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  1. HSV1(Oral Herpes) in USA and In China: pregnant, cold, infected - Health and Wellness
  2. smelling cig smoke: sinuses, infection, surgery, tumors - Health and Wellness
  3. Disequilibrium And Falls: colonoscopy, kidneys, blood pressure, surgery - Health and Wellness
  4. Hip surgery - therapist & why wait so long for x-ray: fracture, x-rays - Health and Wellness
  5. Ab exercise that won't hurt hip: exercises, therapy, hurts, how to - Health and Wellness
  6. C-spine and arm numbess: MRI, painful, hernia, stiff neck - Health and Wellness
  7. Hard fall/bump to head and long term effects: hot flashes, hormone, recovery - Health and Wellness
  8. Hiccups while eating: my throat, blood, hernia, surgery - Health and Wellness
  9. Would you move with air pollution if it paid more?: my throat, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  10. Cognitive impairment/dementia from MS: symptom, clinic, contact, normal - Health and Wellness
  11. Gastrointestinal centers in California: surgery, doctor, cheap, treatment - Health and Wellness
  12. Can someone explain this brain test?: MRI, sinuses, hair, doctor - Health and Wellness
  13. Reminder to be wary of acetaminophen poisoning: pain, virus, danger - Health and Wellness
  14. What medicines do doctors usually prescribe for with migraines?: MRI, prescription - Health and Wellness
  15. beef tapeworms: stomach, ingredients, cause, better - Health and Wellness
  16. The more on drugs marketed to us, the more upsetting...: painkillers, Los Angeles - Health and Wellness
  17. Need help...: cold, smoking, recovery, stomach - Health and Wellness
  18. have experience with Carepayment plans?: surgery, dental, doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  19. Am not getting enough sleep, what can happen?: danger, hurts, remedy - Health and Wellness
  20. Bladder sensitivity/PM urgency: kidney, exercise, ears, chronic - Health and Wellness
  21. Iron injections: kidney, blood, doctor, replacement - Health and Wellness
  22. Food gift for someone with ulcerative colitis: cause, area, money - Health and Wellness
  23. Spiriva users !: medication, itch, Canada - Health and Wellness
  24. Health about red heads: hair, men, women - Health and Wellness
  25. Endoscopy: biopsy, doctor, stomach, tissue - Health and Wellness
  26. New rash, am a bit puzzled as to what it could be?: allergy, forehead - Health and Wellness
  27. Misdiagnosed Lyme Disease: infect, skin, soreness, hair - Health and Wellness
  28. tips for ways to relieve a strain muscle?: pain, symptoms, treat - Health and Wellness
  29. metatarsal fracture: pain, surgery, doctor, wheelchair - Health and Wellness
  30. Going to war on my sinus problems: cold, infect, surgery - Health and Wellness
  31. IV Bag Shortage Has Hospitals Scrambling to Treat Flu: flu shot, surgeons, price - Health and Wellness
  32. How to break out of a fast?: dental, doctor, exercise - Health and Wellness
  33. News, Bone cement may be non-surgical solution for painful joints.: MRI, pain - Health and Wellness
  34. Questions-Bilateral Salpingectomy: surgery, exercise, recovery, walking - Health and Wellness
  35. Is my elbow joint pain due to ulnar nerve?: sore, arms, doctor - Health and Wellness
  36. Searching for Fibromyalgia Doctor-- Recommendations Needed: pain, blood, pulsating, prescriptions - Health and Wellness
  37. What are the chances of a person coming out of a coma after a seizure?: doctor, therapy - Health and Wellness
  38. Biopsy on Liver: gallbladder, pain, doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  39. Eye glasses counter-acting glare?: prescription, lenses, eyes, recover - Health and Wellness
  40. How should I select a new mattress and bed, what to look for?: back pain, sleeping - Health and Wellness
  41. varying urination symptoms: bladder, doctor, cancer, glasses - Health and Wellness
  42. News, Holding in a sneeze caused hole to open in man's neck.: doctor, hospital - Health and Wellness
  43. One of the most promising drugs for Alzheimer's disease fails in clinical trials: blood pressure, diet - Health and Wellness
  44. How do I find a relief from shoulder/neck pain ?: MRI, xray - Health and Wellness
  45. Pressure in back of head when lying down so bad I can't sleep: MRI, pain - Health and Wellness
  46. Concerned about daily use of NSAIDs and Tylenol: infect, heart, nerve - Health and Wellness
  47. New type of flu vaccine: smoking, diet, cancer, exercise - Health and Wellness
  48. Can you catch a cold virus from yourself?: sore, symptoms, nose - Health and Wellness
  49. strange black spots in vision, head pain: health issues, migraines, doctor - Health and Wellness
  50. resigned to a bad heart: back pain, diabetic, quitting smoking, doctor - Health and Wellness
  51. Jaw issues when sleeping on side: pain, dentist, teeth, doctor - Health and Wellness
  52. Artificial Urinary Sphincter: implant, surgery, cancer, healing - Health and Wellness
  53. Chronic Cough Specialist in the Boston Area?: sinus, surgery, doctor - Health and Wellness
  54. Is it common for a male to live to old age without ever having to get circumcised?: medical, ears - Health and Wellness
  55. John Sarno, anti-establishment back doctor, died last year - Health and Wellness
  56. bad pain in upper stomache 1 year after gall bladder removed: removal, area - Health and Wellness
  57. Residual pneumonia--every hear of it??: x-rays, flu shot, blood, doctor - Health and Wellness
  58. If I swallowed one extremely hot spoonful of soup, should I be concerned?: pain, my throat - Health and Wellness
  59. Hardware removal after tib/fib ORIF: fracture, pain, ankle, surgery - Health and Wellness
  60. Blood plasma infusions from young may arrest Alzheimer’s: treatments, medical, effects - Health and Wellness
  61. News, Police warn to wipe down shopping carts, but not because of germs: Cary, bite - Health and Wellness
  62. Help so sore after allergy attack.: soreness, eyes, stomach, muscles - Health and Wellness
  63. Workout & after snacks/foods?: diet, exercise, boil, how to - Health and Wellness
  64. How to train myself to sleep less and stand?: doctor, exercise, break - Health and Wellness
  65. Adverse reaction to cortisone shot in knee: pain, infection, doctor - Health and Wellness
  66. Does this sound like GERD?: doctor, symptoms, reflux, cough - Health and Wellness
  67. High Blood Pressure? Arrhythmia ? Anxiety? Diabetes? Thyroid? What does it sound like?: skin, health issues - Health and Wellness
  68. (Routine) Colonoscopy Time Again -- No Sedation Requested: pain, my throat, surgery - Health and Wellness
  69. How to fix the lasting reminder of a fall?: forehead, surgery, eye - Health and Wellness
  70. MRI experts - questions: painful, kidney stone, glasses, tumor - Health and Wellness
  71. Flu shot timing: recover, feeling, immune, fever - Health and Wellness
  72. Does know what this eye bag remedy is called?: sinus, allergies - Health and Wellness
  73. Sleep Disorder: doctor, men, hives, sleeping - Health and Wellness
  74. website for the proverbial crud?: doctor, symptoms, virus, remedies - Health and Wellness
  75. Weird bubble feeling in butt: pain, sore, doctor, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  76. Non-stop long term Tylenol 3 for back pain: fracture, surgery, arms - Health and Wellness
  77. Women's Health - Myomectomy Post Surgery Questions: hysterectomy, pain, ovary - Health and Wellness
  78. Constant chest discomfort in 21 y/o?: sternum, x-ray, pain, blood - Health and Wellness
  79. Graves Disease - muscle pain: thyroid, doctor, symptoms, hypothyroid - Health and Wellness
  80. I rarely get sick anymore?: sinus, flu shot, thyroid med, cold - Health and Wellness
  81. doing a complete body overhaul ?: allergies, pain, thyroid - Health and Wellness
  82. AHA president in stable condition after heart attack: men, diet, cancer - Health and Wellness
  83. I just bought a diffuser! What oils are good for migraines?: forehead, cramps - Health and Wellness
  84. Do of you constantly worry about getting cancer?: doctor, heart, overweight - Health and Wellness
  85. B.P. over 130/80 is the new ‘high,’ according to update of guidelines: kidney, blood pressure - Health and Wellness
  86. Benefits of Ionized water?: clinic, healthy, buy, hormonal - Health and Wellness
  87. Prescription: doctor, prescriptions, stomach, ears - Health and Wellness
  88. Got eye exam 6 months ago; glasses broke today. Is prescription still good?: surgery, prescriptions - Health and Wellness
  89. Alcohol Increases Cancer Risk: yoga, smoking, men, glasses - Health and Wellness
  90. High Homocysteine Could Be The Heart Culprit: blood, doctor, insurance - Health and Wellness
  91. Where to buy Omega 3 if I am concerned about rancidity?: daily basis, price - Health and Wellness
  92. Severe Rhinitis after being exposed to outside cold or dry air for short periods of time.: sinuses, infections - Health and Wellness
  93. Indoor Air Purifiers?: allergens, lens, vs, treated - Health and Wellness
  94. Neighbor's Hip Replacement Update: x-ray, pain, surgery, doctor - Health and Wellness
  95. pharmacy short each month on meds: pain, doctor, prescription, insurance - Health and Wellness
  96. How to treat pinched nerve in neck: MRI, xray, pain - Health and Wellness
  97. Living near/close to railroad tracks & BP?: blood pressure, health issues, congestion - Health and Wellness
  98. Developed Asthma Due to Living in My Apt?: sinus, food allergy, skin - Health and Wellness
  99. Nerve pain from shingles: dental, doctor, diet, nurse - Health and Wellness
  100. Guts aching: sinus, cold, diet, exercise - Health and Wellness
  101. Why are Younger People Getting Shingles: doctor, virus, ears, immunity - Health and Wellness
  102. Do bugs like you?: blood, diabetic, plague, fleas - Health and Wellness
  103. If HIV could by pass a condom, do you think most people wouldn't want to have sex anymore?: infected, bleeding - Health and Wellness
  104. how long should a cortisone injection in knee offer relief?: pain, infect - Health and Wellness
  105. Immune system after antibiotics: flu shot, infection, ache, doctor - Health and Wellness
  106. Go home; go to bed: infections, surgery, doctor, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  107. I have a cold: flu shots, infected, sore, doctor - Health and Wellness
  108. Dr won't give me blood lab results unless I pay for interpretation visit: blood pressure, doctor - Health and Wellness
  109. Best Time To Take Blood Pressure Medication And Should you take it with juice or milk?: thyroid, doctor - Health and Wellness
  110. Drinking every night and then stopping: gallbladder, blood pressure, dental, doctor - Health and Wellness
  111. New flu vaccine on the horizon?: flu shot, advantage, doctor, viruses - Health and Wellness
  112. Healthy Snack Involving NO Utensils/Plates, ?: diabetics, rehab, cheap - Health and Wellness
  113. Pants fitting and haven’t changed anything?: thyroid, blood tests, doctor - Health and Wellness
  114. Flu Map: flu shot, doctor, heart, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  115. with chronic lumbar pain...patches/TENS: eyes, lower back, muscle - Health and Wellness
  116. have Hip Bursitis or Heel Pain?: x-rays, teeth, doctor - Health and Wellness
  117. Neuropathy: pain, thyroid, skin, diabetic - Health and Wellness
  118. Flu - help: flu shot, syrup, doctor, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  119. Doctors who don't wash their hands: pain, infection, skin, dentist - Health and Wellness
  120. Long Term Effects of Steroid Injections: pain, kidneys, blood tests, surgery - Health and Wellness
  121. average lifespan: surgery, smoking, heart, diet - Health and Wellness
  122. Why Do Doctors Make Wait So Long For Bad News?: blood tests, surgery - Health and Wellness
  123. is it harmful to eat ice cream every day?: syrup, diet, vitamin - Health and Wellness
  124. Sensitive GI & avoid oil, gluten & eat bland?: colonoscopy, allergy, doctor - Health and Wellness
  125. Occular Migraines?: pain, blood pressure, hormones, surgery - Health and Wellness
  126. How Does It Feel To Be Old?: fracture, infect, health issues - Health and Wellness
  127. Thinning Hair - Female: thyroid, forehead, blood, hormones - Health and Wellness
  128. Shingles jab: painful, flu shot, arm, doctor - Health and Wellness
  129. A Rant about Unpleasant Procedures: colonoscopy, painful, blood - Health and Wellness
  130. Flu shot if you have been exposed to flu but didn’t catch it?: infection, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  131. Why do I never get sick?: sinuses, allergies, cold, infect - Health and Wellness
  132. Waking up nauseous an hour after sleeping: hernia, surgery, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  133. Hot Flashes and Sluggish Thyroid: my throat, thyroid med, hormone, depression - Health and Wellness
  134. My eye seeing floaters and feels painful....: pain, doctor, diet - Health and Wellness
  135. Help!! Ladies (or guys) dry skin remedies.: cold, diabetics, not expensive - Health and Wellness
  136. from friend's cardio MD on BP guidelines: blood pressure, doctor, heart - Health and Wellness
  137. Pinched nerve, numbness soreness in arms?: MRI, pain, hernia, surgery - Health and Wellness
  138. Not sure what this is?: bladder, diabetic, teeth, doctor - Health and Wellness
  139. clindamycin: fractures, allergies, pain, infection - Health and Wellness
  140. Stinging in butt: pain, doctor, bite, time - Health and Wellness
  141. Ear protectors for tinnitus?: pain, migraines, symptoms, specialist - Health and Wellness
  142. How much pain after hip surgery?: x-ray, infection, doctor, exercising - Health and Wellness
  143. Testosterone levels.: skin, depression, doctor, prescription - Health and Wellness
  144. Cough sputum in my eye: infected, blood, doctor, treatment - Health and Wellness
  145. Mosquito bites - treatment: allergy, skin, blood, swelling - Health and Wellness
  146. How much is too much?: pain, cold, surgery, dentist - Health and Wellness
  147. Is there anywhere I can go for a check up without an appointment?: allergy, cold - Health and Wellness
  148. Doctors always inaccessible to: pain, bleeding, surgery, heart - Health and Wellness
  149. Ears won't unplug a week after air travel: cold, infect, doctor - Health and Wellness
  150. Treating the common cold: pain, infections, health issues, aches - Health and Wellness
  151. ever deal with a blocked nose/nose issues?: sinuses, allergy, x-rays - Health and Wellness
  152. How many eye shots have you had for Retinopathy treatment?: surgery, doctor - Health and Wellness
  153. Vaping to quit smoking?: tooth, doctor, heart, cancer - Health and Wellness
  154. My socks feel like they are bunched up but they aren't, is that a symptom of something?: pain, diabetic - Health and Wellness
  155. Why won't evaporated milk affect my lactose intolerance?: stomach, reaction, removed - Health and Wellness
  156. Time for antibiotics three weeks later?: sinus, cold, infect, doctor - Health and Wellness
  157. Seroquel side affects: pain, depression, yoga, doctor - Health and Wellness
  158. HELP! Waking up for the last 3 weeks with tiny bites on different parts of my body: allergy, ankle - Health and Wellness
  159. Top of foot hurts and is swollen?: fracture, pain, ankle - Health and Wellness
  160. Do I have a soy allergy?: hot flashes, food allergy, thyroid, cold - Health and Wellness
  161. Implantation Bleeding between Periods: pregnant, cramping, biopsy, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  162. HRT for Menopause?: hot flashes, skin, blood, hormone - Health and Wellness
  163. succeeded in dissolving calcifications in joints or tendons?: x-ray, pain, infection - Health and Wellness
  164. Giving up the smartphone for health reasons?: smoking, vs, treat - Health and Wellness
  165. Has ever uit coffee/caffeine?: pain, cold, blood - Health and Wellness
  166. Study about dementia prevention.: pain, ankle, surgery, spiral - Health and Wellness
  167. Something strange happened with my hearing: cold, infection, doctor, elbow - Health and Wellness
  168. Stomach bug- cleaning after: phobia, cold, infection, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  169. Ancestry or 23 testing to show if cancer runs in my family??: skin, blood - Health and Wellness
  170. What to do when GERD makes taking pills a challenge?: chantix, diet - Health and Wellness
  171. I had a (untreated) concussion 20 years ago, and still don't feel the same..: MRI, cold - Health and Wellness
  172. Lifestyle vs drugs: infection, blood, health issues, smoking - Health and Wellness
  173. Bunion Surgery Pain: cold, blood, swelling, heart - Health and Wellness
  174. Node on pancreas...cyst? Cancer? Odds?: gall bladder, cysts, x-rays, pain - Health and Wellness
  175. Broken Nose from a fall.: sinus, fracture, infection, bleeding - Health and Wellness
  176. How Do I update my current medical conditions?: allergy, health issues, depression - Health and Wellness
  177. Article-Should you take statins to prevent a heart attack? What's recommended: cyst, depression - Health and Wellness
  178. How do I deal with knowing I have bowel cancer/An IBD: pain, blood - Health and Wellness
  179. share your experience with osteoporosis medications: fractures, pain, recalled - Health and Wellness
  180. Tinnitus, recent origin: MRI, allergies, surgery, doctor - Health and Wellness
  181. Does Drinking Alcohol Actually Kill Off Your Sore Throat Germs? Science Explains: infections, dentist - Health and Wellness
  182. Menopausal, now not??: hot flashes, ovaries, thyroid, pregnant - Health and Wellness
  183. Waking Up Gasping for Air: doctor, heart, insurance, expensive - Health and Wellness
  184. FDA takes on homeopathic drugs.: doctor, prescription, cancer, vitamin - Health and Wellness
  185. The body creating mucus: allergies, cold, physician, vs - Health and Wellness
  186. What's with Ortho Surgeons Days: x-ray, implants, surgery, doctor - Health and Wellness
  187. I fell and broke both my legs: fractures, pain, ankle - Health and Wellness
  188. Should an EMG test feel like you're being tazered?: MRI, painful, sore - Health and Wellness
  189. How dangerous is it to miss one dose of a few meds?: kidneys, blood pressure - Health and Wellness
  190. How would doctors reconstruct the penis and testes of a man who suffered gangere?: painful, blood - Health and Wellness
  191. FDA approves gene therapy for an inherited disease: child, Washington, food - Health and Wellness
  192. fill me in on needle biopsy of my adrenal gland ? - Health and Wellness
  193. Progressive Lenses and buying them on the web: pain, prescription, glasses - Health and Wellness
  194. Bone scan results: doctor - Health and Wellness
  195. Traveling with a kidney stone: insurance, medical - Health and Wellness
  196. Israel Still Ranks World's 15th Thinnest - Health and Wellness
  197. Eustachian tube one struggle with pain?: sinus, infected, symptoms - Health and Wellness
  198. It wasn't just jock itch: support group, cancer, - Health and Wellness
  199. slide sheet for turning in bed: sleep, patient, accident - Health and Wellness
  200. News, US drug firm offers cure for blindness – at $425,000 an eye: most expensive, therapy - Health and Wellness