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  1. Whoo-Hoo!!! My 2000th post!! Making it mean Something: believe, scripture, Christ - Christianity
  2. Does He hear you?...Do you hear Him?...sinner?...worshipper?: believe, prayers - Christianity
  3. Things that are invisible, His eternal power and Godhead: church, Revelation, scriptures - Christianity
  4. Do you gossip about others?: believe, praying, sin, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  5. News, 43-percent surge in Christian pilgrims.: Israel, pope, Jews, Christians - Christianity
  6. News, Russian Orthodox Church a Growing Political Force.: belief, Christ, worship - Christianity
  7. News, Ted Haggard Speaks Out After Two-Year Silence.: Gospel, women, church - Christianity
  8. Deep Thoughts: pray, faith, Christian, blessings - Christianity
  9. What can wash away our sins?: Jesus, blood, POV, bless - Christianity
  10. Peace to you all: tradition, doctrine, prayer, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  11. Foot Washing??: churches, beliefs, scripture, sin - Christianity
  12. Hosanna!! Hosanna to The King!!: Revelation, disciples, Jesus, Bible - Christianity
  13. How to Become a Follower of...: hell, preach, Jesus Christ, eternity - Christianity
  14. Armenian?: beliefs, Calvinist, advent, Catholic - Christianity
  15. Get Back Up: prayers, Jesus, God - Christianity
  16. Persevering to the End?: woman, belief, Moses, sinned - Christianity
  17. God's Love is Perfect...His judgement...fair, and just...: Leviticus, punishment, believer - Christianity
  18. Say a prayer for my son and Family: believe, prayers, Christ - Christianity
  19. Looking for that sign...: Gospel, church, agnostic, believe - Christianity
  20. Concerned Family Asks Legitimate Questions of Church Leaders: woman, gnostic, spiritual - Christianity
  21. True Salvation Through Jesus Christ: Gospel - Christianity
  22. The Holiness of God: church, sermon - Christianity
  23. Consequences of Actions: believe, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Bible - Christianity
  24. Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth?: tradition, Gospel, priest - Christianity
  25. Global warming: The description of the last judgment: Gospel, sin, Jesus Christ - Christianity
  26. Take Up Your Cross: crucify, preacher, disciples, Jesus - Christianity
  27. Appologies: bless, study - Christianity
  28. Canon Law: church, bishop, communion, grave - Christianity
  29. If you were a landlord.....: homosexuality, sexuality, moral - Christianity
  30. Faith as a mustard seed - Christianity
  31. men issues group?: Christian - Christianity
  32. hummmm. really really makes one and see what you think.: believer, Jesus - Christianity
  33. The Don't Song: God, husband - Christianity
  34. Weird experience: praying, God, Christian - Christianity
  35. What does this mean?: purification, Jesus, verse, God - Christianity
  36. Beyond the Love: agnostic, believe, scripture, prayer - Christianity
  37. Why doesn't god always answer on our time?: bless - Christianity
  38. What is Repentance?: crucifixion, traditions, Gospel, believe - Christianity
  39. Graduation Time: Moses, Bible, Israel, verse - Christianity
  40. Dreams and god: pray, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Bible - Christianity
  41. Run!: church, sermon - Christianity
  42. Have you ever had a personal experience that proved a Bible verse?: blessing, Lord - Christianity
  43. Via Dolorosa - Holy Week: the passion, crucifixion, punishment, church - Christianity
  44. Jesus of Nazareth vs. Jesus the Christ: crucifixion, doctrine, church - Christianity
  45. You Are Not Alone...: churches, believers, Jesus, faith - Christianity
  46. twin.spin (Matthew 5:28): woman, exodus, scriptures, sinners - Christianity
  47. Just stopping by to drop off a present for Fundamentalist: church, preach - Christianity
  48. News, Knights Templar worshipped the Turin Shroud.: history, pope, Vatican - Christianity
  49. Jesus's parable: church, believe, Holy Spirit, Kingdom - Christianity
  50. Passover, Today: scripture, Israel, blood, confess - Christianity
  51. Last Day for Conscience Clause Comments: hell, belief, abortion, Christ - Christianity
  52. What just happened?: hell, praying, Jesus, Israel - Christianity
  53. Matthew 18:20 For where two or three have gathered together in My name....: churches, scripture - Christianity
  54. Dog Fight??: people - Christianity
  55. Why attend Church?: churches, believe, ritual, worship - Christianity
  56. Is god JUST a spirit?: believe, scriptures, Holy Spirit, Jesus - Christianity
  57. carry: Bible, Orthodox, Christian, Lord - Christianity
  58. Holy, Holy is the Lamb Who Was Slain!: crucified, hell, Revelation - Christianity
  59. What Should We Be Doing?: Bible, prophecy, faith, Christians - Christianity
  60. Office of apostle, prophet, and evangelist in decline?: Gospel, testimonies, doctrine - Christianity
  61. How can you tell the difference?: church, preacher, believe, scripture - Christianity
  62. How do you look to the world?: Gospel, hell, church - Christianity
  63. LDS - Many Gods Across the Universe?: Latter-Day Saints, Mormons, doctrine - Christianity
  64. The other Books: Eden, Gospels, hell, Revelation - Christianity
  65. Is Tithing required in the NT?: Gospel, churches, believe, scripture - Christianity
  66. Working together, in love: abortion, POV, spiritual, experience - Christianity
  67. Don't give up ?: doctrine, church, preaching, believe - Christianity
  68. Does God Really Avenge?: testimonies, women, Revelation, believing - Christianity
  69. There should be no pride in being hated.: women, fundamentalist, Roman - Christianity
  70. What did He mean?: testimony, church, believer, praying - Christianity
  71. Justifing evil acts with scripture: church, Deuteronomy, believe, abortion - Christianity
  72. You know you're a hypocrite when....: church, beliefs, Christ, Bible - Christianity
  73. Hearing Your Faith,: doctrine, church, preach, believe - Christianity
  74. How To Study The Bible: Gospels, Epistles, women, Revelation - Christianity
  75. Members of the clergy and aloofness / detachment: hell, churches, beliefs - Christianity
  76. I love you so much: Gospel, woman, lukewarm, Revelation - Christianity
  77. Harsh Topic: women, sin, homosexuality, missionary - Christianity
  78. Why are Christian marriages failing?: Gospel, Mormons, woman, churches - Christianity
  79. Children Are Born Wicked: believe, scripture, sinners, Jesus - Christianity
  80. Are christians driving church numbers down?: Gospels, messages, hell, churches - Christianity
  81. Looking for other christians views...: church, believe, Jews, God - Christianity
  82. Do Pastor's Visit Anymore?: churches, pastors, sunday, service - Christianity
  83. John MacArthur on the Emergent Church: lordship, Gospel, messages, hell - Christianity
  84. Are Christian men failing?: Gospel, women, church, believe - Christianity
  85. Scripture and gay marriage: churches, beliefs, evolve, sinned - Christianity
  86. Love or truth?: scripture, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Pilate - Christianity
  87. 10 Holy Cross priests object to Obama invitation: church, believe, abortion - Christianity
  88. How to explain this?: believe, pray, Jesus Christ, faith - Christianity
  89. Speak with authority!: purification, traditions, hell, doctrine - Christianity
  90. Scripture that supports driving a car: believe, Solomon, Bible, verses - Christianity
  91. The Christ-Consciousness (State of Mind) New Age Apostasy: churches, after life, believe - Christianity
  92. Wake Up Church!: Gospel, testimony, doctrine, churches - Christianity
  93. The Image of God: hell, woman, church, believe - Christianity
  94. Don Stewert - The Miracle Prosperity Handkerchief: preacher, believers, prayer - Christianity
  95. Is it just me?: church, scripture, pray, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  96. Nephilim: tradition, myth, woman, church - Christianity
  97. Ask and it shall be: churches, believe, scripture, prayers - Christianity
  98. Looking for direction: believe, praying, Holy Spirit, Bible - Christianity
  99. Bull Whip Guy Rob Bell Bullhorn: crucified, church, Jesus - Christianity
  100. What I, As A Christian, LIKE About President Obama: hell, women, believe - Christianity
  101. Christians: Why do you choose to 'believe'?: hell, Revelation, agnostic - Christianity
  102. Religious Spirits: Eden, messages, testimony, women - Christianity
  103. End Times: Lutheran, abomination, churches, Antichrist - Christianity
  104. The official evolution of Christians: paradise, Gospel, myth, punishment - Christianity
  105. The World’s Response to the Rapture: doctrine, church, Revelation - Christianity
  106. The Flourishing Laodicean Church: crucifixion, abominations, punishment, churches - Christianity
  107. Do You Know Fools?: abominations, scripture, pray, Jesus - Christianity
  108. Agape heat check : for all Eternal Hell believers: Gospel, punishment - Christianity
  109. Earthquakes and God: people, world, Psalm - Christianity
  110. What does in my name mean?: churches, Revelation, believe - Christianity
  111. Death bed repentance?: paradise, Jehovah, hell, woman - Christianity
  112. Reaching the Broken and in Captivity: Gospel, hell, testimony - Christianity
  113. I hate you!: believe, sin, Bible, verse - Christianity
  114. Fundamentalist Church Goers Always Win: Mormons, hell, doctrine, believe - Christianity
  115. The hypocrisy of the softer side: Gospel, preaching, beliefs, scriptures - Christianity
  116. The bitterness of the unchurched: churches, believe, prayers, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  117. Just want to say I love you guys!: doctrine, church, believe - Christianity
  118. When did Lucifer get cast to earth?: myth, church, believe - Christianity
  119. I apologize: churches, beliefs, scripture, baptism - Christianity
  120. Got Fruit?: Gospel, hell, church, preach - Christianity
  121. Get Up And Stay Standing!!: Gospel, testimony, godless, believe - Christianity
  122. Does Protestant = Calvinist?: traditions, Lutheran, hell, presbyterian - Christianity
  123. Is it really God?: doctrine, churches, preach, believe - Christianity
  124. Spiritual Cannibalism: hell, presbyterian, church, beliefs - Christianity
  125. If you were a landlord...: beliefs, pray, homosexuality, confess - Christianity
  126. Do We Really Have A Sin Nature ?: scriptures, sinners, Bible - Christianity
  127. all humans: THE LOVE (!): agnostic, beliefs, Jesus, atheists - Christianity
  128. No Love Allowed!: scripture, praying, sinners, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  129. Do You Willfully Sin?: Gospel, hell, testimony, punishment - Christianity
  130. Joel Osteen and his sinner's prayer: Gospel, church, preach, believe - Christianity
  131. Does this verse apply to Christians?: crucified, church, believe, exodus - Christianity
  132. Pope's Africa trip a huge success: hell, women, church, believe - Christianity
  133. Scrupulosity: testimony, church, prayer, priest - Christianity
  134. Overcome with awareness of people's eternal destination....: traditions, Gospel, hell - Christianity
  135. Christian Music for Blue: preacher, believe, prayer, sinners - Christianity
  136. for the believers: believe, scripture, prayers, Holy Spirit - Christianity
  137. Scum of the Earth - Us VS Them: hell, beliefs, God - Christianity
  138. Image of God: traditions, Gospel, church, believe - Christianity
  139. Could Jesus have sinned, if He so chose to?: hell, believe, scriptures - Christianity
  140. For people who have gotten through and had their prayers answered: hell, faith - Christianity
  141. Multiple Suicides In A Family: Demon, or Curse?: believe, evolution, praying - Christianity
  142. Is Christ our role model?: scriptures, Jesus, verse, Creator - Christianity
  143. Give Jesus a 60 day trial: Gospel, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons - Christianity
  144. Are you gods? Or did Jesus lie?: scripture, pray, Bible - Christianity
  145. An invitation to preach the true gospel to a heretic (not trolling): Gospels, dinosaur - Christianity
  146. Christianity: The most segregated institution in America: Harry Potter, hell, doctrine
  147. Sodom the town, people and circumstances: tradition, women, believe, scripture - Christianity
  148. Jesus took God's Wrath?: crucified, hell, punishment, Messiah - Christianity
  149. According to this prophetess , we got 3 days left: Gospel, believe - Christianity
  150. Do you tell lies? white lies?: hell, Revelation, believers - Christianity
  151. Would jesus have lied?: testimony, abomination, believe, abortion - Christianity
  152. Trust your bible!!: Revelation, preach, believe, prayer - Christianity
  153. Sin just to BE gay?: woman, church, believe, Jesus - Christianity
  154. I Was Visited by a White Horse Last Night: Messiah, Revelation, believe - Christianity
  155. One of the many scriptures that pushed me over the edge.: hell, doctrine - Christianity
  156. Back to the biblical canon: doctrine, church, believe, scriptures - Christianity
  157. Tired of Church: women, churches, preacher, believe - Christianity
  158. My apology and fresh start: believe, Christian, bless, fundamentalist - Christianity
  159. Do You Believe in Once Saved, Always Saved ?: crucify, doctrine - Christianity
  160. The bible and their sodomy: crucify, Gospel, churches, believer - Christianity
  161. When will the Kingdom of God come?: church, Revelation, believe - Christianity
  162. sinful nature: hell, doctrine, believe, sinners - Christianity
  163. for long-time Christians, about church: testimony, churches, preaching, ritual - Christianity
  164. Don't hate me because I tell you the truth.: church, believe, pray - Christianity
  165. A Pet Peeve: church, believe, Jesus, Christian - Christianity
  166. Fornication: Sodom, woman, believers, scripture - Christianity
  167. What are your feelings about atheism and atheist!: Gospel, testimony, church - Christianity
  168. To my Friend, from My King: Gospel, believe, praying, Jesus - Christianity
  169. Christians going to war?: hell, beliefs, pray, sin - Christianity
  170. The Restitution Of All Things=: Gospel, hell, church, believe - Christianity
  171. Florida court sets atheist holy day: the passion, Jews, Christians, religion - Christianity
  172. What do you think about Calvinism?: church, believe, scriptures, Moses - Christianity
  173. \\\The REAL Coming GLOBAL Crisis///: Gospel, messages, hell, doctrine - Christianity
  174. Fear: Jehovah, Leviticus, hell, testimonies - Christianity
  175. History of the Devil: doctrine, woman, church, Revelation - Christianity
  176. Interesting ABC Nightline debate: Does Satan exist?: hell, churches, preach - Christianity
  177. Alice Discovers The Great Christian Cliché Machine: punishment, doctrine, church - Christianity
  178. Not getting through to god: Gospel, testimony, church, preach - Christianity
  179. Rapture Ready Radio!: fundamentalist - Christianity
  180. Tithing and marriage: women, church, believe, pray - Christianity
  181. A About Christianity: hell, doctrine, church, Revelation
  182. This Unity w/o Discrimination ?: church, believer, Jesus Christ, Bible - Christianity
  183. An Accursed Message: Gospel, hell, preacher, Jesus Christ - Christianity
  184. He s your god.........................: believe, bless - Christianity
  185. Watch Live NOW! Epicentre Conference 2009 Joel Rosenburg: San Diego - Christianity
  186. how your spiritual experience has influenced your life? - Christianity
  187. News, Crystal Cathedral: Poser tweets as Schuller.: evangelist, world, Houston - Christianity
  188. Revival Hymn: preacher - Christianity
  189. How's Your Love Life?: believer, Bible, verse, God - Christianity
  190. April Fool's for your Pastor: church, preach, baptism, faith - Christianity
  191. He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world: hell, doctrine - Christianity
  192. What way did Jesus Institute the Lord's Supper?: tradition, believers, disciples - Christianity
  193. Messianic Jews: Messiah, believe, scriptures, Jesus - Christianity
  194. News, Dancer-turned-nun to perform for prelates.: nuns, bishop, Catholic, Nazareth - Christianity
  195. God's sense of humor wrapped in your blessings: share yours: pray, perfect - Christianity
  196. The purpose of the nests: hell, God, heaven, world - Christianity
  197. When will the Gospel end? At what point there is no more salvation! Man is without excuse!: crucify, punishment - Christianity
  198. A letter to the community and God.: sin, Jesus Christ, Bible - Christianity
  199. A about your Salvation. watchman:: Jehovah, hell, doctrine, preach - Christianity
  200. an old friend related this problem to me..for Godly men: church, praying - Christianity