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  1. Glaucoma: colonoscopy, pain, surgery, doctor - Health and Wellness
  2. Skin: swollen, doctor, medication, ingredients - Health and Wellness
  3. Technical About UL's: insurance, medical, pros, death - Health and Wellness
  4. iphone medical programs? (a shot in the dark) - Health and Wellness
  5. High blood pressure: kidney, doctor, heart, prescriptions - Health and Wellness
  6. A: cysts, kidneys, pregnant, blood - Health and Wellness
  7. a doctor that will fix my knee!: painful, surgery, ache - Health and Wellness
  8. Are you and your family living a healthy lifestyle?: pains, blood pressure, aches - Health and Wellness
  9. Pvc: health issues, cause, bottle, drinking water - Health and Wellness
  10. 1st look @ a human egg emerging from an ovary: dental, child, cause - Health and Wellness
  11. Sick building syndrome: symptoms, hives, complaints, chest - Health and Wellness
  12. EICS...Electro-Ionic Colloidal Silver. An to put it into perspective from information available.: painful, infection - Health and Wellness
  13. Gastritis?: colonoscopy, blood tests, doctor, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  14. HEALTH-cut eye....what do i do?: infection, doctor, prescription, hurts - Health and Wellness
  15. pitted adema and weight gain: cyst, ovary, pregnant, blood - Health and Wellness
  16. Shingles Vaccine: pain, pregnant, infections, skin - Health and Wellness
  17. Dr. Schultze: cold, doctor, diet, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  18. fighting infection: surgery, arms, doctor, heart - Health and Wellness
  19. Ureteral Stent -Kidney Stones: pain, removed, stress, procedure - Health and Wellness
  20. Potentially dangerous drugs for the elderly: blood pressure, dental, dentures, arms - Health and Wellness
  21. just me?: fibia, sinus, fracture, x-rays - Health and Wellness
  22. Interview With Jack Lalanne: arm, diet, exercise, foot - Health and Wellness
  23. News, Let Wal-Mart fix US health care.: price, clinic, Walmart - Health and Wellness
  24. Fix your Breakfast: better, money - Health and Wellness
  25. Fruits, Vege's and Teas May Protect Tobacco Smokers (Study): cancer, dangers, danger - Health and Wellness
  26. Effects From Radon in Water?: cancer, ears, cause, problem - Health and Wellness
  27. Shopping should I buy generic or name-brand? difference?: dental - Health and Wellness
  28. blockage small intenstine: hysterectomy, bladder, xray, pain - Health and Wellness
  29. Deadly Brain Eating Amoeba Strikes in Warm, Fresh Water: CDC: men, area - Health and Wellness
  30. Conformity report... views on what conformity is? good or bad?: danger, ears - Health and Wellness
  31. Ear problem - I'm a dummy: painful, bleeding, doctor, ears - Health and Wellness
  32. Have you had a baby past the age of 45?: pregnant, hormones, toddler - Health and Wellness
  33. Sleep, how important is it really?: infection, skin, depression, physician - Health and Wellness
  34. 10 Best Foods You Aren't Eating: blood pressure, cholesterol, healthy, buy - Health and Wellness
  35. Big Belly and Dementia Link: tumor, ears, food, nutrition - Health and Wellness
  36. News, Magnetic Field Device May Zap Away Migraines.: pain, hair, medication - Health and Wellness
  37. New medical advancement can now regrow missing limbs: skin, finger, ears - Health and Wellness
  38. Ladies: When did your periods stop?: hysterectomy, hot flashes, cold, doctor - Health and Wellness
  39. Has had the lap band ?: insurance, procedure, time - Health and Wellness
  40. Is it imperative to use Drugs?: pain, sores, doctor, prescription - Health and Wellness
  41. News, The Doctors' Revolt.: insurance, cheap, medical, clinic - Health and Wellness
  42. The white/grey hair club: pregnancy, skin, plague, doctor - Health and Wellness
  43. whooping cough: doctor, recovery, nurse, treated - Health and Wellness
  44. Slipped disc in Thoracic curve: MRI, x-ray, pain, cause - Health and Wellness
  45. health problems: pain, kidney, blood pressure, cancer - Health and Wellness
  46. Help Me.....!!: exercise, eyes, cure, sleeping - Health and Wellness
  47. Have CD members been taken off Crestor due to cramps, or liver problems?: daily basis, blood pressure - Health and Wellness
  48. Is Lox healthy?: cold, blood pressure, cancer, salt - Health and Wellness
  49. Blood Pressure Meds-Weight Gain/Loss: thyroid, quit smoking, doctor, exercise - Health and Wellness
  50. Irritable: hysterectomy, skin, hormones, depression - Health and Wellness
  51. Downcast moods at certain points in the day - Your: depression, exercise - Health and Wellness
  52. This is a little scarey: doctor, heart, replacement, ears - Health and Wellness
  53. Annoying Voice Issue: eyes, how to, ears, contact - Health and Wellness
  54. Tonsil Issues: infections, surgery, doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  55. Adrenal Insuffiency, Hormonal Imbalance: health issues, hormones, treat, how to - Health and Wellness
  56. Workout for legs.....: better, results, walking - Health and Wellness
  57. Top 10 Carbs For Health and Longevity: diet, crave, break, healthy - Health and Wellness
  58. toe nail: pain, infection, sore, swollen - Health and Wellness
  59. Billing the Dead: pregnant, dentist, advantage, doctor - Health and Wellness
  60. health care for low income families: insurance, rehab, shoulder, how to - Health and Wellness
  61. A about sunburns (just in time for summer!): skin, natural, effect - Health and Wellness
  62. Scoliosis diagnosed as an adult: xray, high pain, pregnancy, eye - Health and Wellness
  63. Robot removes Calgary woman's brain tumour: surgery, doctor, recovery, surgeon - Health and Wellness
  64. To all: This is my personal stuff, whats yours?: hair, tooth, cheap - Health and Wellness
  65. Second-hand smoke: smoking, cigarette, problem, area - Health and Wellness
  66. eye surgery: doctor, lens, ears, sight - Health and Wellness
  67. Breast reduction questions: pain, surgery, doctor, men - Health and Wellness
  68. Uses For Snake Venom: treat, disease, treating, stroke - Health and Wellness
  69. Has had Bell's palsy.........: kidneys, advantage, recover, muscles - Health and Wellness
  70. Lung Disease and the weather.: allergies, cold, doctor, expensive - Health and Wellness
  71. Beta blockers: surgery, heart, treatment, ears - Health and Wellness
  72. Cheese,: breast - Health and Wellness
  73. Nightmares & Dreams: problems - Health and Wellness
  74. ultra green: diet, cancer, vitamin, stomach - Health and Wellness
  75. Head On: forehead, cancer, muscle, headaches - Health and Wellness
  76. Isagenex- one know of this program?: expensive, price, contact - Health and Wellness
  77. Help! This city is making me sick!: allergy, fever, humidifier - Health and Wellness
  78. Tailbone pain: cyst, doctor, ears, disease - Health and Wellness
  79. Totally Quadraplegic Man Can Breath Again With Stem Cells: doctor, treated, ears - Health and Wellness
  80. News, Study: Computer Keyboards Can Be Filthier Than A Toilet Seat.: symptoms, stomach - Health and Wellness
  81. read: Reminder of Forum Rules and the TOS: dental, accident, problems - Health and Wellness
  82. Stevia: blood, heart, how to, ears - Health and Wellness
  83. bone density scans: x-ray, painful, tibula, doctor - Health and Wellness
  84. Open Heart Surgery: doctor, recovery, hospital, healthy - Health and Wellness
  85. about Treatment for nerve pain: doctor, medication, better, medications - Health and Wellness
  86. Pesky Moles: expensive, removal, sight, using - Health and Wellness
  87. Lifestyle Lift - pros and cons: pain, skin, yoga, doctor - Health and Wellness
  88. tunguska blast: B12, juice - Health and Wellness
  89. Post surgical chest pain: x-ray, surgery, doctor, recovery - Health and Wellness
  90. Fibromyalgia Doctor or Center: pain, hormones, depression, prescriptions - Health and Wellness
  91. Someone help me -- My Grandmother: fracture, x-rays, back pain - Health and Wellness
  92. MALE CIRCUMCISION: Male and Female perspective opinions?: infection, advantage, teeth - Health and Wellness
  93. Meds for Gastric Reflux - awful side effects?: gall bladder, x-ray, pain - Health and Wellness
  94. Drop the Pop?: bladder, pain, kidneys, cold - Health and Wellness
  95. Is this the flu this late in the season or a stomach virus plus a cold?: pain, infection - Health and Wellness
  96. 32 year old friend with problems: blood, health issues, yoga, doctor - Health and Wellness
  97. Zombie kids: hormones, doctor, diet, treated - Health and Wellness
  98. Nasty little surprise: blood pressure, smoking, arm, doctor - Health and Wellness
  99. Need help gaining weight...: pain, doctor, diet, overweight - Health and Wellness
  100. Staph: allergy, infection, blood, swelling - Health and Wellness
  101. Get Sun and Save Your Life: skin, arm, cancer - Health and Wellness
  102. Are we ready for Life Coaches ?: insurance, how to, kids, sight - Health and Wellness
  103. tracheotomy: infect, skin, surgery, doctor - Health and Wellness
  104. May fly bites..: pain, infection, blood, hair - Health and Wellness
  105. Life Line screening: ankle, surgery, doctor, heart - Health and Wellness
  106. Women: Menstrual cramps and age: back pain, surgery, doctor, diet - Health and Wellness
  107. Watermelon May Have Viagra Effect Study: kidneys, skin, blood, diet - Health and Wellness
  108. What is a normal tired?: thyroid meds, blood, doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  109. Constant Hives: sinus, allergy, infection, hairline - Health and Wellness
  110. Twitching eye: blood pressure, doctor, nerve, muscle - Health and Wellness
  111. What would you do?: cold, surgery, syrup, doctor - Health and Wellness
  112. Does your state charge for ambulance pick ups?: blood pressure, hospital, - Health and Wellness
  113. Big Boobs are a Pain!: back pain, hair, doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  114. Snoring, who does, and why, be: sinuses, allergy, sore - Health and Wellness
  115. Is this an enlarged gland/lymph note? (slightly freaked out): pain, my throat - Health and Wellness
  116. Who sleeps more than necessary?: sleeping, natural, healthy, cause - Health and Wellness
  117. Humira for Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis: sinuses, bladder, allergies, tuberculosis - Health and Wellness
  118. Getting old, how bad / good is it, really?: back pain, depression, hair - Health and Wellness
  119. Ladies, dry hair treatments??: skin care, 3x a week, remedies, costs - Health and Wellness
  120. Apheresis Donation: blood, heart rate, cancer, recover - Health and Wellness
  121. Trans Fat: syrup, diet, peanut butter, salt - Health and Wellness
  122. Persistent Lower Abdominal Ache: colonoscopy, cyst, pain, pregnant - Health and Wellness
  123. Advertising Drugs On Tv: advantage, doctor, prescriptions, insurance - Health and Wellness
  124. understanding chiropracter: lose weight, advantage, doctor, exercises - Health and Wellness
  125. Something keeps biting me and I don't know what it is: ankle, infected - Health and Wellness
  126. i have a large lump just above my stomach and below the breasts at the very center: colonoscopy, cyst - Health and Wellness
  127. (Can we talk !?) Do you have a flactuation problem too ?: gallbladder, daily basis - Health and Wellness
  128. Change Your Water, Change Your Life!: allergies, kidneys, infections, blood pressure - Health and Wellness
  129. Foods for a queazy stomach?: syrup, nausea, buying, cause - Health and Wellness
  130. Who wears contacts: painful, swollen, doctor, prescription - Health and Wellness
  131. spider vein prevention: painful, ankle, pregnancy, skin care - Health and Wellness
  132. Gardasil Vaccine: hysterectomy, pregnant, blood, soreness - Health and Wellness
  133. Hot Flashes and working: cold, hormones, arms, doctor - Health and Wellness
  134. Toe infections! I need serious help.: infection, doctor, treatment, salt - Health and Wellness
  135. Tubes tied: pain, implants, pregnant, sore - Health and Wellness
  136. Juicers?: syrup, reviews, price, Walmart - Health and Wellness
  137. Quitting Smoking: cold, blood pressure, heart rate, cancer - Health and Wellness
  138. dry climate: allergies, cold, skin, health issues - Health and Wellness
  139. People over 60 urged to get one-time shingles shot: pain, doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  140. Flouride: tooth, diet, peroxide, dangers - Health and Wellness
  141. Irregularity: daily basis, doctor, diet, cancer - Health and Wellness
  142. Have you ever ordered meds online?: doctor, prescriptions, insurance, support group - Health and Wellness
  143. Frozen shoulder: MRI, pain, cold, constant pain - Health and Wellness
  144. How to know if you fractured something?: fracture, cysts, x-rays - Health and Wellness
  145. News, U.S. alerts asthma about inhaler switch.: doctor, prescriptions, vs - Health and Wellness
  146. had a lipoma removed?: MRI, cysts, pain, hernia - Health and Wellness
  147. News, Widow: My husband died from online drugs.: back pain, dental, doctor - Health and Wellness
  148. sore throat, but not strep: allergy, pain, my throat, pregnant - Health and Wellness
  149. What Is So Bad About Diet Soda?: dentist, teeth, doctor - Health and Wellness
  150. Experiences with Lasik?: pain, hair, surgery, doctor - Health and Wellness
  151. What are good healthy snacks to eat for a busy person?: cheap, shoulder - Health and Wellness
  152. Bug Bites: allergy, ankle, infection, sores - Health and Wellness
  153. What can you tell me about Multiple Sclerosis?: diet, symptoms, nerve - Health and Wellness
  154. Help! knows what's going on with my Mama?: pain, ache, doctor - Health and Wellness
  155. It's 100 degrees out and he's cold: thyroid, skin, blood pressure, health issues - Health and Wellness
  156. Celiac Disease: food allergy, blood tests, swollen, cramping - Health and Wellness
  157. Eating Healthy and Hunger Raw Foodists?): pains, eating plan, ache - Health and Wellness
  158. with arthritis found relief after moving to a warmer climate?: pain, cold - Health and Wellness
  159. I need your help on what to do...: cold, sore, heart - Health and Wellness
  160. A nation hooked on prescription drugs: pain, restless leg syndrome, blood - Health and Wellness
  161. Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?: pain, infections, diet, reflux - Health and Wellness
  162. Sore breasts all the time: cyst, pain, ache, diet - Health and Wellness
  163. Small pea-sized lump (for WOMEN only): cyst, painful, infection, skin - Health and Wellness
  164. Confused By All The Bad Stuff In Food. Advice !: hormones, syrup - Health and Wellness
  165. Getting your Veggies: vitamins, salt, how to, ears - Health and Wellness
  166. PA passes smoking ban!: heart, insurance, overweight, cancer - Health and Wellness
  167. Buzzing echo in my ear...: pain, infections, blood pressure, hair - Health and Wellness
  168. failed vasectomy: pain, pregnant, men, kids - Health and Wellness
  169. every had their leg feel dead because of their back?: MRI, xray - Health and Wellness
  170. acne: skin care, depression, dermatologist, heart - Health and Wellness
  171. News, Air Pollution Ups Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis.: treated, condition, chemical - Health and Wellness
  172. News, Genetic testing from the comfort of your home.: broken, disorder, condition - Health and Wellness
  173. Corn Beef: food - Health and Wellness
  174. News, Number of Uninsured U.S. Young Adults Grows.: insurance, Washington, common - Health and Wellness
  175. News, NY health official: Higher tax helps smokers quit.: most expensive, cost, ADD - Health and Wellness
  176. Has had a varicose vein removed?: pregnancy, treatments, sight - Health and Wellness
  177. Blueberries Can Reverse Memory Loss (Study): benefits - Health and Wellness
  178. News, Medical litter: Device debris poses serious risk.: pain, surgery, biopsy - Health and Wellness
  179. Is Floride in Your water safe?: immune system, protein, normal, fluoride - Health and Wellness
  180. accidental cut on underside of tongue--painful: surgeon, hurts, burning, severe - Health and Wellness
  181. looking for inspirational survivor poems: stroke - Health and Wellness
  182. Randy Pausch speech at graduation: cancer, how to, aching - Health and Wellness
  183. ultra green foods - Health and Wellness
  184. Is it for a man to go bald forever?: hair, men - Health and Wellness
  185. Safety checklist for ops launched: surgery, doctor, hospitals - Health and Wellness
  186. News, Anonymous Rape Tests Are Going Nationwide.: emergency - Health and Wellness
  187. Cystic Fybrosis, discovered in adulthood.: doctor, symptoms, cough, ears - Health and Wellness
  188. Lifestyle Alters Our Genetic Code For Disease or Wellness: exercise, healthy, physical - Health and Wellness
  189. Have you had surgery for ulcerative colitis?: doctor, ears, disease - Health and Wellness
  190. News, The Russert Effect: Docs Report Surge.: diabetic, doctor, nerve - Health and Wellness
  191. News, E. coli Outbreak May Be Tied to Beef.: bloody, cramps, recover - Health and Wellness
  192. News, FDA OKs device used by Christopher Reeve.: implant, nerves, muscles - Health and Wellness
  193. CNN Video of Anti Inflammatory Foods: break - Health and Wellness
  194. New Saliva Test For Heart Attack Coming: protein, Texas, body - Health and Wellness
  195. Another Orthopedic appt......: doctor, Mayo, TX, physical - Health and Wellness
  196. News, West Nile Virus Continues To Spread, 8 Infected In U.S.: broken, Washington - Health and Wellness
  197. torus mandibularis: skin, condition, tongue - Health and Wellness
  198. Getting onDisability in Florida - Health and Wellness
  199. Best sex lasts for seven to thirteen minutes: medical - Health and Wellness
  200. By Chance, does have Catarrh?: my throat, eyes, reaction - Health and Wellness