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  1. Scientists show how tainted blood thinner turned deadly: painful, tooth, prescription - Health and Wellness
  2. Pain in hand?: surgery, swelling, doctor, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  3. Living situation - What would YOU do: heart, muscle, medical - Health and Wellness
  4. News, Margarine Lung.: best, using - Health and Wellness
  5. A Big OOPS. Woman Goes for Leg Operation, Gets New Anus Instead.: kidney, surgery - Health and Wellness
  6. Happy Easter....: price, broke, healthy, problems - Health and Wellness
  7. Advice, Education - What do I do NOW?: pain, blood, surgery - Health and Wellness
  8. 49yr old woman broken tibia: xray, pain, ankle, surgery - Health and Wellness
  9. Tibia/Fibula break with rodding: fibia, fractured, fibular, x-rays - Health and Wellness
  10. Virtual Human Body 3-D Site: surgery, doctor, later - Health and Wellness
  11. News, Where There's Smoke, There's a Lawyer.: smoking, break, problems - Health and Wellness
  12. Frontline, Sick around the world.: failure, Washington, liver - Health and Wellness
  13. Blood Work: blood tests, doctor, heart, insurance - Health and Wellness
  14. Prostate/Urethra Irritated....: bladder, cyst, men, muscle - Health and Wellness
  15. therapeutic d&c???: pregnant, bleeding, treatment, cause - Health and Wellness
  16. News, Monitors don't stop from waking.: surgery, doctor, surgeons - Health and Wellness
  17. From Ukraine: first Experience after Hip Replacement: blood, doctor, recovery - Health and Wellness
  18. Important Information About Veramyst: kidney, infect, doctor, heart - Health and Wellness
  19. News, Man With Twin Living Inside Him -- A Medical Mystery Classic.: pregnant, swollen - Health and Wellness
  20. Asthmatic Athletes Fear Choking in Smoggy Beijing: doctor, medical, pulled - Health and Wellness
  21. LA Weightloss: cold, blood, couch potato, diet - Health and Wellness
  22. Deadly Disease Causes Sisters to Grow Too Much Skin: painful, medical news, condition - Health and Wellness
  23. Medication: REGLAN: bladder, pain, my throat, kidney - Health and Wellness
  24. pregnacy after vasectomy: pain, pregnancy, surgery, dental - Health and Wellness
  25. News, A Little Haggling Could Mean Big Savings on Med Bills.: pregnant, doctor - Health and Wellness
  26. Diet Soda?: kidney stones, teeth, heart, cancer - Health and Wellness
  27. Best sunscreen to use???: skin care, dermatologist, burning, natural - Health and Wellness
  28. Best men's sandals??: cheap, foot, buy, cause - Health and Wellness
  29. Back pops when I do Situps: back pain, exercise, lower, itch - Health and Wellness
  30. Synovitis: pain, ankle, infect, surgery - Health and Wellness
  31. HELP! Advice: Minivan or other transportation for Wheelchair or Motorized Scooters?: advantage, handicap - Health and Wellness
  32. .. late period: pregnancy, hormone, depression, stress - Health and Wellness
  33. How to check for molds - Health and Wellness
  34. Appendix Removed Thru Vagina U.S. First: bladder, surgeons, healing - Health and Wellness
  35. pcd kids: sinus, kidney, infections, tooth - Health and Wellness
  36. try seattle sutton?: B12, more expensive, broken, healthy - Health and Wellness
  37. America's Surprisingly Unhealthy Jobs: diet, exercise, specialists, danger - Health and Wellness
  38. Restasis: doctor, prescription, eyes, very expensive - Health and Wellness
  39. Enzymes: blood pressure, exercise, results, weight - Health and Wellness
  40. News, Medicine's Cutting Edge: Re-Growing Organs.: heart, finger, medical, ears - Health and Wellness
  41. News, Saliva tests may someday replace needles.: blood tests, heart, cancer - Health and Wellness
  42. wrinkles the natural challenge: urination, skin, blood pressure, quit smoking - Health and Wellness
  43. Worlds Oldest Person Turns 115 On Sunday: broken, cause, better, Indiana - Health and Wellness
  44. Hospital garnishing paycheck: doctor, medical, ears, problem - Health and Wellness
  45. News, Link Between Singulair and Suicide?: allergy, cold, depression, doctor - Health and Wellness
  46. Kidney stone surgery afterproblems: pain, kidney stones, constant pain, doctor - Health and Wellness
  47. What is the name of: sinuses, allergy, infections, doctor - Health and Wellness
  48. What is the best cough drop: congestion, remedies, natural, broken - Health and Wellness
  49. Headach between eyebrows...: sinuses, allergy, blood, eyes - Health and Wellness
  50. Suboxone: pain, doctor, cravings, therapy - Health and Wellness
  51. CD Forum Photo Contest...: BMI - Health and Wellness
  52. Blood spots on face: pain, ache, doctor, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  53. News, Brand-Name Drugs Continue Price Surge.: doctor, heart, nurse, sleeping - Health and Wellness
  54. hearing loss: doctor, nose, ears, ear - Health and Wellness
  55. Mom recuperating from total hip replacement: pain, cold, blood, health issues - Health and Wellness
  56. Select Mutism: support group, therapy, ears, negative - Health and Wellness
  57. News, Hospital get 'Shabbat in a Box': medical center, California, Los Angeles - Health and Wellness
  58. News, Don't let a hospital kill you.: kidney, infection, blood - Health and Wellness
  59. Von Willebrand's disease: bleeding, eye, medical, ears - Health and Wellness
  60. News, The man who grew a finger.: skin, medical, ears - Health and Wellness
  61. Sodium in Water softener treatment: skin, blood pressure, danger, dangerous - Health and Wellness
  62. 95 Year Old Powerlifter: diet, exercise, vitamins, muscles - Health and Wellness
  63. Dream.. advice: sleep, ears, feeling, broken - Health and Wellness
  64. Has tried DGL for heartburn?: teeth, prescription, reflux, stomach - Health and Wellness
  65. Airborne refund: better, time - Health and Wellness
  66. Information on Emphysema: treatments, medical, immune system, disease - Health and Wellness
  67. Enter quickly, and answer me , I do not like my body: pregnancy, skin - Health and Wellness
  68. What does this mean?: pain, soreness, arm, doctor - Health and Wellness
  69. Group Seeks Volunteers to Get Malaria: infected, danger, medical, ears - Health and Wellness
  70. News, Gator Blood May Be New Source of Antibiotics.: kidney, infections, skin - Health and Wellness
  71. ever used one of the online blood test companies?: doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  72. News, Want to Live to 100? Drink Red Wine.: ears, headache, compound - Health and Wellness
  73. Raw Cocoa Beans: cold, cheap, ears, natural - Health and Wellness
  74. Radio wave ablation: blood, heartbeat, symptoms, recovery - Health and Wellness
  75. Flavanoids From Fruits and Vege's Lowers C-Reactive Protein: immune, disease, broken - Health and Wellness
  76. News, Australian Toddler Takes Viagra To Live.: blood pressure, hair, heart - Health and Wellness
  77. This is for sanity O/T: problem - Health and Wellness
  78. bruised tailbone and weightloss: aches, doctor, exercise, muscles - Health and Wellness
  79. Side Effects by Steve Martin: sinus, bladder, painful, ankle - Health and Wellness
  80. slim and lift... how safe is it?: blood, surgery, doctor - Health and Wellness
  81. The pure evilness that is Little Debbie: daily basis, diet, overweight - Health and Wellness
  82. USA Map Of Longest Living American's: pain, cold, doctor, cancer - Health and Wellness
  83. News, More Than Four Pounds of Warts Removed From Man With Bark-Like Growths.: doctor, surgeons - Health and Wellness
  84. tyrmines in tequilla: how to, headache, alcohol, food - Health and Wellness
  85. Is my toe broken?: fractured, x-ray, pain, swollen - Health and Wellness
  86. treadmill or eliptical? which one is better?: exercising, muscles, cheapest - Health and Wellness
  87. Accident ruins 800-lb. man's date: thyroid, health issues, recovery, hypothyroid - Health and Wellness
  88. Ulcers & Swollen Lymph Nodes: blood, tooth, doctor, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  89. 1 in 4 teen girls have STD?: infected, symptoms, virus, ears - Health and Wellness
  90. Morgan Spurlock Recalls ''Super Size Me'' Movie: physician, heart, stomach - Health and Wellness
  91. The truth about the effects of motrin to your body: pain, kidney - Health and Wellness
  92. Carpal tunnel: pain, blood, surgery, swelling - Health and Wellness
  93. leg cramps: pain, pregnancy, soreness, doctor - Health and Wellness
  94. Uti: bladder, pain, kidney stones, cold - Health and Wellness
  95. Where's the best place to buy contact lenses?: prescription, insurance, eye - Health and Wellness
  96. Heart attack: pain, blood pressure, diet, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  97. Pimples: skin, blood, hormones, dermatologist - Health and Wellness
  98. Chelation Therapy for Heart & Vascular Disease: pain, blood pressure, surgery - Health and Wellness
  99. Blood Pressure Machine: doctor, cheap, price, how to - Health and Wellness
  100. Consistantly low body temps: cysts, kidney, thyroid, pregnant - Health and Wellness
  101. Female problem HELP: phobia, infection, blood, diabetics - Health and Wellness
  102. Help - Diverticulitis: colonoscopy, pain, infected, bleeding - Health and Wellness
  103. Chest tube scars/problems: fracture, pain, pregnant, infection - Health and Wellness
  104. Vertigo: MRI, tibula, blood tests, doctor - Health and Wellness
  105. Cholesterol levels hereditary?: blood, doctor, heart, diet - Health and Wellness
  106. Trigeminal neuralgia: MRI, pain, cold, bloody - Health and Wellness
  107. Hormone replacement: bladder, hot flashes, ovaries, hormones - Health and Wellness
  108. Jack LaLanne Juicer.. have ?: more expensive, cost, broken, healthy - Health and Wellness
  109. Image Syndrome: painful, lose weight, yoga, heart rate - Health and Wellness
  110. Obesity in Tunkhannock PA: hormones, syrup, doctor, heart - Health and Wellness
  111. I have not felt hunger in a long time: skin, depressed, doctor - Health and Wellness
  112. LASIK Surgery? Read This: depressed, plague, doctor, lenses - Health and Wellness
  113. Smaller Brand Sodas Removing HFCS: syrup, eye, cheap, removed - Health and Wellness
  114. eye floaters: blood pressure, surgery, doctor, nurse - Health and Wellness
  115. Im Scared: blurred vision, doctor, heart, lenses - Health and Wellness
  116. Not Serotonin Syndrome but....: diet, exercise, stomach, cholesterol - Health and Wellness
  117. Cholesterol=245, High C-reactive protein-cause for concern: allergies, thyroid, cold, blood - Health and Wellness
  118. Raw Milk: allergies, thyroid, infected, hormones - Health and Wellness
  119. ever break their finger??: x-ray, painful, surgery, swollen - Health and Wellness
  120. Why are we importing a drug like Heparin: tooth, prescription, dangers - Health and Wellness
  121. Stab wound or simply punch to the face?: pain, tooth, emergency - Health and Wellness
  122. Liver bloodwork: pain, blood, physician, diet - Health and Wellness
  123. Scientists say menstrual blood can repair hearts: health issue, doctor, heart - Health and Wellness
  124. Pain/Cramps in my left arm and shortness of breath: bleeding, doctor - Health and Wellness
  125. Dark Chocolate - what is the scoop there?: blood pressure, doctor, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  126. Light Smokers: cold, blood, smoking, heart - Health and Wellness
  127. Mouth Ulcers: pain, cold, sores, tooth - Health and Wellness
  128. speaking of mattresses: bladder, eye, lower back, cheap - Health and Wellness
  129. meniere's disease/ horrible dizziness!: blood tests, doctor, diet, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  130. Hospital Admits Surgeon Removed Wrong Kidney: x-ray, surgery, arm, doctor - Health and Wellness
  131. Prednisone: pain, diet, bloating, stomach - Health and Wellness
  132. How do you know your doctor is good?: blood tests, surgery, cancer - Health and Wellness
  133. Ganglion cyst: cysts, painful, ankle, bursting - Health and Wellness
  134. if you or you know that takes Heparin read...: tooth, cheap - Health and Wellness
  135. News, Shining a light on hazards of fluorescent bulbs.: migraines, eyes, cheap - Health and Wellness
  136. Night time LEG CRAMPS!!!! Help!: daily basis, restless leg syndrome, blood pressure, surgery - Health and Wellness
  137. Neck pain that radiates into back of head - excruciating: x-rays, prescriptions - Health and Wellness
  138. Scientists Make Stem Cell Breakthough For Parkinson's: symptoms, nerves, treatment - Health and Wellness
  139. I am confused?: sinus, pain, pregnancy, blood pressure - Health and Wellness
  140. When Did You Realize That All Good Things Were Bad?: health issues, smoking - Health and Wellness
  141. Help me to get rid of pimples,: infect, skin care, dermatologist - Health and Wellness
  142. Dyou make people remove their shoes before entering your house?: health issue, sore - Health and Wellness
  143. Fifths Disease In Adults: pain, thyroid, ankle, blood tests - Health and Wellness
  144. Do you of know what this could be???: infections, skin, doctor - Health and Wellness
  145. Problem with my hair: hormones, diet, symptoms, treatments - Health and Wellness
  146. Beware of statin drugs!: sinus, pain, kidney, infect - Health and Wellness
  147. Urinating in the shower...: doctor, feet, how to, kids - Health and Wellness
  148. Is Oatmeal the #1 Longevity Food: diet, cancer, cholesterol, immune system - Health and Wellness
  149. Tingling, numbness in fingers?: diabetic, arm, doctor, overweight - Health and Wellness
  150. Reynaud's disease (white fingers in the cold): painful, infected, skin - Health and Wellness
  151. Have a Happy Period !: painful, cramping, men, bloating - Health and Wellness
  152. prescription drug residues in our drinking water...: hormones, cancer, vitamins - Health and Wellness
  153. Sunscreen help: forehead, skin, plague, cancer - Health and Wellness
  154. I believe my mother almost died taking Cipro/ help: blood pressure, swelling - Health and Wellness
  155. Thyroid Nodules: hormone, sore, surgery, swelling - Health and Wellness
  156. Key to Happiness and Contentness: A Personal Search: ears, feeling, negative - Health and Wellness
  157. Eye Drops Wash Away Cataracts: surgery, insurance, glasses, eyes - Health and Wellness
  158. Living To 150 Barbara Walters Special Tonight: hormone, diet, dangers, danger - Health and Wellness
  159. Are you preparing for the Influenza Pandemic?: cold, virus, disease - Health and Wellness
  160. Boniva and Side affects: xray, pain, kidney, aches - Health and Wellness
  161. A BURN: pain, skin, vitamin, stomach - Health and Wellness
  162. medications: sinus, allergy, thyroid, blood pressure - Health and Wellness
  163. High Blood Pressure: daily basis, doctor, heart rate, diet - Health and Wellness
  164. memory foam mattress other than Tempurpedic?: cheap, very expensive, sleep, cost - Health and Wellness
  165. Heightened sense of smell? How can i calm my nose?: allergies, pregnant - Health and Wellness
  166. News, Top 10 Useless Body Parts.: sinuses, gall bladder, surgery, doctor - Health and Wellness
  167. News, Can A Chocolate Bar Lower Cholesterol?: back pain, overweight, cancer - Health and Wellness
  168. Is perrier water good for your health?: gall bladder, kidney stones, infections - Health and Wellness
  169. How Do You Get Rid Of Stretch Marks?: pregnancy, skin, surgery - Health and Wellness
  170. Necrotic Ovarian Cysts After Full Hysterectomy: bladder, hot flashes, colonoscopy, back pain - Health and Wellness
  171. Dr can't get surgery for me: xray, pain, ankle, constant pain - Health and Wellness
  172. Memory Foam Mattress: allergies, thyroid, skin, cancer - Health and Wellness
  173. u.s/europe doctor: back pain, arms, sleeping, medical - Health and Wellness
  174. Pro-Anorexia Websites to Become Illegal CAUTION: Disturbing photo!: ears, excessive, cause - Health and Wellness
  175. synergeyes contact lenses - Health and Wellness
  176. News, Gene therapy experiments improve vision in nearly blind.: eye, treat, sight - Health and Wellness
  177. Broccoli Boosts Aging Immune Systems: protein, compound, cells - Health and Wellness
  178. Abdominal Disorders: free - Health and Wellness
  179. Video News, Doctors shave heads to show support for: children - Health and Wellness
  180. States 'recycle' meds to battle costs: prescription, medical, broken, New York - Health and Wellness
  181. Cutting Edge Healthcare - Health and Wellness
  182. News, Medical records sold to teacher as scrap paper.: salt, hospital, - Health and Wellness
  183. High Cholesterol In Your 40's Increases Alzheimer's: men, diet, disease - Health and Wellness
  184. News, Black Tea May Be Anthrax Antidote.: Maryland, common - Health and Wellness
  185. bladder agumentation: surgery - Health and Wellness
  186. News, Two-week-old blood no good for transfusions.: surgery, doctor, heart - Health and Wellness
  187. Best Medical Photos of the Year: cancer, breast, cells - Health and Wellness
  188. Annual Success/Failure statistics of orthodox western medicine: doctor, treatment, medical - Health and Wellness
  189. Eating Causes Stress .... Antioxidents To The Rescue: blood, food - Health and Wellness
  190. News, The Health Care System I Want is in France.: doctor, nurse - Health and Wellness
  191. News, Doctors Cure Boy Whose Blood Flowed Wrong Way.: surgery, heart, medical news - Health and Wellness
  192. Olive Oil and Eggs Improve Vision: eyes, effects, natural, broken - Health and Wellness
  193. Medical Support/Advice: doctor, condition, illness - Health and Wellness
  194. Research debunks health value of guzzling water: kidneys, skin, glasses - Health and Wellness
  195. News, Kids Fear 2 Parents With Alzheimer's.: disease, Chicago, illness, time - Health and Wellness
  196. Belly Fat and Dementia Link (New Study): ears, later - Health and Wellness
  197. Sugar Cause Skin Wrinkling (Study): diet, protein, normal, abnormal - Health and Wellness
  198. Flu activity still widespread in most places, but decreasing: influenza - Health and Wellness
  199. Dr Tarabein, Neurologist, Foley, AL: pain - Health and Wellness
  200. Physical Therapists on Forums? - Health and Wellness