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  1. 5 Critical Retirement Planning Steps Every Gay Couple Should Take: marriage, inherit, states
  2. Retirement Time (of year)...: pension, weather, move, anniversary
  3. Pension protections by state: pensions, states, blogs, benefits - Retirement
  4. Riding off to retirement, litteraly.: 2014, retired, years, places
  5. How A Military Members Life Insurance Policy Can Benefit A Beneficiary's Retirement: spouses, 2014
  6. An Investigation of Hospice Care (Or Lack Thereof): emotionally, communities, 2014 - Retirement
  7. Get on the Same Page: Retirement Planning for Couples: conversation, spouses, 2015
  8. Homasassa FL Move: 55, weather, lesbian, moving - Retirement
  9. Beneficiary IRA for US citizen living abroad?: moving, Canada, inherit - Retirement
  10. Residency taxes: divorce, move, divorced, states - Retirement
  11. SSI confusion: supplement, conversation, social security, payments - Retirement
  12. More for you, Less for the IRS: move, 2014, years - Retirement
  13. Who Is Your Retirement Role Model?: beach, state, retired, friend
  14. Looking for an on-line Hendersonville, NC chat room that draws local from that area. Does it exist?: moving, states - Retirement
  15. News, Americans Live for Today Rather Than for Retirement.: 55, pension plan, vacations
  16. ? about SS before FRA and collecting Unemployment: moving, social security, state - Retirement
  17. Kids React to Old Computers: conversation, graduate, 12 year old, student - Retirement
  18. What Month Should I Apply For Benefits: social security, child support, 2015 - Retirement
  19. Just Save: blog, 401k, investments, employer - Retirement
  20. Wonderful program for seniors: retired, adults, best, students - Retirement
  21. The GOOD SAMARITAN: girl, school, teach, children - Retirement
  22. One: divorce, divorced, marriage, state - Retirement
  23. President Eisenhower on Social Security: federal, years, adults, support - Retirement
  24. The Hugger-Mugger: 2014, state, blogs, years - Retirement
  25. Monthly income is the ultimate goal: 2014, state, payments, salary - Retirement
  26. Perfect Match: Brazilian Kids Learn English by Video Chatting With Lonely Elderly Americans: emotionally, state - Retirement
  27. Want to cash in insurance policy for down payment on house: federal, state - Retirement
  28. Tax exemption for life insurance: move, spouse, inheritance, state - Retirement
  29. What it's like to be 100 years old, in 10 charts: 55, physically, depression - Retirement
  30. Memories of Lost Chicago: dating, restaurant, school, father - Retirement
  31. Lost in the Fifties - Another Place, Another Time: cousins, friend, years - Retirement
  32. Retiring mid year and working full time: social security, 2015, benefits - Retirement
  33. Active Oldsters Having Fun: movies, friends, years, adult - Retirement
  34. Living in the present or the past?: grandparents, emotionally, move - Retirement
  35. Retirement home on the Gulf Coast, Florida or Mississippi ?: grandparents, beach, weather
  36. Pooled pension recipients have serious problems in the works: pension plan, federal, orphaned - Retirement
  37. IRA Rollover Ruling Ruling Stuns Advisers/Savers oh dear...: federal, 2014 - Retirement
  38. In my next life: pension, alcohol, gift, years - Retirement
  39. Nodding off while reading retirement forum....: fighting, state, older, clever
  40. Reverse mortgage, does it work for you?: 55, move, state - Retirement
  41. Intergenerational Living -- Low Income Seniors and Foster Parents: community, friend, housing - Retirement
  42. The IRA Owners' Bill of Rights: move, 2014, tax, insurance - Retirement
  43. 7 Retirement Expectations You're Getting All Wrong: beach, moving, spouse, 2014
  44. National Banking: 50+, states, relative, retired - Retirement
  45. Why the Stakes are Higher with Retirement Income Planning than Retirement Savings: 2014, city
  46. 401k: pensions, spouse, fighting, retired - Retirement
  47. Selling home, but continue to live in it for Free?: state, years - Retirement
  48. Hey! Retirees!: years, married, best, wife - Retirement
  49. They Just Re-Invested Your 401(k), for Your Own Good: pension, 2014 - Retirement
  50. Seniors living with their kids in separate spaces: move, 2014, relatives - Retirement
  51. Federal government or contractor for retirement?: 60+, pensions, move, social security
  52. Same Tired and Bored looking retired people sit at the shopping mall center area every day!: beach, engaged - Retirement
  53. Relocation Scouting Trip !!: moving, communities, retired, vacation - Retirement
  54. Self Driving Cars?: 2014, teenager, years, older - Retirement
  55. What Part Of The Sixties Are You?: 55, 2014, friends - Retirement
  56. Retirees and the Open Floor Plan: conversation, communities, meal, separate - Retirement
  57. No more worry about credit scores - one of the few benefits of old age?: community, social security - Retirement
  58. Ed slott analyzes ebri study: Roth iras growing twice as fast as traditional iras: financial advisor, social security - Retirement
  59. Bankers Life Long Term Care Insurance: long-term, move, conversation, state - Retirement
  60. Professional retirement planners?: social security, inheritance, state, best
  61. Dropping my Insurance: 55, pension, supplement, divorce - Retirement
  62. Boomers and downsizing: 55, beach, moving, communities - Retirement
  63. At what age will you start eating whatever you damn well: state, years - Retirement
  64. Retirees giving pros and cons of full knee replacement surgery: relative, friends - Retirement
  65. How do you get to tap into your retirement funds?: social security, years
  66. Scams targeting seniors: support, older, opinion, security - Retirement
  67. OPINION WANTED: Coastal Retirement Choices: 55, beach, weather, move
  68. As a senior, are you being advice you don't want to hear: 60+, pension - Retirement
  69. ***Retiree looking for best place to retire to....with limited housing budget: pension, state - Retirement
  70. Where do talented new doctors tend to establish themselves?: moving, community, states - Retirement
  71. When are we considered seniors ?: 55, move, social security - Retirement
  72. The Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program: pension plan, federal, 2015, states - Retirement
  73. When you knew: crying, graduated, friend, wife - Retirement
  74. How much notice of your retirement did you give?: pension, retired, relationship
  75. Retiring to a college town : Thumbs up, or thumbs down?: 55, moving - Retirement
  76. What was your mid life crisis if you had one.: crying, years - Retirement
  77. My Social Security dilemma...: pension, financial advisor, spouse, payment - Retirement
  78. Best way to secure our special needs grandchilds financial needs: celebration, federal - Retirement
  79. What did you do when you paid off your mortgage?: pension, federal - Retirement
  80. Moving to a lower tax State isn't everything: weather, community, states - Retirement
  81. Curious About Obits: relocate, relative, friends, accident - Retirement
  82. Early retirement, small ongoing salary, SS benefits: social security, state, graduate
  83. Wishing someone years of bliss in retirement: weather, marriage, relative
  84. Can I get spouse benefits?: divorce, divorced, marriage, social security - Retirement
  85. Non-buggy retirement locations?: weather, state, relative, friends
  86. what percentage return did you actually get?: 55, pension, 2013 - Retirement
  87. I'll describe my retirement location - you tell me where it is: weather, friendly
  88. s a great article that should discourage condo ownership: 55, move, communities - Retirement
  89. Retirement planning is far easier if you know when you will die!: pension, state
  90. Many retiree's are not really drawing down their nest eggs.: pensions, moving - Retirement
  91. What to do, what to do...: move, chores, years, adult - Retirement
  92. Found another way that SS rules are unfair.: pension, grandparents, social security - Retirement
  93. Did you move after retirement?: beach, weather, long-term, moving
  94. Wills online: 55, marriage, states, relatives - Retirement
  95. Am I crazy to retire now?: pension, social security, federal, states - Retirement
  96. What percentage of current income is usually replaced for high earners during retirement?: pensions, vacations
  97. Social Security Threatens to Close All Field Offices: pension, community, years - Retirement
  98. Going back to visit places from the past: 55, grandparents, spouse - Retirement
  99. Went to Job Fair for people over 60 years old- DEPRESSING!: supplement, retired - Retirement
  100. Retirees and their coffee drinking habits: retired, friend, years, best - Retirement
  101. Ideal retirement place: 55, pensions, beach, weather
  102. Feel Like Their World Is Shrinking, or Has Shrunk?: moving, conversation - Retirement
  103. Are you sitting at home waiting to die?: vacation, psycho, years - Retirement
  104. Spend all you retirement savings or leave for heirs?: vacations, community
  105. know how long SS Withdrawal takes?: payment, return, government - Retirement
  106. Retirement jobs - ideas, success or failure stories: 55, pension, beach
  107. SS & Pension Questions: social security, gift, separate, years - Retirement
  108. Good SS analysis: spouse, social security, 2014, respect - Retirement
  109. Expenses reported as income: 55, social security, federal, 2014 - Retirement
  110. Congratulations to one of our favorite posters: contribution, England - Retirement
  111. Top 10 Smartest States for Financial Literacy: 70+, friendly, 2014, friends - Retirement
  112. Retirement 101 Funny: state, retired, friend, dating
  113. The Ideal Retirement Age: 55, vacations, relocate, spouse
  114. A view of Retirement from another culture.: communities, state, retired
  115. Retiring in the US: states, best, cities, accepting - Retirement
  116. Sex and the Single Retiree: physically, emotionally, divorce, divorced - Retirement
  117. News: older adults moving back in with parents: 55, physically, divorce - Retirement
  118. Retirement Savings and SS Conspiracies: social security, state, blog, retirees
  119. for with grandchildren check your wills: pensions, divorce, divorced - Retirement
  120. Cooking meals for only yourself: retired, meal, husband, support - Retirement
  121. A surprising statistical factor in longevity: 2013, cousin, psycho, engage - Retirement
  122. Retirement Remains Americans' Top Financial Worry: relocate, conversation, retired, years
  123. My Vacation Experiment: weather, vacations, 2014, separate - Retirement
  124. What's the conventional wisdom about when to draw SS vs. taking out of a 403(b).: spouse, social security - Retirement
  125. What is all the $$$ for?: pension plan, social security, coverage, retired - Retirement
  126. Senior Sleep Issues: supplement, physically, spouse, retired - Retirement
  127. Boarding Houses--low cost housing: 50+, weather, move, 2013 - Retirement
  128. Retirement Money Tips for 30-Year-Olds: friends, years, college, generations
  129. What dollar difference makes a move sensible?: supplement, weather, federal - Retirement
  130. Could I retire: pension, moving, years, kids - Retirement
  131. Ocean & Beaches of Hilton Head: 55, weather, move, friendly - Retirement
  132. Retirement pay at age 62: 55, pensions, social security, 2013
  133. Prepare to feel REALLY OLD!: 2014, movies, friends, years - Retirement
  134. If you need help running out of retirement funds...: move, acquaintance, marriage
  135. Your Opinions?: social security, years, married, payments - Retirement
  136. How to travel the world in retirement and not go broke: pension, beach
  137. 5 Factors to Look at When Buying a Retirement Home: weather, moving, community
  138. Instant retirement-laid off-thoughts on annuities??: pensions, moving, spouse, friendly
  139. What it means to be a Baby Boomer: social security, depression, respect - Retirement
  140. Have we become our parents?: alcohol, grandfather, mother, father - Retirement
  141. How To Avoid Running Out Of Money In Retirement: pensions, 2014, gifts
  142. How's your arthritis?: 55, supplement, weather, moving - Retirement
  143. Advice for a 28 year old: vacations, social security, retired, vacation - Retirement
  144. choice- get ss in a yr find pt job or stay on really boring job: move, spouses - Retirement
  145. Nodding off while watching tv....: state, retired, separate, movies - Retirement
  146. Looking to retire near Tallahassee: beach, move, mother-in-law, state - Retirement
  147. Was your auto insurance premium reduced upon retiement?: 55, beach, relocate - Retirement
  148. When did you realize you just weren't so young anymore?: grandparents, move - Retirement
  149. Looking for a hobby for retirement: physically, weather, moving, state
  150. How does a low wage worker retire?: 55, pension plan, beach - Retirement
  151. News, Watch teens teach seniors to use the Internet!: 2014, retired, graduate - Retirement
  152. High fees eroding many 401(k) retirement accounts: 55, weather, move
  153. New Retirement Savings Option for: 55, long-term, moving, federal
  154. The Grumpy Point- Age 70: friendly, 2014, blogs, friend - Retirement
  155. Single male looking to retire in the Hendersonville. NC area this year.: weather, moving - Retirement
  156. Moving away from 23 year old daughter: 55, emotionally, crying, state - Retirement
  157. 55+ communities and developer (or successor-to-developer) fees: long-term, friendly, states, relative - Retirement
  158. For US Citizens that Retired Abroad: 55, weather, long-term - Retirement
  159. elderly home owners: pension, move, community, states - Retirement
  160. Maximize SS for wife.......: social security, husband, benefits, best - Retirement
  161. Aging and fear of Alzheimer's/other cognitive declines.: 55, physically, long-term - Retirement
  162. ANother Ss: 55, move, social security, 2014 - Retirement
  163. Bankrate's 2014 Best places to retire: weather, relocating, states, relative - Retirement
  164. Calculating SS if I plan to stop working before age 62?: 55, spouse - Retirement
  165. Did you or will you attend your 50th high school graduation reunion?: conversation, graduated - Retirement
  166. Living to 90 and Beyond: relatives, friends, years, relationship - Retirement
  167. Do you have friends left from your youth?: moving, graduated, years - Retirement
  168. amount one can earn while on early social security?: pension, 2014, payment - Retirement
  169. What is the ONE thing you want to do before you die and why?: emotionally, friends - Retirement
  170. 43% home sales 1st QTR were cash: 55, pensions, grandparents, physically - Retirement
  171. For Looking to Relocate in Retirement: 55, moving, 2014
  172. Ss online application: 55, pension, marriage, date - Retirement
  173. have a stair climber for folks with disability?: weather, moving - Retirement
  174. Dreaming about the old factory/: move, federal, retired, years - Retirement
  175. Mother's Day not always so happy: celebration, state, friend, hubby - Retirement
  176. What can you do to protect yourself if you're on your own?: 55, grandparents - Retirement
  177. Retiring at 55 with Obamacare?: pensions, move, 2014, state - Retirement
  178. how to get through one more year before retirement?: pensions, relocate, federal
  179. The older We get, the faster time flies. What's up with that?: 55, moving - Retirement
  180. Retirement planners have no crystal balls: 55, pension, 2014, state
  181. Grocery Deliver - What Parts of the Country?: beach, retired, SAHM - Retirement
  182. not retiring together: vacations, relocate, state, relatives - Retirement
  183. Metallic taste: blogs, milk, years, drugs - Retirement
  184. New retiree in a rut... suggestions?: physically, weather, moving, community - Retirement
  185. Social Security while living abroad: Canada, spouses, community, federal - Retirement
  186. Interesting Yahoo News Article on Retirement: 55, pension plan, divorce, moving
  187. How to grow your retirement nest egg: pensions, spouse, social security
  188. What's your EDC? What should it be?: 55, weather, state - Retirement
  189. How did you learn how to use a computer?: 55, community, graduate - Retirement
  190. Older Adults: Leaving the workforce: 50+, federal, states, retired - Retirement
  191. Older Adults - 50 Plus - Have you quit sugar?: diabetes, years, drug - Retirement
  192. Your retired life, in six nouns/verbs or less: friends, family, travel - Retirement
  193. 55+ homes for early retirement: moving, communities, inherit, state
  194. All stocks...: pension, emotionally, weather, move - Retirement
  195. Our will.: spouse, inheritance, states, separate - Retirement
  196. 55+ Housing & 3 Adults?: grandparents, move, communities, inheritance - Retirement
  197. vacaction home!?: grandparents, beach, move, state - Retirement
  198. SSA-820-BK: Experience/Help/Guidance...: 55, conversation, social security, 2013 - Retirement
  199. Video, NO ONE Expected This When 3 Senior Citizens Took The Stage.: blog, years - Retirement
  200. Employment / mentoring / volunteering - 2nd Half / 2nd Act /: 2014, state, retirees - Retirement