian, bless, philosophy - Christianity
  144. Our Stand and Our Walk: hell, doctrine, church, Revelation - Christianity
  145. Gay marriage now allowed in California....: Sodom, churches, Revelation, believers - Christianity
  146. Is Amy Grant going to Hell because she is living in perpetual adultery?: woman, church - Christianity
  147. Washington State on the verge of passing Homosexual marriage. Decadence!!!: Gomorrah, Sodom - Christianity
  148. What if you don't want to get married but still want to have sex?: crucified, celibacy - Christianity
  149. So who is still being converted in the West?: crucifixion, woman, churches - Christianity
  150. Our view of Sin: Torah, believe, scriptures, sinners - Christianity
  151. Salvation in the Old Testament: paradise, traditions, Gospel, hell - Christianity
  152. following jesus..: lordship, Gospels, doctrine, church - Christianity
  153. 10 Commandments under attack in N.C.: Deist, church, Revelation, belief - Christianity
  154. The Catholic Church and Abortion: birth control, women, churches, believe - Christianity
  155. ...and there are who think there is no God...well...: believing, evolve - Christianity
  156. Super Bowl halftime show: tradition, woman, Jesus, worship - Christianity
  157. How can people believe the actual bible was to us by God?: Gospel, doctrine - Christianity
  158. Is Armageddon Imminent?: hell, church, Revelation, preacher - Christianity
  159. Are sins worse than others?: hell, church, believer, prayers - Christianity
  160. Sadly Fundamentalists are Catholic Haters: doctrine, churches, believe, scriptures - Christianity
  161. Which Church was The First Church ?: doctrine, churches, believe - Christianity
  162. To the Jews who don't recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah: crucified, abominations - Christianity
  163. Mary: Co-Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix, Co-Advocatrix: paradise, crucified, traditions, women - Christianity
  164. Is there a right or wrong Bible?: LDS, church, funeral - Christianity
  165. Ash Wednesday once again: traditions, Lutherans, hell, presbyterian - Christianity
  166. What do you think about this video of Eddie Long: Messiah, preacher - Christianity
  167. Why we should study the bible?: traditions, doctrine, church, preach - Christianity
  168. Does God really have a GOOD plan for the UNEMPLOYED?: hell, testimony - Christianity
  169. Sick and tired of overanalyzing religion?: traditions, Mormonism, hell, churches - Christianity
  170. How Can Two Verses be Compatible?: Torah, Gospel, preacher - Christianity
  171. Books of the Bible-Are they Authentic??: Lutheran, Jehovah, Leviticus, hell - Christianity
  172. The four Gospels agree that Jesus Christ was crucified on Passover: crucifixion, tradition - Christianity
  173. Original sin?: Gospel, punishment, women, churches - Christianity
  174. Need christian advice: woman, believer, Jesus Christ, divorced - Christianity
  175. Who Can People Be Sure The Bible Is Completely From God Since So Many People Have Edited The Bible??: doctrine, allegory - Christianity
  176. 6 Reasons Why Contraception is Sinful and Contrary to God's Will: birth control, women - Christianity
  177. There A Such Thing As Being A Christian If Your A 90% Bible Believer Only ??: Gospels, hell - Christianity
  178. Where is God ?: Leviticus, agnostic, believe, Moses - Christianity
  179. Is Salvation only for Christians?: Gospel, hell, church, Revelation - Christianity
  180. about me:: woman, prayers, God, blessings - Christianity
  181. What is the reward for being a Christian?: punishment, sin, Jesus - Christianity
  182. New, Jerusalem-You ?: church, believer, exodus, Moses - Christianity
  183. The oldest manuscript of the NT found--dates to time of Jesus!!: Torah, Tanakh - Christianity
  184. Dear Catholic Church: tradition, believe, ritual, praying - Christianity
  185. Does a Citydata Blog have a FEEDLINK ? - Christianity
  186. Corruption Is In The Wisdom Of Man Itself Not Extraordinary Wisdom Of God That Man Try To Counterfeit Unsuccessful ??: doctrine, women - Christianity
  187. The Body Of Christ Is Not Split Up In Groups Over 10% Of The Bible ??: doctrine, women - Christianity
  188. peacee.: forgive - Christianity
  189. looking in O'Fallon, MO: church, non-denominational, denomination - Christianity
  190. How Does A Christian Actually Trust In God ??: women, church, believer - Christianity
  191. Many Things Unproven A Proven God ?: coffin, women, church - Christianity
  192. If We Know What Holiness Is Why Study ??: women, church, Revelation - Christianity
  193. we will Be: world - Christianity
  194. What Is The Body Of Christ Accomplishing While Waiting For Heaven ??: myths, doctrine - Christianity
  195. suffering?: people, world - Christianity
  196. The validity of Eastern scripture.: traditions, churches, believe, Jesus - Christianity
  197. Why Education On Label Groups Instead Of Education On 100% Bible Believers ?: testimonies, women - Christianity
  198. from a place.: soul, experience, blessings - Christianity
  199. a human experience: miracle, accept - Christianity
  200. Evangelicals and the fast food gospel: Gospels, doctrine, church - Christianity